def test_binarization():
    """Testing function binarization.binarization.

    We pass a test image to binarization.binarization and check if its results
    are equal to the expected.

    Expected tags, ruler and lepidopteran are equal to the ones returned by
    lepid_rgb = imread(IMAGE_RGB)
    tags_result, ruler_result, lepid_result = binarization.binarization(
        image_rgb=lepid_rgb, weights=WEIGHTS_BIN)

    tags_expected = img_as_bool(imread(TAGS_SEG))

    assert (tags_expected.all() == tags_result.all())

    ruler_expected = img_as_bool(imread(RULER_SEG))

    assert (ruler_expected.all() == ruler_result.all())

    lepid_expected = img_as_bool(imread(LEPID_SEG))

    assert (lepid_expected.all() == lepid_result.all())
Exemple #2
def binarize(img):
        Thresholds and binarizes the given image and returns the binarized image.

    gray_img = img_as_ubyte(rgb2gray(img))
    height, width = gray_img.shape
    num_mid_gray = np.sum((gray_img < 240) & (gray_img > 15))
    if num_mid_gray < 0.1 * height * width:
        # Global Thresholding
        thresh = threshold_otsu(gray_img)
        bw_img = gray_img > thresh

        # Adaptive Thresholding
        if height * width >= 2000 * 1000:
            gray_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_img,
                                        ksize=(11, 11),

        # Set the window size of the filter based on image dimensions
        win_size = int(round(min(height / 60, width / 60)))

        # Get the window mean of each pixel by filtering using an averaging filter
        window_means = rank.mean(gray_img, np.ones((win_size, win_size)))
        print gray_img.dtype

        # Remove the mean and threshold. Also inverts the image.
        demeaned = window_means.astype(np.float32) - gray_img.astype(
            np.float32) - 10
        demeaned[demeaned > 0] = 1.0
        demeaned[demeaned <= 0] = 0.0
        demeaned = img_as_float(demeaned)
        bw_img = img_as_ubyte(demeaned)

        # Remove small noise pixels.
        noise_size = int(0.0001 * height * width)
        bw_img = remove_small_objects(img_as_bool(bw_img),

        # Close gaps in edges
        bw_img = binary_closing(bw_img, square(4))

        # Fill small holes (less than 5% of area of image)
        hole_size = int(0.0005 * height * width)
        bw_img = remove_small_holes(img_as_bool(bw_img),

        # Return image to original polarity.
        bw_img = ~bw_img

    bw_img = img_as_ubyte(bw_img)
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.imshow(bw_img, cmap="gray")
    return bw_img
Exemple #3
def tissue_region_from_rgb(_img, _min_area=150, _g_th=None):
    TISSUE_REGION_FROM_RGB detects the region(s) of the image containing the
    tissue. The original image is supposed to represent a haematoxylin-eosin
    -stained pathology slide.
    The main purpose of this function is to detect the parts of a large image
    which most probably contain tissue material, and to discard the background.
        tissue_mask = tissue_from_rgb(img, _min_area=150, _g_th=None)
        img (numpy.ndarray): the original image in RGB color space
        _min_area (int, default: 150): any object with an area smaller than 
            the indicated value, will be discarded
        _g_th (int, default: None): the processing is done on the GREEN channel
            and all pixels below _g_th are considered candidates for "tissue
            pixels". If no value is given to _g_th, one is computed by K-Means
            clustering (K=2), and is returned.
        numpy.ndarray: a binary image containing the mask of the regions
            considered to represent tissue fragments
        int: threshold used for GREEN channel

    if _g_th is None:
        # Apply vector quantization to remove the "white" background - work in the
        # green channel:
        vq = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=2)
        _g_th = int(
            np.round(0.95 * np.max(
      , 1))).cluster_centers_.squeeze())))

    mask = _G(_img) < _g_th

    skm.binary_closing(mask, skm.disk(3), out=mask)
    mask = img_as_bool(mask)
    mask = skm.remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=_min_area, in_place=True)

    # Some hand-picked rules:
    # -at least 5% H and E
    # -at most 25% background
    # for a region to be considered tissue

    h, e, b = rgb2he2(_img)

    mask &= (h > np.percentile(h, 5)) | (e > np.percentile(e, 5))
    mask &= (b < np.percentile(b, 50))  # at most at 50% of "other components"

    mask = mh.close_holes(mask)

    return img_as_bool(mask), _g_th
Exemple #4
def tissue_region_from_rgb(_img, _min_area=150, _g_th=None):
    TISSUE_REGION_FROM_RGB detects the region(s) of the image containing the
    tissue. The original image is supposed to represent a haematoxylin-eosin
    -stained pathology slide.
    The main purpose of this function is to detect the parts of a large image
    which most probably contain tissue material, and to discard the background.
        tissue_mask = tissue_from_rgb(img, _min_area=150, _g_th=None)
        img (numpy.ndarray): the original image in RGB color space
        _min_area (int, default: 150): any object with an area smaller than 
            the indicated value, will be discarded
        _g_th (int, default: None): the processing is done on the GREEN channel
            and all pixels below _g_th are considered candidates for "tissue
            pixels". If no value is given to _g_th, one is computed by K-Means
            clustering (K=2), and is returned.
        numpy.ndarray: a binary image containing the mask of the regions
            considered to represent tissue fragments
        int: threshold used for GREEN channel
    if _g_th is None:
        # Apply vector quantization to remove the "white" background - work in the
        # green channel:
        vq = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=2)
        _g_th = int(np.round(0.95 * np.max(,1)))
    mask = _G(_img) < _g_th

    skm.binary_closing(mask, skm.disk(3), out=mask)
    mask = img_as_bool(mask)
    mask = skm.remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=_min_area, in_place=True)

    # Some hand-picked rules:
    # -at least 5% H and E
    # -at most 25% background
    # for a region to be considered tissue

    h, e, b = rgb2he2(_img)

    mask &= (h > np.percentile(h, 5)) | (e > np.percentile(e, 5))
    mask &= (b < np.percentile(b, 50))               # at most at 50% of "other components"

    mask = mh.close_holes(mask)

    return img_as_bool(mask), _g_th
def test_selem_overflow():
    strel = np.ones((17, 17), dtype=np.uint8)
    img = np.zeros((20, 20), dtype=bool)
    img[2:19, 2:19] = True
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(img, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.erosion(img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
def test_footprint_overflow():
    footprint = np.ones((17, 17), dtype=np.uint8)
    img = np.zeros((20, 20), dtype=bool)
    img[2:19, 2:19] = True
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(img, footprint)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.erosion(img, footprint))
    assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
def find_plate(img, radii_range):
        Identifies the location of the plate
    # Read image, and convert to floating point
    img = img_as_bool(imread(img, mode="F", flatten=True))

    # Detect edges
    edges = canny(img, sigma=2)

    # Find circles
    hough_radii = np.arange(radii_range[0], radii_range[1], 2)
    hough_res = hough_circle(edges, hough_radii)

    centers, accums, radii = [], [], []

    for radius, h in zip(hough_radii, hough_res):
        # For each radius, extract two circles
        num_peaks = 1
        peaks = peak_local_max(h, num_peaks=num_peaks)
        accums.extend(h[peaks[:, 0], peaks[:, 1]])
        radii.extend([radius] * num_peaks)

    center = np.mean(centers, axis=0)
    radius = (sum(radii) * 1.0) / len(radii)
    return center, radius
def test_selem_overflow():
    strel = np.ones((17, 17), dtype=np.uint8)
    img = np.zeros((20, 20), dtype=bool)
    img[2:19, 2:19] = True
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(img, strel)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.erosion(img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
Exemple #9
def rescale(img, params):
    scale_x = params['scale_x']
    scale_y = params['scale_y']
    order = params['order']
    mode = params['mode']
    cval = params['cval']
    clip = params['clip']
    anti_aliasing = params['anti_aliasing']

    scale = (scale_x, scale_y)
    preserve_range = True
    if img.ndim == 2:
        multichannel = False
        multichannel = True

    retval = skimage.transform.rescale(img,

    if img.dtype == np.uint8:
        return img_as_ubyte(retval)
    elif img.dtype == np.float64:
        return img_as_float64(retval)
    elif img.dtype == np.bool:
        return img_as_bool(retval)
        return retval
Exemple #10
def fixedThreshold(img, params):
    if img.ndim > 2:
        raise ValueError("Threshold only applicable to grayscale images!")

    thresh = params['thresh']
    maxval = 1
    thresh_type = params['thresh_type']
    thresh_algorithm = params['thresh_algorithm']

    thresh_type = eval('cv2.{}'.format(thresh_type))

    if thresh_algorithm == 'none':
    elif thresh_algorithm == 'otsu':
        thresh_type += cv2.THRESH_OTSU
    elif thresh_algorithm == 'triangle':
        thresh_type += cv2.THRESH_TRIANGLE

    _, retval = cv2.threshold(img, thresh, maxval, thresh_type)
    if thresh_type in [cv2.THRESH_BINARY, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV]:
        return img_as_bool(retval)
    elif thresh_type in [
        return img_as_float64(retval)
        return retval
Exemple #11
def Driver():
    images = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob('images/*.png')]
    avD = 0
    avS = 0
    avH = 0
    length = len(images)
    for i in range(0, length):
        I = util.img_as_float(io.imread('images/' + images[i]))
        J = util.img_as_bool(io.imread('groundtruth/thresh' + images[i]))
        A = segleaf(I)
        dsc = DSC(A, J)
        msd = MSD(A, J)
        hs = HS(A, J)
        print("DSC: ", dsc)
        print("MSD: ", msd)
        print("HS: ", hs)
        if (dsc > 0.6):
            print("Recognized as a leaf")
        avD += dsc
        avS += msd
        avH += hs
    print("Average DSC: ", avD / length)
    print("Average MSD: ", avS / length)
    print("Average HS: ", avH / length)
Exemple #12
def test_selem_overflow():
    strel = np.ones((17, 17), dtype=np.uint8)
    img = np.zeros((20, 20))
    img[2:19, 2:19] = 1
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(img, strel)
    with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
        grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.erosion(img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #13
def gt_transform(im):
    im = rgb2gray(im)
    if (GT_TRANSFORM == 'img_as_bool'):
        return img_as_bool(im)
    elif (GT_TRANSFORM == 'threshold_yen'):
        return im > threshold_yen(im)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            '`{}` tranform for GT not implemented.'.format(GT_TRANSFORM))
Exemple #14
def imread_goldstd(image):
    """Auxiliary function intended to be used with
    Helps to read and process Larson et al's gold standard images.
    data = io.imread(image)

    if np.unique(data).size > 2:
        data = data == 217

    return util.img_as_bool(data)
Exemple #15
def binarization(image_rgb, weights=WEIGHTS_BIN):
    """Extract the shape of the elements in an input image using the U-net
    deep learning architecture.

    image_rgb : (M, N, 3) ndarray
        Input RGB image of a lepidopteran, with ruler and tags.
    weights : str or pathlib.Path
        Path of the file containing weights for segmentation.

    tags_bin : (M, N) ndarray
        Binary image containing tags in the input image.
    ruler_bin : (M, N) ndarray
        Binary image containing the ruler in the input image.
    lepidop_bin : (M, N) ndarray
        Binary image containing the lepidopteran in the input image.
    if isinstance(weights, str):
        weights = Path(weights)

    learner = load_learner(fname=weights)

    print('Processing U-net...')
    _, _, classes = learner.predict(image_rgb)
    _, tags_bin, ruler_bin, lepidop_bin = classes[:4]

    # rescale the predicted images back up and binarize them.
    tags_bin = img_as_bool(_rescale_image(image_rgb, tags_bin))
    ruler_bin = img_as_bool(_rescale_image(image_rgb, ruler_bin))
    lepidop_bin = img_as_bool(_rescale_image(image_rgb, lepidop_bin))

    return tags_bin, ruler_bin, lepidop_bin
Exemple #16
def skew_correct(im):
    im = ~im
    edges = canny(im, sigma=7)

    h, theta, d = hough_line(edges)
    h, theta, d = hough_line_peaks(h,

    theta = [int(round(math.degrees(t))) for t in theta]
    if len(list(set(theta))) == 4:
        dominant_orientation = theta[0]
        dominant_orientation = max(theta, key=theta.count)

    # The dominant orientation will be detected as the complement of the
    # skewing angle. Subtract 90 degrees to get the deskewing angle.
    # (Subtracting from 90 gets the skewing angle. Deskewing angle is the
    # negative of that.)
    deskewing_angle = dominant_orientation - 90
    print deskewing_angle

    # Limit angle  to -45  to 45
    while abs(deskewing_angle) > 45:
        deskewing_angle = deskewing_angle - (abs(deskewing_angle) /
                                             deskewing_angle) * 90

    print deskewing_angle
    # Perform the deskewing
    deskew_img = rotate(im,

    deskew_img = deskew_img.astype(np.uint8)
    deskew_img = img_as_ubyte(deskew_img)

    # deskew_img = gaussian(deskew_img, sigma=0.4)
    deskew_img[deskew_img > 0] = 255
    deskew_img = img_as_bool(deskew_img)
    # deskew_img = binary_closing(deskew_img, square(5))
    deskew_img = ~deskew_img
    return deskew_img
Exemple #17
def adaptiveThreshold(img, params):
    if img.ndim > 2:
        raise ValueError("Threshold only applicable to grayscale images!")

    maxval = 1
    adaptive_method = params['adaptive_method']
    thresh_type = params['thresh_type']
    block_size = params['block_size']
    subtract_cval = params['subtract_cval']

    adaptive_method = eval('cv2.{}'.format(adaptive_method))
    thresh_type = eval('cv2.{}'.format(thresh_type))

    retval = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_as_ubyte(img), maxval, adaptive_method,
                                   thresh_type, block_size, subtract_cval)
    return img_as_bool(retval)
Exemple #18
def mlss_auxiliar(image, detail, initial_level, level):
    sum_details = 0

    for i in range(initial_level, level):
        temp = detail[i] * (image.max() / detail[i].max())
        sum_details += temp

    # possivelmente normalizar aqui

    # output = np.array((sum_aux != 0), dtype=np.uint8)*255

    output = img_as_bool(sum_details)

    return output
Exemple #19
def avg_dice_coeff(target, prediction):
    with torch.no_grad():
        run_dice_coeff = 0.0
        batch_size = target.shape[0]
        assert batch_size == prediction.shape[0]

        true_mask = img_as_bool(target.cpu().numpy())
        convt_pred = prediction.cpu().numpy()
        pred_mask = (convt_pred > 0.5) 

        for index in range(batch_size):
            truth = true_mask[index, 0]
            predicted = pred_mask[index, 0]
            run_dice_coeff += dice_coeff(truth, predicted)

        run_dice_coeff /= batch_size
    return run_dice_coeff
Exemple #20
def process_goldstd_images(data_goldstd):
    """Reads a gold standard image from Larson et al., returning only the
    fibers within it.

    data_goldstd : (M, N) array
        Input image from Larson et al.

    bin_goldstd : (M, N) array
        Binary image containing fibers detected by Larson et al.'s algorithm.
    if np.unique(data_goldstd).size > 2:
        data_goldstd = data_goldstd == 217

    return util.img_as_bool(data_goldstd)
Exemple #21
def Driver():
    Performs the Random Walker Segmentation on each of the noisy image files and does a DSC comparison with each equivelent ground truth image
    :return: Nothing
    images = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob('noisyimages/*.png')]
    avD = 0
    length = len(images)
    for i in range(0, length):
        I = util.img_as_float(io.imread('noisyimages/' + images[i]))
        J = util.img_as_bool(io.imread('groundtruth/thresh' + images[i]))
        A = segleaf(I)
        dsc = dice_coefficient(A, J)
        print("DSC: ", dsc)
        if (dsc > 0.6):
            print("Recognized as a leaf")
        avD += dsc
    print("Average DSC: ", avD / length)
Exemple #22
def avg_iou(target, prediction):
    with torch.no_grad():

        run_iou = 0.0
        batch_size = target.shape[0]
        assert batch_size == prediction.shape[0]

        true_mask = img_as_bool(target.cpu().numpy())
        convt_pred = prediction.cpu().numpy()
        #convt_mask = (convt_target > 0.5) * 255
        #pred_mask = convt_mask.astype(np.uint8)
        pred_mask = (convt_pred > 0.5) 

        for index in range(batch_size):
            truth = true_mask[index, 0]
            predicted = pred_mask[index, 0]
            run_iou += iou(truth, predicted)
        run_iou /= batch_size
    return run_iou  
Exemple #23
def return_largest_region(image_bin):
    """Returns the largest region in the input image.

    image_bin : (M, N) ndarray
        A binary image.

    image_bin : (M, N) ndarray
        The input binary image containing only the largest region.
    props = regionprops(label(image_bin))

    # largest_reg will receive the largest region properties.
    largest_reg = max(props, key=lambda x: x.area)
    image_bin[label(image_bin) != largest_reg.label] = 0

    return img_as_bool(image_bin)
def segmentation(im_seg):

    im_seg_bool = img_as_bool(im_seg)
    im_inv = ~(im_seg_bool)
    plt.imshow(im_inv, cmap="gray")

    se = ones((3, 3))
    exp = binary_erosion(im_inv, se)
    eq_edges = exp ^ im_inv
    plt.imshow(eq_edges, cmap="gray")

    lab = label(eq_edges, neighbors=8)
    reg = regionprops(lab)
    print len(reg)
    s = [item.centroid for item in reg]
    ch = [item.convex_image for item in reg]
    bb = [item.bbox for item in reg]
    imgs = [item.image for item in reg]
    bb = floor(bb)
    bb[:, 2:4] = bb[:, 2:4] + 1

    idx = []
    for i in len(s):
        x = ch[:i + 1, 1]
        y = ch[:i + 1, 2]
        for j in len(ch):
            x_ch = ch[:j + 1, 1]
            y_ch = ch[:j + 1, 1]

            p = Path(
                [(x_ch, y_ch)]
            )  # square with legs length 1 and bottom left corner at the origin

            if (sum(~p.contains_points([(x, y)]) == 0)) and (i != j):
def difference_bin_gt(data_test, data_ref):
    """Returns where the resulting image and its ground truth differ.

    data_test : ndarray
        Test binary data.
    data_ref : ndarray
        Reference binary data.

    data_diff : ndarray
        Image showing where the resulting image and its ground truth

    The reference binary data is also known as ground truth or gold standard.
    data_test = util.img_as_bool(data_test)
    data_ref = utils.process_goldstd_images(data_ref)

    return data_test ^ data_ref
Exemple #26
def load_data(train_path, test_path, img_size):
    start = time.time()
    X_train = np.zeros(
        (len(train_ids), img_size, img_size, IMG_CHANNELS))  #, dtype=np.uint8
    Y_train = np.zeros((len(train_ids), img_size, img_size, 1), dtype=np.bool)
    for i, _id in enumerate(train_ids):
        path = train_path + _id
        img = imread(path + '/images/' + _id + '.png')[:, :, :IMG_CHANNELS]
        img = resize(img, (img_size, img_size))  #[0, 255]->[0.0, 1.0]
        X_train[i] = img
        #print(np.unique(img, return_counts=True))
        #print(np.unique(X_train[0], return_counts=True))
        mask = np.zeros((img_size, img_size, 1), dtype=np.bool)
        for mask_file in next(os.walk(path + '/masks/'))[2]:
            mask_ = imread(path + '/masks/' +
                           mask_file)  # shape (256, 256), values: 0,255
            #print(np.unique(mask_, return_counts=True))
            mask_ = resize(
                mask_, (img_size, img_size)
            )  # preserve_range=False make (256, 256) 255.0 ->value range [0.1-1.0]
            mask_ = mask_[:, :, np.newaxis]  #== np.expand_dims(mask_, axis=-1)
            mask_ = img_as_bool(mask_)
            #print(np.unique(mask_, return_counts=True))
            mask = np.maximum(mask, mask_)
        Y_train[i] = mask
    X_test = np.zeros((len(test_ids), img_size, img_size, IMG_CHANNELS))
    shapes_test = []
    for i, _id in enumerate(test_ids):
        path = test_path + _id
        img = imread(path + '/images/' + _id + '.png')[:, :, :IMG_CHANNELS]
        X_test[i] = resize(img, (img_size, img_size))

    end = time.time()
    print("load data time: ", (end - start) / 60.0)
    return X_train, Y_train, X_test, shapes_test
Exemple #27
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #28
def test_non_square_image():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #29
from skimage import io, util, morphology
import numpy
import scipy

#img = util.img_as_bool(io.imread("itd33517_examples/binary2.pbm", as_gray=True))
#img = util.img_as_bool(io.imread("bilder/letters-and-objects.tif", as_gray=True))
#elems = util.img_as_bool(io.imread("itd33517_examples/se_cross.pbm", as_gray=True))
elems = numpy.ones((20, 20), dtype=bool)
#ero = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(img, elems)
#open = morphology.binary_dilation(img, elems)
#bound = img * (1 - ero)
#bound = img ^ ero

comp = util.img_as_bool(io.imread("bilder/balls-with-reflections.tif"))
img = numpy.invert(comp)
seeds = util.img_as_bool(io.imread("washers_seeds.png", as_gray=True))
seeds_old = None

count = 0
while not numpy.array_equal(seeds, seeds_old):
    count += 1
    seeds_old = seeds.copy()
    seeds = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(seeds, elems)
    seeds *= comp

out = img + seeds
io.imsave("output.png", out * 255)
Exemple #30
def main():
    p = opt.ArgumentParser(description="""
            Constructs a dictionary for image representation based on a set of specified local
            descriptors. The dictionary is built from a set of images given as a list in an
            input file.
    p.add_argument('config', action='store', help='a configuration file')
    args = p.parse_args()
    cfg_file = args.config
    parser = SafeConfigParser()
    # sampler:
    if not parser.has_section('sampler'):
        raise ValueError('"sampler" section is mandatory')
    if not parser.has_option('sampler', 'type'):
        raise ValueError('"sampler.type" is mandatory')
    tmp = parser.get('sampler', 'type').lower()
    if tmp not in ['random', 'sliding']:
        raise ValueError('Unkown sampling type')
    sampler_type = tmp
    if not parser.has_option('sampler', 'window_size'):
        raise ValueError('"sampler.window_size" is mandatory')
    wnd_size = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('sampler', 'window_size'))
    if type(wnd_size) != tuple:
        raise ValueError('"sampler.window_size" specification error')
    it_start = (0,0)
    it_step = (1,1)
    if sampler_type == 'sliding':
        if parser.has_option('sampler', 'start'):
            it_start = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('sampler','start'))
        if parser.has_option('sampler', 'step'):
            it_step  = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('sampler','step'))
    nwindows = parser.getint('sampler', 'nwindows')

    local_descriptors = []
    # haar:
    if parser.has_section('haar'):
        tmp = True
        if parser.has_option('haar', 'norm'):
            tmp = parser.getboolean('haar', 'norm')
        if len(parser.items('haar')) == 0:
            # empty section, use defaults
            h = HaarLikeDescriptor(HaarLikeDescriptor.haars1())
            h = HaarLikeDescriptor([ast.literal_eval(v) for n, v in parser.items('haar')
                                    if n.lower() != 'norm'],
    # identity:
    if parser.has_section('identity'):
    # stats:
    if parser.has_section('stats'):
        tmp = []
        if parser.has_option('stats', 'mean') and parser.getboolean('stats', 'mean'):
        if parser.has_option('stats', 'std') and parser.getboolean('stats', 'std'):
        if parser.has_option('stats', 'kurtosis') and parser.getboolean('stats', 'kurtosis'):
        if parser.has_option('stats', 'skewness') and parser.getboolean('stats', 'skewness'):
        if len(tmp) == 0:
            tmp = None
    # hist:
    if parser.has_section('hist'):
        tmp = (0.0, 1.0)
        tmp2 = 10
        if parser.has_option('hist', 'min_max'):
            tmp = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('hist', 'min_max'))
            if type(tmp) != tuple:
                raise ValueError('"hist.min_max" specification error')
        if parser.has_option('hist', 'nbins'):
            tmp2 = parser.getint('hist', 'nbins')
        local_descriptors.append(HistDescriptor(_interval=tmp, _nbins=tmp2))
    # HoG
    if parser.has_section('hog'):
        tmp = 9
        tmp2 = (128, 128)
        tmp3 = (4, 4)
        if parser.has_option('hog', 'norient'):
            tmp = parser.getint('hog', 'norient')
        if parser.has_option('hog', 'ppc'):
            tmp2 = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('hog', 'ppc'))
            if type(tmp2) != tuple:
                raise ValueError('"hog.ppc" specification error')
        if parser.has_option('hog', 'cpb'):
            tmp3 = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('hog', 'cpb'))
            if type(tmp3) != tuple:
                raise ValueError('"hog.cpb" specification error')
        local_descriptors.append(HOGDescriptor(_norient=tmp, _ppc=tmp2, _cpb=tmp3))
    # LBP
    if parser.has_section('lbp'):
        tmp = 3
        tmp2 = 8*tmp
        tmp3 = 'uniform'
        if parser.has_option('lbp', 'radius'):
            tmp = parser.getint('lbp', 'radius')
        if parser.has_option('lbp', 'npoints'):
            tmp2 = parser.getint('lbp', 'npoints')
            if tmp2 == 0:
                tmp2 = 8* tmp
        if parser.has_option('lbp', 'method'):
            tmp3 = parser.get('lbp', 'method')
        local_descriptors.append(LBPDescriptor(radius=tmp, npoints=tmp2, method=tmp3))

    # Gabor
    if parser.has_section('gabor'):
        tmp  = np.array([0.0, np.pi / 4.0, np.pi / 2.0, 3.0 * np.pi / 4.0], dtype=np.double)
        tmp2 = np.array([3.0 / 4.0, 3.0 / 8.0, 3.0 / 16.0], dtype=np.double)
        tmp3 = np.array([1.0, 2 * np.sqrt(2.0)], dtype=np.double)

        if parser.has_option('gabor', 'theta'):
            tmp = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('gabor', 'theta'))
        if parser.has_option('gabor', 'freq'):
            tmp2 = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('gabor', 'freq'))
        if parser.has_option('gabor', 'sigma'):
            tmp3 = ast.literal_eval(parser.get('gabor', 'sigma'))
        local_descriptors.append(GaborDescriptor(theta=tmp, freq=tmp2, sigma=tmp3))
    print('No. of descriptors: ', len(local_descriptors))
    # data
    if not parser.has_section('data'):
        raise ValueError('Section "data" is mandatory.')
    data_path = parser.get('data', 'input_path')
    img_ext = parser.get('data', 'image_type')
    res_path = parser.get('data', 'output_path')
    img_files = glob.glob(data_path + '/*.' + img_ext)
    if len(img_files) == 0:
    ## Process:

    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)    # unbuferred output
    for img_name in img_files:
        print("Image: ", img_name, " ...reading... ", end='')
        im = imread(img_name)
        print("preprocessing... ", end='')
        # -preprocessing
        if im.ndim == 3:
            im_h, _, _ = rgb2he2(im)
            raise ValueError('Input image must be RGB.')
        # detect object region:
        # -try to load a precomputed mask:
        mask_file_name = data_path+'/mask/'+ \
            os.path.splitext(os.path.split(img_name)[1])[0]+ \
        if os.path.exists(mask_file_name):
            print('(loading mask)...', end='')
            mask = imread(mask_file_name)
            mask = img_as_bool(mask)
            mask = remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=500, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
            print('(computing mask)...', end='')
            mask, _ = tissue_region_from_rgb(im, _min_area=500)
        row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max = bounding_box(mask)
        im_h[np.logical_not(mask)] = 0                       # make sure background is 0
        mask = None
        im = None
        im_h = im_h[row_min:row_max+1, col_min:col_max+1]

        print("growing the bag...", end='')
        # -image bag growing
        bag = None                               # bag for current image
        for d in local_descriptors:
            if bag is None:
                bag = grow_bag_from_new_image(im_h, d, wnd_size, nwindows, discard_empty=True)
                bag[] = grow_bag_with_new_features(im_h, bag['regs'], d)[]

        # save the results for each image, one file per descriptor
        desc_names = bag.keys()
        desc_names.remove('regs')                  # keep all keys but the regions
        # -save the ROI from the original image:
        res_file = res_path + '/' + 'roi-' + \
                   os.path.splitext(os.path.split(img_name)[1])[0] + '.dat'
        with open(res_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write('\t'.join([str(x_) for x_ in [row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max]]))
        for dn in desc_names:
            res_file = res_path + '/' + dn + '_bag-' + \
                       os.path.splitext(os.path.split(img_name)[1])[0] + '.dat'
            with open(res_file, 'w') as f:
                n = len(bag[dn])                       # total number of descriptors of this type
                for i in range(n):
                    s = '\t'.join([str(x_) for x_ in bag['regs'][i]]) + '\t' + \
                        '\t'.join([str(x_) for x_ in bag[dn][i]]) + '\n'
        bag = None
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
def test_non_square_image():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel)
    gray_res = img_as_bool(gray.erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, gray_res)
Exemple #33
def test_non_square_image():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel)
    with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
        grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.erosion(bw_img[:100, :200], strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #34
def test_binary_closing():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_closing(bw_lena, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.closing(bw_lena, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #35
def test_binary_dilation():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_dilation(bw_lena, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.dilation(bw_lena, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #36
def test_binary_opening():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_opening(bw_img, strel)
    with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
        grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.opening(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #37
def test_binary_dilation():
    strel = selem.square(3)
    binary_res = binary.binary_dilation(bw_img, strel)
    grey_res = img_as_bool(grey.dilation(bw_img, strel))
    testing.assert_array_equal(binary_res, grey_res)
Exemple #38
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io, util

# Load image
image = io.imread('imgs/wyeth.jpg')
image = util.img_as_float(image)

mask = io.imread('imgs/wyeth_mask.jpg', as_grey=True)
mask = util.img_as_bool(mask)

plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.title('Original Image')

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.title('Mask of the object to remove')
from seam_carving import remove_object

# Use your function to remove the object
out = remove_object(image, mask)

plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plt.title('Original Image')

plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.title('Mask of the object to remove')