def loop(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ranges = np.array(self.scan.ranges) angles = np.array([self.scan.angle_min + self.scan.angle_increment * i for i in range(len(ranges))]) # Filter out ranges (and corresponding angles) not in the interval [range_min, range_max]. good_indices = np.where(np.logical_and(ranges > self.scan.range_min, ranges < self.scan.range_max)) ranges = ranges[good_indices] angles = angles[good_indices] # Skip iteration if too few good values. if np.size(good_indices) < 2: continue # Points in Cartesian coordinates. points = np.array([pol2cart(dist, angle) for dist, angle in itertools.izip(ranges, angles)]) # Split points in the middle. left_points = points[:len(points) / 2] right_points = points[len(points) / 2:] # Fit line models with RANSAC algorithm. left_model, left_inliers = ransac(left_points, LineModel, min_samples=5, residual_threshold=0.1, max_trials=100) right_model, right_inliers = ransac(right_points, LineModel, min_samples=5, residual_threshold=0.1, max_trials=100) # Determine validity of the lines left_valid = True right_valid = True if np.size(left_inliers) < 15: left_valid = False if np.size(right_inliers) < 15: right_valid = False # Publish row message. self.publish_wall(left_model, left_valid, right_model, right_valid) # RViz visualization of lines and which points are considered in/outliers. # Predict y's using the two outermost x's. This gives us two points on each line. left_wall_x = np.array([left_points[0][0], left_points[-1][0]]) right_wall_x = np.array([right_points[0][0], right_points[-1][0]]) left_wall_y = left_model.predict_y(left_wall_x) right_wall_y = right_model.predict_y(right_wall_x) # Publish markers. self.publish_visualization_marker(left_wall_x, left_wall_y, Marker.LINE_STRIP, "line_left", (0.2, 1.0, 0.2)) self.publish_visualization_marker(right_wall_x, right_wall_y, Marker.LINE_STRIP, "line_right", (0.2, 0.2, 1.0)) self.publish_visualization_marker(left_points[left_inliers, 0], left_points[left_inliers, 1], Marker.POINTS, "left_inliers", (0.5, 1.0, 0.5)) self.publish_visualization_marker(right_points[right_inliers, 0], right_points[right_inliers, 1], Marker.POINTS, "right_inliers", (0.5, 0.5, 1.0)) left_outliers = left_inliers == False right_outliers = right_inliers == False self.publish_visualization_marker(left_points[left_outliers, 0], left_points[left_outliers, 1], Marker.POINTS, "left_outliers", (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)) self.publish_visualization_marker(right_points[right_outliers, 0], right_points[right_outliers, 1], Marker.POINTS, "right_outliers", (0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) self.rate.sleep()
def calc_transformations(self): print('Calculating each pair translation matrix') self.images[0].M = numpy.float32([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2, crossCheck=False) for i in xrange(1, len(self.images)): image_1 = self.images[i] image_2 = self.images[i - 1] matches = bf.knnMatch(image_1.des, image_2.des, k=2) good = [m for m, n in matches if m.distance < self.knnRatio * n.distance] src_pts = numpy.float32( [[m.queryIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 2) dst_pts = numpy.float32( [[m.trainIdx].pt for m in good]).reshape(-1, 2) model_robust, _ = ransac((src_pts, dst_pts), TranslationTransform, min_samples=6, residual_threshold=self.ransacThreshold, max_trials=1000, stop_sample_num=0.9 * src_pts.shape[0]) tx, ty = model_robust.params M = numpy.float32([[1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty], [0, 0, 1]]) image_1.M = tx, ty = image_1.M[0, 2], image_1.M[1, 2] if ty > 0 and ty > self.drift_y_down: self.drift_y_down = ty elif ty < 0 and ty < self.drift_y_up: self.drift_y_up = ty self.drift_x_max = tx
def test_ransac_is_data_valid(): np.random.seed(1) is_data_valid = lambda data: data.shape[0] > 2 model, inliers = ransac(np.empty((10, 2)), LineModel, 2, np.inf, is_data_valid=is_data_valid) assert_equal(model, None) assert_equal(inliers, None)
def test_ransac_is_data_valid(): is_data_valid = lambda data: data.shape[0] > 2 model, inliers = ransac(np.empty((10, 2)), LineModelND, 2, np.inf, is_data_valid=is_data_valid, random_state=1) assert_equal(model, None) assert_equal(inliers, None)
def robustEstimate(ptsA, ptsB): """ Perform robust estimation on the given correspondences using RANSAC. Args: ---- ptsA: A 2 x N matrix of points. ptsB: A 2 x N matrix of points. Returns: ------- The number of inliers within the points. """ src, dst, N = [], [], ptsA.shape[1] for i in xrange(N): src.append((ptsA[0, i], ptsA[1, i])) dst.append((ptsB[0, i], ptsB[1, i])) src, dst = np.asarray(src), np.asarray(dst) model = ProjectiveTransform() model.estimate(src, dst) model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100) return inliers
def test_ransac_is_model_valid(): def is_model_valid(model, data): return False model, inliers = ransac(np.empty((10, 2)), LineModelND, 2, np.inf, is_model_valid=is_model_valid, random_state=1) assert_equal(model, None) assert_equal(inliers, None)
def run3(self): """ Cette fonction test des alternatives à SIFT et ORB. Ne fonctionne pas.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(3)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(3)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.BRISK() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING) matches = bf.match(d1,d2) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in matches: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def run4(self): """ Cette fonction recadre les images grâce à SURF et RANSAC, fonctionne bien.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(5)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(5)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) b = cv2.SURF() #b.create("Feature2D.BRISK") k1,d1 = b.detectAndCompute(im1,None) k2,d2 = b.detectAndCompute(im2,None) bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(d1,d2, k=2) # Apply ratio test good = [] for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.75*n.distance: good.append(m) g1,g2 = [],[] for i in good: g1.append(k1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(k2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def auto_find_center_rings(avg_img, sigma=1, no_rings=4, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000): """This will find the center of the speckle pattern and the radii of the most intense rings. Parameters ---------- avg_img : 2D array shape of the image sigma : float, optional Standard deviation of the Gaussian filter. no_rings : int, optional number of rings min_sample : int, optional The minimum number of data points to fit a model to. residual_threshold : float, optional Maximum distance for a data point to be classified as an inlier. max_trials : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for random sample selection. Returns ------- center : tuple center co-ordinates of the speckle pattern image : 2D array Indices of pixels that belong to the rings, directly index into an array radii : list values of the radii of the rings Note ---- scikit-image ransac method( is used to automatically find the center and the most intense rings. """ image = img_as_float(color.rgb2gray(avg_img)) edges = feature.canny(image, sigma) coords = np.column_stack(np.nonzero(edges)) edge_pts_xy = coords[:, ::-1] radii = [] for i in range(no_rings): model_robust, inliers = ransac(edge_pts_xy, CircleModel, min_samples, residual_threshold, max_trials=max_trials) if i == 0: center = int(model_robust.params[0]), int(model_robust.params[1]) radii.append(model_robust.params[2]) rr, cc = draw.circle_perimeter(center[1], center[0], int(model_robust.params[2]), shape=image.shape) image[rr, cc] = i + 1 edge_pts_xy = edge_pts_xy[~inliers] return center, image, radii
def get_best_matches(k1, k2, matches): src = k1[matches[:,0]][:,::-1] dst = k2[matches[:,1]][:,::-1] # if there are not enough matches, this fails model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=20, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=40) return model_robust, inliers
def test_ransac_is_model_valid(): np.random.seed(1) def is_model_valid(model, data): return False model, inliers = ransac(np.empty((10, 2)), LineModel, 2, np.inf, is_model_valid=is_model_valid) assert_equal(model, None) assert_equal(inliers, None)
def main(unused_argv): tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) # Read features. locations_1, _, descriptors_1, _, _ = feature_io.ReadFromFile( cmd_args.features_1_path) num_features_1 = locations_1.shape[0]"Loaded image 1's %d features" % num_features_1) locations_2, _, descriptors_2, _, _ = feature_io.ReadFromFile( cmd_args.features_2_path) num_features_2 = locations_2.shape[0]"Loaded image 2's %d features" % num_features_2) # Find nearest-neighbor matches using a KD tree. d1_tree = cKDTree(descriptors_1) _, indices = d1_tree.query( descriptors_2, distance_upper_bound=_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) # Select feature locations for putative matches. locations_2_to_use = np.array([ locations_2[i,] for i in range(num_features_2) if indices[i] != num_features_1 ]) locations_1_to_use = np.array([ locations_1[indices[i],] for i in range(num_features_2) if indices[i] != num_features_1 ]) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = ransac( (locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=20, max_trials=1000)'Found %d inliers' % sum(inliers)) # Visualize correspondences, and save to file. _, ax = plt.subplots() img_1 = mpimg.imread(cmd_args.image_1_path) img_2 = mpimg.imread(cmd_args.image_2_path) inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] plot_matches( ax, img_1, img_2, locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use, np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)), matches_color='b') ax.axis('off') ax.set_title('DELF correspondences') plt.savefig(cmd_args.output_image)
def landmark_registration(points_file1, points_file2, out_file, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100, delimiter="\t"): points1 = pd.read_csv(points_file1, delimiter=delimiter) points2 = pd.read_csv(points_file2, delimiter=delimiter) src = np.concatenate([np.array(points1['x']).reshape([-1,1]), np.array(points1['y']).reshape([-1,1])], axis=-1) dst = np.concatenate([np.array(points2['x']).reshape([-1,1]), np.array(points2['y']).reshape([-1,1])], axis=-1) model = AffineTransform() model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=residual_threshold, max_trials=max_trials) pd.DataFrame(model_robust.params).to_csv(out_file, header=None, index=False, sep="\t")
def punch(img): # Identifiying the Tissue punches in order to Crop the image correctly # Canny edges and RANSAC is used to fit a circe to the punch # A Mask is created distance = 0 r = 0 float_im, orig, ihc = create_bin(img) gray = rgb2grey(orig) smooth = gaussian(gray, sigma=3) shape = np.shape(gray) l = shape[0] w = shape[1] x = l - 20 y = w - 20 rows = np.array([[x, x, x], [x + 1, x + 1, x + 1]]) columns = np.array([[y, y, y], [y + 1, y + 1, y + 1]]) corner = gray[rows, columns] thresh = np.mean(corner) print thresh binar = (smooth < thresh - 0.01) bin = remove_small_holes(binar, min_size=100000, connectivity=2) bin1 = remove_small_objects(bin, min_size=5000, connectivity=2) bin2 = gaussian(bin1, sigma=3) bin3 = (bin2 > 0) # eosin = IHC[:, :, 2] edges = canny(bin3) coords = np.column_stack(np.nonzero(edges)) model, inliers = ransac(coords, CircleModel, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000) # rr, cc = circle_perimeter(int(model.params[0]), # int(model.params[1]), # int(model.params[2]), # shape=im.shape) a, b = model.params[0], model.params[1] r = model.params[2] ny, nx = bin3.shape ix, iy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) distance = np.sqrt((ix - b)**2 + (iy - a)**2) mask = > r, bin3) return distance, r, float_im, orig, ihc, bin3
def test_ransac_invalid_input(): with testing.raises(ValueError): ransac(np.zeros((10, 2)), None, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=0, max_trials=-1) with testing.raises(ValueError): ransac(np.zeros((10, 2)), None, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=0, stop_probability=-1) with testing.raises(ValueError): ransac(np.zeros((10, 2)), None, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=0, stop_probability=1.01)
def fit(self, line_img): """Estimate the tranform matrix self.M based on a binary image with line detected. - `line_img`: image with two lines detected, representing the left and right boundaries of lanes. In the transformed bird-eye view, the two boundaries should be roughly parallel. """ # image shape H, W = line_img.shape[:2] # find line coordinates ys, xs = np.where(line_img > 0) # clustering of two lines cluster2 = KMeans(2)[xs, ys]) # build robust linear model for each line linear_models = [] for c in [0, 1]: i = (cluster2.labels_ == c) robust_model, inliers = ransac(np.c_[xs[i], ys[i]], LineModel, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=1., max_trials=500) linear_models.append(robust_model) # get the vertices of a trapezoid as source points if self.forward_distance is None: middle_h = H/2 + 100#160 else: middle_h = H - self.forward_distance line0 = [(linear_models[0].predict_x(H), H), (linear_models[0].predict_x(middle_h), middle_h)] line1 = [(linear_models[1].predict_x(H), H), (linear_models[1].predict_x(middle_h), middle_h)] src_pts = np.array(line0 + line1, dtype=np.float32) # get the vertices of destination points # here simply map it to a rect with same width/length from bottom bottom_x1, bottom_x2 = line0[0][0], line1[0][0] v = np.array(line0[1]) - np.array(line0[0]) # it must be the same as source trapzoid length otherwise y_mpp will change L = H#int(np.sqrt(np.sum( v*v ))) #H dst_pts = np.array([(bottom_x1, H), (bottom_x1, H-L), (bottom_x2, H), (bottom_x2, H-L)], dtype=np.float32) # estimate the transform matrix self.M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src_pts, dst_pts) self.invM = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(dst_pts, src_pts) # estimate meter-per-pixel in the transformed image self.x_mpp = 3 / np.abs(bottom_x1-bottom_x2) self.y_mpp = self.estimate_ympp(line_img) return self
def refineBoundaries(img_orig, plate): np.random.seed(7) minr, minc, maxr, maxc = plate.bbox img_window = img_orig[minr: maxr, minc: maxc] plate_points = [(minc, minr), (maxc, minr), (maxc, maxr), (minc, maxr)] plate_x = minc plate_y = minr img_window = np.absolute(filters.prewitt_v(img_window)) thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(img_window) img_window = img_window <= thresh labels = measure.label(img_window) points = [] for region in measure.regionprops(labels): minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox ratio = float(maxr - minr) / float(maxc - minc) heigh = maxr - minr area = region.area if (ratio > 1 and area > 10 and heigh > 10): points.append((minc, minr, maxc, maxr)) if len(points) > 1: points = np.array(points) x1 = np.min(points[:, 0]) x2 = np.max(points[:, 2]) ransac_model, inliers = measure.ransac(points[:, 0:2], measure.LineModel, 5, 3, max_trials=30) points = points[inliers] if ransac_model.params[1] != 0: average_heigh = int(np.mean(points[:, 3]) - np.mean(points[:, 1])) pad_t = average_heigh / 2 pad_b = average_heigh + (average_heigh / 3) y1 = ransac_model.predict_y(x1) y2 = ransac_model.predict_y(x2) refined_points = [(x1, y1 - pad_t), (x2, y2 - pad_t), (x2, y2 + pad_b), (x1, y1 + pad_b)] refined_points = [(x + plate_x, y + plate_y) for (x, y) in refined_points] return refined_points return plate_points
def NextGID(self,image): """ Calculates the next Group ID for the input image """ NewImg = self.LoadImage(image,Greyscale=True,scale=0.25) self.orb.detect_and_extract(NewImg) NewImgKeyDescr = (self.orb.keypoints, self.orb.descriptors) for PreImgKeyDescr in reversed(self.ImagesKeypointsDescriptors): # Check for overlap matcheOfDesc = match_descriptors(PreImgKeyDescr[1], NewImgKeyDescr[1], cross_check=True) # Select keypoints from the source (image to be registered) # and target (reference image) src = NewImgKeyDescr[0][matcheOfDesc[:, 1]][:, ::-1] dst = PreImgKeyDescr[0][matcheOfDesc[:, 0]][:, ::-1] model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=300) NumberOfTrueMatches = np.sum(inliers) #len(inliers[inliers]) if NumberOfTrueMatches > 100 : # Image has overlap logger.debug('Image {0} found a match! (No: of Matches={1})'.format(image,NumberOfTrueMatches)) break else : logger.debug('Image {0} not matching..(No: of Matches={1})'.format(image,NumberOfTrueMatches)) continue else: # None of the images in the for loop has any overlap...So this is a new Group self.ImagesKeypointsDescriptors = [] # Erase all previous group items # self.ImagesWithOverlap = [] # Increment Group ID self.CurrentGroupID += 1 logger.debug('Starting a new Panorama group (GID={0})'.format(self.CurrentGroupID)) # Append the latest image to the current group self.ImagesKeypointsDescriptors.append(NewImgKeyDescr) # self.ImagesWithOverlap.append(NewImg) # Return the current group ID return self.CurrentGroupID
def _orb_ransac_shift(self, im1, im2, template): descriptor_extractor = ORB() #n_keypoints=self.parameters['n_keypoints']) key1, des1 = self._find_key_points(descriptor_extractor, im1) key2, des2 = self._find_key_points(descriptor_extractor, im2) matches = match_descriptors(des1, des2, cross_check=True) # estimate affine transform model using all coordinates src = key1[matches[:, 0]] dst = key2[matches[:, 1]] # robustly estimate affine transform model with RANSAC model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=100) # diff = [] # for p1, p2 in zip(src[inliers], dst[inliers]): # diff.append(p2-p1) # return np.mean(diff, axis=0) return model_robust.translation
def test_ransac_geometric(): np.random.seed(1) # generate original data without noise src = 100 * np.random.random((50, 2)) model0 = AffineTransform(scale=(0.5, 0.3), rotation=1, translation=(10, 20)) dst = model0(src) # add some faulty data outliers = (0, 5, 20) dst[outliers[0]] = (10000, 10000) dst[outliers[1]] = (-100, 100) dst[outliers[2]] = (50, 50) # estimate parameters of corrupted data model_est, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, 2, 20) # test whether estimated parameters equal original parameters assert_almost_equal(model0._matrix, model_est._matrix) assert np.all(np.nonzero(inliers == False)[0] == outliers)
def match_from_toa(fk, fd, tk, td, min_matches=10): # get matching keypoints between images (from to) or (previous, base) or (next, base) try: matches = matcher.knnMatch(fd, td, k=2) matches_subset = filter_matches(matches) src = [fk[match.queryIdx] for match in matches_subset] # target image is base image dst = [tk[match.trainIdx] for match in matches_subset] src = np.asarray(src) dst = np.asarray(dst) if src.shape[0] > min_matches: # TODO - select which transform to use based on sensor data? model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=8, residual_threshold=1) accuracy = float(inliers.shape[0]) / float(src.shape[0]) ransac_matches = matches_subset[inliers] return model_robust, ransac_matches, accuracy except Exception, e: logging.error(e)
def test_ransac_shape(): # generate original data without noise model0 = CircleModel() model0.params = (10, 12, 3) t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000) data0 = model0.predict_xy(t) # add some faulty data outliers = (10, 30, 200) data0[outliers[0], :] = (1000, 1000) data0[outliers[1], :] = (-50, 50) data0[outliers[2], :] = (-100, -10) # estimate parameters of corrupted data model_est, inliers = ransac(data0, CircleModel, 3, 5, random_state=1) # test whether estimated parameters equal original parameters assert_equal(model0.params, model_est.params) for outlier in outliers: assert outlier not in inliers
def RANSAC(image): np.random.seed(seed=1) # generate coordinates of line x = np.arange(-200, 200) y = 0.2 * x + 20 data = np.column_stack([x, y]) # add faulty data faulty = np.array(30 * [(180., -100)]) faulty += 5 * np.random.normal(size=faulty.shape) data[:faulty.shape[0]] = faulty # add gaussian noise to coordinates noise = np.random.normal(size=data.shape) data += 0.5 * noise data[::2] += 5 * noise[::2] data[::4] += 20 * noise[::4] # fit line using all data model = LineModel() model.estimate(data) # robustly fit line only using inlier data with RANSAC algorithm model_robust, inliers = ransac(data, LineModel, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000) outliers = inliers == False # generate coordinates of estimated models line_x = np.arange(-250, 250) line_y = model.predict_y(line_x) line_y_robust = model_robust.predict_y(line_x) plt.plot(data[inliers, 0], data[inliers, 1], '.b', alpha=0.6, label='Inlier data') plt.plot(data[outliers, 0], data[outliers, 1], '.r', alpha=0.6, label='Outlier data') plt.plot(line_x, line_y, '-k', label='Line model from all data') plt.plot(line_x, line_y_robust, '-b', label='Robust line model') plt.legend(loc='lower left')
def match_from_to(fk, fd, tk, td, min_matches=10): # get matching keypoints between images (from to) or (previous, base) or (next, base) ransac_matches = np.zeros((0, 2)) matches = np.zeros((0, 2)) inliers = np.zeros((0, 2)) # try: if 1: # opencv way matches = matcher.knnMatch(fd, td, k=2) matches_subset = filter_matches(matches) matches_subset = np.array([[match.trainIdx, match.queryIdx] for match in matches_subset]) src = np.asarray(fk[matches_subset[:, 1]]) dst = np.asarray(tk[matches_subset[:, 0]])"STARTING MATCH src: %d dst %d" % (src.shape[0], dst.shape[0])) if src.shape[0] > min_matches: # TODO - select which transform to use based on sensor data? try: model_robust, inliers = ransac( (src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=min_matches, stop_sample_num=100, max_trials=2000, stop_probability=0.995, residual_threshold=2, ) except Exception, e: logging.error(e)"FOUND inliers %d" % inliers.shape[0]) if inliers.shape[0]: num_correct = inliers.shape[0] num_matches = src.shape[0] num_false = num_matches - num_correct ransac_matches = matches_subset[inliers] perc_correct = 1 - float(num_false) / float(num_matches) return model_robust, ransac_matches, matches, inliers, perc_correct else:"Not enough matches: %d < min_matches: %d" % (src.shape[0], min_matches))
def find_two_matches(base_img, img, base_k, img_k, base_d, img_d, min_matches=10): matches = match_descriptors(base_d, img_d, cross_check=True) # * src (image to be registered): # * dst (reference image): src = img_k[matches[:,1]][:,::-1] dst = base_k[matches[:,0]][:,::-1] if matches.shape[0] > min_matches: # model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, # min_samples=10, residual_threshold=10, # stop_sample_num=100, max_trials=300) # model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=6, residual_threshold=3, max_trials=100) ransac_matches = matches[inliers] inlierRatio = ransac_matches.shape[0]/float(matches.shape[0]) return model_robust, ransac_matches, inlierRatio else: return np.zeros((0, 2)), np.zeros((0, 2)), 0.0
def match_from_to_compare(fk, fd, tk, td, min_matches=10): # get matching keypoints between images (from to) or (previous, base) or (next, base) ransac_matches = np.zeros((0, 2)) matches = np.zeros((0, 2)) inliers = np.zeros((0, 2)) try: # skimage way # may need to reverse matches = match_descriptors(fd, td, cross_check=True) src = tk[matches[:, 1]][::-1] dst = fk[matches[:, 0]][::-1]"STARTING MATCH src: %d dst %d" % (src.shape[0], dst.shape[0])) if src.shape[0] > min_matches: # TODO - select which transform to use based on sensor data? try: model_robust, inliers = ransac( (src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=min_matches, stop_sample_num=100, max_trials=2000, stop_probability=0.995, residual_threshold=2, ) except Exception, e: logging.error(e)"FOUND inliers %d" % inliers.shape[0]) if inliers.shape[0]: num_correct = inliers.shape[0] num_matches = src.shape[0] num_false = num_matches - num_correct ransac_matches = matches[inliers] perc_correct = 1 - float(num_false) / float(num_matches) return model_robust, ransac_matches, matches, inliers, perc_correct else:
def run2(self): """ Cette fonction recadre les images grâce à SIFT et RANSAC, fonctionne bien.""" for x in xrange(len(self.stack)-1): print('Traitement image ' + str(x+1)) im1,im2 = 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)), 255.*gaussian_filter(self.stack[x+1,...], sqrt(self.initial_sigma**2 - 0.25)) im1,im2 = enhance_contrast(normaliser(im1), square(3)), enhance_contrast(normaliser(im2), square(3)) im1, im2 = normaliser(im1), normaliser(im2) sift = cv2.SIFT() # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(im1,None) kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(im2,None) # BFMatcher with default params bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(des1,des2, k=2) # Apply ratio test good = [] for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.75*n.distance: good.append(m) # good est une liste de DMatch g1,g2 = [],[] for i in good: g1.append(kp1[i.queryIdx].pt) g2.append(kp2[i.trainIdx].pt) model, inliers = ransac((np.array(g1), np.array(g2)), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=self.min_epsilon, max_trials=self.max_trials, stop_residuals_sum=self.min_inlier_ratio) self.stack[x+1,...] = warp(self.stack[x+1,...], AffineTransform(rotation=model.rotation, translation=model.translation), output_shape=self.stack[x+1].shape) self.stack = self.stack.astype(np.uint8)
def get_translation_tool(self, n_keypoints=1000): # Convert images to grayscale src_image = rgb2gray(self.src_image) dst_image = rgb2gray(self.dst_image) # Initiate an ORB class object which can extract features & descriptors from images. # Set the amount of features that should be found (more = more accurate) descriptor_extractor = ORB(n_keypoints=n_keypoints) # Extract features and descriptors from source image descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(src_image) self.keypoints1 = descriptor_extractor.keypoints descriptors1 = descriptor_extractor.descriptors # Extract features and descriptors from destination image descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(dst_image) self.keypoints2 = descriptor_extractor.keypoints descriptors2 = descriptor_extractor.descriptors # Matches the descriptors and gives them rating as to how similar they are self.matches12 = match_descriptors(descriptors1, descriptors2, cross_check=True) # Selects the coordinates from source image and destination image based on the # indices given from the match_descriptors function. src = self.keypoints1[self.matches12[:, 0]][:, ::-1] dst = self.keypoints2[self.matches12[:, 1]][:, ::-1] # Filters out the outliers and generates the transformation matrix based on only the inliers model_robust, inliers = \ ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=2) # This returns the object "model_robust" which contains the tranformation matrix and # uses that to translate any coordinate point from source to destination image. return model_robust, inliers
def count_i(land_name): data = land_name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] #file1 = open('txt_file_m18_m/'+data+'.txt','w') maxNum = 0 maxName = '' for name in glob(feature_db + '*'): #print (name) name2 = name.split('/') number = name2[-1].split('.')[0] # Read features. locations_1, _, descriptors_1, _, _ = feature_io.ReadFromFile( land_name) #cmd_args.features_1_path) num_features_1 = locations_1.shape[0]"Loaded image 1's %d features" % num_features_1) locations_2, _, descriptors_2, _, _ = feature_io.ReadFromFile(name) #cmd_args.features_2_path) num_features_2 = locations_2.shape[0]"Loaded image 2's %d features" % num_features_2) # Find nearest-neighbor matches using a KD tree. d1_tree = cKDTree(descriptors_1) _, indices = d1_tree.query(descriptors_2, distance_upper_bound=_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) # Select feature locations for putative matches. locations_2_to_use = np.array([ locations_2[i, ] for i in range(num_features_2) if indices[i] != num_features_1 ]) locations_1_to_use = np.array([ locations_1[indices[i], ] for i in range(num_features_2) if indices[i] != num_features_1 ]) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. try: _, inliers = ransac((locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=20, max_trials=1000) #print(sum(inliers)) #print(maxNum) #"""'Found %d inliers' % sum(inliers)) #print(sum(inliers)) #print(maxNum) score = int(sum(inliers)) #file1.write(name+'\t'+str(sum(inliers))+'\n') #maxName = num2name[number] num = name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] if score > 35 and score > maxNum: maxNum = score maxName = num2name[number] print(maxName) print(maxNum) #break #""" except: #print('fail') a = 0 #break #print (maxName) #result_dic[data] = maxName return maxName
def read_csv(name, nl="\n", dl=","): cloud = [] with open(name, newline=nl) as csvfile: csvreader = reader(csvfile, delimiter=dl) for xx, yy, zz in csvreader: cloud.append([float(xx), float(yy), float(zz)]) return cloud cloud = numpy.array(read_csv("")) model_robotus, inliers = ransac(cloud, LineModelND, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000) outliers = inliers == False import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(cloud[inliers][:, 0], cloud[inliers][:, 1], cloud[inliers][:, 2], c='g', marker='o', label='inliers') # ax.scatter(cloud[outliers][:,0],cloud[outliers][:,1],cloud[outliers][:,2],c='r',marker='o',label='outliers')
img0 = img_list[0] coords0 = corner_list[0] matching_corners = [ match_locations(img0, img1, coords0, coords1, min_dist) for img1, coords1 in zip(img_list, corner_list) ] ############################################################################ # Once all the points are registered to the reference points, robust # relative affine transformations can be estimated using the RANSAC method. src = np.array(coords0) trfm_list = [ measure.ransac((dst, src), transform.EuclideanTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100)[0].params for dst in matching_corners ] fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(6, 2, figsize=(6, 9), sharex=True, sharey=True) for idx, (im, trfm, (ax0, ax1)) in enumerate(zip(img_list, trfm_list, ax_list)): ax0.imshow(im, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1) ax1.imshow(transform.warp(im, trfm), cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1) if idx == 0: ax0.set_title(f"Tilted images") ax0.set_ylabel(f"Reference Image\n(PSNR={psnr_ref:.2f})") ax1.set_title(f"Registered images")
def MatchFeatures(query_locations, query_descriptors, index_image_locations, index_image_descriptors, ransac_seed=None, feature_distance_threshold=0.9, ransac_residual_threshold=10.0): """Matches local features using geometric verification. First, finds putative local feature matches by matching `query_descriptors` against a KD-tree from the `index_image_descriptors`. Then, attempts to fit an affine transformation between the putative feature corresponces using their locations. Args: query_locations: Locations of local features for query image. NumPy array of shape [#query_features, 2]. query_descriptors: Descriptors of local features for query image. NumPy array of shape [#query_features, depth]. index_image_locations: Locations of local features for index image. NumPy array of shape [#index_image_features, 2]. index_image_descriptors: Descriptors of local features for index image. NumPy array of shape [#index_image_features, depth]. ransac_seed: Seed used by RANSAC. If None (default), no seed is provided. feature_distance_threshold: Distance threshold below which a pair of features is considered a potential match, and will be fed into RANSAC. ransac_residual_threshold: Residual error threshold for considering matches as inliers, used in RANSAC algorithm. Returns: score: Number of inliers of match. If no match is found, returns 0. Raises: ValueError: If local descriptors from query and index images have different dimensionalities. """ num_features_query = query_locations.shape[0] num_features_index_image = index_image_locations.shape[0] if not num_features_query or not num_features_index_image: return 0 local_feature_dim = query_descriptors.shape[1] if index_image_descriptors.shape[1] != local_feature_dim: raise ValueError( 'Local feature dimensionality is not consistent for query and index ' 'images.') # Find nearest-neighbor matches using a KD tree. index_image_tree = spatial.cKDTree(index_image_descriptors) _, indices = index_image_tree.query( query_descriptors, distance_upper_bound=feature_distance_threshold) # Select feature locations for putative matches. query_locations_to_use = np.array([ query_locations[i,] for i in range(num_features_query) if indices[i] != num_features_index_image ]) index_image_locations_to_use = np.array([ index_image_locations[indices[i],] for i in range(num_features_query) if indices[i] != num_features_index_image ]) # If there are not enough putative matches, early return 0. if query_locations_to_use.shape[0] <= _MIN_RANSAC_SAMPLES: return 0 # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = measure.ransac( (index_image_locations_to_use, query_locations_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=_MIN_RANSAC_SAMPLES, residual_threshold=ransac_residual_threshold, max_trials=_NUM_RANSAC_TRIALS, random_state=ransac_seed) if inliers is None: inliers = [] return sum(inliers)
# find correspondences using simple weighted sum of squared differences src = [] dst = [] for coord in coords_orig_subpix: src.append(coord) dst.append(match_corner(coord)) src = np.array(src) dst = np.array(dst) # estimate affine transform model using all coordinates model = AffineTransform() model.estimate(src, dst) # robustly estimate affine transform model with RANSAC model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100) outliers = inliers == False # compare "true" and estimated transform parameters print tform.scale, tform.translation, tform.rotation print model.scale, model.translation, model.rotation print model_robust.scale, model_robust.translation, model_robust.rotation # visualize correspondences img_combined = np.concatenate((img_orig_gray, img_warped_gray), axis=1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) plt.gray()
def calculate_point_MCMC(kps_left, sco_left, des_left, kps_right, sco_right, des_right): #Flann特征匹配 FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 1 index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5) search_params = dict(checks=40) flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) matches = flann.knnMatch(des_left, des_right, k=2) goodMatch = [] locations_1_to_use = [] locations_2_to_use = [] dis = [] # 匹配对筛选 # min_dist = 1000 # max_dist = 0 disdif_avg = 0 # 统计平均距离差 for m, n in matches: disdif_avg += n.distance - m.distance disdif_avg = disdif_avg / len(matches) for m, n in matches: #自适应阈值 if n.distance > m.distance + 1 * disdif_avg: goodMatch.append(m) p2 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_right[m.trainIdx][0], kps_right[m.trainIdx][1], 1) p1 = cv2.KeyPoint(kps_left[m.queryIdx][0], kps_left[m.queryIdx][1], 1) locations_1_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) locations_2_to_use.append([[0],[1]]) dis.append([n.distance, m.distance]) # if #goodMatch = sorted(goodMatch, key=lambda x: x.distance) # print('match num is %d' % len(goodMatch)) locations_1_to_use = np.array(locations_1_to_use) locations_2_to_use = np.array(locations_2_to_use) dis = np.array(dis) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = measure.ransac((locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=_RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD, max_trials=1000) # print('Found %d inliers' % sum(inliers)) inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] # 筛选距离最近的前60%个数据 inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] dis_R = dis[inliers] dis_idx = np.argsort(dis_R[:, 0] - dis_R[:, 1]) dis_sorted = dis_R[dis_idx] l = dis_idx.shape[0] end = int(l * 0.6) #最终匹配结果 inlier_idxs = inlier_idxs[dis_idx[:end]] # print('sorted inliers:', end) #最终匹配结果 matches = np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)) # print('whole time is %6.3f' % (time.perf_counter() - start0)) return locations_1_to_use[inlier_idxs], locations_2_to_use[inlier_idxs]
# print("data shape", data.shape) # add faulty data faulty = np.array(10 * [(180., -100)]) faulty += 10 * np.random.normal(size=faulty.shape) data[:faulty.shape[0]] = faulty # print("data shape", data.shape) # fit line using all data model = LineModelND() model.estimate(data) # robustly fit line only using inlier data with RANSAC algorithm model_robust, inliers = ransac(data, LineModelND, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=threshold, max_trials=20) outliers = inliers == False # print("inliers", inliers) # print("outliers", outliers, np.count_nonzero(outliers)) # generate coordinates of estimated models line_x = np.arange(-250, 250) line_y = model.predict_y(line_x) line_y_robust = model_robust.predict_y(line_x) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(data[inliers, 0], data[inliers, 1], '.b',
#Load up the first frame: currframe = frame(cap,frameorder[0]) weightimage = np.ones(currframe.grayimage.shape) imagearr = np.zeros((currframe.rawimage.shape[0],currframe.rawimage.shape[1],currframe.rawimage.shape[2],len(frameorder)))/0. imagearr[:,:,:,0] = ski_exp.rescale_intensity(ski_util.img_as_float(currframe.rawimage)) #Go through the frames: for i in range(1,len(frameorder)): print i,len(frameorder)-1,frameorder[i],imagearr.shape newframe = frame(cap,frameorder[i]) #Compute matches: matches = match_frames_twosided(currframe,newframe,dist_ratio=0.6) #matches = match_frames_flann(currframe,newframe) matching_coords_curr = currframe.coords[matches > 0,:] matching_coords_new = newframe.coords[matches[matches>0],:] #Compute homology: model,inliers = ski_measure.ransac((matching_coords_curr,matching_coords_new),ski_trans.ProjectiveTransform,min_samples=25,residual_threshold=1.0,max_trials=2000) #print currframe.rawimage.max(),currframe.rawimage.min() test = homology_chisquared(newframe.rawimage,ski_exp.rescale_intensity(ski_util.img_as_float(currframe.rawimage)),model._matrix.reshape(-1)) #print np.sum(test),test.min(),test.max() #print len(inliers),np.sum(inliers) homologies[i,:,:] = model._matrix #Determine where the new frame extrema would be after being transformed: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = compute_extrema(newframe,model._matrix) jointimage = ski_exp.rescale_intensity(ski_util.img_as_float(currframe.rawimage.copy())) #ax = plot_matches(newframe.rawimage,currframe.rawimage,matching_coords_new[inliers,:],matching_coords_new[inliers,:],matches[inliers],show_below=False,ax=None) #ax.figure.savefig('test_matches_{0:d}.jpg'.format(newframe.framenumber)) #print xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,imagearr.shape,np.sum(inliers) if xmax > currframe.rawimage.shape[1]*1.5 or ymax > currframe.rawimage.shape[0]*1.5 or xmin < currframe.rawimage.shape[1]*-0.5 or ymin < currframe.rawimage.shape[0]*-0.5: ski_io.imsave('test_avg_aborted.jpg',currframe.rawimage) print " ",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,currframe.rawimage.shape sys.exit("Image matching has likely failed, aborting to avoid running out of memory")
matchesMask[i] = [1, 0] # print(i) # p2 = cv2.KeyPoint(kp1[m.trainIdx][0], kp1[m.trainIdx][1], 1) # p1 = cv2.KeyPoint(kp2[m.queryIdx][0], kp2[m.queryIdx][1], 1) locations_1_to_use.append( [kp1[m.queryIdx].pt[0], kp1[m.queryIdx].pt[1]]) locations_2_to_use.append( [kp2[m.trainIdx].pt[0], kp2[m.trainIdx].pt[1]]) locations_1_to_use = np.array(locations_1_to_use) locations_2_to_use = np.array(locations_2_to_use) # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD = 30 _, inliers = measure.ransac((locations_1_to_use, locations_2_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=_RESIDUAL_THRESHOLD, max_trials=1000) inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] # p1 = locations_2_to_use[inlier_idxs] # p2 = locations_1_to_use[inlier_idxs] # Visualize correspondences, and save to file. #1 绘制匹配连线 plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 #图片像素 plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100 #分辨率 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4.0, 3.0) # 设置figure_size尺寸 _, ax = plt.subplots() plotmatch.plot_matches(ax, img_sar_canny, img_optical_canny,
descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(img_right) keypoints_right = descriptor_extractor.keypoints descriptors_right = descriptor_extractor.descriptors matches = match_descriptors(descriptors_left, descriptors_right, cross_check=True) print(f'Number of matches: {matches.shape[0]}') # Estimate the epipolar geometry between the left and right image. random_seed = 9 rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) model, inliers = ransac((keypoints_left[matches[:, 0]], keypoints_right[matches[:, 1]]), FundamentalMatrixTransform, min_samples=8, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=5000, random_state=rng) inlier_keypoints_left = keypoints_left[matches[inliers, 0]] inlier_keypoints_right = keypoints_right[matches[inliers, 1]] print(f'Number of inliers: {inliers.sum()}') # Compare estimated sparse disparities to the dense ground-truth disparities. disp = inlier_keypoints_left[:, 1] - inlier_keypoints_right[:, 1] disp_coords = np.round(inlier_keypoints_left).astype(np.int64) disp_idxs = np.ravel_multi_index(disp_coords.T, groundtruth_disp.shape) disp_error = np.abs(groundtruth_disp.ravel()[disp_idxs] - disp) disp_error = disp_error[np.isfinite(disp_error)]
# Array to keep track of all candidates in database. inliers_counts = [] # Read the resized query image for plotting. img_1 = mpimg.imread(resized_image) for index in unique_image_indexes: locations_2_use_query, locations_2_use_db = get_locations_2_use( index, indices, accumulated_indexes_boundaries) if len(locations_2_use_db) <= 3: continue # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = ransac( (locations_2_use_db, locations_2_use_query), # source and destination coordinates AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=20, max_trials=1000) # If no inlier is found for a database candidate image, we continue on to the next one. if inliers is None or len(inliers) == 0: continue # the number of inliers as the score for retrieved images. inliers_counts.append({"index": index, "inliers": sum(inliers)}) print('Found inliers for image {} -> {}'.format(index, sum(inliers))) # Visualize correspondences. # _, ax = plt.subplots() # img_2 = mpimg.imread(db_images[index]) # inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] # plot_matches( # ax,
def MatchFeatures(query_locations, query_descriptors, index_image_locations, index_image_descriptors, ransac_seed=None, descriptor_matching_threshold=0.9, ransac_residual_threshold=10.0, query_im_array=None, index_im_array=None, query_im_scale_factors=None, index_im_scale_factors=None, use_ratio_test=False): """Matches local features using geometric verification. First, finds putative local feature matches by matching `query_descriptors` against a KD-tree from the `index_image_descriptors`. Then, attempts to fit an affine transformation between the putative feature corresponces using their locations. Args: query_locations: Locations of local features for query image. NumPy array of shape [#query_features, 2]. query_descriptors: Descriptors of local features for query image. NumPy array of shape [#query_features, depth]. index_image_locations: Locations of local features for index image. NumPy array of shape [#index_image_features, 2]. index_image_descriptors: Descriptors of local features for index image. NumPy array of shape [#index_image_features, depth]. ransac_seed: Seed used by RANSAC. If None (default), no seed is provided. descriptor_matching_threshold: Threshold below which a pair of local descriptors is considered a potential match, and will be fed into RANSAC. If use_ratio_test==False, this is a simple distance threshold. If use_ratio_test==True, this is Lowe's ratio test threshold. ransac_residual_threshold: Residual error threshold for considering matches as inliers, used in RANSAC algorithm. query_im_array: Optional. If not None, contains a NumPy array with the query image, used to produce match visualization, if there is a match. index_im_array: Optional. Same as `query_im_array`, but for index image. query_im_scale_factors: Optional. If not None, contains a NumPy array with the query image scales, used to produce match visualization, if there is a match. If None and a visualization will be produced, [1.0, 1.0] is used (ie, feature locations are not scaled). index_im_scale_factors: Optional. Same as `query_im_scale_factors`, but for index image. use_ratio_test: If True, descriptor matching is performed via ratio test, instead of distance-based threshold. Returns: score: Number of inliers of match. If no match is found, returns 0. match_viz_bytes: Encoded image bytes with visualization of the match, if there is one, and if `query_im_array` and `index_im_array` are properly set. Otherwise, it's an empty bytes string. Raises: ValueError: If local descriptors from query and index images have different dimensionalities. """ num_features_query = query_locations.shape[0] num_features_index_image = index_image_locations.shape[0] if not num_features_query or not num_features_index_image: return 0, b'' local_feature_dim = query_descriptors.shape[1] if index_image_descriptors.shape[1] != local_feature_dim: raise ValueError( 'Local feature dimensionality is not consistent for query and index ' 'images.') # Construct KD-tree used to find nearest neighbors. index_image_tree = spatial.cKDTree(index_image_descriptors) if use_ratio_test: distances, indices = index_image_tree.query(query_descriptors, k=2, n_jobs=-1) query_locations_to_use = np.array([ query_locations[i, ] for i in range(num_features_query) if distances[i][0] < descriptor_matching_threshold * distances[i][1] ]) index_image_locations_to_use = np.array([ index_image_locations[indices[i][0], ] for i in range(num_features_query) if distances[i][0] < descriptor_matching_threshold * distances[i][1] ]) else: _, indices = index_image_tree.query( query_descriptors, distance_upper_bound=descriptor_matching_threshold, n_jobs=-1) # Select feature locations for putative matches. query_locations_to_use = np.array([ query_locations[i, ] for i in range(num_features_query) if indices[i] != num_features_index_image ]) index_image_locations_to_use = np.array([ index_image_locations[indices[i], ] for i in range(num_features_query) if indices[i] != num_features_index_image ]) # If there are not enough putative matches, early return 0. if query_locations_to_use.shape[0] <= _MIN_RANSAC_SAMPLES: return 0, b'' # Perform geometric verification using RANSAC. _, inliers = measure.ransac( (index_image_locations_to_use, query_locations_to_use), transform.AffineTransform, min_samples=_MIN_RANSAC_SAMPLES, residual_threshold=ransac_residual_threshold, max_trials=_NUM_RANSAC_TRIALS, random_state=ransac_seed) match_viz_bytes = b'' if inliers is None: inliers = [] elif query_im_array is not None and index_im_array is not None: if query_im_scale_factors is None: query_im_scale_factors = [1.0, 1.0] if index_im_scale_factors is None: index_im_scale_factors = [1.0, 1.0] inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0] _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.axis('off') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.NullLocator()) plt.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, right=1, left=0, hspace=0, wspace=0) plt.margins(0, 0) feature.plot_matches(ax, query_im_array, index_im_array, query_locations_to_use * query_im_scale_factors, index_image_locations_to_use * index_im_scale_factors, np.column_stack((inlier_idxs, inlier_idxs)), only_matches=True) match_viz_io = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(match_viz_io, format='jpeg', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) match_viz_bytes = match_viz_io.getvalue() return sum(inliers), match_viz_bytes
src = [] dst = [] for coord in coords_orig_subpix: src.append(coord) dst.append(match_corner(coord)) src = np.array(src) dst = np.array(dst) # estimate affine transform model using all coordinates model = AffineTransform() model.estimate(src, dst) # robustly estimate affine transform model with RANSAC model_robust, inliers = ransac((src, dst), AffineTransform, min_samples=3, residual_threshold=2, max_trials=100) outliers = inliers == False # compare "true" and estimated transform parameters print(tform.scale, tform.translation, tform.rotation) print(model.scale, model.translation, model.rotation) print(model_robust.scale, model_robust.translation, model_robust.rotation) # visualize correspondence fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) plt.gray() inlier_idxs = np.nonzero(inliers)[0]
keypoints_right, sorces_right, descriptor_right = extract_features( img_right) matches = match_descriptors(descriptor_left, descriptor_right, cross_check=True) print('Number of raw matches: %d.' % matches.shape[0]) #print(keypoints_left) keypoints_ll = keypoints_left[matches[:, 0], :2] keypoints_rr = keypoints_right[matches[:, 1], :2] np.random.seed(0) best_model_, inliers = ransac( (keypoints_ll, keypoints_rr), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=4, max_trials=10000 # res= 2 maxtrial=10000 ) n_inliers = np.sum(inliers) print('Number of inliers: %d.' % n_inliers) inlier_keypoints_left = [ cv2.KeyPoint(point[0], point[1], 1) for point in keypoints_ll[inliers] ] inlier_keypoints_right = [ cv2.KeyPoint(point[0], point[1], 1) for point in keypoints_rr[inliers] ]
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='COLMAP database building', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--sequence_root", type=str, required=True, help='root of video sequence') parser.add_argument("--overwrite_database", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() sequence_root = Path(args.sequence_root) overwrite_database = args.overwrite_database feature_match_path = sequence_root / "feature_matches.hdf5" database_path = sequence_root / "database.db" if not overwrite_database: if database_path.exists(): print("ERROR: database exists already") exit() if not feature_match_path.exists(): print("ERROR: feature matches hdf5 file does not exist") exit() # Open the database. db = COLMAPDatabase.connect(str(database_path)) # For convenience, try creating all the tables upfront. db.create_tables() images_root = sequence_root / "images" image_list = list(images_root.glob("0*.jpg")) image_list.sort() image = cv2.imread(str(image_list[0])) height, width, _ = image.shape # Create camera model -- PINHOLE CAMERA (fx fy cx cy)) camera_intrinsics_path = sequence_root / "camera_intrinsics_per_view" with open(str(camera_intrinsics_path), "r") as f: temp = list() for i in range(4): temp.append(f.readline()) model, intrinsics = 1, np.array((temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3])) camera_id = db.add_camera(model, width, height, intrinsics) # Create image ids image_id_list = list() for image_path in image_list: image_id_list.append(db.add_image(, camera_id)) # Create matches per image pair f_matches = h5py.File(str(feature_match_path), 'r') dataset_matches = f_matches['matches'] start_index = 0 tq = tqdm.tqdm(total=dataset_matches.shape[0]) tq.set_description("Gathering keypoints") keypoints_dict = dict() # Keypoint gathering while start_index < dataset_matches.shape[0]: header = dataset_matches[start_index, :, 0] num_matches, id_1, id_2, _ = header tq.set_postfix(source_frame_index='{:d}'.format(id_1), target_frame_index='{:d}'.format(id_2)) id_1 += 1 id_2 += 1 id_1 = int(id_1) id_2 = int(id_2) pair_matches = dataset_matches[start_index + 1:start_index + 1 + num_matches, :, 0] pair_matches = pair_matches.astype(np.long) matches = np.concatenate( [(pair_matches[:, 0] + pair_matches[:, 1] * width).reshape( (-1, 1)), (pair_matches[:, 2] + pair_matches[:, 3] * width).reshape( (-1, 1))], axis=1) if str(id_1) not in keypoints_dict: keypoints_dict[str(id_1)] = list(matches[:, 0]) else: keypoints_dict[str(id_1)] += list(matches[:, 0]) keypoints_dict[str(id_1)] = list( np.unique(keypoints_dict[str(id_1)])) if str(id_2) not in keypoints_dict: keypoints_dict[str(id_2)] = list(matches[:, 1]) else: keypoints_dict[str(id_2)] += list(matches[:, 1]) keypoints_dict[str(id_2)] = list( np.unique(keypoints_dict[str(id_2)])) tq.update(num_matches + 1) start_index += num_matches + 1 tq.close() new_keypoints_dict = dict() # Keypoint indexing building # val -- 1D location of keypoint, key -- one-based frame index for key, value in keypoints_dict.items(): value = np.unique(value) temp = dict() for idx, val in enumerate(value): temp[str(val)] = int(idx + 1) new_keypoints_dict[key] = temp tq = tqdm.tqdm(total=dataset_matches.shape[0]) tq.set_description("Adding matches to database") start_index = 0 while start_index < dataset_matches.shape[0]: header = dataset_matches[start_index, :, 0] num_matches, id_1, id_2, _ = header id_1 += 1 id_2 += 1 id_1 = int(id_1) id_2 = int(id_2) # new_keypoint_dict -- one-based frame index keypoint_dict_1 = new_keypoints_dict[str(id_1)] keypoint_dict_2 = new_keypoints_dict[str(id_2)] pair_matches = dataset_matches[start_index + 1:start_index + 1 + num_matches, :, 0] model, inliers = ransac((pair_matches[:, :2], pair_matches[:, 2:]), FundamentalMatrixTransform, min_samples=8, residual_threshold=10.0, max_trials=10) pair_matches = pair_matches.astype(np.long) pair_matches = np.concatenate( [(pair_matches[:, 0] + pair_matches[:, 1] * width).reshape( (-1, 1)), (pair_matches[:, 2] + pair_matches[:, 3] * width).reshape( (-1, 1))], axis=1) idx_pair_matches = np.zeros_like(pair_matches).astype(np.int32) # one-based keypoint index per frame for i in range(pair_matches.shape[0]): idx_pair_matches[i, 0] = int(keypoint_dict_1[str(pair_matches[i, 0])]) idx_pair_matches[i, 1] = int(keypoint_dict_2[str(pair_matches[i, 1])]) db.add_matches(id_1, id_2, idx_pair_matches) # Fundamental matrix provided db.add_two_view_geometry(id_1, id_2, idx_pair_matches[inliers], F=model.params, config=3) tq.set_postfix(source_frame_index='{:d}'.format(id_1), target_frame_index='{:d}'.format(id_2), inliers_ratio='{:.3f}'.format( np.sum(inliers) / idx_pair_matches.shape[0])) tq.update(num_matches + 1) start_index += num_matches + 1 tq.close() # Adding keypoints per image to database for image_id in image_id_list: if str(image_id) not in keypoints_dict: continue temp = np.asarray(keypoints_dict[str(image_id)]) temp_1 = np.floor(temp.reshape((-1, 1)) / width) temp_2 = np.mod(temp.reshape((-1, 1)), width) db.add_keypoints( int(image_id), np.concatenate([temp_2, temp_1], axis=1).astype(np.int32)) # Write to the database file db.commit()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 12)) # Best match subset for pano0 -> pano1 plot_matches(ax, I0, I1, keypoints0, keypoints1, matches01) ax.axis('off'); from skimage.transform import ProjectiveTransform from skimage.measure import ransac # Select keypoints from # * source (image to be registered): pano1 # * target (reference image): pano0 src = keypoints1[matches01[:, 1]][:, ::-1] dst = keypoints0[matches01[:, 0]][:, ::-1] model_robust01, inliers01 = ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=300) print(model_robust01) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 12)) # Best match subset for pano0 -> pano1 plot_matches(ax, I0, I1, keypoints0, keypoints1, matches01[inliers01]) ax.axis('off'); from skimage.transform import SimilarityTransform # Shape registration target r, c = pano0.shape[:2]
def read_LiDAR(self, data): # sequence_dir = os.path.join(self.data_base_dir, self.sequence_idx, 'velodyne') # sequence_manager = Ptutils.KittiScanDirManager(sequence_dir) # scan_paths = sequence_manager.scan_fullpaths tic = time.time() rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.num_frames = 6000 # print('jhloi') # Pose Graph Manager (for back-end optimization) initialization # Result saver self.save_dir = "result/" + self.sequence_idx if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): os.makedirs(self.save_dir) # Scan Context Manager (for loop detection) initialization # for save the results as a video fig_idx = 1 num_frames_to_skip_to_show = 5 # num_frames_to_save = np.floor(num_frames/num_frames_to_skip_to_show) # with writer.saving(fig, video_name, num_frames_to_save): # this video saving part is optional # @@@ MAIN @@@: data stream # for for_idx, scan_path in tqdm(enumerate(scan_paths), total=num_frames, mininterval=5.0): # get current information self.curr_scan_pts = ptstoxyz.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array( data, remove_nans=True) # print (len(self.curr_scan_pts), 'nubetotal') # plane1 = pyrsc.Circle() # best_eq, best_inliers =, 0.01) # print(best_inliers) # print(len(self.curr_scan_pts), 'origin') model_robust, inliers = ransac(self.curr_scan_pts, LineModelND, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=0.9, max_trials=3) # print(type(inliers)) # pos_True = inliers == False # print(len(inliers[pos_false]) , 'outliers') # print(self.curr_scan_pts.shape) # curr_scan_pts = Ptutils.readScan(scan_paths) var = [] for i in range(0, len(inliers)): if inliers[i] == False: var.append(i) self.curr_scan_pts = self.curr_scan_pts[var[:], :] print(self.curr_scan_pts.shape) # save current node curr_node_idx = self.for_idx # make start with 0 self.curr_scan_down_pts = Ptutils.random_sampling( self.curr_scan_pts, num_points=self.num_icp_points) # print(len(self.curr_scan_down_pts), 'random') if (curr_node_idx == 0): self.prev_node_idx = curr_node_idx self.prev_scan_pts = copy.deepcopy(self.curr_scan_pts) self.icp_initial = np.eye(4) # continue if self.for_idx == -10: self.curr_scan_pts1 = ptstoxyz.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array( data, remove_nans=True) x1 = self.curr_scan_pts1[:, 0] y1 = self.curr_scan_pts1[:, 1] z1 = self.curr_scan_pts1[:, 2] print(len(self.curr_scan_pts1), 'origin', len(x1)) # x2= self.curr_scan_pts[:,0] # y2= self.curr_scan_pts[:,1] # z2= self.curr_scan_pts[:,2] x3 = self.curr_scan_pts[:, 0] y3 = self.curr_scan_pts[:, 1] z3 = self.curr_scan_pts[:, 2] print(len(self.curr_scan_pts), 'ransac', len(x3)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(x1, y1, z1, marker="*", label="Nube de puntos", s=0.02, c='blue') # ax.scatter(x3,y3,z3, marker = '*',label = "RANSAC outliers" ,s=0.02, c ='red' ) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') plt.legend(loc=2, prop={'size': 10}) ax.legend() # fig2=plt.figure() # calc odometry # print (self.prev_scan_down_pts) self.prev_scan_down_pts = Ptutils.random_sampling( self.prev_scan_pts, num_points=self.num_icp_points) self.odom_transform, _, _ = ICP.icp(self.curr_scan_down_pts, self.prev_scan_down_pts, init_pose=self.icp_initial, max_iterations=100) # print (self.odom_transform) # update the current (moved) pose self.curr_se3 = np.matmul(self.curr_se3, self.odom_transform) self.icp_initial = self.odom_transform # assumption: constant velocity model (for better next ICP converges) # print(self.odom_transform) # add the odometry factor to the graph # self.for_idx= self.for_idx+1 # renewal the prev information self.prev_node_idx = curr_node_idx self.prev_scan_pts = copy.deepcopy(self.curr_scan_pts) # loop detection and optimize the graph # if(PGM.curr_node_idx > 1 and PGM.curr_node_idx % self.try_gap_loop_detection == 0): # # 1/ loop detection # loop_idx, loop_dist, yaw_diff_deg = SCM.detectLoop() # if(loop_idx == None): # NOT FOUND # pass # else: # print("Loop event detected: ", PGM.curr_node_idx, loop_idx, loop_dist) # # 2-1/ add the loop factor # loop_scan_down_pts = SCM.getPtcloud(loop_idx) # loop_transform, _, _ = ICP.icp(curr_scan_down_pts, loop_scan_down_pts, init_pose=yawdeg2se3(yaw_diff_deg), max_iterations=20) # PGM.addLoopFactor(loop_transform, loop_idx) # # # 2-2/ graph optimization # PGM.optimizePoseGraph() # # # 2-2/ save optimized poses # ResultSaver.saveOptimizedPoseGraphResult(PGM.curr_node_idx, PGM.graph_optimized) # save the ICP odometry pose result (no loop closure) # ResultSaver.saveUnoptimizedPoseGraphResult(self.curr_se3, curr_node_idx) self.pose_list = np.vstack( (self.pose_list, np.reshape(self.curr_se3, (-1, 16)))) # if(curr_node_idx % self.save_gap == 0 or curr_node_idx == self.num_frames): # save odometry-only poses filename = "pose" + self.sequence_idx + "unoptimized_" + str( int(time.time())) + ".csv" filename = os.path.join(self.save_dir, filename) np.savetxt(filename, self.pose_list, delimiter=",") if (self.for_idx % num_frames_to_skip_to_show == 0): self.x = self.pose_list[:, 3] self.y = self.pose_list[:, 7] ## z = self.pose_list[:,11] # fig = plt.figure(fig_idx) plt.clf() plt.plot(-self.y, self.x, color='blue') # kitti camera coord for clarity plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('x', labelpad=10) plt.ylabel('y', labelpad=10) plt.draw() plt.pause( 0.01) #is necessary for the plot to update for some reason # ResultSaver.vizCurrentTrajectory(fig_idx=fig_idx) self.for_idx = self.for_idx + 1 # writer.grab_frame() msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() msg.header.frame_id = " UTM_COORDINATE " msg.pose.pose.position.x = -self.y[curr_node_idx - 4] msg.pose.pose.position.y = self.x[curr_node_idx - 4] rate.sleep() toc = time.time()
def localize_using_landmarks(features, est_position, config): ''' Localize the robot by finding the transformation model (rotation + translation) that match the best the set of feature found to the known one on the table. This need an estimation of the position. Parameters ---------- features: list of (N) OrientedCorner object est_position: list of 3 float. 1. position x; 2. position y; 3. heading in radian ''' position = (None, None) heading = None if features is None: return (None, None), None features_list = np.array([(feature.x, feature.y) for feature in features]) table_landmarks = np.array( [[0, 0], [config['TABLE_WIDTH'], 0], [config['TABLE_WIDTH'], config['TABLE_HEIGHT']], [0, config['TABLE_HEIGHT']]], dtype=float) if est_position[1] < config['TABLE_WIDTH'] / 2: table_landmarks = np.vstack( (table_landmarks, np.array([[ 0, config['TABLE_HEIGHT'] / 2 - config['CENTER_OBSTACLE_HALF_WIDTH'] ], [ config['TABLE_WIDTH'], config['TABLE_HEIGHT'] / 2 - config['CENTER_OBSTACLE_HALF_WIDTH'] ]]))) else: table_landmarks = np.vstack( (table_landmarks, np.array([[ 0, config['TABLE_HEIGHT'] / 2 + config['CENTER_OBSTACLE_HALF_WIDTH'] ], [ config['TABLE_WIDTH'], config['TABLE_HEIGHT'] / 2 + config['CENTER_OBSTACLE_HALF_WIDTH'] ]]))) table_rel_landmarks = table_landmarks - est_position[0:2] table_rel_landmarks = rotatePolygon(table_rel_landmarks, -est_position[2] + np.pi / 2) pair_idx = pair_points(table_rel_landmarks, features_list) src = table_rel_landmarks[pair_idx] dst = features_list model_robust, inliers = ransac( (src, dst), TransformationModel, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=config['MAX_RESIDUAL_LANDMARKS'], max_trials=100, is_data_valid=lambda cls, data: TransformationModel.is_data_valid( cls, data, config['MIN_DISTANCE_VALID_LANDMARKS'])) outliers = inliers == False if model_robust is not None and any(inliers): model_robust.estimate(src[inliers], dst[inliers]) heading = np.array(-model_robust.rotation + est_position[2]) position = np.array(est_position[0:2]).T + rotatePolygon( model_robust.translation, est_position[2] + np.pi / 2).squeeze() return position, heading
src = [] dst = [] new_match = [] #center = (img1_series['original'].shape[0]/2,img1_series['original'].shape[1]/2) for match in matches[10:]: # if np.linalg.norm(np.array(kp1[match.queryIdx].pt)-center)<250: # new_match.append(match) src.append(kp1[match.queryIdx].pt) dst.append(kp2[match.trainIdx].pt) src = np.array(src) dst = np.array(dst) model, inliers = ransac((src, dst), PolyTF, min_samples=6, residual_threshold=0.8, max_trials=4000) sk_img1 = img1_series['sk_vessel_mask'] sk_img2 = img2_series['sk_vessel_mask'] sk_img2_warped = transform.warp(sk_img2, model) img2_warped = skimage2opencv(sk_img2_warped) print('fit complete.') blend = (img2_warped * 0.5 + img1_series['vessel_mask'] * 0.5).astype(np.uint8) cv2.namedWindow('Result', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('Result',blend ) # cv2.waitKey(1)
orb.detect_and_extract(image0) keypoints1 = orb.keypoints descriptors1 = orb.descriptors orb.detect_and_extract(image1) keypoints2 = orb.keypoints descriptors2 = orb.descriptors matches12 = match_descriptors(descriptors1, descriptors2, cross_check=True) src = keypoints2[matches12[:, 1]][:, ::-1] dst = keypoints1[matches12[:, 0]][:, ::-1] transform_model, inliers = \ ransac((src, dst), ProjectiveTransform, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=2) r, c = image1.shape[:2] corners = np.array([[0, 0], [0, r], [c, 0], [c, r]]) warped_corners = transform_model(corners) all_corners = np.vstack((warped_corners, corners)) corner_min = np.min(all_corners, axis=0) corner_max = np.max(all_corners, axis=0) output_shape = (corner_max - corner_min) output_shape = np.ceil(output_shape[::-1])
faulty = np.array(30 * [(180., -100)]) faulty += 5 * np.random.normal(size=faulty.shape) data[:faulty.shape[0]] = faulty # add gaussian noise to coordinates noise = np.random.normal(size=data.shape) data += 0.5 * noise data[::2] += 5 * noise[::2] data[::4] += 20 * noise[::4] # fit line using all data model = LineModel() model.estimate(data) # robustly fit line only using inlier data with RANSAC algorithm model_robust, inliers = ransac(data, LineModel, min_samples=2, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000) outliers = inliers == False # generate coordinates of estimated models line_x = np.arange(-250, 250) line_y = model.predict_y(line_x) line_y_robust = model_robust.predict_y(line_x) plt.plot(data[inliers, 0], data[inliers, 1], '.b', alpha=0.6, label='Inlier data') plt.plot(data[outliers, 0], data[outliers, 1], '.r', alpha=0.6, label='Outlier data') plt.plot(line_x, line_y, '-k', label='Line model from all data') plt.plot(line_x, line_y_robust, '-b', label='Robust line model') plt.legend(loc='lower left')