Exemple #1
 def test_threshold_sauvola_iterable_window_size(self):
     ref = np.array([[False, False, False, True, True],
                     [False, False, True, True, True],
                     [False, False, True, True, False],
                     [False, True, True, True, False],
                     [True, True, False, False, False]])
     thres = threshold_sauvola(self.image, window_size=(3, 5), k=0.2, r=128)
     out = self.image > thres
     assert_array_equal(ref, out)
 def test_threshold_sauvola(self):
     ref = np.array(
         [[False, False, False, True, True],
          [False, False, True, True, True],
          [False, False, True, True, False],
          [False, True, True, True, False],
          [True, True, False, False, False]]
     thres = threshold_sauvola(self.image, window_size=3, k=0.2, r=128)
     out = self.image > thres
     assert_equal(ref, out)
Exemple #3
def deskew(args,image, image_param):
    # Deskew
    # Calculate the angle of the points between 20% and 80% of the line
    uintimage = get_uintimg(image)
    thresh = th.threshold_sauvola(uintimage, args.threshwindow, args.threshweight)
    binary = uintimage > thresh
    binary = 1-binary #inverse binary
    binary = np.rot90(binary,args.horlinepos)
    labels, numl = measurements.label(binary)
    objects = measurements.find_objects(labels)
    deskew_path = None
    for i, b in enumerate(objects):
        linecoords = Linecoords(image, i, b)
        # The line has to be bigger than minwidth, smaller than maxwidth, stay in the top (30%) of the img,
        # only one obj allowed and the line isn't allowed to start contact the topborder of the image
        if int(args.minwidthhor * image_param.width) < get_width(b) < int(args.maxwidthhor * image_param.width) \
                and int(image_param.height * args.minheighthor) < get_height(b) < int(image_param.height * args.maxheighthor) \
                and int(image_param.height * args.minheighthormask) < (linecoords.height_start+linecoords.height_stop)/2 < int(image_param.height * args.maxheighthormask) \
                and linecoords.height_start != 0:

            pixelwidth = set_pixelground(binary[b].shape[1])
            arr = np.arange(1, pixelwidth(args.deskewlinesize) + 1)
            mean_y = []
            #Calculate the mean value for every y-array
            for idx in range(pixelwidth(args.deskewlinesize)):
                value_y = measurements.find_objects(labels[b][:, idx + pixelwidth((1.0-args.deskewlinesize)/2)] == i + 1)[0]
                mean_y.append((value_y[0].stop + value_y[0].start) / 2)
            polyfit_value = np.polyfit(arr, mean_y, 1)
            deskewangle = np.arctan(polyfit_value[0]) * (360 / (2 * np.pi))
            args.ramp = True
            deskew_image = transform.rotate(image, deskewangle)
            deskew_path = "%s_deskew.%s" % (image_param.pathout+image_param.name, args.extension)
            image_param.deskewpath = deskew_path
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                #Transform rotate convert the img to float and save convert it back
                misc.imsave(deskew_path, deskew_image)

    return deskew_path
Exemple #4
def linecoords_analyse(args,origimg, image_param, clippingmask):
    image = get_uintimg(origimg)
    origimg = np.rot90(origimg, args.horlinepos)
    thresh = th.threshold_sauvola(image, args.threshwindow, args.threshweight)
    binary = image > thresh
    binary = 1-binary #inverse binary
    binary = np.rot90(binary, args.horlinepos)
    labels, numl = measurements.label(binary)
    objects = measurements.find_objects(labels)
    count_height = 0
    count_width = 0
    pixelheight = set_pixelground(image_param.height)
    pixelwidth = set_pixelground(image_param.width)

    list_linecoords = [] # Init list of linecoordinates the format is: [0]: width.start, width.stopt,
    # [1]:height.start, height.stop, [2]: Type of line [B = blank, L = vertical line]
    for i, b in enumerate(objects):
        # The line has to be bigger than minwidth, smaller than maxwidth, stay in the top (30%) of the img,
        # only one obj allowed and the line isn't allowed to start contact the topborder of the image

        linecoords = Linecoords(labels, i, b)
        if pixelwidth(args.minwidthhor) <  get_width(b) < pixelwidth(args.maxwidthhor) \
                and pixelheight(args.minheighthor) < get_height(b) < pixelheight(args.maxheighthor) \
                and pixelheight(args.minheighthormask) <  linecoords.height_stop < pixelheight(args.maxheighthormask) \
                and count_width == 0 \
                and linecoords.height_start != 0:
            # Distance Calculation - defining the clippingmask
            border = get_mindist(b, image_param.width)
            topline_width_stop = b[0].stop + 2 # Lowest Point of object + 2 Pixel
            if clippingmask.user == None:
                clippingmask.width_start = border
                clippingmask.width_stop = image_param.width - border
                #if clippingmask.width_start > pixelwidth(args.minwidthmask):
                #    clippingmask.width_start = pixelwidth(args.minwidthmask)
                #if clippingmask.width_stop < pixelwidth(1.0-args.minwidthmask):
                #    clippingmask.width_stop = pixelwidth(1.0-args.minwidthmask)
                clippingmask.height_start = copy.deepcopy(topline_width_stop)
                clippingmask.height_stop = 0

            # Test for cropping the area under the first vertical line
            #roi = image[hobj_bottom:image_param.height, border:image_param.width - border]  # region of interest
            #imsave("%s_crop.%s" % (image_param.pathout+image_param.name, args.extension), roi)

            # Get coordinats of the line
            labels[b][labels[b] == i + 1] = 0
            count_width += 1
        if pixelheight(args.minheightver) < get_height(b) < pixelheight(args.maxheightver) \
                and pixelwidth(args.minwidthver) < get_width(b) < pixelwidth(args.maxwidthver) \
                and pixelwidth(args.minwidthvermask) < (linecoords.width_start+linecoords.width_stop)/2 < pixelwidth(args.maxwidthvermask) \
                and float(get_width(b))/float(get_height(b)) < args.maxgradientver:
            linecoords.segmenttype = 'L' # Defaultvalue for segmenttype 'P' for horizontal lines
            if count_height == 0:
                if b[0].start - topline_width_stop > pixelheight(args.minsizeblank+args.minsizeblankobolustop):
                    blankline = Linecoords(labels,i,b)
                    blankline.segmenttype = 'B'
                    blankline.height_start = topline_width_stop
                    blankline.height_stop = linecoords.height_start
                    blankline.width_start = border
                    blankline.width_stop = image_param.width - border
                    blankline.middle = int(((linecoords.width_start+linecoords.width_stop)-1)/2)
                    count_height += 1
                    if args.ramp != None:
                        whiteout_ramp(origimg, linecoords)
                    count_height += 1
                    # Should fix to short vertical lines, in the height to top if they appear before any B Part in the image
                    if topline_width_stop > 0:
                        linecoords.height_start = topline_width_stop + pixelheight(args.addstartheightab)
                    count_height += 1
                    if args.ramp != None:
                        whiteout_ramp(origimg, linecoords)
            elif list_linecoords[count_height - 1].height_stop < b[0].stop:
                #Test argument to filter braces
                if b[0].start - list_linecoords[count_height - 1].height_stop > pixelheight(args.minsizeblank):
                    blankline = Linecoords(labels,i,b)
                    blankline.segmenttype = 'B'
                    blankline.height_start = list_linecoords[count_height - 1].height_stop
                    blankline.height_stop = linecoords.height_start
                    blankline.width_start = border
                    blankline.width_stop = image_param.width - border
                    blankline.middle = int(((linecoords.width_start+linecoords.width_stop)-1)/2)
                    count_height += 1
                    if args.ramp != None:
                        whiteout_ramp(origimg, linecoords)
                    count_height += 1
                    labels[b][labels[b] == i + 1] = 0
                    if args.ramp != None:
                        whiteout_ramp(origimg, linecoords)
                    print b[0].stop
                    list_linecoords[count_height - 1].height_stop = b[0].stop
                    labels[b][labels[b] == i + 1] = 0
    #imsave("%s_EDIT%d.%s" % (image_param.pathout, linecoords.object_value, args.extension), image)
    return list_linecoords, border, topline_width_stop
Exemple #5
def get_binary(args, image):
    thresh = th.threshold_sauvola(image, args.threshwindow, args.threshweight)
    binary = image > thresh
    binary = 1 - binary  # inverse binary
    binary = np.rot90(binary, args.horlinepos)
    return binary