class Topicmodel():
    Wrapper class for different topic models
    def __init__(self,folder='model',modeltype='kmeans',topics=100,topwords=10):
        # the classifier, which also contains the trained BoW transformer
        self.bow = cPickle.load(open(folder+'/BoW_transformer.pickle'))
        self.folder = folder
        self.modeltype = modeltype
        self.topics = topics
        self.topwords = topwords
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
            self.model = KMeans(n_clusters=topics,n_init=50)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
            from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
            self.model = {'kpca':KernelPCA(kernel='rbf',gamma=.1),\
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
            self.model = NMF(n_components=topics)

    def fit(self,X):
        fits a topic model

        X   list of strings

        # transform list of strings into sparse BoW matrix
        X = self.bow['tfidf_transformer'].fit_transform(\

        # transform word to BoW index into reverse lookup table
        words = self.bow['count_vectorizer'].vocabulary_.values()
        wordidx = self.bow['count_vectorizer'].vocabulary_.keys()
        self.idx2word = dict(zip(words,wordidx))         

        # depending on the model, train
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            Xc = self.model.fit_predict(X)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            Xc = self.model['kpca'].fit_transform(X)
            Xc = self.model['kmeans'].fit_predict(Xc)
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            Xc = self.model.fit_transform(X).argmax(axis=0)
        # for each cluster/topic compute covariance of word with cluster label
        # this measure is indicative of the importance of the word for the topic
        ass = zeros(self.topics)
        self.topicstats = []
        for cluster in range(self.topics): 
            # this is a binary vector, true if a data point was in this cluster
            y = double(Xc==cluster)
            # this is the covariance of the data with the cluster label
            Xcov =
            # find the most strongly covarying (with the cluster label) words
            wordidx = reversed(Xcov.argsort()[-self.topwords:])
            topicwords = dict([(self.idx2word[idx],Xcov[idx]) for idx in wordidx])
                'words': topicwords})

            print 'Topic %d: %3d Assignments '%(cluster,y.sum())\
                + 'Topwords: ' + ' '.join(topicwords.keys()[:10])

        datestr ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
        fn = self.folder+'/topicmodel-%s-'%self.modeltype +datestr+'.json'
        print "Saving model stats to "+fn

    def predict(self,X):
        predicts cluster assignment from list of strings
        X   list of strings
        if X is not list: X = [X]
        X = self.bow['tfidf_transformer'].transform(\
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            return self.model.predict(X)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            return self.model['kmeans'].predict(self.model['kpca'].transform(X))
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            return self.model.transform(X).argmax(axis=0)
Exemple #2
class Topicmodel():
    Wrapper class for different topic models
    def __init__(self,
        # the classifier, which also contains the trained BoW transformer
        self.bow = cPickle.load(open(folder + '/BoW_transformer.pickle'))
        self.folder = folder
        self.modeltype = modeltype
        self.topics = topics
        self.topwords = topwords
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
            self.model = KMeans(n_clusters=topics, n_init=50)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
            from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
            self.model = {'kpca':KernelPCA(kernel='rbf',gamma=.1),\
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
            self.model = NMF(n_components=topics)

    def fit(self, X):
        fits a topic model

        X   list of strings

        # transform list of strings into sparse BoW matrix
        X = self.bow['tfidf_transformer'].fit_transform(\

        # transform word to BoW index into reverse lookup table
        words = self.bow['count_vectorizer'].vocabulary_.values()
        wordidx = self.bow['count_vectorizer'].vocabulary_.keys()
        self.idx2word = dict(zip(words, wordidx))

        # depending on the model, train
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            Xc = self.model.fit_predict(X)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            Xc = self.model['kpca'].fit_transform(X)
            Xc = self.model['kmeans'].fit_predict(Xc)
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            Xc = self.model.fit_transform(X).argmax(axis=0)
        # for each cluster/topic compute covariance of word with cluster label
        # this measure is indicative of the importance of the word for the topic
        ass = zeros(self.topics)
        self.topicstats = []
        for cluster in range(self.topics):
            # this is a binary vector, true if a data point was in this cluster
            y = double(Xc == cluster)
            # this is the covariance of the data with the cluster label
            Xcov =
            # find the most strongly covarying (with the cluster label) words
            wordidx = reversed(Xcov.argsort()[-self.topwords:])
            topicwords = dict([(self.idx2word[idx], Xcov[idx])
                               for idx in wordidx])
                'words': topicwords})

            print 'Topic %d: %3d Assignments '%(cluster,y.sum())\
                + 'Topwords: ' + ' '.join(topicwords.keys()[:10])

        datestr ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
        fn = self.folder + '/topicmodel-%s-' % self.modeltype + datestr + '.json'
        print "Saving model stats to " + fn
        open(fn, 'wb').write(json.dumps(self.topicstats))

    def predict(self, X):
        predicts cluster assignment from list of strings
        X   list of strings
        if X is not list: X = [X]
        X = self.bow['tfidf_transformer'].transform(\
        if self.modeltype is 'kmeans':
            return self.model.predict(X)
        if self.modeltype is 'kpcakmeans':
            return self.model['kmeans'].predict(
        if self.modeltype is 'nmf':
            return self.model.transform(X).argmax(axis=0)