class TextEntryScreen: def __init__(self, action, title, text='', alpha=True, numeric=True, symbol=True): """ Used to display and control the @param actions: Tuple containing a name and an action function that will be called with the menu widget and the contents of the text entry field when selected. @param title: The title to display at the top of the screen. @param text: Initial text for the text entry field. @param alpha: Whether to display the alphabet character board @param numeric: Whether to display the number character board. @param symbol: Whether to display the symbol character board. """ self.title = title self.text_entry = TextEntry(text) # Create common buttons self.action_button = Button(action[0], self.activate_action, action[1]) self.left_button = Button(_('Left'), self.move_caret, 'left') self.right_button = Button(_('Right'), self.move_caret, 'right') self.delete_button = Button(_('Delete'), self.delete_char, None) # Make sure at least one character board is enabled. if not (alpha or numeric or symbol): # raise RuntimeError, 'At least one character board should be enabled!' return # Work out whether we need a column to select different character boards. if (alpha and not numeric and not symbol) or \ (not alpha and numeric and not symbol) or \ (not alpha and not numeric and symbol): columns = 6 else: columns = 7 # # Create button groups for alphabet/numbers/symbols # if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.alphabet_button_group) self.lower_alphabet_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.lower_alphabet_button_group) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('1234567890') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.numbers_button_group) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('!"#$%^&*();:\'@~?,.<>-=+\[]{}') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.symbols_button_group) # If more than 1 character board is selected add the buttons to switch # between them. if (alpha and numeric) or (alpha and symbol) or (numeric and symbol): if alpha: lowercase_button = Button(_('abc'), self.change_button_group, self.lower_alphabet_button_group) self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(1, 5, lowercase_button) characters_button = Button(_('ABC'), self.change_button_group, self.alphabet_button_group) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button( 0, 5, characters_button) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button( 0, 5, characters_button) self.numbers_button_group.set_button( 1, 5, lowercase_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button( 0, 5, characters_button) self.symbols_button_group.set_button( 1, 5, lowercase_button) if numeric: numbers_button = Button(_('123'), self.change_button_group, self.numbers_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(2, 5, numbers_button) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button( 2, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button(2, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: symbols_button = Button(_('Symbls'), self.change_button_group, self.symbols_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(3, 5, symbols_button) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button( 3, 5, symbols_button) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button(3, 5, symbols_button) if alpha: self.button_group = self.alphabet_button_group elif numeric: self.button_group = self.numbers_button_group elif symbol: self.button_group = self.symbols_button_group self.last_key = None self.last_key_press = 0 def show(self, menuw): """ Display the Text Entry Screen. This places the screen on the top of the menu stack. """ self.menuw = menuw self.transition = skin.TRANSITION_IN menuw.pushmenu(self) self.transition = False def refresh(self): """ Redraw the screen. """ if self.menuw.children: return skin_object.draw('textentry', self, transition=self.transition) def eventhandler(self, event, menuw=None): """ Event handler to handle button navigation and selection. """ event_consumed = False redraw = False if event is MENU_SELECT: event_consumed = True self.last_key = None elif event in (MENU_LEFT, MENU_RIGHT, MENU_DOWN, MENU_UP): if event is MENU_LEFT: redraw = self.button_group.move_left() elif event is MENU_RIGHT: redraw = self.button_group.move_right() elif event is MENU_DOWN: redraw = self.button_group.move_down() elif event is MENU_UP: redraw = self.button_group.move_up() event_consumed = True self.last_key = None elif event == BUTTON: if event.arg == '*': self.modify_char() self.last_key = None self.last_key_press = time.time() event_consumed = True else: n = -1 try: n = int(event.arg) except: pass if n >= 0 and n <= 9: now = time.time() if self.last_key == event.arg and \ (now - self.last_key_press) < key_press_timeout: self.modify_char() else: new_ch = number_chars[n][0] # New key press if self.button_group == self.lower_alphabet_button_group: new_ch = new_ch.lower() self.set_selected_button(new_ch) self.insert_char(new_ch) self.last_key = event.arg self.last_key_press = now event_consumed = True if redraw: self.refresh() return event_consumed def insert_char(self, arg): """ Button action to insert a character. """ self.text_entry.insert_char_at_caret(arg) self.refresh() def modify_char(self): """ Modify the current character to be the next character in the number_char entry string for the last key pressed. """ ch = self.text_entry.get_char_at_caret() new_ch = None for number_group in number_chars: i = number_group.find(ch) if i != -1: i += 1 if i >= len(number_group): i = 0 new_ch = number_group[i] break if new_ch is not None: if self.button_group == self.lower_alphabet_button_group: new_ch = new_ch.lower() self.set_selected_button(new_ch) self.text_entry.replace_char_at_caret(new_ch) self.refresh() def move_caret(self, arg): """ Button action to move the caret. """ if arg == 'left': self.text_entry.caret_left() elif arg == 'right': self.text_entry.caret_right() self.refresh() def delete_char(self, arg): """ Button action to delete a character. """ self.text_entry.delete_char_at_caret() self.refresh() def change_button_group(self, arg): """ Button action to switch to a different button group. """ self.button_group = arg self.button_group.set_selected(self.button_group.buttons[0][0]) self.refresh() def activate_action(self, arg): """ Button action to call the user supplied handler. """ arg(self.menuw, self.text_entry.text) def __init_keyboard_buttons(self, keys, button_group): """ Initialise a button group by spliting the keys argument into characters and add each to the button group as a button. """ r = 0 c = 0 for key in keys: if key == ' ': text = _('Space') else: text = key button_group.set_button(r, c, Button(text, self.insert_char, key)) c += 1 if c == 5: r += 1 c = 0 # Add common buttons to the group column = button_group.columns - 1 button_group.set_button(0, column, self.action_button) button_group.set_button(1, column, self.left_button) button_group.set_button(2, column, self.right_button) button_group.set_button(3, column, self.delete_button) def getattr(self, attr): """ Used by the skin to retrieve named details about this object. """ return getattr(self, attr, u'') def set_selected_button(self, char): """ Set the selected button based on the specified character. """ for row in self.button_group.buttons: for btn in row: if btn and btn.text == char: self.button_group.set_selected(btn) break
class TextEntryScreen: def __init__(self, action, title, text='', alpha=True, numeric=True, symbol=True): """ Used to display and control the @param actions: Tuple containing a name and an action function that will be called with the menu widget and the contents of the text entry field when selected. @param title: The title to display at the top of the screen. @param text: Initial text for the text entry field. @param alpha: Whether to display the alphabet character board @param numeric: Whether to display the number character board. @param symbol: Whether to display the symbol character board. """ self.title = title self.text_entry = TextEntry(text) # Create common buttons self.action_button = Button(action[0], self.activate_action, action[1]) self.left_button = Button(_('Left'), self.move_caret, 'left') self.right_button = Button(_('Right'), self.move_caret, 'right') self.delete_button = Button(_('Delete'), self.delete_char, None) # Make sure at least one character board is enabled. if not (alpha or numeric or symbol): # raise RuntimeError, 'At least one character board should be enabled!' return # Work out whether we need a column to select different character boards. if (alpha and not numeric and not symbol) or \ (not alpha and numeric and not symbol) or \ (not alpha and not numeric and symbol): columns = 6 else: columns = 7 # # Create button groups for alphabet/numbers/symbols # if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.alphabet_button_group) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('1234567890') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.numbers_button_group) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _('!"#$%^&*();:\'@~?,.<>-=+\[]{}') self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.symbols_button_group) # If more than 1 character board is selected add the buttons to switch # between them. if (alpha and numeric) or (alpha and symbol) or (numeric and symbol): if alpha: characters_button = Button(_('ABC'), self.change_button_group, self.alphabet_button_group) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button( 0, 5, characters_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button( 0, 5, characters_button) if numeric: numbers_button = Button(_('123'), self.change_button_group, self.numbers_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(1, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button(1, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: symbols_button = Button(_('Symbls'), self.change_button_group, self.symbols_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(2, 5, symbols_button) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button(2, 5, symbols_button) if alpha: self.button_group = self.alphabet_button_group elif numeric: self.button_group = self.numbers_button_group elif symbol: self.button_group = self.symbols_button_group def show(self, menuw): """ Display the Text Entry Screen. This places the screen on the top of the menu stack. """ self.menuw = menuw menuw.pushmenu(self) def refresh(self): """ Redraw the screen. """ if self.menuw.children: return skin_object.draw('textentry', self) def eventhandler(self, event, menuw=None): """ Event handler to handle button navigation and selection. """ event_consumed = False redraw = False if event is MENU_SELECT: event_consumed = True elif event in (MENU_LEFT, MENU_RIGHT, MENU_DOWN, MENU_UP): if event is MENU_LEFT: redraw = self.button_group.move_left() elif event is MENU_RIGHT: redraw = self.button_group.move_right() elif event is MENU_DOWN: redraw = self.button_group.move_down() elif event is MENU_UP: redraw = self.button_group.move_up() event_consumed = True if redraw: self.refresh() return event_consumed def insert_key(self, arg): """ Button action to insert a character. """ self.text_entry.insert_char_at_caret(arg) self.refresh() def move_caret(self, arg): """ Button action to move the caret. """ if arg == 'left': self.text_entry.caret_left() elif arg == 'right': self.text_entry.caret_right() self.refresh() def delete_char(self, arg): """ Button action to delete a character. """ self.text_entry.delete_char_at_caret() self.refresh() def change_button_group(self, arg): """ Button action to switch to a different button group. """ self.button_group = arg self.button_group.set_selected(self.button_group.buttons[0][0]) self.refresh() def activate_action(self, arg): """ Button action to call the user supplied handler. """ arg(self.menuw, self.text_entry.text) def __init_keyboard_buttons(self, keys, button_group): """ Initialise a button group by spliting the keys argument into characters and add each to the button group as a button. """ r = 0 c = 0 for key in keys: if key == ' ': text = _('Space') else: text = key button_group.set_button(r, c, Button(text, self.insert_key, key)) c += 1 if c == 5: r += 1 c = 0 # Add common buttons to the group column = button_group.columns - 1 button_group.set_button(0, column, self.action_button) button_group.set_button(1, column, self.left_button) button_group.set_button(2, column, self.right_button) button_group.set_button(3, column, self.delete_button) def getattr(self, attr): """ Used by the skin to retrieve named details about this object. """ return getattr(self, attr, u'')
class TextEntryScreen: def __init__(self, action, title, text="", alpha=True, numeric=True, symbol=True): """ Used to display and control the @param actions: Tuple containing a name and an action function that will be called with the menu widget and the contents of the text entry field when selected. @param title: The title to display at the top of the screen. @param text: Initial text for the text entry field. @param alpha: Whether to display the alphabet character board @param numeric: Whether to display the number character board. @param symbol: Whether to display the symbol character board. """ self.title = title self.text_entry = TextEntry(text) # Create common buttons self.action_button = Button(action[0], self.activate_action, action[1]) self.left_button = Button(_("Left"), self.move_caret, "left") self.right_button = Button(_("Right"), self.move_caret, "right") self.delete_button = Button(_("Delete"), self.delete_char, None) # Make sure at least one character board is enabled. if not (alpha or numeric or symbol): # raise RuntimeError, 'At least one character board should be enabled!' return # Work out whether we need a column to select different character boards. if ( (alpha and not numeric and not symbol) or (not alpha and numeric and not symbol) or (not alpha and not numeric and symbol) ): columns = 6 else: columns = 7 # # Create button groups for alphabet/numbers/symbols # if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ") self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.alphabet_button_group) self.lower_alphabet_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ") self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.lower_alphabet_button_group) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _("1234567890") self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.numbers_button_group) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group = ButtonGroup(6, columns) keys = _("!\"#$%^&*();:'@~?,.<>-=+\[]{}") self.__init_keyboard_buttons(keys, self.symbols_button_group) # If more than 1 character board is selected add the buttons to switch # between them. if (alpha and numeric) or (alpha and symbol) or (numeric and symbol): if alpha: lowercase_button = Button(_("abc"), self.change_button_group, self.lower_alphabet_button_group) self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(1, 5, lowercase_button) characters_button = Button(_("ABC"), self.change_button_group, self.alphabet_button_group) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button(0, 5, characters_button) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button(0, 5, characters_button) self.numbers_button_group.set_button(1, 5, lowercase_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button(0, 5, characters_button) self.symbols_button_group.set_button(1, 5, lowercase_button) if numeric: numbers_button = Button(_("123"), self.change_button_group, self.numbers_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(2, 5, numbers_button) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button(2, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: self.symbols_button_group.set_button(2, 5, numbers_button) if symbol: symbols_button = Button(_("Symbls"), self.change_button_group, self.symbols_button_group) if alpha: self.alphabet_button_group.set_button(3, 5, symbols_button) self.lower_alphabet_button_group.set_button(3, 5, symbols_button) if numeric: self.numbers_button_group.set_button(3, 5, symbols_button) if alpha: self.button_group = self.alphabet_button_group elif numeric: self.button_group = self.numbers_button_group elif symbol: self.button_group = self.symbols_button_group self.last_key = None self.last_key_press = 0 def show(self, menuw): """ Display the Text Entry Screen. This places the screen on the top of the menu stack. """ self.menuw = menuw self.transition = skin.TRANSITION_IN menuw.pushmenu(self) self.transition = False def refresh(self): """ Redraw the screen. """ if self.menuw.children: return skin_object.draw("textentry", self, transition=self.transition) def eventhandler(self, event, menuw=None): """ Event handler to handle button navigation and selection. """ event_consumed = False redraw = False if event is MENU_SELECT: event_consumed = True self.last_key = None elif event in (MENU_LEFT, MENU_RIGHT, MENU_DOWN, MENU_UP): if event is MENU_LEFT: redraw = self.button_group.move_left() elif event is MENU_RIGHT: redraw = self.button_group.move_right() elif event is MENU_DOWN: redraw = self.button_group.move_down() elif event is MENU_UP: redraw = self.button_group.move_up() event_consumed = True self.last_key = None elif event == BUTTON: if event.arg == "*": self.modify_char() self.last_key = None self.last_key_press = time.time() event_consumed = True else: n = -1 try: n = int(event.arg) except: pass if n >= 0 and n <= 9: now = time.time() if self.last_key == event.arg and (now - self.last_key_press) < key_press_timeout: self.modify_char() else: new_ch = number_chars[n][0] # New key press if self.button_group == self.lower_alphabet_button_group: new_ch = new_ch.lower() self.set_selected_button(new_ch) self.insert_char(new_ch) self.last_key = event.arg self.last_key_press = now event_consumed = True if redraw: self.refresh() return event_consumed def insert_char(self, arg): """ Button action to insert a character. """ self.text_entry.insert_char_at_caret(arg) self.refresh() def modify_char(self): """ Modify the current character to be the next character in the number_char entry string for the last key pressed. """ ch = self.text_entry.get_char_at_caret() new_ch = None for number_group in number_chars: i = number_group.find(ch) if i != -1: i += 1 if i >= len(number_group): i = 0 new_ch = number_group[i] break if new_ch is not None: if self.button_group == self.lower_alphabet_button_group: new_ch = new_ch.lower() self.set_selected_button(new_ch) self.text_entry.replace_char_at_caret(new_ch) self.refresh() def move_caret(self, arg): """ Button action to move the caret. """ if arg == "left": self.text_entry.caret_left() elif arg == "right": self.text_entry.caret_right() self.refresh() def delete_char(self, arg): """ Button action to delete a character. """ self.text_entry.delete_char_at_caret() self.refresh() def change_button_group(self, arg): """ Button action to switch to a different button group. """ self.button_group = arg self.button_group.set_selected(self.button_group.buttons[0][0]) self.refresh() def activate_action(self, arg): """ Button action to call the user supplied handler. """ arg(self.menuw, self.text_entry.text) def __init_keyboard_buttons(self, keys, button_group): """ Initialise a button group by spliting the keys argument into characters and add each to the button group as a button. """ r = 0 c = 0 for key in keys: if key == " ": text = _("Space") else: text = key button_group.set_button(r, c, Button(text, self.insert_char, key)) c += 1 if c == 5: r += 1 c = 0 # Add common buttons to the group column = button_group.columns - 1 button_group.set_button(0, column, self.action_button) button_group.set_button(1, column, self.left_button) button_group.set_button(2, column, self.right_button) button_group.set_button(3, column, self.delete_button) def getattr(self, attr): """ Used by the skin to retrieve named details about this object. """ return getattr(self, attr, u"") def set_selected_button(self, char): """ Set the selected button based on the specified character. """ for row in self.button_group.buttons: for btn in row: if btn and btn.text == char: self.button_group.set_selected(btn) break