Exemple #1
def test_threads(num_threads):
    # not testing if we use multiple threads
    # just checking if the API throws an exception
    img = 23 * np.ones((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=10, num_threads=num_threads)
    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=10,
                              nansafe=True, num_threads=num_threads)
def _rolling_ball(tile, ball_radius: int, light_background: bool):
    """ Applies the rolling-ball algorithm to a single tile.

        tile: A tile, usually from an ome.tif file.
        ball_radius: The radius of the ball to use for calculating the background.
        light_background: Whether the image has a light background.

        An image with its background subtracted away.
    # Get the shape of the original image, so we can reshape the result at the end.
    shape = numpy.shape(tile)

    # squeeze the image into a 2-d array
    tile = numpy.squeeze(tile)

    # invert the image if it has a light background
    if light_background:
        tile = util.invert(tile)

    # use the rolling ball algorithm to calculate the background and subtract it from the image.
    background = restoration.rolling_ball(tile, radius=ball_radius)
    tile = tile - background

    # if the image had a light backend, invert the result.
    result = util.invert(tile) if light_background else tile

    result = numpy.reshape(result, shape)
    return result
    def test_correctness(self):
        # calculate the result with the plugin code
        with BioReader(self.infile.name) as reader:
            with BioWriter(self.outfile.name,
                           metadata=reader.metadata) as writer:

        # read the image we just wrote into a numpy array
        with BioReader(self.outfile.name) as reader:
            plugin_result = reader[:]

        # calculate the true result
        background = restoration.rolling_ball(self.random_image,
        true_result = self.random_image - background

        # assert correctness
        self.assertTrue(numpy.all(numpy.equal(true_result, plugin_result)),
                        f'The plugin resulted in a different image')
def test_radial_gradient():
    # spot light source at top left corner
    spot_radius = 50
    x, y = np.meshgrid(range(5), range(5))
    img = np.sqrt(np.clip(spot_radius**2 - y**2 - x**2, 0, None))

    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=5)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, np.zeros_like(img))
def test_linear_gradient():
    # linear light source centered at top left corner
    x, y = np.meshgrid(range(100), range(100))
    img = (y * 20 + x * 20)

    expected_img = 19 * np.ones_like(img)
    expected_img[0, 0] = 0

    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=1)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, expected_img)
def test_preserve_peaks(radius):
    x, y = np.meshgrid(range(100), range(100))
    img = 0 * x + 0 * y + 10
    img[10, 10] = 20
    img[20, 20] = 35
    img[45, 26] = 156

    expected_img = img - 10
    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=radius)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, expected_img)
def test_nan_const():
    img = 123 * np.ones((100, 100), dtype=float)
    img[20, 20] = np.nan
    img[50, 53] = np.nan

    kernel_shape = (10, 10)
    x = np.arange(-kernel_shape[1] // 2,
                  kernel_shape[1] // 2 + 1)[np.newaxis, :]
    y = np.arange(-kernel_shape[0] // 2, kernel_shape[0] // 2 + 1)[:,
    expected_img = np.zeros_like(img)
    expected_img[y + 20, x + 20] = np.nan
    expected_img[y + 50, x + 53] = np.nan
    kernel = ellipsoid_kernel(kernel_shape, 100)
    background = rolling_ball(img, kernel=kernel, nansafe=True)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, expected_img, equal_nan=True)
def image_list_for_montage(image_name):
    pixels = tfi.imread(image_name)
    pixels_float = pixels.astype('float64')
    pixels_float = pixels_float / 65535.000
    ch = pixels_float[:,:,0]
    input_gs_image = ch
    input_gs_image = (input_gs_image / input_gs_image.max()) * 255
    ch2_u8 = np.uint8(input_gs_image)
    background = restoration.rolling_ball(ch2_u8, radius=3)
    image_resized = resize(background, (background.shape[0] // 4, background.shape[1] // 4),anti_aliasing=True)
    image_resized = np.uint8(image_resized*255)
    rgb_input_img = np.zeros((np.shape(image_resized)[0], np.shape(image_resized)[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    rgb_input_img[:, :, 0] = image_resized
    rgb_input_img[:, :, 1] = image_resized
    rgb_input_img[:, :, 2] = image_resized
    rgb_input_img = show_image_adjust(rgb_input_img, 8, 100)
    return rgb_input_img
def test_const_image(radius):
    # infinite plane light source at top left corner
    img = 23 * np.ones((100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
    background = rolling_ball(img, radius=radius)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, np.zeros_like(img))
def test_ellipsoid_const(dtype):
    img = 155 * np.ones((100, 100), dtype=dtype)
    kernel = ellipsoid_kernel((25, 53), 50)
    background = rolling_ball(img, kernel=kernel)
    assert np.allclose(img - background, np.zeros_like(img))
    assert background.dtype == img.dtype
Exemple #11

    ax[1].imshow(background, cmap='gray')

    ax[2].imshow(image - background, cmap='gray')


image = data.coins()

background = restoration.rolling_ball(image)

plot_result(image, background)

# White background
# ----------------
# If you have dark features on a bright background, you need to invert
# the image before you pass it into the algorithm, and then invert the
# result. This can be accomplished via:

image = data.page()
image_inverted = util.invert(image)
 def time_rollingball_ndim(self):
     from skimage.restoration.rolling_ball import ellipsoid_kernel
     image = data.cells3d()[:, 1, ...]
     kernel = ellipsoid_kernel((1, 100, 100), 100)
     restoration.rolling_ball(image, kernel=kernel)
 def time_rollingball_nan(self, radius):
     image = data.coins().astype(float)
     pos = np.arange(np.min(image.shape))
     image[pos, pos] = np.NaN
     restoration.rolling_ball(image, radius=radius, nansafe=True)
 def peakmem_rollingball(self, radius):
     restoration.rolling_ball(data.coins(), radius=radius)
 def time_rollingball(self, radius):
     restoration.rolling_ball(data.coins(), radius=radius)

montage_DSP = np.concatenate((rowB,rowC,rowD,rowE,rowF),0)


pixels = tfi.imread(image_name_sel[1])
pixels_float = pixels.astype('float64')
pixels_float = pixels_float / 65535.000
ch = pixels_float[:,:,0]
input_gs_image = ch
input_gs_image = (input_gs_image / input_gs_image.max()) * 255
ch2_u8 = np.uint8(input_gs_image)
background = restoration.rolling_ball(ch2_u8, radius=3)
image_resized = resize(background, (background.shape[0] // 4, background.shape[1] // 4),anti_aliasing=True)

fig = plt.figure("ch1")

fig = plt.figure("BG")

well_list_temp = well_name[0:2]
image_list = []
for i in range(len(2)):
def test_ndim():
    image = data.cells3d()[:5, 1, ...]
    kernel = ellipsoid_kernel((3, 100, 100), 100)
    rolling_ball(image, kernel=kernel)
 def time_rollingball_threads(self, threads):
     restoration.rolling_ball(data.coins(), radius=100, num_threads=threads)