Exemple #1
    def get_actions(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs a triplet of actions from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your actions.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions()  # the actions you are allowed to take
        street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, turn, or river respectively
        my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards across all boards
        board_cards = [board_state.deck if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else board_state.previous_state.deck for board_state in round_state.board_states] #the board cards
        my_pips = [board_state.pips[active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        opp_pips = [board_state.pips[1-active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        continue_cost = [opp_pips[i] - my_pips[i] for i in range(NUM_BOARDS)] #the number of chips needed to stay in each board's pot
        my_stack = round_state.stacks[active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        opp_stack = round_state.stacks[1-active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        stacks = [my_stack, opp_stack]
        net_upper_raise_bound = round_state.raise_bounds()[1] # max raise across 3 boards
        net_cost = 0 # keep track of the net additional amount you are spending across boards this round
        my_actions = [None] * NUM_BOARDS

        for i in range(NUM_BOARDS):
            print("bot reached street", street)
            if AssignAction in legal_actions[i]:
                cards = self.board_allocations[i]
                my_actions[i] = AssignAction(cards)
            if street < 3: 
                if CheckAction in legal_actions[i]:  # check-call
                    my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                elif CallAction in legal_actions[i]:
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                #self.calculate_strength(self.board_allocations[i], board_cards, 100)
                if RaiseAction(stacks[0]/3) in legal_actions[i]:
                    my_actions[i] = RaiseAction(stacks[0]/3)
                elif CallAction in legal_actions[i]:
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                elif RaiseAction(stacks[0]) in legal_actions[i]:
                    my_actions[i] = RaiseActions(stack[0])
                elif CheckAction in legal_actions[i]:
                    my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                    my_actions[i] = FoldAction()

        return my_actions
Exemple #2
    def get_actions(self, game_state: GameState, round_state: RoundState,
                    active: int):
		Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
		Called any time the engine needs a triplet of actions from your bot.

		game_state: the GameState object.
		round_state: the RoundState object.
		active: your player's index.

		Your actions.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions()
        my_actions = [None] * NUM_BOARDS
        raise_bounds = list(round_state.raise_bounds())
        total_cost = sum([
            (round_state.board_states[i].pips[1 - active] -
             round_state.board_states[i].pips[active]) if isinstance(
                 round_state.board_states[i], BoardState) else 0
            for i in range(NUM_BOARDS)

        for i in range(NUM_BOARDS):
            board_state = round_state.board_states[i]
            board_actions = legal_actions[i]

            if isinstance(board_state, TerminalState) or board_state.settled:
                my_actions[i] = CheckAction()

            elif AssignAction in legal_actions[i]:
                my_actions[i] = AssignAction(self.card_allocation[i])
                mc = monte_carlo_prob(self.card_allocation[i], [],
                for hand_range in branches_from_dealer[0]:
                    if mc <= float(hand_range):
                        print(f'Branching from dealer: {hand_range}')

            elif round_state.street <= 3:
                print(f'-Board {i+1}-')
                pips = board_state.pips[active]
                opp_pips = board_state.pips[1 - active]
                pot = board_state.pot + opp_pips + pips
                continue_cost = opp_pips - pips
                count = 0
                while not (self.players[i].is_owner()
                           or self.players[i].at_terminal()):
                    if count > 10:

                    if self.players[i].current_node().get_owner() == 'D':
                        mc = self.win_probability(board_state, active)
                        for hand_range in branches_from_dealer[1]:
                            if mc <= float(hand_range):
                                print(f'Branching from dealer: {hand_range}')
                        prev = self.players[i].current_node().get_incoming()
                        if continue_cost > 0:
                            if round_state.street > 0 and prev == 'C':
                                print(f'Opp chose branch: K2')
                                branches = []
                                for branch in self.players[i].get_branches():
                                    if 'R' in branch:
                                raise_boundaries = [
                                    int((pot - continue_cost) *
                                        (2**(int(branch.replace('R', '')) -
                                             2.5))) for branch in branches
                                casted_amount = 0
                                for k in range(len(raise_boundaries)):
                                    if continue_cost <= raise_boundaries[k]:
                                        casted_amount = branches[k].replace(
                                            'R', '')
                                if casted_amount == 0:
                                    casted_amount = branches[-1].replace(
                                        'R', '')

                                if 'R' in prev:
                                        f'Opp chose branch: RR{casted_amount}')
                                        f'Opp chose branch: R{casted_amount}')
                            if 'R' in prev:
                                print('Opp chose branch: C')
                            elif 'K1' == prev or 'C' == prev:
                                print('Opp chose branch: K2')
                            elif '.' in prev:
                                if 'K1' in self.players[i].get_branches():
                                    print('Opp chose branch: K1')
                                elif 'C' in self.players[i].get_branches():
                                    print('Opp chose branch: C')
                    count += 1

                if continue_cost > 2.25 * (pot - continue_cost):
                    mc = self.win_probability(board_state, active)
                    if (mc > .7 and round_state.street
                            == 0) or (mc > .85 and round_state.street == 3):
                        my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                        print('Swerving branch: C')
                        my_actions[i] = FoldAction()
                        print('Swerving branch: F')
                elif not (self.players[i].is_owner()
                          or self.players[i].at_terminal()):
                    if CheckAction in board_actions:
                        my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                        print('Timed out branch: K')
                        my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                        print('Timed out branch: C')

                branch = self.players[i].choose_branch()
                prev = self.players[i].current_node().get_incoming()
                if 'RR' in branch and CallAction in board_actions:
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                    print('Choosing branch: C')
                elif 'R' in branch and 'RR' not in branch and RaiseAction in board_actions:
                    raise_amount = max(
                            int(pot * (2**(int(branch[1:]) - 3)))))
                    raise_bounds[1] -= raise_amount
                    my_actions[i] = RaiseAction(raise_amount + opp_pips)
                    print('Choosing branch:', branch)
                elif 'C' in branch and CallAction in board_actions:
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                    print('Choosing branch:', branch)
                elif 'K' in branch and CheckAction in board_actions:
                    my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                    print('Choosing branch:', branch)
                elif 'F' in branch and FoldAction in board_actions:
                    my_actions[i] = FoldAction()
                    print('Choosing branch:', branch)
                elif CheckAction in board_actions:
                    my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                    print('Defaulting branch: K')
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                    print('Defaulting branch: C')

                pips = board_state.pips[active]
                opp_pips = board_state.pips[1 - active]
                continue_cost = opp_pips - pips
                pot = board_state.pot + opp_pips + pips
                pot_odds = float(continue_cost) / (pot + continue_cost)
                win_prob = self.win_probability(board_state, active)

                if continue_cost == 0:
                    if win_prob >= .7 and RaiseAction in legal_actions[
                            i] and raise_bounds[1] >= BIG_BLIND:
                        if win_prob > 0.96:
                            increase = min(raise_bounds[1] - total_cost,
                        elif win_prob >= 0.9:
                            increase = min(raise_bounds[1] - total_cost,
                                           int(.75 * pot))
                            increase = min(raise_bounds[1] - total_cost,
                                           int(0.5 * pot))

                        amount = increase
                        print(f'Bet/raise board {i + 1} to {amount}.')
                        my_actions[i] = RaiseAction(amount)
                        raise_bounds[1] -= amount

                        print(f'Check {i + 1}.')
                        my_actions[i] = CheckAction()

                    if win_prob > .97 and RaiseAction in legal_actions[
                            i] and raise_bounds[1] >= BIG_BLIND:
                        increase = min(raise_bounds[1] - total_cost,
                                       int(.5 * pot) + opp_pips)
                        amount = increase + opp_pips
                        print(f'Reraise board {i + 1} to {amount}.')
                        my_actions[i] = RaiseAction(amount)
                        raise_bounds[1] -= amount

                    elif win_prob - .4 > pot_odds or win_prob > .95 - (
                            .05 * (5 - round_state.street)):
                            f'Call board {i + 1} w/ {round(pot_odds, 2)} odds.'
                        my_actions[i] = CallAction()

                        print(f'Fold board {i + 1}')
                        my_actions[i] = FoldAction()

        return my_actions
Exemple #3
    def get_actions(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs a triplet of actions from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your actions.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions(
        )  # the actions you are allowed to take
        street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, turn, or river respectively
        my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards across all boards
        board_cards = [
            board_state.deck if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else
            for board_state in round_state.board_states
        ]  #the board cards
        my_pips = [
            if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0
            for board_state in round_state.board_states
        ]  # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        opp_pips = [
            board_state.pips[1 - active]
            if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0
            for board_state in round_state.board_states
        ]  # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        continue_cost = [
            opp_pips[i] - my_pips[i] for i in range(NUM_BOARDS)
        ]  #the number of chips needed to stay in each board's pot
        my_stack = round_state.stacks[
            active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        opp_stack = round_state.stacks[
            1 - active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        stacks = [my_stack, opp_stack]
        net_upper_raise_bound = round_state.raise_bounds()[
            1]  # max raise across 3 boards
        net_cost = 0  # keep track of the net additional amount you are spending across boards this round

        my_actions = [None] * NUM_BOARDS
        for i in range(NUM_BOARDS):
            if AssignAction in legal_actions[i]:
                cards = self.board_allocations[
                    i]  #allocate our cards that we made earlier
                my_actions[i] = AssignAction(cards)  #add to our actions

            elif (RaiseAction in legal_actions[i]
                  and self.strong_hole):  #only consider this if we're strong
                min_raise, max_raise = round_state.board_states[
                        active, round_state.stacks
                    )  #calulate the highest and lowest we can raise to
                max_cost = max_raise - my_pips[
                    i]  #the cost to give the max raise

                if max_cost <= my_stack - net_cost:  #make sure the max_cost is something we can afford! Must have at least this much left after our other costs
                    my_actions[i] = RaiseAction(max_raise)  #GO ALL IN!!!
                    net_cost += max_cost

                elif CallAction in legal_actions[i]:  # check-call
                    my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                    net_cost += continue_cost[i]

                    my_actions[i] = CheckAction()

            elif CheckAction in legal_actions[i]:  # check-call
                my_actions[i] = CheckAction()

                my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                net_cost += continue_cost[i]
        return my_actions
    def get_actions(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs a triplet of actions from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your actions.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions()  # the actions you are allowed to take
        street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, turn, or river respectively
        my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards across all boards
        board_cards = [board_state.deck if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else board_state.previous_state.deck for board_state in round_state.board_states] #the board cards
        my_pips = [board_state.pips[active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        opp_pips = [board_state.pips[1-active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        continue_cost = [opp_pips[i] - my_pips[i] for i in range(NUM_BOARDS)] #the number of chips needed to stay in each board's pot
        my_stack = round_state.stacks[active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        opp_stack = round_state.stacks[1-active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        stacks = [my_stack, opp_stack]
        net_upper_raise_bound = round_state.raise_bounds()[1] # max raise across 3 boards
        net_cost = 0 # keep track of the net additional amount you are spending across boards this round

        my_actions = [None] * NUM_BOARDS
        for i in range(NUM_BOARDS):
            if AssignAction in legal_actions[i]:
                cards = self.board_allocations[i] #assign our cards that we made earlier
                my_actions[i] = AssignAction(cards) #add to our actions

            elif isinstance(round_state.board_states[i], TerminalState): #make sure the game isn't over at this board
                my_actions[i] = CheckAction() #check if it is
            else: #do we add more resources?
                board_cont_cost = continue_cost[i] #we need to pay this to keep playing
                board_total = round_state.board_states[i].pot #amount before we started betting
                pot_total = my_pips[i] + opp_pips[i] + board_total #total money in the pot right now
                min_raise, max_raise = round_state.board_states[i].raise_bounds(active, round_state.stacks)
                strength = self.hole_strengths[i]

                if street < 3: #pre-flop
                    raise_ammount = int(my_pips[i] + board_cont_cost + 0.4 * (pot_total + board_cont_cost)) #play a little conservatively pre-flop
                    raise_ammount = int(my_pips[i] + board_cont_cost + 0.75 * (pot_total + board_cont_cost)) #raise the stakes deeper into the game
                raise_ammount = max([min_raise, raise_ammount]) #make sure we have a valid raise
                raise_ammount = min([max_raise, raise_ammount])

                raise_cost = raise_ammount - my_pips[i] #how much it costs to make that raise

                if RaiseAction in legal_actions[i] and (raise_cost <= my_stack - net_cost): #raise if we can and if we can afford it
                    commit_action = RaiseAction(raise_ammount)
                    commit_cost = raise_cost
                elif CallAction in legal_actions[i] and (board_cont_cost <= my_stack - net_cost): #call if we can afford it!
                    commit_action = CallAction()
                    commit_cost = board_cont_cost #the cost to call is board_cont_cost
                elif CheckAction in legal_actions[i]: #try to check if we can
                    commit_action = CheckAction()
                    commit_cost = 0
                else: #we have to fold 
                    commit_action = FoldAction()
                    commit_cost = 0

                if board_cont_cost > 0: #our opp raised!!! we must respond

                    if board_cont_cost > 5: #<--- parameters to tweak. 
                        _INTIMIDATION = 0.15
                        strength = max([0, strength - _INTIMIDATION]) #if our opp raises a lot, be cautious!

                    pot_odds = board_cont_cost / (pot_total + board_cont_cost)

                    if strength >= pot_odds: #Positive Expected Value!! at least call!!

                        if strength > 0.5 and random.random() < strength: #raise sometimes, more likely if our hand is strong
                            my_actions[i] = commit_action
                            net_cost += commit_cost
                        else: # try to call if we don't raise
                            if (board_cont_cost <= my_stack - net_cost): #we call because we can afford it and it's +EV
                                my_actions[i] = CallAction()
                                net_cost += board_cont_cost
                            else: #we can't afford to call :(  should have managed our stack better
                                my_actions[i] = FoldAction()
                                net_cost += 0
                    else: #Negative Expected Value!!! FOLD!!!
                        my_actions[i] = FoldAction()
                        net_cost += 0
                else: #board_cont_cost == 0, we control the action

                    if random.random() < strength: #raise sometimes, more likely if our hand is strong
                        my_actions[i] = commit_action
                        net_cost += commit_cost

                    else: #just check otherwise
                        my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                        net_cost += 0

        return my_actions
    def get_actions(self, game_state, round_state, active):
        Where the magic happens - your code should implement this function.
        Called any time the engine needs a triplet of actions from your bot.

        game_state: the GameState object.
        round_state: the RoundState object.
        active: your player's index.

        Your actions.
        legal_actions = round_state.legal_actions(
        )  # the actions you are allowed to take
        # street = round_state.street  # 0, 3, 4, or 5 representing pre-flop, flop, turn, or river respectively
        my_cards = round_state.hands[active]  # your cards across all boards
        # board_cards = [board_state.deck if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else board_state.previous_state.deck for board_state in round_state.board_states] #the board cards
        # my_pips = [board_state.pips[active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips you have contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        # opp_pips = [board_state.pips[1-active] if isinstance(board_state, BoardState) else 0 for board_state in round_state.board_states] # the number of chips your opponent has contributed to the pot on each board this round of betting
        # continue_cost = [opp_pips[i] - my_pips[i] for i in range(NUM_BOARDS)] #the number of chips needed to stay in each board's pot
        # my_stack = round_state.stacks[active]  # the number of chips you have remaining
        # opp_stack = round_state.stacks[1-active]  # the number of chips your opponent has remaining
        # stacks = [my_stack, opp_stack]
        # net_upper_raise_bound = round_state.raise_bounds()[1] # max raise across 3 boards
        # net_cost = 0 # keep track of the net additional amount you are spending across boards this round
        my_actions = [None] * NUM_BOARDS
        high_cards = []
        for card in my_cards:
            if (card[0] == 'A' or card[0] == 'J' or card[0] == 'Q'
                    or card[0] == 'K'):
        not_high_cards_set = set(my_cards) - set(high_cards)
        not_high_cards = list(not_high_cards_set)
        if len(
        ) == 2:  # if we have a pair of high cards, then make sure they're both on the third board
            self.board_allocations[2] = high_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[0] = not_high_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[1] = not_high_cards[2:4]
        elif len(
        ) == 1:  # if we have one high card, then make sure it's on the third board
            self.board_allocations[2] = [high_cards[0], []]
            self.board_allocations[0] = not_high_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[1] = not_high_cards[2:4]
            self.board_allocations[2][1] = not_high_cards[4]
        elif len(high_cards) == 4:  # big money
            self.board_allocations[2] = high_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[1] = high_cards[2:4]
            self.board_allocations[0] = not_high_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[2] = my_cards[0:2]
            self.board_allocations[0] = my_cards[2:4]
            self.board_allocations[1] = my_cards[4:6]
        for i in range(NUM_BOARDS):
            if AssignAction in legal_actions[i]:
                my_actions[i] = AssignAction(self.board_allocations[i])
            elif CheckAction in legal_actions[i]:  # check-call
                my_actions[i] = CheckAction()
                my_actions[i] = CallAction()
        return my_actions