Exemple #1
def enhance_ridges(frame, mask=None):
    """Detect ridges (larger hessian eigenvalue)"""
    blurred = filters.gaussian_filter(frame, 2)
    Hxx, Hxy, Hyy = feature.hessian_matrix(blurred, sigma=4.5, mode="nearest")
    ridges = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)[0]

    return np.abs(ridges)
Exemple #2
def enhance_ridges(frame):
    """A ridge detection filter (larger hessian eigenvalue)"""
    blurred = filters.gaussian_filter(frame, 2)
    sigma = 4.5
    Hxx, Hxy, Hyy = feature.hessian_matrix(blurred, sigma=sigma, mode='nearest')
    ridges = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)[0]
    return np.abs(ridges)
Exemple #3
def multiscale_seed_sequence(prob, l1_threshold=0, grid_density=10):
    npoints = ((prob.shape[1] // grid_density) *
               (prob.shape[2] // grid_density))
    seeds = np.zeros(prob.shape, dtype=int)
    for seed, p in zip(seeds, prob):
        hm = feature.hessian_matrix(p, sigma=3)
        l1, l2 = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(*hm)
        curvy = (l1 > l1_threshold)
        seed[:] = multiscale_regular_seeds(curvy, npoints)
    return seeds
Exemple #4
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals():
    square = np.zeros((5, 5))
    square[2, 2] = 1
    Hxx, Hxy, Hyy = hessian_matrix(square, sigma=0.1)
    l1, l2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)
        l1, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
        l2, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
Exemple #5
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals():
    square = np.zeros((5, 5))
    square[2, 2] = 4
    Hrr, Hrc, Hcc = hessian_matrix(square, sigma=0.1, order='rc')
    l1, l2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr, Hrc, Hcc)
    assert_almost_equal(l1, np.array([[0, 0,  2, 0, 0],
                                      [0, 1,  0, 1, 0],
                                      [2, 0, -2, 0, 2],
                                      [0, 1,  0, 1, 0],
                                      [0, 0,  2, 0, 0]]))
    assert_almost_equal(l2, np.array([[0,  0,  0,  0, 0],
                                      [0, -1,  0, -1, 0],
                                      [0,  0, -2,  0, 0],
                                      [0, -1,  0, -1, 0],
                                      [0,  0,  0,  0, 0]]))
def _features_sigma(img, sigma, intensity=True, edges=True, texture=True):
    """Features for a single value of the Gaussian blurring parameter ``sigma``
    features = []
    img_blur = filters.gaussian(img, sigma)
    if intensity:
    if edges:
    if texture:
        H_elems = [
            np.gradient(np.gradient(img_blur)[ax0], axis=ax1)
            for ax0, ax1 in combinations_with_replacement(range(img.ndim), 2)
        eigvals = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_elems)
        for eigval_mat in eigvals:
    return features
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals_3d(im3d):
    H = hessian_matrix(im3d)
    E = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H)
    # test descending order:
    e0, e1, e2 = E
    assert np.all(e0 >= e1) and np.all(e1 >= e2)

    E0, E1, E2 = E[:, E.shape[1] // 2]  # cross section
    row_center, col_center = np.array(E0.shape) // 2
    circles = [draw.circle_perimeter(row_center, col_center, radius,
               for radius in range(1, E0.shape[1] // 2 - 1)]
    response0 = np.array([np.mean(E0[c]) for c in circles])
    response2 = np.array([np.mean(E2[c]) for c in circles])
    # eigenvalues are negative just inside the sphere, positive just outside
    assert np.argmin(response2) < np.argmax(response0)
    assert np.min(response2) < 0
    assert np.max(response0) > 0
Exemple #8
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals_3d(im3d):
    H = hessian_matrix(im3d)
    E = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H)
    # test descending order:
    e0, e1, e2 = E
    assert np.all(e0 >= e1) and np.all(e1 >= e2)

    E0, E1, E2 = E[:, E.shape[1] // 2]  # cross section
    row_center, col_center = np.array(E0.shape) // 2
    circles = [draw.circle_perimeter(row_center, col_center, radius,
               for radius in range(1, E0.shape[1] // 2 - 1)]
    response0 = np.array([np.mean(E0[c]) for c in circles])
    response2 = np.array([np.mean(E2[c]) for c in circles])
    # eigenvalues are negative just inside the sphere, positive just outside
    assert np.argmin(response2) < np.argmax(response0)
    assert np.min(response2) < 0
    assert np.max(response0) > 0
Exemple #9
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals(dtype):
    square = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=dtype)
    square[2, 2] = 4
    H = hessian_matrix(square,
    l1, l2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H)
    out_dtype = _supported_float_type(dtype)
    assert all(a.dtype == out_dtype for a in (l1, l2))
        np.array([[0, 0, 2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [2, 0, -2, 0, 2],
                  [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0]]))
        np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -2, 0, 0],
                  [0, -1, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]))
Exemple #10
def eigValues(sigmas, flat_nodule):
    #já não é preciso fazer o filtro gaussiano porque esta função faz
    #(Hrr, Hrc, Hcc) = hessian_matrix(flat_nodule, sigma=sigma, order='rc')
    #eigValues = hessian_matrix_eigvals((Hrr, Hrc, Hcc))
    eigValues = []
    h_elem_aux = []
    h_elem_max = ()

    for s in sigmas:
        #já não é preciso fazer o filtro gaussiano porque esta função faz
        #para os vários sigmas usados vamos guardar apenas o tuplo com os maiores valores de hrr, hrc, hcc
        (Hrr, Hrc, Hcc) = hessian_matrix(flat_nodule, sigma=s, order='rc')
        h_elem_aux.append((Hrr, Hrc, Hcc))

    for i in range(len(h_elem_aux) - 1):
        h_elem_max = np.maximum(h_elem_aux[i], h_elem_aux[i + 1])

    eigValues = hessian_matrix_eigvals(h_elem_max)
    return eigValues
Exemple #11
def maskedVesselSegmentation(array):
    image, binary = boneSegmentation(array, [1, 300])
    kernel = np.ones((4, 4), np.float32) / 16
    img = np.squeeze(np.uint8(binary))
    img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel)
    img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    img = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    img = frangi(img)
    hxx, hxy, hyy = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=3)
    i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    img = i2 / abs(i2.max())
    img = np.squeeze(np.uint8(img))
    threshold = img.max() - img.mean()
    img = np.squeeze(np.uint8(img))
    img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    img = np.squeeze(np.uint8(img))
    img = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    threshold = img.max() - img.mean()
    image = np.where((img > threshold), 255, 0)
    return (image)
def process_image(img):
    """Process the image using Hessian filters."""
    # img_orig = color.rgb2gray(img_orig)
    img = color.rgb2gray(img_orig)

    # Image is largest eigenvalue of Hessian.
    hxx, hxy, hyy = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=3, order="rc")
    i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    Z = i1
    border = 12
    Z = Z[border:-border, border:-border]

    # Binarize the image.
    thresh = threshold_otsu(Z)
    alpha = 1
    Z = np.abs(Z)
    img_ = img[border:-border, border:-border]

    thresh = threshold_otsu(Z)
    Z_ = Z > thresh
    return Z, Z_
Exemple #13
def ridge_detection(img_pro, folder_pos, conf):
    img_cv2 = np.uint8(img_pro * 255.0)
    img_cv2[img_cv2 >= conf['rd_b_t']] = 255
    Hxx, Hxy, Hyy = hessian_matrix(img_cv2,
    i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)

    i1[i1 <= conf['rd_threshold']] = 0.0
    i1[i1 >= conf['rd_threshold']] = 1.0

    pr = np.uint8(i1 * 255.0)
    kernel = np.ones((conf['rd_kernel_size'], conf['rd_kernel_size']),
    pr = cv2.erode(pr, kernel, iterations=1) / 255.0

    base_fn = os.path.join(folder_pos, 'base.png')
    base_pr = 1.0 - cv2.imread(base_fn, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) / 255.0
    pr = np.maximum(pr, base_pr)
    output = pr2tensor(pr)

    return output
Exemple #14
def test_hessian_matrix_eigvals_3d(im3d, dtype):
    im3d = im3d.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    H = hessian_matrix(im3d, use_gaussian_derivatives=False)
    E = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H)
    out_dtype = _supported_float_type(dtype)
    assert all(a.dtype == out_dtype for a in E)

    # test descending order:
    e0, e1, e2 = E
    assert np.all(e0 >= e1) and np.all(e1 >= e2)

    E0, E1, E2 = E[:, E.shape[1] // 2]  # cross section
    row_center, col_center = np.array(E0.shape) // 2
    circles = [
        draw.circle_perimeter(row_center, col_center, radius, shape=E0.shape)
        for radius in range(1, E0.shape[1] // 2 - 1)
    response0 = np.array([np.mean(E0[c]) for c in circles])
    response2 = np.array([np.mean(E2[c]) for c in circles])
    # eigenvalues are negative just inside the sphere, positive just outside
    assert np.argmin(response2) < np.argmax(response0)
    assert np.min(response2) < 0
    assert np.max(response0) > 0
def build_gradient(img, scale=0.15, delta=0, method='Scharr'):
    clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8))

    if method == 'Sobel':
        grad_x = cv2.Sobel(img,
        grad_y = cv2.Sobel(img,
        abs_grad_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
        abs_grad_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)
        grad = cv2.addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0)
        grad = gradient_normalize(grad, q=0.001)
    elif method == 'Gauss':
        sigma = 1
        sze = np.fix(6 * sigma)
        gauss = gaussian_kernel_1d(sigma, 0,
                                   np.int(sze) // 2)
        second = gaussian_kernel_1d(sigma, 2,
                                    np.int(sze) // 2)
        Gxx = (gauss.T * second)  #[:, :, np.newaxis]
        Gyy = (gauss * second.T)  #[:, :, np.newaxis]
        grad_x = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, Gxx)
        grad_y = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, Gyy)
        abs_grad_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
        abs_grad_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)
        grad = cv2.addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0)
        grad = gradient_normalize(grad, q=0.001)
    elif method == 'Laplacian':
        grad = cv2.Laplacian(img, cv2.CV_32F, ksize=3)
    elif method == 'Canny':
        grad = cv2.Canny(img.astype('uint8'), 125, 125)
    elif method == 'Ridge':
        H_elems = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=1 - scale, order='rc')
        maxima_ridges, minima_ridges = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_elems)
        grad = minima_ridges
        grad = 255 - gradient_normalize(grad, q=0.001)
        grad_x = cv2.Scharr(img,
        grad_y = cv2.Scharr(img,
        abs_grad_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
        abs_grad_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)
        grad = cv2.addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0)

    grad = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad)
    grad = grad.astype('uint8')
    grad = clahe.apply(grad)
    grad = grad.astype('float')**2
    grad = grad / grad.max() * 255
    grad = grad.reshape([*grad.shape, 1])

    return grad.astype('uint8')
def computeStructureFeatures(Xdata, isTraining, path):
    path = path + '/structFeatures'
    print("\nComputing: All Structure Features")
    print("is Training? %r" %isTraining)
    start = time.time()
    # Separate color channel
    RChannel = Xdata[:,:,0]
    GChannel = Xdata[:,:,1]
    BChannel = Xdata[:,:,2]
    # Calculate Laplacian of Gaussian (sigma = 1.6)
    print("Computing: Laplacian of Gaussian")
    gaussianLF_R = gaussian_laplace(RChannel, 1.6)
    gaussianLF_G = gaussian_laplace(GChannel, 1.6)
    gaussianLF_B = gaussian_laplace(BChannel, 1.6)
    gaussianLF = np.dstack((gaussianLF_R, gaussianLF_G, gaussianLF_B))
    gaussianLF = np.resize(gaussianLF, 
                             (gaussianLF.shape[0]*gaussianLF.shape[1], gaussianLF.shape[2]))
    end = time.time()
    if (isTraining):
        print("Computed: gaussianLapFeatures_Tr in %f seconds" %(end-start))
#        with open('gaussianLapFeatures_Tr.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(gaussianLF, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/gaussianLapFeatures_Tr.csv", 
#                   gaussianLF, delimiter=",")
        print("Computed: gaussianLapFeatures_Ts in %f seconds" %(end-start))
#        with open('gaussianLapFeatures_Ts.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(gaussianLF, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/gaussianLapFeatures_Ts.csv", 
#                   gaussianLF, delimiter=",")
    # Calculate eigenvalues of structure tensor  (sigma =1.6, 3.5)
    print("Computing: eigenvalues of structure tensor")
    start = time.time()
    Axx_R1, Axy_R1, Ayy_R1 = structure_tensor(RChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    larger_R1, smaller_R1 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_R1, Axy_R1, Ayy_R1)
    Axx_R2, Axy_R2, Ayy_R2 = structure_tensor(RChannel, sigma = 3.5)
    larger_R2, smaller_R2 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_R2, Axy_R2, Ayy_R2)
    Axx_G1, Axy_G1, Ayy_G1 = structure_tensor(GChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    larger_G1, smaller_G1 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_G1, Axy_G1, Ayy_G1)
    Axx_G2, Axy_G2, Ayy_G2 = structure_tensor(GChannel, sigma = 3.5)
    larger_G2, smaller_G2 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_G2, Axy_G2, Ayy_G2)
    Axx_B1, Axy_B1, Ayy_B1 = structure_tensor(BChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    larger_B1, smaller_B1 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_B1, Axy_B1, Ayy_B1)
    Axx_B2, Axy_B2, Ayy_B2 = structure_tensor(BChannel, sigma = 3.5)
    larger_B2, smaller_B2 = structure_tensor_eigvals(Axx_B2, Axy_B2, Ayy_B2)
    eigenST = np.dstack((larger_R1, smaller_R1, larger_R2, smaller_R2, 
                              larger_G1, smaller_G1, larger_G2, smaller_G2, 
                              larger_B1, smaller_B1, larger_B2, smaller_B2))
    eigenST = np.resize(eigenST, 
                             (eigenST.shape[0]*eigenST.shape[1], eigenST.shape[2]))
    end = time.time()
    if (isTraining):
        print("Computed: eigenStructFeatures_Tr in %f seconds" %(end-start))
#        with open('eigenStructFeatures_Tr.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(eigenST, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/eigenStructFeatures_Tr.csv", 
#                   eigenST, delimiter=",")
        print ("Computed: eigenStructFeatures_Ts in %f seconds" %(end-start))        
#        with open('eigenStructFeatures_Ts.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(eigenST, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/eigenStructFeatures_Ts.csv", 
#                   eigenST, delimiter=",")
    # Calculate eigenvalues of Hessian matrix
    print("Computing: eigenvalues of Hessian matrix")
    start = time.time()
    Hrr_R1, Hrc_R1, Hcc_R1 = hessian_matrix(RChannel, sigma = 1.6, order='rc')
    larger_R1, smaller_R1 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_R1, Hrc_R1, Hcc_R1)
    Hrr_R2, Hrc_R2, Hcc_R2 = hessian_matrix(RChannel, sigma = 3.5, order='rc')
    larger_R2, smaller_R2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_R2, Hrc_R2, Hcc_R2)
    Hrr_G1, Hrc_G1, Hcc_G1 = hessian_matrix(GChannel, sigma = 1.6, order='rc')
    larger_G1, smaller_G1 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_G1, Hrc_G1, Hcc_G1)
    Hrr_G2, Hrc_G2, Hcc_G2 = hessian_matrix(GChannel, sigma = 3.5, order='rc')
    larger_G2, smaller_G2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_G2, Hrc_G2, Hcc_G2)
    Hrr_B1, Hrc_B1, Hcc_B1 = hessian_matrix(BChannel, sigma = 1.6, order='rc')
    larger_B1, smaller_B1 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_B1, Hrc_B1, Hcc_B1)
    Hrr_B2, Hrc_B2, Hcc_B2 = hessian_matrix(BChannel, sigma = 3.5, order='rc')
    larger_B2, smaller_B2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hrr_B2, Hrc_B2, Hcc_B2)
    eigenHess = np.dstack((larger_R1, smaller_R1, larger_R2, smaller_R2,
                                larger_G1, smaller_G1, larger_G2, smaller_G2,
                                larger_B1, smaller_B1, larger_B2, smaller_B2))
    eigenHess = np.resize(eigenHess, 
                             (eigenHess.shape[0]*eigenHess.shape[1], eigenHess.shape[2]))
    end = time.time()
    if (isTraining):
        print("Computed: eigenHessFeatures_Tr in %f seconds" % (end-start))
#        with open('eigenHessFeatures_Tr.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(eigenHess, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/eigenHessFeatures_Tr.csv", 
#                   eigenHess, delimiter=",")
        print("Computed: eigenHessFeatures_Ts in %f seconds" % (end-start))
#        with open('eigenHessFeatures_Ts.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(eigenHess, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/eigenHessFeatures_Ts.csv", 
#                   eigenHess, delimiter=",")
    # Calculate Gaussian gradient magnitude (sigma = 1.6)
    print("Computing: Gaussian gradient magnitude")
    start = time.time()
    gaussian_grad_R = gaussian_gradient_magnitude(RChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    gaussian_grad_G = gaussian_gradient_magnitude(GChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    gaussian_grad_B = gaussian_gradient_magnitude(BChannel, sigma = 1.6)
    gaussian_grad = np.dstack((gaussian_grad_R, gaussian_grad_G, 
    gaussian_grad = np.resize(gaussian_grad, 
    end = time.time()
    if (isTraining):
        print("Computed: gaussianGradFeatures_Tr in %f seconds" % (end-start))
#        with open('gaussianGradFeatures_Tr.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(gaussian_grad, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/gaussianGradFeatures_Tr.csv", 
#                   gaussian_grad, delimiter=",")
        print("Computed: gaussianGradFeatures_Ts in %f seconds" % (end-start))
#        with open('gaussianGradFeatures_Ts.pkl','wb') as outfile:
#            pickle.dump(gaussian_grad, outfile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
#        np.savetxt("/Users/wuwenjun/GitHub/CSE-577-Melanoma-Nuclei-Segmentation/gaussianGradFeatures_Ts.csv", 
#                   gaussian_grad, delimiter=",")
    All = np.concatenate((gaussianLF, eigenST, eigenHess, gaussian_grad),axis = 1)
    if (isTraining):
        path = path + '_Tr'
        np.savez_compressed(path, data = All)
        print("\nFINISHED: Structure Features for Training data\n")

        path = path + '_Ts'
        np.savez_compressed(path, data = All)
        print("\nFINISHED: Structure Features for Testing data\n")
    def get_lcs(self, to_dataset=True):

         Extract points that sit on the dominant ridges of FTLE 2D data
         A ridge point is defined as a point, where the gradient vector is orthogonal
         to the eigenvector of the smallest (negative) eigenvalue of the Hessian
         matriv (curvature).
         The found points are filtered to extract only points on strong FTLE
         separatrices. Therefore points are only taken, if:

         a) FTLE value is high at the point's position
         b) the negative curvature is high
            - eval_thrsh (str or float, optional): scalar. Selects zones with small Hessian eigenvalue smaller than eval_thrsh. use 'infer' to obtain the threshold from the 95 percentile of the data of the FTLE field.
            - FTLE_thrsh (str or float, optional): scalar. Selects connected areas (with 4 or 8 neighbors) larger than area_thrsh. use 'infer' to obtain the threshold from the 95 percentile of the data of the FTLE field.
            - area_thrsh (float, optional):  scalar. Selects connected areas (with 4 or 8 neighbors) larger than area_thrsh
            - nr_neighb (int, optional): scalar. Connection neighbours (4 or 8)
            - ridge_points (bool, optional): x0,y0 exact ridge poisition if 1. (matrix coordinates)  
            - to_dataset (bool, optional): Logical mask for ridges in the FTLE field LCS_forward and LCS_backward to the outputted dataset.

             Define variables
             eval_thrsh = -0.005;        # Selects zones with small Hessian eigenvalue smaller than eval_thrsh
             FTLE_thrsh = 0.07;          # Selects zones with FTLE larger than FTLE_thrsh
             area_thrsh = 10;            # Selects connected areas (with 4 or 8 neighbors) larger than area_thrsh
             nr_neighb = 8;              # conection neighbours (4 or 8)

            combined_bin: logical mask for ridges in FTLE field
            x0: Positions of points on FTLE ridges
            y0: Positions of points on FTLE ridges

        if 'FTLE_forward' in self.lag_ftle.ds_output.keys():
            ftle = self.lag_ftle.ds_output['FTLE_forward'].fillna(
            m, n = ftle.shape
        elif 'FTLE_backward' in self.lag_ftle.ds_output.keys():
            ftle = self.lag_ftle.ds_output['FTLE_backward'].fillna(
            m, n = ftle.shape

        if self.ftle_thrsh == 'infer':
            self.ftle_thrsh = np.percentile(ftle, 95)

        # Gradient and Hessian matrix (2nd derivatives) from finite differences
        [dy, dx] = np.gradient(ftle)

        # Eigenvalues of Hessian matrix (analytically)
        # EVal = min( 1/2*(a+d) + sqrt(b.*c + 4*(a-d).^2), 1/2*(a+d) - sqrt(b.*c + 4*(a-d).^2) );
        # psu = (a-EVal-c)./(d-EVal-b);
        # Smaller (negative) Eigenvector of Hessian matrix (analytically)
        # EVecx = 1./sqrt(1^2 + psu.^2);
        # EVecy = psu./sqrt(1^2 + psu.^2);

        # Make 2D hessian
        hxx, hxy, hyy = hessian_matrix(ftle, sigma=3)

        i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)

        Lambda2 = np.zeros_like(hxx)
        Lambda1 = np.zeros_like(hxx)
        EVecx = np.zeros_like(hxx)
        EVecy = np.zeros_like(hxx)

        for i in range(0, m):
            for j in range(0, n):
                eigvalue, eigenvec = np.linalg.eigh(
                    np.matrix([[hxx[i, j], hxy[i, j]], [hxy[i, j], hyy[i,
                Lambda2[i, j], Lambda1[i, j], = eigvalue
                EVecx[i, j], EVecy[i, j] = eigenvec[1, 0], eigenvec[1, 1]

        EVal = np.minimum(Lambda2, Lambda1)
        EVal = np.nan_to_num(EVal)

        # Compute the direction of the minor eigenvector
        # Define ridges as zero level lines of inner product
        # of gradient and eigenvector of smaller (negative) eigenvalue
        ridge = EVecx * dx + EVecy * dy

        if self.eval_thrsh == 'infer':
            self.eval_thrsh = np.percentile(EVal, 95)

        # Define filter masks with high negative curvature
        Eval_neg_bin = EVal < self.eval_thrsh

        # High FTLE value
        FTLE_high_bin = ftle > self.ftle_thrsh

        # Combined mask
        combined_bin = FTLE_high_bin * Eval_neg_bin

        # Remove small connected areas in combined mask

        # label areas
        L = label(combined_bin, neighbors=self.nr_neighb)
        # filter mask
        Lmax = L.max()
        for i in range(1, Lmax):
            if ((L[L == i]).size < self.area_thrsh):  # || (Lmax_ind > L_f/2)
                L[L == i] = 0

        # set new mask
        combined_bin[L > 0] = 1
        combined_bin[L == 0] = 0

        print('Number of potential LCS founded:', Lmax)
        print('Area threshold:', self.area_thrsh)
        print('FTLE threshold:', self.ftle_thrsh)
        print('EVal threshold:', self.eval_thrsh)

        if to_dataset == True:
            if 'FTLE_forward' in self.lag_ftle.ds_output.keys():
                self.lag_ftle.ds_output['LCS_forward'] = (
            elif 'FTLE_backward' in self.ds_output.keys():
                self.lag_ftle.ds_output['LCS_backward'] = (

        # search ridge==0 contour lines
        # suche Nulldurchgang fuer Gerade zwischen zwei direkt benachbarten grid Punkten
        # setze den Punkt, wenn der Nulldurchgang zwischen den beiden grid Punkten
        # liegt
        # clear x0 y0 x1 y1 x y
        if self.ridge_points == False:
            return combined_bin

        if self.ridge_points == True:
            x0 = 0
            y0 = 0

            m, n = np.shape(FTLE)
            X = np.arange(1, n)
            Y = np.arange(1, m)
            cnt = 0
            x0 = []
            y0 = []
            for i in np.arange(0, m - 1):
                for j in np.arange(0, n - 2):
                    if combined_bin[i, j] == 1:
                        x = X[j:j + 2]
                        z = np.array([ridge[i, j], ridge[i, j + 1]])
                        m1 = (z[1] - z[0]) / (x[1] - x[0]
                                              )  # Calculamos la pendiente
                        # Calculamos el punto de corte con el eje y,
                        n1 = z[0] - m1 * x[0]
                        # round zero point (-n1/m1) to the nearest j
                        if (np.abs(-n1 / m1 - x[0]) < np.abs(-n1 / m1 - x[1])):
                            js = j
                            js = j + 1
                        if (x[0] < -n1 / m1 and -n1 / m1 < x[1]
                                and combined_bin[i, js] == 1):
                            cnt = cnt + 1
                            x0.append(-n1 / m1)

            for i in np.arange(0, m - 2):
                for j in np.arange(0, n - 1):
                    if combined_bin[i, j] == 1:
                        y = Y[i:i + 2]
                        z = np.array([ridge[i, j], ridge[i + 1, j]])
                        m1 = (z[1] - z[0]) / (y[1] - y[0])
                        n1 = z[0] - m1 * y[0]
                        # round zero point (-n1/m1) to the nearest i
                        if (np.abs(-n1 / m1 - y[0]) < np.abs(-n1 / m1 - y[1])):
                            isi = i
                            isi = i + 1

                        if (y[0] < -n1 / m1 and -n1 / m1 < y[1]
                                and combined_bin[isi, j] == 1):
                            cnt = cnt + 1
                            y0.append(-n1 / m1)

                    return x0, y0, combined_bin
Exemple #18
from skimage.morphology import watershed, closing, opening
from scipy.stats import logistic

filename = "skeletons & matching cropped pics/cropped pics/v018-penn.9-1uB2D2-cropm.png"

img = io.imread(filename)
img = (img - np.mean(img)) / np.std(img)

sigma = .75

Hxx, Hxy, Hyy = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=sigma, mode="wrap")

e1, e2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)

# How much bigger is the first eigenvalue's magnitude
# compared with the second?

log_condition = np.log(abs(e1/e2))
log_condition = log_condition / np.std(log_condition)

out = logistic.cdf(log_condition)

markers = np.zeros_like(out)
markers[out < 0] = 1
markers[out > np.percentile(out, 90)] = 2

Exemple #19
def get_max_hessian_eval(data, sigma=None):
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = np.ones(data.ndim)
    hess = hessian_matrix(data, sigma)
    evals = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hess)
    return evals.max(axis=0)
Exemple #20
def get_hessian_matrix(input):

    Hessen = hessian_matrix(input, sigma=1.5)
    eigen1, eigen2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(Hessen[0], Hessen[1], Hessen[2])

    return eigen1, eigen2
Exemple #21
def MVEF_2D(I, scales, thresholds):
    """Multiscale Vessel Enhancement Method for 2D images - based on Frangi's,
    Rana's, and Jalborg's works. This method searches for geometrical 
    structures which can be regarded as tubular.
    The function is coded to enhance dark tube-like structure, so make
    sure that you do not need to inverse your image I before using this function.
        I (2D array):       I is a grayscale image (otherwise it is 
                            converted to grayscale)
        thresholds (list):  thresholds is a list of two thresholds that 
                            control the sensitivity of the line filter 
                            to the measures Fr and R. It should look like
                            [b, c], where b must not be zero. If c is zero, 
                            then its value is set to half the frobenius norm
                            of the hessian matrix.
        scales (list):      scales is a list of lengths that correspond to 
                            the diameter (in pixels) of the tube-like structure to find
        I2 (2D array):  one-canal image I, filtered by the multiscale vessel enhancement
        Based on [ Automatic detection of skeletal muscle architecture 
        features, Frida Elen Jalborg, Master’s Thesis Spring 2016 ]
                [Frangi, 1998, Multiscale Vessel Enhancement filtering]
                [ Rana et al., 2009, Automated tracking of muscle fascicle
                orientation in B-mode ultrasound images]
                [ Rana et al., 2011, In-vivo determination of 3D muscle
                architecture of human muscle using free hand ultrasound]

    from skimage.feature import hessian_matrix, hessian_matrix_eigvals

    if len(I.shape) > 2:
        I = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    vesselness = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1], len(scales)))
    I2 = np.zeros((I.shape[0], I.shape[1]))
    b = thresholds[0]
    c = thresholds[1]
    if b == 0:
        ValueError('first element of thresholds cannot be null')

    #calculation of Hessian matrix and its eigen values.
    #Corresponding eigen vectors are normal to and in the direction of
    #the tubular structure
    for sc in range(len(scales)):
        H = hessian_matrix(image=I, sigma=scales[sc], order='rc')
        eigvals = hessian_matrix_eigvals(
        )  #2 eigenvalues in decreasing order; shape of ei = (2,I.shape[0], I.shape[1])
        frobeniusnorm = np.sqrt(H[0]**2 + H[1]**2 + 2 * H[2]**2)
        if c == 0:
            c = 1 / 2 * np.amax(frobeniusnorm)

        for i in range(I.shape[0]):
            for j in range(I.shape[1]):

                'Calculation of vesselness: looking for a POSITIVE highest'
                'eigenvalue <=> looking for dark tube-like structures; looking'
                'for a NEGATIVE highest eigen value <=> looking for bright'
                'tube-like structures'
                #bright tube-like structures search did not work so the
                #temporary solution is to inverse the ultrasound image
                #and search for dark tube-like structures

                #if eigvals[0,i,j]<=0:
                #vesselness[i,j,sc] = 0
                #not necessary since vesselness initialized with zeros

                if eigvals[0, i, j] > 0:

                    'ratio - for second order ellipsoid'
                    R = eigvals[1, i, j] / eigvals[0, i, j]

                    'Frobenius norm - for second order structureness'
                    Fr = m.sqrt(eigvals[0, i, j] * eigvals[0, i, j] +
                                eigvals[1, i, j] * eigvals[1, i, j])

                    vesselness[i, j, sc] = scales[sc] * m.exp(
                        -R * R / (2. * b * b)) * (1. - m.exp(-Fr * Fr /
                                                             (2 * c * c)))

    'Keep the highest value of vesselness across all scales'
    for ind1 in range(I2.shape[0]):
        for ind2 in range(I2.shape[1]):
            I2[ind1, ind2] = np.max(vesselness[ind1, ind2, :])

    return I2
Exemple #22
def shape_index(image, sigma=1, mode='constant', cval=0):
    """Compute the shape index.

    The shape index, as defined by Koenderink & van Doorn [1]_, is a
    single valued measure of local curvature, assuming the image as a 3D plane
    with intensities representing heights.

    It is derived from the eigen values of the Hessian, and its
    value ranges from -1 to 1 (and is undefined (=NaN) in *flat* regions),
    with following ranges representing following shapes:

    .. table:: Ranges of the shape index and corresponding shapes.

      ===================  =============
      Interval (s in ...)  Shape
      ===================  =============
      [  -1, -7/8)         Spherical cup
      [-7/8, -5/8)         Through
      [-5/8, -3/8)         Rut
      [-3/8, -1/8)         Saddle rut
      [-1/8, +1/8)         Saddle
      [+1/8, +3/8)         Saddle ridge
      [+3/8, +5/8)         Ridge
      [+5/8, +7/8)         Dome
      [+7/8,   +1]         Spherical cap
      ===================  =============

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    sigma : float, optional
        Standard deviation used for the Gaussian kernel, which is used for
        smoothing the input data before Hessian eigen value calculation.
    mode : {'constant', 'reflect', 'wrap', 'nearest', 'mirror'}, optional
        How to handle values outside the image borders
    cval : float, optional
        Used in conjunction with mode 'constant', the value outside
        the image boundaries.

    s : ndarray
        Shape index

    .. [1] Koenderink, J. J. & van Doorn, A. J.,
           "Surface shape and curvature scales",
           Image and Vision Computing, 1992, 10, 557-564.

    >>> square = np.zeros((5, 5))
    >>> square[2, 2] = 4
    >>> s = shape_index(square, sigma=0.1)
    >>> s
    array([[ nan,  nan, -0.5,  nan,  nan],
           [ nan, -0. ,  nan, -0. ,  nan],
           [-0.5,  nan, -1. ,  nan, -0.5],
           [ nan, -0. ,  nan, -0. ,  nan],
           [ nan,  nan, -0.5,  nan,  nan]])
    R = hessian_matrix(image, sigma=sigma, mode=mode, cval=cval,
    l1, l2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(*R)

    return (2.0 / np.pi) * np.arctan((l2 + l1) / (l2 - l1))
Exemple #23
    def detectNeedle(self, magnitudevolume, phasevolume, maskThreshold,
                     ridgeOperator, slice_index):

        #magnitude volume
        magn_imageData = magnitudevolume.GetImageData()
        magn_rows, magn_cols, magn_zed = magn_imageData.GetDimensions()
        magn_scalars = magn_imageData.GetPointData().GetScalars()
        magn_imageOrigin = magnitudevolume.GetOrigin()
        magn_imageSpacing = magnitudevolume.GetSpacing()
        magn_matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
        # magnitudevolume.CreateDefaultDisplayNodes()

        # phase volume
        phase_imageData = phasevolume.GetImageData()
        phase_rows, phase_cols, phase_zed = phase_imageData.GetDimensions()
        phase_scalars = phase_imageData.GetPointData().GetScalars()

        #Convert vtk to numpy
        magn_array = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(magn_scalars)
        numpy_magn = magn_array.reshape(magn_zed, magn_rows, magn_cols)
        phase_array = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(phase_scalars)
        numpy_phase = phase_array.reshape(phase_zed, phase_rows, phase_cols)

        # slice = int(slice_number)
        # slice = (slice_index)
        # maskThreshold = int(maskThreshold)

        #2D Slice Selector
        ### 3 3D values are : numpy_magn , numpy_phase, mask
        numpy_magn = numpy_magn[slice_index, :, :]
        numpy_phase = numpy_phase[slice_index, :, :]
        #mask = mask[slice,:,:]
        numpy_magn_sliced = numpy_magn.astype(np.uint8)

        #mask thresholding
        img = cv2.pyrDown(numpy_magn_sliced)
        _, threshed = cv2.threshold(numpy_magn_sliced, maskThreshold, 255,
        contours, _ = cv2.findContours(threshed, cv2.RETR_TREE,

        #find maximum contour and draw
        cmax = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
        epsilon = 0.002 * cv2.arcLength(cmax, True)
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cmax, epsilon, True)
        cv2.drawContours(numpy_magn_sliced, [approx], -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)

        width, height = numpy_magn_sliced.shape

        #fill maximum contour and draw
        mask = np.zeros([width, height, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.fillPoly(mask, pts=[cmax], color=(255, 255, 255))
        mask = mask[:, :, 0]

        phase_cropped = cv2.bitwise_and(numpy_phase, numpy_phase, mask=mask)
        phase_cropped = np.expand_dims(phase_cropped, axis=0)

        node = slicer.vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode()

        slicer.util.updateVolumeFromArray(node, phase_cropped)

        unwrapped_phase = slicer.vtkMRMLScalarVolumeNode()

        # Run phase unwrapping module
        parameter_name = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(

        if parameter_name is None:
        cli_input = slicer.util.getFirstNodeByName('phase_cropped')
        cli_output = slicer.util.getNode('unwrapped_phase')

        cli_params = {'inputVolume': cli_input, 'outputVolume': cli_output}
        self.cliParamNode = slicer.cli.runSync(slicer.modules.phaseunwrapping,

        pu_imageData = unwrapped_phase.GetImageData()
        pu_rows, pu_cols, pu_zed = pu_imageData.GetDimensions()
        pu_scalars = pu_imageData.GetPointData().GetScalars()
        pu_NumpyArray = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(pu_scalars)
        phaseunwrapped = pu_NumpyArray.reshape(pu_zed, pu_rows, pu_cols)

        # for debug
        self.phaseunwrapped_numpy = pu_NumpyArray.reshape(pu_cols, pu_rows)

        I = phaseunwrapped.squeeze()
        A = np.fft.fft2(I)
        A1 = np.fft.fftshift(A)

        # Image size
        [M, N] = A.shape

        # filter size parameter
        R = 5

        X = np.arange(0, N, 1)
        Y = np.arange(0, M, 1)

        [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
        Cx = 0.5 * N
        Cy = 0.5 * M
        Lo = np.exp(-(((X - Cx)**2) + ((Y - Cy)**2)) / ((2 * R)**2))
        Hi = 1 - Lo

        J = A1 * Lo
        J1 = np.fft.ifftshift(J)
        B1 = np.fft.ifft2(J1)

        K = A1 * Hi
        K1 = np.fft.ifftshift(K)
        B2 = np.fft.ifft2(K1)
        B2 = np.real(B2)

        #Remove border  for false positive
        border_size = 20
        top, bottom, left, right = [border_size] * 4
        mask_borderless = cv2.copyMakeBorder(mask, top, bottom, left, right,
                                             cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, (0, 0, 0))

        kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
        mask_borderless = cv2.erode(mask_borderless, kernel, iterations=5)
        mask_borderless = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(mask_borderless).astype(
        x, y = mask_borderless.shape
        mask_borderless = mask_borderless[0 + border_size:y - border_size,
                                          0 + border_size:x - border_size]

        B2 = cv2.bitwise_and(B2, B2, mask=mask_borderless)

        H_elems = hessian_matrix(B2, sigma=5, order='rc')
        maxima_ridges, minima_ridges = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_elems)

        hessian_det = maxima_ridges + minima_ridges
        coordinate = peak_local_max(maxima_ridges,
        x2 = np.asscalar(coordinate[:, 1])
        y2 = np.asscalar(coordinate[:, 0])
        point = (x2, y2)
        coords = [x2, y2, slice_index]
        circle1 = plt.Circle(point, 2, color='red')

        # Find or create MRML transform node
        transformNode = None
            transformNode = slicer.util.getNode('TipTransform')
        except slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException as exc:
            transformNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass(


        # Fiducial Creation
        fidNode1 = None
            fidNode1 = slicer.util.getNode('needle_tip')
        except slicer.util.MRMLNodeNotFoundException as exc:
            fidNode1 = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass(
                "vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode", "needle_tip")


        #  fidNode1.CreateDefaultDisplayNodes()
        #  fidNode1.SetMaximumNumberOfControlPoints(1)


        ###TODO: dont delete the volume after use. create a checkpoint to update on only one volume
        delete_wrapped = slicer.mrmlScene.GetFirstNodeByName('phase_cropped')
        delete_unwrapped = slicer.mrmlScene.GetFirstNodeByName(

        return True
Exemple #24
def costMapGeneration(array):
    # bone segmentation
    threshold = [1250, 3000]
    image1, binary1 = boneSegmentation(array, threshold)
    # blood segmentation
    image, binary = boneSegmentation(array, [1, 250])
    img = np.uint8(image)

    # vessel segmentation
    threshold2 = [1, 300]
    img = np.squeeze(img)
    kernel = np.ones((6, 6), np.float32) / 36
    img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel)
    imgB0 = img
    # best image
    img = np.squeeze(array)
    img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, kernel)
    img0 = img
    img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=2)
    img = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=2)
    img2 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)
    imf = img
    imf = cv2.dilate(imf, kernel, iterations=1)
    imf = cv2.erode(imf, kernel, iterations=1)
    imf = np.where((imf < 100), 0, 255)
    img11 = np.where((img < img.mean()), 0, 255)
    img21 = np.where((img2 < img.mean()), 0, 255)
    img3 = img11 + img21
    img4 = np.where((img3 != 0), 255, 0)
    kernel = np.ones((2, 2), np.float32) / 4
    img = cv2.filter2D(img0, -1, kernel)
    hxx, hxy, hyy = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=1)
    i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    img = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=2)
    imgh = np.where((i2 < i2.mean()), 255, 0)
    img = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=2)
    img20 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=20)
    img20 = np.where((img20 < img20.mean()), 0, 255)
    otherPlace = np.where((img20 <= 0), 255, 0)
    otherPlace = np.where((otherPlace <= 0), 255, 0)
    img10 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=10)
    img10 = np.where((img10 < img10.mean()), 0, 255)
    otherPlace10 = np.where((img10 <= 0), 255, 0)
    otherPlace10 = np.where((otherPlace10 <= 0), 255, 0)
    img55 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=5)
    img55 = np.where((img55 < img55.mean()), 0, 255)
    otherPlace55 = np.where((img55 <= 0), 255, 0)
    otherPlace55 = np.where((otherPlace55 <= 0), 255, 0)
    img15 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=5)
    img15 = np.where((img15 < img15.mean()), 0, 255)
    otherPlace15 = np.where((img15 <= 0), 255, 0)
    otherPlace15 = np.where((otherPlace15 <= 0), 255, 0)
    OP = otherPlace15 + otherPlace + otherPlace55 + otherPlace10
    OP = np.where((OP > 0), 255, 0)
    img2 = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=3)
    img = np.where((img < img.mean()), 0, 255)
    img2 = np.where((img2 < img.mean()), 0, 255)
    img5 = img4 - img2
    img6 = np.where((img5 != 0), 255, 0)
    imgFrame = np.where((img20 <= img20.mean()), 0, 255)
    victorFrame = np.where((imf != 0), 0, 255)
    victorFrame = np.where((victorFrame <= 0), 0, 255)
    tangoZone = victorFrame + imgh

    bF = np.where((imgB0 < 255), 255, 0)
    OP1 = OP - imf
    OP = np.where((OP <= 0), 255, 0)
    superZone = bF - OP
    superZone = np.where((superZone <= 0), 0, 255)
    superZone = superZone - img11
    superZone = np.where((superZone <= 0), 0, 255)
    superZone = superZone - OP1
    superZone = np.where((superZone <= 0), 0, 255)

    comboZone = tangoZone + img11 - (binary)
    comboZone = np.where((comboZone <= 0), 255, 0)

    comboZone = np.where((comboZone <= 200), 255, 0)
    comboZone = np.where((comboZone <= 0), 255, 0)

    targetZone = comboZone
    comboZone = targetZone - otherPlace55
    comboZone = np.where((comboZone <= 0) & (comboZone < 255), 0, 255)
    binZone = superZone + comboZone
    binZone = np.where((binZone > 0), 255, 0)

    binV2 = np.squeeze(binZone)
    # bone cost
    binV1 = np.squeeze(binary)
    # all squares now have a cost
    costMapV = np.where(binV1 == 1, 1000, 1)
    costMapB = np.where(binV2 == 1, 9000, 1)

    # final costmap
    costMap = np.squeeze(costMapV + costMapB)
    return (costMap, imgB0)
Exemple #25
# pixel_x = res_x/img_b
# pixel_y = res_y/img_h
# noz = pixel_y * noz_d

#circular mask
# a, b = 560, 450
# n = 1112
# m = 1024
# r = 470

# y,x = np.ogrid[-a:n-a, -b:m-b]
# mask = x*x + y*y >= r*r

hxx, hyy, hxy = hessian_matrix(img, sigma=s_h, 
i_h1, i_h2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
i_g = gaussian(i_h1, sigma=s_g)
i_e = morph.erosion(i_g)
i_t = np.percentile(i_e[i_e > 0], t_percent)
i_b = i_e > i_t
# r = 435
# mask = x*x + y*y >= r*r
# i_b[mask] = False
i_rs = morph.remove_small_objects(i_b, min_size=240, connectivity=30)
i_th = thin(i_rs, thinning)
blobs = i_th > 1 * i_th.mean()
all_labels = measure.label(blobs)
blobs_labels = measure.label(blobs, background=0)

i_f = i_th
Exemple #26
def principal_curvatures(img, sigma=1.0, H=None):
    Return the principal curvatures {κ1, κ2} of an image, that is, the
    eigenvalues of the Hessian at each point (x,y). The output is arranged such
    that |κ1| <= |κ2|.


        img:    An ndarray representing a 2D or multichannel image. If the image
                is multichannel (e.g. RGB), then each channel will be proccessed
                individually. Additionally, the input image may be a masked
                array-- in which case the output will preserve this mask

        sigma:  (optional) The scale at which the Hessian is calculated.
        H:      (optional) provide sigma (else it will be calculated)
        (K1, K2):   A tuple where K1, K2 each are the exact dimension of the
                    input image, ordered in magnitude such that |κ1| <= |κ2|
                    in all locations. If *signed* option is used, then elements
                    of K1, K2 may be negative.
        >>> K1, K2 = principal_curvatures(img)
        >>> K1.shape == img.shape
        >>> (K1 <= K2).all()

        >> K1.mask == img.mask

    # determine if multichannel
    multichannel = (img.ndim == 3)
    if not multichannel:
        # add a trivial dimension
        img = img[:,:,np.newaxis]

    K1 = np.zeros_like(img, dtype='float64')
    K2 = np.zeros_like(img, dtype='float64')

    for ic in range(img.shape[2]):

        channel = img[:,:,ic]

        # returns the tuple (Hxx, Hxy, Hyy)
        if H is None:
            H = hessian_matrix(channel, sigma=sigma)
        # returns tuple (l1,l2) where l1 >= l2 but this *includes sign*
        L = hessian_matrix_eigvals(*H)
        L = np.dstack(L)

        mag = np.argsort(abs(L), axis=-1)
        # just some slice nonsense
        ix = np.ogrid[0:L.shape[0], 0:L.shape[1], 0:L.shape[2]]
        L = L[ix[0], ix[1], mag]

        # now k2 is larger in absolute value, as consistent with Frangi paper

        K1[:,:,ic] = L[:,:,0]
        K2[:,:,ic] = L[:,:,1]

        mask = img.mask
    except AttributeError:
        K1 = ma.masked_array(K1, mask=mask)
        K2 = ma.masked_array(K2, mask=mask)
    # now undo the trivial dimension
    if not multichannel:
        K1 = np.squeeze(K1)
        K2 = np.squeeze(K2)

    return K1, K2
Exemple #27
 def calculate(self, img, sigma=2.0):
     img = np.float32(img)
     rx, ry, rxx, ryy, rxy = self.estimate_derivatives(img, sigma)
     img_max_eigen_values, img_min_eigen_values = hessian_matrix_eigvals(
         rxx, rxy, ryy)
     return img_max_eigen_values, img_min_eigen_values
def detect_ridges(gray, sigma):
    H_elems = hessian_matrix(gray, sigma=sigma, order='rc')
    maxima_ridges, minima_ridges = hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_elems)
    return maxima_ridges, minima_ridges
def detect_ridges(gray, sigma=1.0):
    hxx, hyy, hxy = hessian_matrix(gray, sigma)
    i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    return i1, i2
def detect_ridges(gray, sigma=3.0):
    hxx, hyy, hxy = feature.hessian_matrix(gray, sigma, mode='wrap')
    i1, i2 = feature.hessian_matrix_eigvals(hxx, hxy, hyy)
    return i1, i2  # i1 returns local maxima ridges and i2 returns local minima ridges
Exemple #31
 def __detect_using_custom(self, image):
     h_elems = hessian_matrix(image=np.float32(image), sigma=1.5, order='xy')
     eigvals = hessian_matrix_eigvals(h_elems)
     return eigvals[0]
Exemple #32
ax[1].imshow(frangi(image), cmap=plt.cm.gray, vmin=0, vmax=0.00001)
ax[1].set_title('Frangi filter result')

for a in ax:

#%% Hessian의 Eigen value만 plot

from skimage.feature import hessian_matrix, hessian_matrix_eigvals

hxx, hxy, hyy = hessian_matrix(image, sigma=3)

i1, i2 = hessian_matrix_eigvals([hxx, hxy, hyy])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3)

ax[0].imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax[0].set_title('Original image')

ax[1].imshow(i1, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

ax[2].imshow(i2, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

for a in ax:
Exemple #33
    def detect_neuron_hessian(self, worm, z_diff, show=1, worm_green=None):
        # worm is the numpy array,[z,x,y]
        # calculate hessian of the worm image.
        z_scale = z_diff * 47.619

        grey_mask = self.get_gery_mask(worm)
        if worm_green is not None:
            grey_mask += self.get_gery_mask(
                worm_green, fac=12) * self.get_gery_mask(worm, fac=2)

        H_matrix = hessian_matrix(worm, sigma=1, order='rc')

        H_matrix_sub = list()
        for h_m in H_matrix:
            H_matrix_sub.append(h_m * grey_mask)

        H_eig = -hessian_matrix_eigvals(H_matrix_sub)[0]

        mask_n = H_eig > 1

        label_n = ndi.label(mask_n)[0]

        if label_n.max() > 600:
            return None
        props = regionprops(label_n, intensity_image=worm)

        max_kernel3 = kernel_radius([3, 5, 5],
        conn = np.ones((3, 3, 3))

        area_thd = 6
        self.neurons = dict()
        self.neurons['pts'] = list()
        self.neurons['pts_max'] = list()
        self.neurons['area'] = list()
        self.neurons['max_inten'] = list()
        self.neurons['mean_inten'] = list()
        self.neurons['label_o'] = list()
        self.neurons['bbox'] = list()
        self.neurons['mask'] = list()
        for prop in props:
            save_prop = True
            if prop.area > area_thd:
                worm_max = peak_local_max(prop.intensity_image,

                worm_max_image = prop.intensity_image * worm_max
                candidate = list()
                worm_max_new = np.zeros(worm_max.shape) > 1
                while worm_max_image.sum() > 0:
                    pt = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(worm_max_image, axis=None),
                    max_mask = pt_neighbor(size_im=worm_max.shape,
                                           dim1_scale=1.5)  # 4.2, 2
                    worm_max_new[pt] = True
                    worm_max_image[max_mask] = 0

                if len(candidate) >= 2:

                    save_prop = False
                    markers = ndi.label(worm_max_new)[0]
                    label_sub = watershed(-prop.intensity_image,
                    props_sub = regionprops(
                        label_sub, intensity_image=prop.intensity_image)

                    for prop_sub in props_sub:
                        if prop_sub.area > area_thd:
                            # neu_pos = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(prop_sub.intensity_image, axis=None), prop_sub.intensity_image.shape)
                            # marker is of size prop
                            neu_pos = np.where(markers == prop_sub.label)
                            new_bbox = update_bbox(prop.bbox, prop_sub.bbox)
                            neu_pos = np.array(neu_pos).T[0] + np.array(
                            neu_pos_c = np.array(prop_sub.centroid) + np.array(
                            neuron = dict()
                            neuron['neu_pos'] = neu_pos
                            neuron['neu_pos_c'] = neu_pos_c
                            neuron['bbox'] = new_bbox
                            neuron['mask'] = prop_sub.image
                            neuron['image'] = prop_sub.intensity_image
                            neuron['label_o'] = prop.label
                            neuron['max_inten'] = prop_sub.max_intensity
                            neuron['mean_inten'] = prop_sub.mean_intensity
                            neuron['area'] = prop_sub.area


                if save_prop:
                    neu_pos = np.unravel_index(
                        np.argmax(prop.intensity_image, axis=None),
                    neu_pos = np.array(neu_pos) + np.array(prop.bbox[:3])
                    neu_pos_c = np.array(prop.centroid)
                    neuron = dict()
                    neuron['neu_pos'] = neu_pos
                    neuron['neu_pos_c'] = neu_pos_c
                    neuron['bbox'] = prop.bbox
                    neuron['mask'] = prop.image
                    neuron['image'] = prop.intensity_image
                    neuron['label_o'] = prop.label
                    neuron['max_inten'] = prop.max_intensity
                    neuron['mean_inten'] = prop.mean_intensity
                    neuron['area'] = prop.area


        neurons_pos = np.array(self.neurons['pts_max'])
        self.neurons['num_neuron'] = len(neurons_pos)
        print('find {} neurons'.format(self.neurons['num_neuron']))

        return self.neurons