Exemple #1
def separate_channels(image_original, matrix_dh):
    Separate the stains using the custom matrix

    image_separated = color.separate_stains(image_original, matrix_dh)
    stain_dab = image_separated[..., 1]
    # Hematox channel separation is disabled, it could be switched on if image with both stains is needed.
    # one of plot_figure() subplots should be replaced with stainHematox

    # stainHematox = image_separated[..., 0]

    # 1-D array for histogram conversion, 1 was added to move the original range from
    # [-1,0] to [0,1] as black and white respectively. Warning! Magic numbers.
    # Anyway it's not a trouble for correct thresholding. Only for histogram aspect.
    stain_dab = (stain_dab + 1) * 200
    # Histogram shift. This correcion makes the background really blank. After the correction
    # numpy clipping is performed to fit the 0-100 range
    stain_dab -= 18
    stain_dab = np.clip(stain_dab, 0, 100)
    stain_dab_1d = np.ravel(stain_dab)
    # Extracting Lightness channel from HSL of original image
    # L-channel is multiplied to 100 to get the range 0-100 % from 0-1. It's easier to use with
    # empty area threshold
    image_hsl = hasel.rgb2hsl(image_original)
    channel_lightness = (image_hsl[..., 2] * 100)
    return stain_dab, stain_dab_1d, channel_lightness
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = self.img_rgb
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     with expected_warnings('precision loss'):
         assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(conv), img_rgb)
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = self.img_rgb
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
         assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(conv), img_rgb)
Exemple #4
def patch_operations(patch, mydoc):
    # Convert to grayscale
    img = patch.convert('L')
    # img to array
    img_array = np.array(img)
    # Intensity for all pixels, divided by num pixels
    mydoc['grayscale_patch_mean'] = np.mean(img_array)
    mydoc['grayscale_patch_std'] = np.std(img_array)
    # Intensity for all pixels inside segmented objects...
    # mydoc.grayscale_segment_mean = "n/a"
    # mydoc.grayscale_segment_std = "n/a"

    # Convert to RGB
    img = patch.convert('RGB')
    img_array = np.array(img)
    hed_title_img = separate_stains(img_array, hed_from_rgb)
    max1 = np.max(hed_title_img)
    min1 = np.min(hed_title_img)
    new_img_array = hed_title_img[:, :, 0]
    new_img_array = ((new_img_array - min1) * 255 / (max1 - min1)).astype(
    mydoc['hematoxylin_patch_mean'] = np.mean(new_img_array)
    mydoc['hematoxylin_patch_std'] = np.std(new_img_array)
    # mydoc.Hematoxylin_segment_mean = "n/a"
    # mydoc.Hematoxylin_segment_std = "n/a"

    return mydoc
def rgb2stain(img, diameter=3):
    mask = im2bw(rgb2gray(img))
    mask = binary_erosion(mask, disk(diameter)).astype(np.uint8)

    img_t = separate_stains(img, bex_from_rgb)
    img_t = img_as_ubyte(img_normalization(img_t))

    return img_t * np.expand_dims(mask, axis=2)
def color_deconvolution(img, sep_matrix, comb_matrix, component_idx):
    separated = separate_stains(img, sep_matrix)

    stains = np.zeros_like(separated)
    stains[:, :, component_idx] = separated[:, :, component_idx]

    combined = combine_stains(stains, comb_matrix)

    return _convert(combined, img.dtype)
Exemple #7
def rgb2he(img, normalize=False):
    RGB2HE: Extracts the haematoxylin and eosin components from an RGB color.

    h,e = rgb2he(img, normalize=False)

        img (numpy.ndarray): and RGB image; no check for actual color space is
        normalize (bool): should the values be linearly transformed, to ensure
        they are all between -1.0 and 1.0  

        tuple. Contains two intensity images as numpy.ndarray, coding for the
        haematoxylin and eosin components, respectively. The values are in the
        "H&E" space or in -1..1 (if normalize==True)

    # my color separation matrices
    # (from http://www.mecourse.com/landinig/software/colour_deconvolution.zip)
    # The code commented out below was used to generate the "he1_from_rgb" matrix.
    # After the matrix was obtained, it has been hard coded, for computation
    # efficiency:
    # rgb_from_he1 = np.array([[0.644211, 0.716556, 0.266844],
    #                         [0.092789, 0.954111, 0.283111],
    #                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
    # rgb_from_he1[2, :] = np.cross(rgb_from_he1[0, :], rgb_from_he1[1, :])
    # he1_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_he1)
    he1_from_rgb = np.array([[1.73057512, -1.3257525, -0.1577248],
                             [-0.19972397, 1.1187028, -0.48055639],
                             [0.10589662, 0.19656106, 1.67121469]])

    img_tmp = separate_stains(img_as_ubyte(img), he1_from_rgb)

    # The RGB -> H&E transformation maps:
    # black (0,0,0)       |-> (-1.13450710, 0.00727017021)
    # white (255,255,255) |-> (-9.08243792, 0.05.82022531)
    # red   (255,0,0)     |-> (-9.53805685, 6.44503007)
    # green (0,255,0)     |-> (-0.164661728, -5.42507111)
    # blue  (0,0,255)     |-> (-1.64873355, -0.947216369)

    if normalize:
        img_tmp[:, :, 0] = 2 * (img_tmp[:, :, 0] +
                                9.53805685) / (-0.164661728 + 9.53805685) - 1
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:, :, 0] < -1.0, 0] = -1.0
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:, :, 0] > 1.0, 0] = 1.0

        img_tmp[:, :, 1] = 2 * (img_tmp[:, :, 1] +
                                5.42507111) / (6.44503007 + 5.42507111) - 1
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:, :, 1] < -1.0, 0] = -1.0
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:, :, 1] > 1.0, 0] = 1.0

    return img_tmp[:, :, 0], img_tmp[:, :, 1]
 def test_bro_rgb_roundtrip_float(self, channel_axis):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import bro_from_rgb, rgb_from_bro
     img_in = self.img_stains
     img_in = np.moveaxis(img_in, source=-1, destination=channel_axis)
     img_out = combine_stains(img_in,
     img_out = separate_stains(img_out,
     assert_array_almost_equal(img_out, img_in)
Exemple #9
def rgb2he(img, normalize=False):
    RGB2HE: Extracts the haematoxylin and eosin components from an RGB color.

    h,e = rgb2he(img, normalize=False)

        img (numpy.ndarray): and RGB image; no check for actual color space is
        normalize (bool): should the values be linearly transformed, to ensure
        they are all between -1.0 and 1.0  

        tuple. Contains two intensity images as numpy.ndarray, coding for the
        haematoxylin and eosin components, respectively. The values are in the
        "H&E" space or in -1..1 (if normalize==True)

    # my color separation matrices
    # (from http://www.mecourse.com/landinig/software/colour_deconvolution.zip)
    # The code commented out below was used to generate the "he1_from_rgb" matrix.
    # After the matrix was obtained, it has been hard coded, for computation 
    # efficiency:
    # rgb_from_he1 = np.array([[0.644211, 0.716556, 0.266844],
    #                         [0.092789, 0.954111, 0.283111],
    #                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
    # rgb_from_he1[2, :] = np.cross(rgb_from_he1[0, :], rgb_from_he1[1, :])
    # he1_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_he1)
    he1_from_rgb = np.array([[ 1.73057512, -1.3257525 , -0.1577248 ],
                             [-0.19972397,  1.1187028 , -0.48055639],
                             [ 0.10589662,  0.19656106,  1.67121469]])

    img_tmp = separate_stains(img_as_ubyte(img), he1_from_rgb)
    # The RGB -> H&E transformation maps:
    # black (0,0,0)       |-> (-1.13450710, 0.00727017021)
    # white (255,255,255) |-> (-9.08243792, 0.05.82022531)
    # red   (255,0,0)     |-> (-9.53805685, 6.44503007)
    # green (0,255,0)     |-> (-0.164661728, -5.42507111)
    # blue  (0,0,255)     |-> (-1.64873355, -0.947216369)
    if normalize:
        img_tmp[:,:,0] = 2*(img_tmp[:,:,0] + 9.53805685) / (-0.164661728 + 9.53805685) - 1
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:,:,0] < -1.0, 0] = -1.0
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:,:,0] >  1.0, 0] =  1.0
        img_tmp[:,:,1] = 2*(img_tmp[:,:,1] + 5.42507111) / (6.44503007 + 5.42507111) - 1
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:,:,1] < -1.0, 0] = -1.0
        img_tmp[img_tmp[:,:,1] >  1.0, 0] =  1.0
    return img_tmp[:, :, 0], img_tmp[:, :, 1]
Exemple #10
 def round_image(image):
     out = image.copy()
     out *= 255
     out = np.array(out, dtype=np.uint8)
     return out
     ihc_hed = col.separate_stains(self.image[:, :, ::-1], col.hed_from_rgb)
     t1 = normalize_shift(ihc_hed[:, :, 2]).copy()
     THRESHOLD = 0.73
     t1[np.where(t1 < THRESHOLD)] = 0
     t1 = round_image(opening(t1, kernel))
     hstrong = np.count_nonzero(t1)
     return hstrong, t1, ihc_hed
Exemple #11
def rgb_to_stain(rgb_img_matrix, sizex, sizey):
    RGB to stain color space conversion
    :param rgb_img_matrix:
    :param sizex:
    :param sizey:
    hed_title_img = separate_stains(rgb_img_matrix, hed_from_rgb)
    hematoxylin_img_array = [[0 for x in range(sizex)] for y in range(sizey)]
    for index1, row in enumerate(hed_title_img):
        for index2, pixel in enumerate(row):
            hematoxylin_img_array[index1][index2] = pixel[0]

    return hematoxylin_img_array
Exemple #12
def getPASnuclei(im_PAS, Glommask, int_thre, size_thre, gauss_filt_size,
                 watershed_dist_thre, disc_size):
    PASnuc = separate_stains(im_PAS, hpx_from_rgb)
    PASnuc_extract = rescale_intensity(PASnuc[:, :, 0], out_range=(0, 1))

    kernel = np.ones((gauss_filt_size, gauss_filt_size), np.float32) / 25
    PASnuc_extract = cv2.filter2D(PASnuc_extract, -1, kernel)

    PAS_nuclei = ((PASnuc_extract > int_thre) * 1)
    PAS_nuc_label = label(PAS_nuclei)
    PAS_nuclei = morphology.opening(PAS_nuc_label, morphology.disk(disc_size))

    PAS_nuclei = remove_small_objects(label(PAS_nuclei),
                                      min_size=size_thre / 3)

    label_nuc = label(PAS_nuclei)
    PAS_nuclei2 = remove_small_objects(label_nuc, min_size=size_thre)

        distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(PAS_nuclei2)
        coords = peak_local_max(distance,
                                footprint=np.ones((2, 2)),

        mask = np.zeros(distance.shape, dtype=bool)
        mask[tuple(coords.T)] = True
        markers, _ = ndi.label(mask)
        labels = watershed(-distance,
        labels = remove_small_objects(labels, min_size=size_thre /
                                      5)  #REst = 3, NTN = 5

        singlenuc = ((PAS_nuclei > 0) * 1 - (PAS_nuclei2 > 0) * 1)
        doublesepnuc = (labels > 0) * 1

        separatednucPAS = ((singlenuc + doublesepnuc) * Glommask) > 0 * 1
        print('watershed fix')
        separatednucPAS = (PAS_nuclei * Glommask) > 0 * 1

    err_nuclei = remove_small_objects(label(separatednucPAS),
                                      min_size=size_thre * 6)
    final_out = (separatednucPAS > 0) * 1 - (err_nuclei > 0) * 1
    return final_out
Exemple #13
def seperateStains(s, params):
    logging.info(f"{s['filename']} - \tseperateStains")
    stain = params.get("stain", "")
    use_mask = strtobool(params.get("use_mask", "True"))

    if stain == "":
            f"{s['filename']} - stain not set in DeconvolutionModule.seperateStains"

    stain_matrix = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], stain, "")

    if stain_matrix == "":
            f"{s['filename']} - Unknown stain matrix specified in DeconolutionModule.seperateStains"
    img = s.getImgThumb(s["image_work_size"])
    dimg = separate_stains(img, stain_matrix)

    for c in range(0, 3):
        dc = dimg[:, :, c]

        if use_mask:
            mask = s["img_mask_use"]
            dc_sub = dc[mask]
            dc_min = dc_sub.min()
            dc_max = dc_sub.max()

            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_mean", str(dc_sub.mean()))
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_std", str(dc_sub.std()))
            mask = 1.0
            dc_min = dc.min()
            dc_max = dc.max()
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_mean", str(dc.mean()))
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_std", str(dc.std()))

        dc = (dc - dc_min) / float(dc_max - dc_min) * mask
        io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + f"_deconv_c{c}.png",

Exemple #14
    def weak_area(self, debug=False):
        def opening(image, kernel=None):
            if kernel==None:
                kernel = np.ones((3, 3))
            out = cv2.erode(image.copy(), kernel)
            out = cv2.dilate(out.copy(), kernel)
            return out

#         def closing(image, kernel=None):
#             if kernel==None:
#                 kernel = np.ones((2, 2))
#             out = cv2.dilate(image.copy(), kernel)
#             out = cv2.erode(out.copy(), kernel)
#             return out
        def normalize_shift(image_orig):
            image = image_orig.copy()
            image = (image - np.min(image_orig))/(np.max(image_orig) - np.min(image_orig))
            return image
        def round_image(image):
            out = image.copy()
            out *= 255
            out = np.array(out, dtype=np.uint8)
            return out
        ihc_ahx = col.separate_stains(self.image[:, :, ::-1], col.ahx_from_rgb)
        if debug:
            image_show(ihc_ahx[:, :, 0])
        t1 = normalize_shift(ihc_ahx[:, :, 0])
        # THRESHOLD_EOSIN = 0.68
        # t[np.where(t < THRESHOLD_EOSIN)] = 0
        # t[np.where(t >0)] = 255
        t1 = round_image(t1)
        THRESHOLD = 175 #175 doesn't work for 3pr.svs
        t1[np.where(t1 < THRESHOLD)] = 0
        t1[np.where(t1 > 0)] = 255
        t1 = opening(t1)
        if debug:
        hweak = np.count_nonzero(t1)
        return hweak, t1, ihc_ahx
    def separate_colors(self, colors, colorize=True):
        colors_new = np.vstack([colors, colors[0, :]])
        stain_images = []
        for id_col in range(colors.shape[0]):
            color_1 = colors_new[id_col, :]
            color_2 = colors_new[id_col + 1, :]
            colors_base = self.find_color_base(color_1, color_2)
            color_matrix = linalg.inv(colors_base)

            separated = color.separate_stains(self._image, color_matrix)
            separated_main = separated[:, :, 0]
            separated_main = self.maxmin_norm(separated_main)

            if colorize:
                separated_main = self._colorize_image(separated_main, color_1)


        return stain_images
Exemple #16
def enhance_contrast(image, clip=True, pct=1, channel=None, conv_matrix=None):
    """Enhance contrast of input image

    image : ndarray
        Input image
    clip : bool
        Whether to clip the intensity levels
    pct : scalar
        Percentage by which to clip intensity
    channel : int (or None)
        Which channel (R, B, G) to return 
        (post-deconvolution if `conv_matrix` is given)
        Should be the case that `channel < image.ndim`
    conv_matrix : ndarray
        Stain separation matrix as described by G. Landini [1]

    out : ndarray
        Enhanced contrast image

    [1] http://www.mecourse.com/landinig/software/software.html
    out = img_as_float(image)
    multichannel = image.ndim > 2
    # Deconvolve colors if given a convolution matrix
    if multichannel and conv_matrix is not None:
        multichannel = True
        out = separate_stains(out, conv_matrix)
    # Convert to greyscale if given a channel
    if channel is not None:
        out = out[:, :, channel]
    # Clip intensity levels
    if clip:
        out = clip_intensity(out, pct)
    return rescale_intensity(out, out_range=(0.0, 1.0))
Exemple #17
def col_deconv(Img, bias, ki67bias, DiscSize):

    ihc_hrd_DAB = rgb2hed(Img)
    ihc_hrd_syn = separate_stains(Img, rbd_from_rgb)

    print("Color deconvolution...")

    synaptophysin_1 = rescale_intensity(ihc_hrd_syn[:, :, 1], out_range=(0, 1))
    DAB_1 = rescale_intensity(ihc_hrd_DAB[:, :, 2], out_range=(0, 1))

    print("Thresholding ki67...")

    _, thre_ki67 = cv2.threshold(DAB_1, ki67bias, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    print("Otsu thresholding of synaptophysin...")

    ret, blur_red = cv2.threshold((synaptophysin_1), bias, 255,
    blur_red = dilation(blur_red, disk(DiscSize))
    blur_red_mr = erosion(blur_red, disk(DiscSize))
    ki_mask_mr2 = cv2.bitwise_and((thre_ki67), (blur_red_mr))

    return blur_red_mr, ki_mask_mr2
	if not f.endswith(".jpg") :

qstain = np.array([[.26451728, .5205347, .81183386], [.9199094, .29797825, .25489032], [.28947765, .80015373, .5253158]])

for im in l :

	print im

	A = transform.rescale(io.imread("../data/" + im), 0.25)

	deconv = ski.img_as_float(color.separate_stains(A, np.linalg.inv(qstain)))

	subveins1 = \
				deconv[:, :, 2] / deconv[:, :, 0],
			250, offset = -0.13),
def random_walk_segmentation(input_image, output_folder):

    input_image = imread(input_image)
    ihc_hrd = separate_stains(input_image, hrd_from_rgb)

    DAB_Grey_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 2)
    Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 0)
    GBIred_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 1)

    #Perform Random Walker, fills in positive regions
    DAB_segmentation = random_walker(DAB_Grey_Array,
                                     get_markers(DAB_Grey_Array, .3, .5),
    Hema_segmentation = random_walker(Hema_Gray_Array,
                                      get_markers(Hema_Gray_Array, .2, .4),
    GBIred_segmentation = random_walker(GBIred_Gray_Array,
                                        get_markers(GBIred_Gray_Array, .4, .5),
    '''Compute and Output'''
    #Compute and output percentages of pixels stained by each chromagen
    pic_dimensions = np.shape(DAB_segmentation)  # both arrays same shape
    total_pixels = pic_dimensions[0] * pic_dimensions[1]

    #Change negative pixel values from 1 -> 0, positives 2 -> 1
    subtrahend_array = np.ones_like(DAB_segmentation)
    DAB_segmentation = np.subtract(DAB_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    Hema_segmentation = np.subtract(Hema_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    GBIred_segmentation = np.subtract(GBIred_segmentation, subtrahend_array)

    #Count positive pixels
    DAB_pixels = np.count_nonzero(DAB_segmentation)
    Hema_pixels = np.count_nonzero(Hema_segmentation)
    red_pixels = np.count_nonzero(GBIred_segmentation)

    #Percent of image covered by positive staining
    DAB_coverage_percent = (round((DAB_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    Hema_coverage_percent = (round((Hema_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    #An overlay of the DAB and Hematoxylin segmented images, for total cellular area
    total_cell_array = np.add(DAB_segmentation, Hema_segmentation)
    #Number of pixels covered by cellular area
    total_cell_pixels = np.count_nonzero(total_cell_array)

    #Percent of image covered by cellular area (DAB OR Hematoxylin)
    total_cell_percent = (round((total_cell_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    #The percentage of DAB/CD3+ cells out of the total number of cells
    percent_pos_cells = (round((DAB_pixels / total_cell_pixels * 100), 1))

    #The percentage of the image covered by cytokines
    Red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    red_plus_total_array = np.add(total_cell_array, GBIred_segmentation)
    red_plus_total_pixels = np.count_nonzero(red_plus_total_array)

    #The percentage of the area covered by cytokines, with non-cellular regions subtracted
    adjusted_red_coverage_percent = (round(
        (red_pixels / red_plus_total_pixels * 100), 1))

    # Plot images
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 11))
    ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes.ravel()

    ax0.imshow(input_image, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax1.imshow(DAB_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax2.imshow(GBIred_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax2.set_title("GBI red")

    ax3.imshow(Hema_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    for ax in axes.ravel():


    output_filename = 'output' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    plt.savefig(output_folder + output_filename)

    #do a save csv here, maybe delete return statement after this comment

    return output_filename  #, DAB_coverage_percent, Hema_coverage_percent, total_cell_percent, percent_pos_cells, Red_coverage_percent, adjusted_red_coverage_percent
Exemple #20
    gray_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)
    return gray_array

def normalize_mapping(source_array, source_mean, target_mean):
    for x in source_array:
        x[...] = x/source_mean
        x[...] = x * target_mean
    return source_array

#Import and decovolute target
target_ihc_rgb = imread(target_file_path)
target_ihc_hrd = separate_stains(target_ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)

target_Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 0)
target_red_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 1)
target_DAB_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 2)

for image_path in full_file_paths:
    if image_path.endswith(".jpg"):
            pic_file_name = os.path.basename(image_path)
            file_path = image_path

            #Import picture
            source_ihc_rgb = imread(file_path)
Exemple #21
    def process_one_patch(case_id, user, i, j, patch_polygon_area, image_width,
                          image_height, patch_polygon_original,
                          patchHumanMarkupRelation, tumorFlag,
        patch_min_x_pixel = int(patch_polygon_original[0][0] * image_width)
        patch_min_y_pixel = int(patch_polygon_original[0][1] * image_height)
        x10 = patch_polygon_original[0][0]
        y10 = patch_polygon_original[0][1]
        x20 = patch_polygon_original[2][0]
        y20 = patch_polygon_original[2][1]
        patch_width_unit = float(patch_size) / float(image_width)
        patch_height_unit = float(patch_size) / float(image_height)

            patch_img = img.read_region((patch_min_x_pixel, patch_min_y_pixel),
                                        0, (patch_size, patch_size))
        except openslide.OpenSlideError as detail:
            print 'Handling run-time error:', detail
        except Exception as e:

        tmp_poly = [tuple(i1) for i1 in patch_polygon_original]
        tmp_polygon = Polygon(tmp_poly)
        patch_polygon = tmp_polygon.buffer(0)
        #patch_polygon_bound= patch_polygon.bounds;

        grayscale_img = patch_img.convert('L')
        rgb_img = patch_img.convert('RGB')
        grayscale_img_matrix = np.array(grayscale_img)
        rgb_img_matrix = np.array(rgb_img)
        grayscale_patch_mean = np.mean(grayscale_img_matrix)
        grayscale_patch_std = np.std(grayscale_img_matrix)
        grayscale_patch_10th_percentile = np.percentile(
            grayscale_img_matrix, 10)
        grayscale_patch_25th_percentile = np.percentile(
            grayscale_img_matrix, 25)
        grayscale_patch_50th_percentile = np.percentile(
            grayscale_img_matrix, 50)
        grayscale_patch_75th_percentile = np.percentile(
            grayscale_img_matrix, 75)
        grayscale_patch_90th_percentile = np.percentile(
            grayscale_img_matrix, 90)
        hed_title_img = separate_stains(rgb_img_matrix, hed_from_rgb)
        Hematoxylin_img_matrix = [[0 for x in range(patch_size)]
                                  for y in range(patch_size)]
        for index1, row in enumerate(hed_title_img):
            for index2, pixel in enumerate(row):
                Hematoxylin_img_matrix[index1][index2] = pixel[0]
        Hematoxylin_patch_mean = np.mean(Hematoxylin_img_matrix)
        Hematoxylin_patch_std = np.std(Hematoxylin_img_matrix)
        Hematoxylin_patch_10th_percentile = np.percentile(
            Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 10)
        Hematoxylin_patch_25th_percentile = np.percentile(
            Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 25)
        Hematoxylin_patch_50th_percentile = np.percentile(
            Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 50)
        Hematoxylin_patch_75th_percentile = np.percentile(
            Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 75)
        Hematoxylin_patch_90th_percentile = np.percentile(
            Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 90)

        nucleus_area = 0.0
        segment_img = []
        segment_img_hematoxylin = []
        initial_grid = np.full((patch_size * patch_size), False)
        findPixelWithinPolygon = False

        record_count = len(nuclues_polygon_list)
        if (record_count > 0):
            for nuclues_polygon in nuclues_polygon_list:
                polygon = nuclues_polygon["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]
                tmp_poly2 = [tuple(i2) for i2 in polygon]
                computer_polygon2 = Polygon(tmp_poly2)
                computer_polygon = computer_polygon2.buffer(0)
                #computer_polygon_bound= computer_polygon.bounds;
                polygon_area = computer_polygon.area
                special_case2 = ""
                #only calculate features within tumor or non tumor region
                if (patchHumanMarkupRelation == "within"):
                    special_case2 = "within"
                elif (patchHumanMarkupRelation == "intersect"):
                    if (computer_polygon.within(
                        special_case2 = "within"
                    elif (computer_polygon.intersects(
                        special_case2 = "intersects"
                        special_case2 = "disjoin"
                    if (special_case2 == "disjoin"):
                        #skip this one and move to another computer polygon

                if (special_case2 == "within"
                        and computer_polygon.within(patch_polygon)
                    ):  #within/within
                    nucleus_area = nucleus_area + polygon_area
                    has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                        polygon, patch_min_x_pixel, patch_min_y_pixel)
                    if (has_value):
                        initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                        findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                elif (special_case2 == "within"
                      and computer_polygon.intersects(patch_polygon)
                      ):  #within/intersects
                    polygon_intersect = computer_polygon.intersection(
                    if polygon_intersect.is_empty:
                    tmp_area = polygon_intersect.area
                    nucleus_area = nucleus_area + tmp_area
                    if polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                        for p in polygon_intersect:
                            polygon_intersect_points = list(
                            has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                                polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                            if (has_value):
                                initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                                findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                    elif polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'Polygon':
                        polygon_intersect_points = list(
                        has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                            polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                        if (has_value):
                            initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                            findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                        print "patch indexes %d , %d Shape is not a polygon!!!" % (
                            i, j)
                        print polygon_intersect
                elif (special_case2 == "intersects"
                      and computer_polygon.within(patch_polygon)
                      ):  #intersects/within
                    starttime = time.time()
                    polygon_intersect = computer_polygon.intersection(
                    if polygon_intersect.is_empty:
                    tmp_area = polygon_intersect.area
                    nucleus_area = nucleus_area + tmp_area
                    if polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                        for p in polygon_intersect:
                            polygon_intersect_points = list(
                            has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                                polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                            if (has_value):
                                initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                                findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                    elif polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'Polygon':
                        polygon_intersect_points = list(
                        has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                            polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                        if (has_value):
                            initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                            findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                        print "patch indexes %d , %d Shape is not a polygon!!!" % (
                            i, j)
                        print polygon_intersect
                elif (special_case2 == "intersects"
                      and computer_polygon.intersects(patch_polygon)
                      ):  #intersects/intersects
                    starttime = time.time()
                    polygon_intersect = computer_polygon.intersection(
                    if polygon_intersect.is_empty:
                    polygon_intersect = polygon_intersect.intersection(
                    if polygon_intersect.is_empty:
                    tmp_area = polygon_intersect.area
                    nucleus_area = nucleus_area + tmp_area
                    if polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                        for p in polygon_intersect:
                            polygon_intersect_points = list(
                            has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                                polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                            if (has_value):
                                initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                                findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                    elif polygon_intersect.geom_type == 'Polygon':
                        polygon_intersect_points = list(
                        has_value, one_polygon_mask = getMatrixValue(
                            polygon_intersect_points, patch_min_x_pixel,
                        if (has_value):
                            initial_grid = initial_grid | one_polygon_mask
                            findPixelWithinPolygon = True
                        print "patch indexes %d , %d Shape is not a polygon!!!" % (
                            i, j)
                        print polygon_intersect

        if (findPixelWithinPolygon):
            mask = initial_grid.reshape(patch_size, patch_size)
            for index1, row in enumerate(mask):
                for index2, pixel in enumerate(row):
                    if (pixel
                        ):  #this pixel is inside of segmented unclei polygon

        percent_nuclear_material = float(
            (nucleus_area / patch_polygon_area) * 100)
        if (len(segment_img) > 0):
            segment_mean_grayscale_intensity = np.mean(segment_img)
            segment_std_grayscale_intensity = np.std(segment_img)
            segment_10th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img, 10)
            segment_25th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img, 25)
            segment_50th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img, 50)
            segment_75th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img, 75)
            segment_90th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img, 90)
            segment_mean_hematoxylin_intensity = np.mean(
            segment_std_hematoxylin_intensity = np.std(segment_img_hematoxylin)
            segment_10th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img_hematoxylin, 10)
            segment_25th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img_hematoxylin, 25)
            segment_50th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img_hematoxylin, 50)
            segment_75th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img_hematoxylin, 75)
            segment_90th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = np.percentile(
                segment_img_hematoxylin, 90)
            segment_mean_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_std_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_mean_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_std_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_10th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_25th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_50th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_75th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_90th_percentile_grayscale_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_10th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_25th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_50th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_75th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
            segment_90th_percentile_hematoxylin_intensity = "n/a"
        print case_id, image_width, image_height, user, i, j, patch_min_x_pixel, patch_min_y_pixel, patch_size, patch_polygon_area, tumorFlag, nucleus_area, percent_nuclear_material, grayscale_patch_mean, grayscale_patch_std, Hematoxylin_patch_mean, Hematoxylin_patch_std, segment_mean_grayscale_intensity, segment_std_grayscale_intensity, segment_mean_hematoxylin_intensity, segment_std_hematoxylin_intensity
Exemple #22
def seperateStains(s, params):
    logging.info(f"{s['filename']} - \tseperateStains")
    stain = params.get("stain", "")
    use_mask = strtobool(params.get("use_mask", "True"))

    if stain == "":
            f"{s['filename']} - stain not set in DeconvolutionModule.seperateStains"

    stain_matrix = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], stain, "")

    if stain_matrix == "":
            f"{s['filename']} - Unknown stain matrix specified in DeconolutionModule.seperateStains"

    mask = s["img_mask_use"]

    if use_mask and len(
    ) == 0:  #-- lets just error check at the top if mask is empty and abort early
        for c in range(3):
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_std", str(-100))
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_mean", str(-100))
                s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + f"_deconv_c{c}.png",

            f"{s['filename']} - DeconvolutionModule.seperateStains: NO tissue "
            f"remains detectable! Saving Black images")
        s["warnings"].append(f"DeconvolutionModule.seperateStains: NO tissue "
                             f"remains detectable! Saving Black images")


    img = s.getImgThumb(s["image_work_size"])
    dimg = separate_stains(img, stain_matrix)

    for c in range(0, 3):
        dc = dimg[:, :, c]

        if use_mask:
            dc_sub = dc[mask]
            dc_min = dc_sub.min()
            dc_max = dc_sub.max()

            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_mean", str(dc_sub.mean()))
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_std", str(dc_sub.std()))
            mask = 1.0
            dc_min = dc.min()
            dc_max = dc.max()

            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_mean", str(dc.mean()))
            s.addToPrintList(f"deconv_c{c}_std", str(dc.std()))

        dc = (dc - dc_min) / float(dc_max - dc_min) * mask
        io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + f"_deconv_c{c}.png",

 def test_bro_rgb_roundtrip_float(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import bro_from_rgb, rgb_from_bro
     img_in = self.img_stains
     img_out = combine_stains(img_in, rgb_from_bro)
     img_out = separate_stains(img_out, bro_from_rgb)
     assert_array_almost_equal(img_out, img_in)
Exemple #24
            # Import picture
            ihc_rgb = data.imread(file_path)

            # Normalized optical density matrix
            # Hematoxylin(0), Red(1), DAB(2)
            rgb_from_hrd = np.array([[0.644, 0.710, 0.285],
                                     [0.0326, 0.873, 0.487],
                                     [0.270, 0.562, 0.781]])
            # conv_matrix
            hrd_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_hrd)

            hrd_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_hrd)

            # Stain space conversion
            ihc_hrd = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)
            # Rescale signals
            # [:, :, 012 color]
            dab_rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_hrd[:, :, 2], out_range=(0, 1))
            dab_array = np.dstack(
                (np.zeros_like(dab_rescale), dab_rescale, dab_rescale))

            # Blob detection
            image2d = rgb2grey(dab_array)

            blobs_DoG_DAB = blob_dog(image2d,
Exemple #25
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = self.img_rgb
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(conv), img_rgb)
def deconv_ihc(image):
    ihc_hdx = separate_stains(image, hdx_from_rgb)
    return ihc_hdx[:, :, 0], ihc_hdx[:, :, 1], ihc_hdx[:, :, 2]
 def test_bro_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import bro_from_rgb, rgb_from_bro
     img_in = img_as_ubyte(self.img_stains)
     img_out = combine_stains(img_in, rgb_from_bro)
     img_out = separate_stains(img_out, bro_from_rgb)
     assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(img_out), img_in)
Exemple #28
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = self.img_rgb
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     assert_equal(img_as_ubyte(conv), img_rgb)
def RunScript():

    # Color deconvolution
    # Normalized optical density matrix
    # see Ruifrok AC, Johnston DA. Quantification of histological staining by color deconvolution.
    # R      G      B
    # X      X      X   Hematoxylin(0)
    # X      X      X   Red(1)
    # X      X      X   DAB(2)
    # Hematoxylin(0), Red(1), DAB(2)
    rgb_from_hrd = np.array([[0.644, 0.710, 0.285],
                             [0.0326, 0.873, 0.487],
                             [0.270, 0.562, 0.781]])
    # conv_matrix
    hrd_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_hrd)

    # Import picture
    #ihc_rgb = imread(r'TestImage.jpg')
    ihc_rgb = imread(r'TimedRunImage.jpg')

    # Rescale signals so that intensity ranges from 0 to 1
    # ihc_hrd[:, :, (0,1, or 2 -- is the color channel)]
    def stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_xyz, channel):
        rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_xyz[:, :, channel], out_range=(0, 1))
        stain_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(rescale), rescale, rescale))
        grey_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)

        return grey_array

    # Stain space conversion
    ihc_hrd = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)

    DAB_Grey_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 2)
    Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 0)
    permRed_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 1)

    # Get markers for random walk
    def get_markers(grey_array, bottom_thresh, top_thresh):
        markers = np.zeros_like(grey_array)
        markers[grey_array < bottom_thresh] = 1
        markers[grey_array > top_thresh] = 2

        return markers

    # perform Random Walker, fills in positive regions
    DAB_segmentation = random_walker(DAB_Grey_Array, get_markers(DAB_Grey_Array, .3, .5), beta=130, mode='cg')
    Hema_segmentation = random_walker(Hema_Gray_Array, get_markers(Hema_Gray_Array, .2, .4), beta=130, mode='cg')
    permRed_segmentation = random_walker(permRed_Gray_Array, get_markers(permRed_Gray_Array, .4, .5), beta=130, mode='cg')


    print(20 *'-')
    print(' ')

    '''Compute and Output'''
    # Compute and output percentages of pixels stained by each chromagen
    pic_dimensions = np.shape(DAB_segmentation)  # both arrays same shape
    total_pixels = pic_dimensions[0] * pic_dimensions[1]

    # change negative pixel values from 1 -> 0, positives 2 -> 1
    subtrahend_array = np.ones_like(DAB_segmentation)
    DAB_segmentation = np.subtract(DAB_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    Hema_segmentation = np.subtract(Hema_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    permRed_segmentation = np.subtract(permRed_segmentation, subtrahend_array)

    # count positive pixels
    DAB_pixels = np.count_nonzero(DAB_segmentation)
    Hema_pixels = np.count_nonzero(Hema_segmentation)
    red_pixels = np.count_nonzero(permRed_segmentation)

    DAB_coverage_percent = (round((DAB_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by DAB is: " + str(DAB_coverage_percent) + "%")

    Hema_coverage_percent = (round((Hema_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by Hematoxylin is: " + str(Hema_coverage_percent) + "%")

    total_cell_array = np.add(DAB_segmentation, Hema_segmentation)
    total_cell_pixels = np.count_nonzero(total_cell_array)

    total_cell_percent = (round((total_cell_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by DAB & Hematoxylin is: " + str(total_cell_percent) + "%")

    percent_pos_cells = (round((DAB_pixels / total_cell_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of CD3+ cells out of the total number of cells is: " + str(percent_pos_cells) + "%")

    PercentPos = percent_pos_cells

    if PercentPos >= 81:
        print('Proportion Score: 5')
        proportion_score = 5
    elif PercentPos >= 61:
        print('Proportion Score: 4')
        proportion_score = 4
    elif PercentPos >= 41:
        print('Proportion Score: 3')
        proportion_score = 3
    elif PercentPos >= 21:
        print('Proportion Score: 2')
        proportion_score = 2
    elif PercentPos >= 5:
        print('Proportion Score: 1')
        proportion_score = 1
    elif PercentPos >= 0:
        print('Proportion Score: 0')
        proportion_score = 0
        print('error, proportion score below zero?')
        proportion_score = -1

    # Cytokines
    print(" ")

    Red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by cytokines is: " + str(Red_coverage_percent) + "%")

    red_plus_total_array = np.add(total_cell_array, permRed_segmentation)
    red_plus_total_pixels = np.count_nonzero(red_plus_total_array)

    adjusted_red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / red_plus_total_pixels * 100), 1))

    print("The percentage of the area covered by cytokines, with non-cellular regions subtracted is: " + str(
        adjusted_red_coverage_percent) + "%")


    # Plot images
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 11))
    # ax0 = axes.ravel()
    ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes.ravel()

    ax0.imshow(ihc_rgb, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax1.imshow(DAB_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax2.imshow(permRed_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax2.set_title("Permanent Red")

    ax3.imshow(Hema_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    for ax in axes.ravel():

    fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)
def process_4x(image_filename):
    Process widefield images, returning a coloured image
    containing segmentations of inflammatory areas and veins.

    # Read in the image
    image = transform.rescale(io.imread(image_filename), 0.25)

    # Deconvolve the image
    heu = color.separate_stains(
        image, np.linalg.inv(colour_deconv_matrix)).astype(float)


    # Apply CLAHE
    equalised_hist = exposure.equalize_adapthist(exposure.rescale_intensity(
        heu[:, :, 1], out_range=(0, 1)),

    # Blur
    blurred = filters.gaussian(equalised_hist, 5)

    # Sigmoid transform for contrast
    contrast = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(blurred, cutoff=0.6)

    # Take an adaptive threshold
    thresholded = filters.threshold_adaptive(contrast, 75, offset=-0.12)

    # Remove small connected components
    cleaned = morphology.remove_small_objects(thresholded, 250)

    # Enlarge areas
    enlarged = maximum_filter(cleaned, 11)

    # Binary closing
    inflammation = morphology.closing(enlarged, morphology.disk(15))

    # VEINS

    # How stained by eosin is each individual pixel ?
    unstained = heu[:, :, 2] / heu[:, :, 0]

    # Blur
    blurred = filters.gaussian(unstained, 11)

    # Thresholded
    thresholded = filters.threshold_adaptive(blurred, 251, offset=-0.13)

    # Morphlogical closing
    closed = morphology.binary_closing(thresholded, morphology.disk(25))

    # Remove small connected components
    veins = morphology.remove_small_objects(closed, 200)

    # Inflammation in blue, veins in green
    coloured = np.zeros_like(heu)
    coloured[:, :, 1] = veins
    coloured[:, :, 2] = inflammation

    return coloured
# Rescale signals so that intensity ranges from 0 to 1
# ihc_hrd[:, :, (0,1, or 2 -- is the color channel)]
def stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_xyz, channel):
    #rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_xyz[:, :, channel], out_range=(0,1))
    #stain_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(rescale), rescale, rescale))

    #try to not reverse engineer rescale right now
    stain_array = ihc_xyz[:, :, channel]
    gray_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)
    return gray_array

#Stain space conversion
source_ihc_hrd = separate_stains(source_ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)
target_ihc_hrd = separate_stains(target_ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)

source_Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(source_ihc_hrd, 0)
source_red_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(source_ihc_hrd, 1)
source_DAB_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(source_ihc_hrd, 2)

target_Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 0)
target_red_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 1)
target_DAB_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(target_ihc_hrd, 2)

def get_stats(input_1D_array):
    mean = np.mean(input_1D_array)
Exemple #32
 #print grayscale_img_matrix,grayscale_img_matrix.shape;
 #print rgb_img_matrix,rgb_img_matrix.shape;
 grayscale_patch_mean = np.mean(grayscale_img_matrix)
 grayscale_patch_std = np.std(grayscale_img_matrix)
 grayscale_patch_10th_percentile = np.percentile(
     grayscale_img_matrix, 10)
 grayscale_patch_25th_percentile = np.percentile(
     grayscale_img_matrix, 25)
 grayscale_patch_50th_percentile = np.percentile(
     grayscale_img_matrix, 50)
 grayscale_patch_75th_percentile = np.percentile(
     grayscale_img_matrix, 75)
 grayscale_patch_90th_percentile = np.percentile(
     grayscale_img_matrix, 90)
 hed_title_img = separate_stains(rgb_img_matrix, hed_from_rgb)
 Hematoxylin_img_matrix = [[0 for x in range(patch_size)]
                           for y in range(patch_size)]
 for index1, row in enumerate(hed_title_img):
     for index2, pixel in enumerate(row):
         Hematoxylin_img_matrix[index1][index2] = pixel[0]
 Hematoxylin_patch_mean = np.mean(Hematoxylin_img_matrix)
 Hematoxylin_patch_std = np.std(Hematoxylin_img_matrix)
 Hematoxylin_patch_10th_percentile = np.percentile(
     Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 10)
 Hematoxylin_patch_25th_percentile = np.percentile(
     Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 25)
 Hematoxylin_patch_50th_percentile = np.percentile(
     Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 50)
 Hematoxylin_patch_75th_percentile = np.percentile(
     Hematoxylin_img_matrix, 75)
Exemple #33
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     assert_array_almost_equal(conv, img_rgb)
#Color deconvolution
#DAB and perm red(1)
rgb_from_drx = np.array([[0.270, 0.562, 0.781],
                         [0.0326, 0.873, 0.487],
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
rgb_from_drx[2, :] = np.cross(rgb_from_drx[0, :], rgb_from_drx[1, :])
drx_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_drx)

#Import picture
ihc_rgb = data.imread(r'TestImage.jpg')

#Stain space conversion
#ihc_hax = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, hax_from_rgb)
ihc_drx = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, drx_from_rgb)

#Rescale signals? - might help, might not
#[:, :, 012 color]
permred_rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_drx[:, :, 1], out_range=(0, 1))
permred_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(permred_rescale), permred_rescale, permred_rescale))

#Blob detection
image2d = rgb2grey(permred_array)

blobs_dog = blob_dog(image2d, min_sigma=1, max_sigma=40, threshold=.5, overlap=0.1)
blobs_dog[:, 2] = blobs_dog[:, 2] * sqrt(2)
def random_walk_segmentation(input_image, output_folder):

    input_image = imread(input_image)
    ihc_hrd = separate_stains(input_image, hrd_from_rgb)

    DAB_Grey_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 2)
    Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 0)
    GBIred_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 1)

    #Perform Random Walker, fills in positive regions
    DAB_segmentation = random_walker(DAB_Grey_Array, get_markers(DAB_Grey_Array, .3, .5), beta=130, mode='cg_mg')
    Hema_segmentation = random_walker(Hema_Gray_Array, get_markers(Hema_Gray_Array, .2, .4), beta=130, mode='cg_mg')
    GBIred_segmentation = random_walker(GBIred_Gray_Array, get_markers(GBIred_Gray_Array, .4, .5), beta=130,

    '''Compute and Output'''
    #Compute and output percentages of pixels stained by each chromagen
    pic_dimensions = np.shape(DAB_segmentation)  # both arrays same shape
    total_pixels = pic_dimensions[0] * pic_dimensions[1]

    #Change negative pixel values from 1 -> 0, positives 2 -> 1
    subtrahend_array = np.ones_like(DAB_segmentation)
    DAB_segmentation = np.subtract(DAB_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    Hema_segmentation = np.subtract(Hema_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    GBIred_segmentation = np.subtract(GBIred_segmentation, subtrahend_array)

    #Count positive pixels
    DAB_pixels = np.count_nonzero(DAB_segmentation)
    Hema_pixels = np.count_nonzero(Hema_segmentation)
    red_pixels = np.count_nonzero(GBIred_segmentation)

    #Percent of image covered by positive staining
    DAB_coverage_percent = (round((DAB_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    Hema_coverage_percent = (round((Hema_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    #An overlay of the DAB and Hematoxylin segmented images, for total cellular area
    total_cell_array = np.add(DAB_segmentation, Hema_segmentation)
    #Number of pixels covered by cellular area
    total_cell_pixels = np.count_nonzero(total_cell_array)

    #Percent of image covered by cellular area (DAB OR Hematoxylin)
    total_cell_percent = (round((total_cell_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    #The percentage of DAB/CD3+ cells out of the total number of cells
    percent_pos_cells = (round((DAB_pixels / total_cell_pixels * 100), 1))

    #The percentage of the image covered by cytokines
    Red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))

    red_plus_total_array = np.add(total_cell_array, GBIred_segmentation)
    red_plus_total_pixels = np.count_nonzero(red_plus_total_array)

    #The percentage of the area covered by cytokines, with non-cellular regions subtracted
    adjusted_red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / red_plus_total_pixels * 100), 1))

    # Plot images
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 11))
    ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes.ravel()

    ax0.imshow(input_image, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax1.imshow(DAB_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax2.imshow(GBIred_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax2.set_title("GBI red")

    ax3.imshow(Hema_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    for ax in axes.ravel():

    fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)

    output_filename = 'output' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    plt.savefig(output_folder + output_filename)

    #do a save csv here, maybe delete return statement after this comment

    return output_filename#, DAB_coverage_percent, Hema_coverage_percent, total_cell_percent, percent_pos_cells, Red_coverage_percent, adjusted_red_coverage_percent
Exemple #36
def RunScript():

    # Color deconvolution
    # Normalized optical density matrix
    # see Ruifrok AC, Johnston DA. Quantification of histological staining by color deconvolution.
    # R      G      B
    # X      X      X   Hematoxylin(0)
    # X      X      X   Red(1)
    # X      X      X   DAB(2)
    # Hematoxylin(0), Red(1), DAB(2)
    rgb_from_hrd = np.array([[0.644, 0.710, 0.285], [0.0326, 0.873, 0.487],
                             [0.270, 0.562, 0.781]])
    # conv_matrix
    hrd_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_hrd)

    # Import picture
    #ihc_rgb = imread(r'TestImage.jpg')
    ihc_rgb = imread(r'TimedRunImage.jpg')

    # Rescale signals so that intensity ranges from 0 to 1
    # ihc_hrd[:, :, (0,1, or 2 -- is the color channel)]
    def stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_xyz, channel):
        rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_xyz[:, :, channel], out_range=(0, 1))
        stain_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(rescale), rescale, rescale))
        grey_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)

        return grey_array

    # Stain space conversion
    ihc_hrd = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)

    DAB_Grey_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 2)
    Hema_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 0)
    permRed_Gray_Array = stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_hrd, 1)

    # Get markers for random walk
    def get_markers(grey_array, bottom_thresh, top_thresh):
        markers = np.zeros_like(grey_array)
        markers[grey_array < bottom_thresh] = 1
        markers[grey_array > top_thresh] = 2

        return markers

    # perform Random Walker, fills in positive regions
    DAB_segmentation = random_walker(DAB_Grey_Array,
                                     get_markers(DAB_Grey_Array, .3, .5),
    Hema_segmentation = random_walker(Hema_Gray_Array,
                                      get_markers(Hema_Gray_Array, .2, .4),
    permRed_segmentation = random_walker(permRed_Gray_Array,
                                         get_markers(permRed_Gray_Array, .4,

    print(20 * '-')
    print(' ')
    '''Compute and Output'''
    # Compute and output percentages of pixels stained by each chromagen
    pic_dimensions = np.shape(DAB_segmentation)  # both arrays same shape
    total_pixels = pic_dimensions[0] * pic_dimensions[1]

    # change negative pixel values from 1 -> 0, positives 2 -> 1
    subtrahend_array = np.ones_like(DAB_segmentation)
    DAB_segmentation = np.subtract(DAB_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    Hema_segmentation = np.subtract(Hema_segmentation, subtrahend_array)
    permRed_segmentation = np.subtract(permRed_segmentation, subtrahend_array)

    # count positive pixels
    DAB_pixels = np.count_nonzero(DAB_segmentation)
    Hema_pixels = np.count_nonzero(Hema_segmentation)
    red_pixels = np.count_nonzero(permRed_segmentation)

    DAB_coverage_percent = (round((DAB_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by DAB is: " +
          str(DAB_coverage_percent) + "%")

    Hema_coverage_percent = (round((Hema_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by Hematoxylin is: " +
          str(Hema_coverage_percent) + "%")

    total_cell_array = np.add(DAB_segmentation, Hema_segmentation)
    total_cell_pixels = np.count_nonzero(total_cell_array)

    total_cell_percent = (round((total_cell_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by DAB & Hematoxylin is: " +
          str(total_cell_percent) + "%")

    percent_pos_cells = (round((DAB_pixels / total_cell_pixels * 100), 1))
        "The percentage of CD3+ cells out of the total number of cells is: " +
        str(percent_pos_cells) + "%")

    PercentPos = percent_pos_cells
    if PercentPos >= 81:
        print('Proportion Score: 5')
        proportion_score = 5
    elif PercentPos >= 61:
        print('Proportion Score: 4')
        proportion_score = 4
    elif PercentPos >= 41:
        print('Proportion Score: 3')
        proportion_score = 3
    elif PercentPos >= 21:
        print('Proportion Score: 2')
        proportion_score = 2
    elif PercentPos >= 5:
        print('Proportion Score: 1')
        proportion_score = 1
    elif PercentPos >= 0:
        print('Proportion Score: 0')
        proportion_score = 0
        print('error, proportion score below zero?')
        proportion_score = -1

    # Cytokines
    print(" ")

    Red_coverage_percent = (round((red_pixels / total_pixels * 100), 1))
    print("The percentage of the image covered by cytokines is: " +
          str(Red_coverage_percent) + "%")

    red_plus_total_array = np.add(total_cell_array, permRed_segmentation)
    red_plus_total_pixels = np.count_nonzero(red_plus_total_array)

    adjusted_red_coverage_percent = (round(
        (red_pixels / red_plus_total_pixels * 100), 1))

        "The percentage of the area covered by cytokines, with non-cellular regions subtracted is: "
        + str(adjusted_red_coverage_percent) + "%")

    # Plot images
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 11))
    # ax0 = axes.ravel()
    ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes.ravel()

    ax0.imshow(ihc_rgb, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax1.imshow(DAB_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')

    ax2.imshow(permRed_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
    ax2.set_title("Permanent Red")

    ax3.imshow(Hema_segmentation, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

    for ax in axes.ravel():

Exemple #37
 def test_hdx_rgb_roundtrip_float(self):
     from skimage.color.colorconv import hdx_from_rgb, rgb_from_hdx
     img_rgb = img_as_float(self.img_rgb)
     conv = combine_stains(separate_stains(img_rgb, hdx_from_rgb),
     assert_array_almost_equal(conv, img_rgb)
# <codecell>

A = io.imread("../data/" + l[5])

# <codecell>

#B = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(filter.gaussian_filter(A[:, :, 0], 19), cutoff=.45, gain=15)

B = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(
            out_range=(0, 1))[:, :, 1], 
    cutoff=.35, gain=20)

# <codecell>

#b = morphology.remove_small_objects(filter.threshold_adaptive(filter.gaussian_filter(exposure.adjust_sigmoid(A[:,:,1]), 31), 501, offset=-0.05), 2000)

C = morphology.remove_small_objects(
    filter.threshold_adaptive(B, 301, offset=-0.025), 
#io.imshow(morphology.binary_closing(np.logical_or(morphology.binary_dilation(C, morphology.disk(11)), b), morphology.disk(31)))
Exemple #39
graies = [(rgb2gray(np.average(image[labels == i], axis=0)), i) for i in xrange(cluster_num)]


nuclei__ = np.zeros((w, h))

nuclei__[labels == graies[0][1]] = 1

image___ = np.copy(image)

image___[labels == graies[1][1]] = 255

image___[labels == graies[2][1]] = 255

hematoxylin_ = separate_stains(image_, conv_matrix)[:, :, 0]

hematoxylin__ = separate_stains(image__, conv_matrix)[:, :, 0]

hematoxylin___ = separate_stains(image___, conv_matrix)[:, :, 0]

# opened_ = opening(hematoxylin_, disk(int(sys.argv[2])))
# opened__ = opening(hematoxylin__, disk(int(sys.argv[2])))

cleared = clear_border(nuclei)

cleared_ = clear_border(nuclei_)

cleared__ = clear_border(nuclei__)

    # Inflammatory focus count

    qstain = np.array([[.26451728, .5205347, .81183386], [.9199094, .29797825, .25489032], [.28947765, .80015373, .5253158]])

    deconv = ski.img_as_float(color.separate_stains(transform.rescale(A, 0.25), np.linalg.inv(qstain)))

    subveins1 = \
                deconv[:, :, 2] / deconv[:, :, 0],
            250, offset = -0.13),

    subveins2 = \
from skimage.segmentation import random_walker
from skimage import morphology
from skimage.filters import sobel

#ihc_rgb = imread(r'C:\Users\griffin\Desktop\MicroDeconvolution\TestingScripts\SamplePics\SK108 3554 28_1_CD3_IL10_Set 1_20X_Take 1.jpg')
ihc_rgb = imread(r'TestImage.jpg')

# Color deconvolution
# Hematoxylin(0) & DAB(2)
rgb_from_hrd = np.array([[0.65, 0.70, 0.29],
                         [0.1, 0.95, 0.95],
                         [0.27, 0.57, 0.78]])
hrd_from_rgb = linalg.inv(rgb_from_hrd)

# Stain space conversion
ihc_hrd = separate_stains(ihc_rgb, hrd_from_rgb)

# Rescale signals so that intensity ranges from 0 to 1
# ihc_hrd[:, :, (0,1, or 2 -- is the color channel)]
def stainspace2array(ihc_xyz, channel):
    rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_xyz[:, :, channel], out_range=(0,1))
    stain_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(rescale), rescale, rescale))
    grey_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)

    return grey_array

DAB_Grey_Array = stainspace2array(ihc_hrd, 2)
Hema_Grey_Array = stainspace2array(ihc_hrd, 0)
red_Grey_Array = stainspace2array(ihc_hrd, 1)
Exemple #42
 def setUp(self):
     self.rgb = misc.imread(
         os.path.join(curdir, "../immunopy/image/hdab256.tif"))
     self.hdx = color.separate_stains(self.rgb, color.hdx_from_rgb)
     self.hem = self.hdx[:,:,0]
     self.dab = self.hdx[:,:,1]