def Cluster(self):
        # read in the coords within the safe range
        coords = self.openfile()
        # set radians for the haversine metric
        kms_per_radian = 6371.0088
        # set epsilon to 50 meters
        epsilon = 0.05 / kms_per_radian
        # set epslion really small so it forms a cluster on each plot
        espsi = 0.0000000000000000001 / kms_per_radian
        # perform the DBSCAN using the ball tree algorithm and haversine metric.
        # form cluster if 10 pics are present within 50 meters
        db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=10, algorithm='ball_tree', metric='haversine').fit(np.radians(coords))
        # form cluster on every single plot
        scat = DBSCAN(eps=espsi, min_samples=1, algorithm='ball_tree', metric='haversine').fit(np.radians(coords))
        cluster_labels = db.labels_
        scatcluster_labels = scat.labels_
        # set number of clusters to the number of labels (one per cluster)
        num_clusters = len(set(cluster_labels))
        if num_clusters < 3:
            print('Not enough clusters were formed')
        scatnum_clusters = len(set(scatcluster_labels))
        print('Number of clusters: {}'.format(scatnum_clusters))
        # convert the coords to a DataFrame with columns of lat and lon
        scat = pd.DataFrame(coords, columns=["latitude", "longitude"])
        df = pd.DataFrame(coords, columns=["latitude", "longitude"])
        # convert to matrix to allow manipulation into series
        scatcoords = scat.as_matrix(columns=["latitude", "longitude"])
        coords = df.as_matrix(columns=["latitude", "longitude"])
        # store clusters in a series data type
        clusters = pd.Series([coords[cluster_labels == n] for n in range(num_clusters - 1)])
        scatclusters = pd.Series([scatcoords[scatcluster_labels == n] for n in range(scatnum_clusters - 1)])

        def get_centermost_point(cluster):
            # using the centroid attribute, pull out the centre point of each cluster
            centroid = (MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.x, MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.y)
            # save the centermost point in a variable and return as a tuple
            centermost_point = min(cluster, key=lambda point: great_circle(point, centroid).m)
            return tuple(centermost_point)

        # use series' map attribute to map the centermost point to each cluster
        centermost_points =
        # also map every point to the clusters of each point to allow for plotting
        scatplot =
        # separate the lat and lon points from the tuple
        Alatitude, Alongitude = zip(*scatplot)
        if len(centermost_points) > 2:
                latitude, longitude = zip(*centermost_points)
                print("Not enough data to form clusters")

        # plot the centermost points using matplotlib
        plt.scatter(latitude, longitude, s=2, c="black", marker=".")

        # use gmap to open the map to the first plot point
        gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(longitude[0], latitude[0], zoom=15)
        # plot the centermost points and every other point
        gmap.scatter(longitude, latitude, '#ff0000', size=10, marker=False)
        gmap.scatter(Alongitude, Alatitude, '#0000ff', size=5, marker=False)
        # save map as html file in directory
        gmap.draw(userlocation + 'Map.html')