class Slide:
    def __init__(self,
        self.slide_fn = slide_fn
        self.level = level
        self.tile_size = tile_size

        self.img = MultiImage(self.slide_fn)[self.level].copy()
        self.dims = np.array(self.img.shape[:2][::-1])
        self.ds_img = MultiImage(self.slide_fn)[2].copy()
        self.tissue_mask = makeTissueMask(self.ds_img)

        self.mask_fn = mask_fn
        self.data_provider = data_provider
        if not (self.mask_fn == None or self.data_provider == None):
            self.mask = MultiImage(mask_fn)[level].sum(axis=-1)

        self.tile_coords = None

    def getTileCoords(self,
                      num_tiles: int,
                      tissue_th: tuple = (0.2, 0.7),
                      offset: tuple = (0, 0)):
            Find `num_indices` indices with maximal amount of tissue. `tissue_th`  is the slice of tissue percentage ~(min, max)
            within which we allow the search: sometimes the `max` might not give enough tiles 
            for the mosaic, so we can decrease it gradually until `min` is reached. 

            offset = (x,y) coord offset in tile size fractions that is applied to sampled coords. This is meant as a form of data augmentation.

        assert sampling_method in {'skeleton', 'tissue_pct', 'slic'}
        "`sampling_method` should be one of 'skeleton', 'tissue_pct' or 'slic'"

        level_offset = 2 - self.level

        if sampling_method == 'skeleton':

            # Determine skeleton from filled tissue mask
            filled_tissue_mask = fillTissueMask(self.tissue_mask.copy())
            filled_tissue_mask = filled_tissue_mask // 255  # needs to be an array of 0s and 1s
            skeleton = skeletonize(filled_tissue_mask, method='lee')
            self.skeleton = np.uint8(np.where(skeleton != 0, 255, 0))

            skeleton = cv2.dilate(self.skeleton, None)
            contours, _ = cv2.findContours(skeleton, 0, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)

            # Filter contours based on length
            arch_lens = []
            valid_indices = []
            radius = int(self.tile_size / (4**level_offset))
            for idx, arch in enumerate(contours):
                c = cv2.arcLength(arch, False)
                c = c / 2
                if c < radius / 4:


            if not np.array(valid_indices).size == 0:
                contours = np.array(contours)[valid_indices]
            else:  #if no main skeletons were found, it could be that the tissue slide is just very small
                arch_lens = [1 / len(contours)] * len(contours)

            # Extract points from the accepted contours
            weights = np.array(arch_lens) / np.sum(arch_lens)
            points_per_arch = distributeIntToChunks(
                num_tiles, weights)  # <- number of points to be extracted
            for idx, arch in enumerate(contours):

                num_indices = points_per_arch[idx]
                output = np.zeros_like(skeleton)
                cv2.drawContours(output, [arch], -1, 1, 1)

                y_, x_ = np.where(output)

                # Simplify the shape by fitting circles
                arch = np.dstack([x_, y_])
                cps = estimateWithCircles(arch, radius)
                cx, cy = cps[..., 0], cps[..., 1]  #

                # Randomly select indices, in case too many; seed if needed
                if len(cx) > num_indices:

                    # Seed if needed
                    if not seed == None:
                    indices = sorted(
                    np.random.seed(None)  # Return clock seed

                    cx, cy = cx[indices], cy[indices]

                # Append to returnables
                if idx == 0:
                    intermediate_coords = np.dstack([cx, cy])
                    intermediate_coords = np.hstack(
                         np.dstack([cx, cy])])

            # To top-left-corner format
            final_coords = intermediate_coords.squeeze() * 4**level_offset
            if final_coords.shape == (2, ):
                final_coords = np.expand_dims(final_coords, 0)

            final_coords = final_coords - np.array(
                [self.tile_size // 2, self.tile_size // 2])

        elif sampling_method == 'tissue_pct':
            self.top_left_corners = getTopLeftCorners(self.dims,
            self.tissue_pcts = getTissuePercentages(

            # Find indices
            tth_min, tth = tissue_th
            while len(np.where(self.tissue_pcts > tth)[0]) < num_tiles:
                if tth <= tth_min:

                tth -= 0.05

            # Indices
            indices = np.where(self.tissue_pcts > tth)[0]

            # Randomly select indices, in case too many; seed if needed
            if len(indices) > num_tiles:
                if not seed == None:
                indices = sorted(
                    np.random.choice(indices, num_tiles, replace=False))
                np.random.seed(None)  # Return clock seed

            final_coords = self.top_left_corners[indices].copy()

        elif sampling_method == 'slic':

            # Determine SLIC clusters from filled tissue mask
            filled_tissue_mask = fillTissueMask(self.tissue_mask.copy())
            filled_tissue_mask = filled_tissue_mask // 255  # needs to be an array of 0s and 1s

            segments = seg.slic(self.ds_img,
            indices = [k for k in np.unique(segments) if not k == -1]

            # Randomly select indices, in case too many; seed if needed
            if len(indices) > num_tiles:
                if not seed == None:
                indices = sorted(
                    np.random.choice(indices, num_tiles, replace=False))
                np.random.seed(None)  # Return clock seed

            for i in indices:
                contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
                    np.uint8(np.where(segments == i, 255, 0)), 0, 1)
                contours = sorted(contours,
                                  key=lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x))[::-1]

                M = cv2.moments(contours[0])
                cx = np.int32(M['m10'] / M['m00'])
                cy = np.int32(M['m01'] / M['m00'])

                if i == 0:
                    intermediate_coords = np.dstack([cx, cy])
                    intermediate_coords = np.hstack(
                         np.dstack([cx, cy])])

            # Append more cluster contours if num_tiles has not been reached
            if len(indices) < num_tiles:
                enough_tiles = False
                for i in indices:
                    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
                        np.uint8(np.where(segments == i, 255, 0)), 0, 1)
                    contours = sorted(contours,
                                      key=lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x))[::-1]

                    for j, cnt in enumerate(contours):
                        # accept a slic cluster contour if it's area is at least 5% of tile area
                        if j != 0 and cv2.contourArea(cnt) > (
                                0.05 * self.tile_size / (4**level_offset))**2:
                            M = cv2.moments(cnt)
                            cx = np.int32(M['m10'] / M['m00'])
                            cy = np.int32(M['m01'] / M['m00'])

                            intermediate_coords = np.hstack(
                                 np.dstack([cx, cy])])

                            if intermediate_coords.shape[1] == 12:
                                enough_tiles = True
                    if enough_tiles:

            # To top-left-corner format
            final_coords = intermediate_coords.squeeze() * 4**level_offset
            final_coords = final_coords - np.array(
                [self.tile_size // 2, self.tile_size // 2])

        # apply offset to coordinates
        final_coords = final_coords + np.array(
            [int(self.tile_size * offset[0]),
             int(self.tile_size * offset[1])])

        self.tile_coords = final_coords.copy()

    def getTiles(self,
                 stack: bool = False,
                 sampling_method: str = 'skeleton',
                 mosaic_grid: tuple = (4, 3),
                 output_tile_size: int = 128,
                 tissue_th: tuple = (0.1, 0.7),
                 seed: int = None,
                 offset: tuple = (0, 0)):
        ''' Get tiles from the slide and stack into mosaic if needed 
        offset = (x,y) coord offset in tile size fractions that is applied to sampled coords. This is meant as a form of data augmentation.

        # Solve indices to be used in mosaic
        m, n = mosaic_grid
        self.getTileCoords(num_tiles=n * m,

        # Read regions
        output_img = np.ones([n * m, output_tile_size, output_tile_size, 3],
                             dtype='uint8') * 255

        for idx, coord in enumerate(self.tile_coords):
            x, y = coord
            left, right = np.int32(
                np.clip([x, x + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[0]))
            bottom, top = np.int32(
                np.clip([y, y + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[1]))

            tile = self.img[bottom:top, left:right].copy()
            tile = padIfNeeded(tile,
            tile = cv2.resize(tile, (output_tile_size, ) * 2)

            output_img[idx] = np.uint8(tile)

        if len(self.tile_coords) < m * n:
            warnings.warn("Could not find enough unique tiles for the slide"
                          "(tiles: %s/%s, slide: %s" %
                          (len(self.tile_coords), m * n, self.slide_fn))

        # Stack to single array of (m,n) tiles if needed
        if stack:
            output_img = [
                np.hstack([output_img[i * n + j] for j in range(n)])
                for i in range(m)
            output_img = np.vstack(output_img)

        return np.array(output_img)

    def getTilesCancerStatus(self,
                             stack: bool = False,
                             mosaic_grid: tuple = (4, 3)):
        ''' Get tiles from the slide and stack into mosaic if needed '''

        # Solve indices to be used in mosaic
        m, n = mosaic_grid

        # Read regions
        output_img = np.zeros([n * m], dtype='uint8')

        for idx, coord in enumerate(self.tile_coords):
            x, y = coord
            left, right = np.int32(
                np.clip([x, x + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[0]))
            bottom, top = np.int32(
                np.clip([y, y + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[1]))

            tile = self.mask[bottom:top, left:right].copy()
            tile_cat = tileClassification(tile, self.data_provider)

            output_img[idx] = tile_cat

        # Stack to single array of (m,n) tiles if needed
        if stack:
            output_img = [
                np.hstack([output_img[i * n + j] for j in range(n)])
                for i in range(m)
            output_img = np.vstack(output_img)

        return np.array(output_img)

    def visualizeCoverage(self, figsize=(16, 16)):
        ''' Visualize the coverage of indices on a slide '''

        background = self.ds_img.copy()
        foreground = background.copy()

        level_offset = 2 - self.level

        for idx, coord in enumerate(self.tile_coords):
            x, y = coord
            left, right = np.int32(
                np.clip([x, x + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[0]) /
            bottom, top = np.int32(
                np.clip([y, y + self.tile_size], 0, self.dims[1]) /

            foreground[bottom:top, left:right] = (0, 255, 0)

        ## Visualize
        output = cv2.addWeighted(background, 0.7, foreground, 0.3, 0)
