Exemple #1
def test_one_hot_encoder_specified_categories():
    X = np.array([['a', 'b']], dtype=object).T

    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['a', 'b', 'c']])
    exp = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                    [0., 1., 0.]])
    assert_array_equal(enc.fit_transform(X).toarray(), exp)
    assert enc.categories[0] == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert enc.categories_[0].tolist() == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert np.issubdtype(enc.categories_[0].dtype, np.str_)

    # unsorted passed categories raises for now
    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['c', 'b', 'a']])
    msg = re.escape('Unsorted categories are not yet supported')
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, enc.fit_transform, X)

    # multiple columns
    X = np.array([['a', 'b'], [0, 2]], dtype=object).T
    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['a', 'b', 'c'], [0, 1, 2]])
    exp = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
                    [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])
    assert_array_equal(enc.fit_transform(X).toarray(), exp)
    assert enc.categories_[0].tolist() == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert np.issubdtype(enc.categories_[0].dtype, np.str_)
    assert enc.categories_[1].tolist() == [0, 1, 2]
    assert np.issubdtype(enc.categories_[1].dtype, np.integer)

    # when specifying categories manually, unknown categories should already
    # raise when fitting
    X = np.array([['a', 'b', 'c']]).T
    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['a', 'b']])
    assert_raises(ValueError, enc.fit, X)
    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['a', 'b']], handle_unknown='ignore')
    exp = np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 1.], [0., 0.]])
    assert_array_equal(enc.fit(X).transform(X).toarray(), exp)
def test_one_hot_encoder_unsorted_categories():
    X = np.array([['a', 'b']], dtype=object).T

    # unsorted passed categories raises for now
    enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[['c', 'b', 'a']])
    msg = re.escape('Unsorted categories are not yet supported')
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, enc.fit_transform, X)
def test_ridgecv_store_cv_values():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)

    n_samples = 8
    n_features = 5
    x = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
    alphas = [1e-1, 1e0, 1e1]
    n_alphas = len(alphas)

    r = RidgeCV(alphas=alphas, cv=None, store_cv_values=True)

    # with len(y.shape) == 1
    y = rng.randn(n_samples)
    r.fit(x, y)
    assert r.cv_values_.shape == (n_samples, n_alphas)

    # with len(y.shape) == 2
    n_targets = 3
    y = rng.randn(n_samples, n_targets)
    r.fit(x, y)
    assert r.cv_values_.shape == (n_samples, n_targets, n_alphas)

    r = RidgeCV(cv=3, store_cv_values=True)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'cv!=None and store_cv_values',
                        r.fit, x, y)
Exemple #4
def test_fit_predict_on_pipeline_without_fit_predict():
    # tests that a pipeline does not have fit_predict method when final
    # step of pipeline does not have fit_predict defined
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    pca = PCA(svd_solver="full")
    pipe = Pipeline([("scaler", scaler), ("pca", pca)])
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, "'PCA' object has no attribute 'fit_predict'", getattr, pipe, "fit_predict")
def check_dtype_object(name, Estimator):
    # check that estimators treat dtype object as numeric if possible
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    X = rng.rand(40, 10).astype(object)
    y = (X[:, 0] * 4).astype(np.int)
    y = multioutput_estimator_convert_y_2d(name, y)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        estimator = Estimator()

    estimator.fit(X, y)
    if hasattr(estimator, "predict"):

    if hasattr(estimator, "transform"):

        estimator.fit(X, y.astype(object))
    except Exception as e:
        if "Unknown label type" not in str(e):

    X[0, 0] = {'foo': 'bar'}
    msg = "argument must be a string or a number"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, estimator.fit, X, y)
def test_one_hot_encoder_invalid_params():
    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop='second')
        "Wrong input for parameter `drop`.",
        enc.fit, [["Male"], ["Female"]])

    enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore', drop='first')
        "`handle_unknown` must be 'error'",
        enc.fit, [["Male"], ["Female"]])

    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop='first')
        "The handling of integer data will change in version",
        enc.fit, [[1], [2]])

    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop='first', categories='auto')
    assert_no_warnings(enc.fit_transform, [[1], [2]])

    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop=np.asarray('b', dtype=object))
        "Wrong input for parameter `drop`.",
        enc.fit, [['abc', 2, 55], ['def', 1, 55], ['def', 3, 59]])

    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop=['ghi', 3, 59])
        "The following categories were supposed",
        enc.fit, [['abc', 2, 55], ['def', 1, 55], ['def', 3, 59]])
def test_graphviz_errors():
    # Check for errors of export_graphviz
    clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, min_samples_split=2)

    # Check not-fitted decision tree error
    out = StringIO()
    assert_raises(NotFittedError, export_graphviz, clf, out)

    clf.fit(X, y)

    # Check if it errors when length of feature_names
    # mismatches with number of features
    message = ("Length of feature_names, "
               "1 does not match number of features, 2")
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, message, export_graphviz, clf, None,

    message = ("Length of feature_names, "
               "3 does not match number of features, 2")
    assert_raise_message(ValueError, message, export_graphviz, clf, None,
                         feature_names=["a", "b", "c"])

    # Check class_names error
    out = StringIO()
    assert_raises(IndexError, export_graphviz, clf, out, class_names=[])

    # Check precision error
    out = StringIO()
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "should be greater or equal",
                        export_graphviz, clf, out, precision=-1)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "should be an integer",
                        export_graphviz, clf, out, precision="1")
def test_bad_pyfunc_metric():
    def wrong_distance(x, y):
        return "1"

    X = np.ones((5, 2))
                        "Custom distance function must accept two vectors",
                        BallTree, X, metric=wrong_distance)
def test_check_class_weight_balanced_linear_classifier():
    # check that ill-computed balanced weights raises an exception
                        "Classifier estimator_name is not computing"
                        " class_weight=balanced properly.",
def test_k_means_n_init():
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(0)
    X = rnd.normal(size=(40, 2))

    # two regression tests on bad n_init argument
    # previous bug: n_init <= 0 threw non-informative TypeError (#3858)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "n_init", KMeans(n_init=0).fit, X)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "n_init", KMeans(n_init=-1).fit, X)
def test_check_estimators_unfitted():
    # check that a ValueError/AttributeError is raised when calling predict
    # on an unfitted estimator
    msg = "AttributeError or ValueError not raised by predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimators_unfitted, "estimator", NoSparseClassifier)

    # check that CorrectNotFittedError inherit from either ValueError
    # or AttributeError
    check_estimators_unfitted("estimator", CorrectNotFittedErrorClassifier)
Exemple #12
def test_gen_even_slices():
    # check that gen_even_slices contains all samples
    some_range = range(10)
    joined_range = list(chain(*[some_range[slice] for slice in gen_even_slices(10, 3)]))
    assert_array_equal(some_range, joined_range)

    # check that passing negative n_chunks raises an error
    slices = gen_even_slices(10, -1)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "gen_even_slices got n_packs=-1, must be" " >=1", next, slices)
def test_fit_predict_on_pipeline_without_fit_predict():
    # tests that a pipeline does not have fit_predict method when final
    # step of pipeline does not have fit_predict defined
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    pca = PCA()
    pipe = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('pca', pca)])
                        "'PCA' object has no attribute 'fit_predict'",
                        getattr, pipe, 'fit_predict')
def test_precompute_invalid_argument():
    X, y, _, _ = build_dataset()
    for clf in [ElasticNetCV(precompute="invalid"), LassoCV(precompute="invalid")]:
        assert_raises_regex(ValueError, ".*should be.*True.*False.*auto.*" "array-like.*Got 'invalid'", clf.fit, X, y)

    # Precompute = 'auto' is not supported for ElasticNet
        ValueError, ".*should be.*True.*False.*array-like.*" "Got 'auto'", ElasticNet(precompute="auto").fit, X, y
def test_check_classification_targets():
    for y_type in EXAMPLES.keys():
        if y_type in ["unknown", "continuous", 'continuous-multioutput']:
            for example in EXAMPLES[y_type]:
                msg = 'Unknown label type: '
                assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg,
                                    check_classification_targets, example)
            for example in EXAMPLES[y_type]:
def test_regression_metrics_at_limits():
    assert_almost_equal(mean_squared_error([0.], [0.]), 0.00, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(mean_squared_log_error([0.], [0.]), 0.00, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(mean_absolute_error([0.], [0.]), 0.00, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(median_absolute_error([0.], [0.]), 0.00, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(explained_variance_score([0.], [0.]), 1.00, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(r2_score([0., 1], [0., 1]), 1.00, 2)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Mean Squared Logarithmic Error cannot be "
                        "used when targets contain negative values.",
                        mean_squared_log_error, [-1.], [-1.])
def test__check_reg_targets_exception():
    invalid_multioutput = 'this_value_is_not_valid'
    expected_message = ("Allowed 'multioutput' string values are.+"
                        "You provided multioutput={!r}".format(
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, expected_message,
                        [1, 2, 3],
                        [[1], [2], [3]],
def test_pipeline_with_cache_attribute():
    X = np.array([[1, 2]])
    pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', Mult())],
    pipe.fit(X, y=None)
    dummy = WrongDummyMemory()
    pipe = Pipeline([('transf', Transf()), ('clf', Mult())],
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "'memory' should be None, a string or"
                        " have the same interface as joblib.Memory."
                        " Got memory='{}' instead.".format(dummy), pipe.fit, X)
def test_multi_target_sample_weights_api():
    X = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
    y = [[3.141, 2.718], [2.718, 3.141]]
    w = [0.8, 0.6]

    rgr = MultiOutputRegressor(Lasso())
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "does not support sample weights", rgr.fit, X, y, w)

    # no exception should be raised if the base estimator supports weights
    rgr = MultiOutputRegressor(GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=0))
    rgr.fit(X, y, w)
def test_ovr_partial_fit_exceptions():
    ovr = OneVsRestClassifier(MultinomialNB())
    X = np.abs(np.random.randn(14, 2))
    y = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
    ovr.partial_fit(X[:7], y[:7], np.unique(y))
    # A new class value which was not in the first call of partial_fit
    # It should raise ValueError
    y1 = [5] + y[7:-1]
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Mini-batch contains \[.+\] while classes"
                                    " must be subset of \[.+\]",
                        ovr.partial_fit, X=X[7:], y=y1)
def test_randomized_lasso_error_memory():
    scaling = 0.3
    selection_threshold = 0.5
    tempdir = 5
    clf = RandomizedLasso(verbose=False, alpha=[1, 0.8], random_state=42,
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "'memory' should either be a string or"
                        " a sklearn.utils.Memory instance",
                        clf.fit, X, y)
Exemple #22
def test_scale_input_finiteness_validation():
    # Check if non finite inputs raise ValueError
    X = [np.nan, 5, 6, 7, 8]
                        "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large",
                        scale, X)

    X = [np.inf, 5, 6, 7, 8]
                        "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large",
                        scale, X)
def test_ordinal_encoder_inverse():
    X = [['abc', 2, 55], ['def', 1, 55]]
    enc = OrdinalEncoder()
    X_tr = enc.fit_transform(X)
    exp = np.array(X, dtype=object)
    assert_array_equal(enc.inverse_transform(X_tr), exp)

    # incorrect shape raises
    X_tr = np.array([[0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1, 0]])
    msg = re.escape('Shape of the passed X data is not correct')
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, enc.inverse_transform, X_tr)
def test_pipeline_wrong_memory():
    # Test that an error is raised when memory is not a string or a Memory
    # instance
    iris = load_iris()
    X = iris.data
    y = iris.target
    # Define memory as an integer
    memory = 1
    cached_pipe = Pipeline([('transf', DummyTransf()),
                            ('svc', SVC())], memory=memory)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "'memory' should be None, a string or"
                        " have the same interface as joblib.Memory."
                        " Got memory='1' instead.", cached_pipe.fit, X, y)
def test_check_non_negative(retype):
    A = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0],
                  [1, 1, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0]])
    X = retype(A)
    check_non_negative(X, "")
    X = retype([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
    check_non_negative(X, "")

    A[0, 0] = -1
    X = retype(A)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Negative ", check_non_negative, X, "")
def test_pipeline_wrong_memory():
    # Test that an error is raised when memory is not a string or a Memory
    # instance
    iris = load_iris()
    X = iris.data
    y = iris.target
    # Define memory as an integer
    memory = 1
    cached_pipe = Pipeline([('transf', DummyTransf()), ('svc', SVC())],
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "'memory' should either be a string or a"
                        " sklearn.externals.joblib.Memory instance, got",
                        cached_pipe.fit, X, y)
def test_check_no_fit_attributes_set_in_init():
    class NonConformantEstimator(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.you_should_not_set_this_ = None

    msg = ("By convention, attributes ending with '_'.+"
           'should not be initialized in the constructor.+'
           "Attribute 'you_should_not_set_this_' was found.+"
           'in estimator estimator_name')

    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised by fit"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    msg = "Estimator type doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_sparse_validate_centers():
    from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

    iris = load_iris()
    X = iris.data

    # Get a local optimum
    centers = KMeans(n_clusters=4).fit(X).cluster_centers_

    # Test that a ValueError is raised for validate_center_shape
    classifier = KMeans(n_clusters=3, init=centers, n_init=1)

    msg = "The shape of the initial centers \(\(4L?, 4L?\)\) " \
          "does not match the number of clusters 3"
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, classifier.fit, X)
Exemple #30
def test_novelty_errors():
    X = iris.data

    # check errors for novelty=False
    clf = neighbors.LocalOutlierFactor()
    # predict, decision_function and score_samples raise ValueError
    for method in ['predict', 'decision_function', 'score_samples']:
        msg = ('{} is not available when novelty=False'.format(method))
        assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, getattr, clf, method)

    # check errors for novelty=True
    clf = neighbors.LocalOutlierFactor(novelty=True)
    msg = 'fit_predict is not available when novelty=True'
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, getattr, clf, 'fit_predict')
Exemple #31
def test_check_estimator_transformer_no_mixin():
    # check that TransformerMixin is not required for transformer tests to run
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, '.*fit_transform.*',
                        check_estimator, BadTransformerWithoutMixin())
def check_samplers_no_fit_error(name, Sampler):
    sampler = Sampler()
    X = np.random.random((20, 2))
    y = np.array([1] * 5 + [0] * 15)
    assert_raises_regex(NotFittedError, "instance is not fitted yet.",
                        sampler.sample, X, y)
Exemple #33
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)
    # check that `fit` only changes attributes that
    # are private (start with an _ or end with a _).
    msg = ('Estimator changes public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to change attributes started'
           ' or ended with _, but wrong_attribute changed')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that `fit` doesn't add any public attribute
    msg = ('Estimator adds public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes'
           ' either started with _ or ended'
           ' with _ but wrong_attribute added')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = ("Estimator " + name + " doesn't seem to fail gracefully on"
           " sparse data")
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert msg in string_buffer.getvalue()
Exemple #34
def test_iht_fit_sample_wrong_class_obj():
    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
    est = KMeans()
    iht = InstanceHardnessThreshold(estimator=est, random_state=RND_SEED)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Invalid parameter `estimator`",
                        iht.fit_sample, X, Y)
def test_ncr_wrong_nn_obj():
    nn = 'rnd'
    ncr = NeighbourhoodCleaningRule(return_indices=True,
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be one of", ncr.fit_sample, X, Y)
def test_smote_wrong_kind():
    kind = 'rnd'
    smote = SMOTE(kind=kind, random_state=RND_SEED)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Unknown kind for SMOTE",
                        smote.fit_sample, X, Y)
def test_invalid_dimension():
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be a list or tuple",
                        space_check_dimension, "23")
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Invalid dimension", space_check_dimension,
                        (23, ))
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, BaseBadClassifier)
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa
        msg = ("Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
               "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series")
            ValueError, msg, check_estimator, NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType)
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)

    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator " + name + " doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data"
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
Exemple #39
def test_assert_raises_msg():
    with assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, 'Hello world'):
        with assert_raises(ValueError, msg='Hello world'):
def test_mutli_output_classifiation_partial_fit_no_first_classes_exception():
    sgd_linear_clf = SGDClassifier(loss='log', random_state=1)
    multi_target_linear = MultiOutputClassifier(sgd_linear_clf)
        ValueError, "classes must be passed on the first call "
        "to partial_fit.", multi_target_linear.partial_fit, X, y)
Exemple #41
def test_check_array_complex_data_error():
    X = np.array([[1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j], [2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 + 7j]])
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # list of lists
    X = [[1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j], [2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 + 7j]]
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # tuple of tuples
    X = ((1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j), (2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 + 7j))
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # list of np arrays
    X = [
        np.array([1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j]),
        np.array([2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 + 7j])
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # tuple of np arrays
    X = (np.array([1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j]), np.array([2 + 3j, 4 + 5j,
                                                       6 + 7j]))
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # dataframe
    X = MockDataFrame(
        np.array([[1 + 2j, 3 + 4j, 5 + 7j], [2 + 3j, 4 + 5j, 6 + 7j]]))
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,

    # sparse matrix
    X = sp.coo_matrix([[0, 1 + 2j], [0, 0]])
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Complex data not supported", check_array,
def test_real_distance_out_of_range():
    ints = Real(1, 10)
    assert_raises_regex(RuntimeError, "compute distance for values within",
                        ints.distance, 11, 10)
def test_invalid_dimension():
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be a list or tuple",
                        space_check_dimension, "23")
    # single value fixes dimension of space
def check_valid_transformation(klass):
    assert klass(2, 30, transform="normalize")
    assert klass(2, 30, transform="identity")
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "should be 'normalize' or 'identity'",
                        klass, 2, 30, transform='not a valid transform name')
Exemple #45
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object())
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator())
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "TypeError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa
        msg = ("Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
               "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series")
        assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, check_estimator,
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)
    # check that `fit` only changes attribures that
    # are private (start with an _ or end with a _).
    msg = ('Estimator ChangesWrongAttribute should not change or mutate  '
           'the parameter wrong_attribute from 0 to 1 during fit.')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that `fit` doesn't add any public attribute
    msg = ('Estimator adds public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes'
           ' either started with _ or ended'
           ' with _ but wrong_attribute added')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator %s doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data" % name
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert_true(msg in string_buffer.getvalue())

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
Exemple #46
def test_one_hot_encoder_sparse():
    # Test OneHotEncoder's fit and transform.
    X = [[3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
    enc = OneHotEncoder()
    with ignore_warnings(category=(DeprecationWarning, FutureWarning)):
        # discover max values automatically
        X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X).toarray()
        assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 5))
                           np.where([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])[0])
        assert_array_equal(enc.feature_indices_, [0, 4, 7, 9])

        # check outcome
                           [[0., 1., 0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1., 0., 1.]])

    # max value given as 3
    # enc = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, OneHotEncoder, n_values=4)
    enc = OneHotEncoder(n_values=4)
    with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning):
        X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X)
        assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 4 * 3))
        assert_array_equal(enc.feature_indices_, [0, 4, 8, 12])

    # max value given per feature
    # enc = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, OneHotEncoder, n_values=[3, 2, 2])
    enc = OneHotEncoder(n_values=[3, 2, 2])
    with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning):
        X = [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
        X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X)
        assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 3 + 2 + 2))
        assert_array_equal(enc.n_values_, [3, 2, 2])
    # check that testing with larger feature works:
    X = np.array([[2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]])

    # test that an error is raised when out of bounds:
    X_too_large = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
    assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, X_too_large)
    error_msg = r"unknown categorical feature present \[2\] during transform"
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, error_msg, enc.transform, X_too_large)
    with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning):
        assert_raises(ValueError, OneHotEncoder(n_values=2).fit_transform, X)

    # test that error is raised when wrong number of features
    assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, X[:, :-1])

    # test that error is raised when wrong number of features in fit
    # with prespecified n_values
    with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning):
        assert_raises(ValueError, enc.fit, X[:, :-1])
    # test exception on wrong init param
    with ignore_warnings(category=DeprecationWarning):
        assert_raises(TypeError, OneHotEncoder(n_values=np.int).fit, X)

    enc = OneHotEncoder()
    # test negative input to fit
    with ignore_warnings(category=FutureWarning):
        assert_raises(ValueError, enc.fit, [[0], [-1]])

    # test negative input to transform
    with ignore_warnings(category=FutureWarning):
        enc.fit([[0], [1]])
    assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, [[0], [-1]])
def test_invalid_drop_length(drop):
    enc = OneHotEncoder(drop=drop)
                        "`drop` should have length equal to the number",
                        [['abc', 2, 55], ['def', 1, 55], ['def', 3, 59]])
def test_ratio_minority_under_sampling():
        ValueError, "'ratio'='minority' cannot be used with"
        " under-sampler.", check_ratio, 'minority', np.array([1, 2, 3]),
def test_pipeline_init():
    # Test the various init parameters of the pipeline.
    assert_raises(TypeError, Pipeline)
    # Check that we can't instantiate pipelines with objects without fit
    # method
        TypeError, 'Last step of Pipeline should implement fit. '
        '.*NoFit.*', Pipeline, [('clf', NoFit())])
    # Smoke test with only an estimator
    clf = NoTrans()
    pipe = Pipeline([('svc', clf)])
        dict(svc__a=None, svc__b=None, svc=clf, **pipe.get_params(deep=False)))

    # Check that params are set
    assert_equal(clf.a, 0.1)
    assert_equal(clf.b, None)
    # Smoke test the repr:

    # Test with two objects
    clf = SVC()
    filter1 = SelectKBest(f_classif)
    pipe = Pipeline([('anova', filter1), ('svc', clf)])

    # Check that we can't instantiate with non-transformers on the way
    # Note that NoTrans implements fit, but not transform
        TypeError, 'All intermediate steps should be transformers'
        '.*\\bNoTrans\\b.*', Pipeline, [('t', NoTrans()), ('svc', clf)])

    # Check that params are set
    assert_equal(clf.C, 0.1)
    # Smoke test the repr:

    # Check that params are not set when naming them wrong
    assert_raises(ValueError, pipe.set_params, anova__C=0.1)

    # Test clone
    pipe2 = clone(pipe)
    assert_false(pipe.named_steps['svc'] is pipe2.named_steps['svc'])

    # Check that apart from estimators, the parameters are the same
    params = pipe.get_params(deep=True)
    params2 = pipe2.get_params(deep=True)

    for x in pipe.get_params(deep=False):

    for x in pipe2.get_params(deep=False):

    # Remove estimators that where copied
    assert_equal(params, params2)
def test_cnn_fit_sample_with_wrong_object():
    knn = 'rnd'
    cnn = CondensedNearestNeighbour(random_state=RND_SEED, n_neighbors=knn)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be a int or an ", cnn.fit_sample,
                        X, Y)
def test_load_with_offsets_error():
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "n_features is required",
                        load_svmlight_file, datafile, offset=3, length=3)
Exemple #52
def test_init_parameters_validation(GradientBoosting, X, y):

        "Loss blah is not supported for",
        GradientBoosting(loss='blah').fit, X, y

    for learning_rate in (-1, 0):
            f"learning_rate={learning_rate} must be strictly positive",
            GradientBoosting(learning_rate=learning_rate).fit, X, y

        f"max_iter=0 must not be smaller than 1",
        GradientBoosting(max_iter=0).fit, X, y

        f"max_leaf_nodes=0 should not be smaller than 1",
        GradientBoosting(max_leaf_nodes=0).fit, X, y

        f"max_depth=0 should not be smaller than 1",
        GradientBoosting(max_depth=0).fit, X, y

        f"min_samples_leaf=0 should not be smaller than 1",
        GradientBoosting(min_samples_leaf=0).fit, X, y

        f"l2_regularization=-1 must be positive",
        GradientBoosting(l2_regularization=-1).fit, X, y

    for max_bins in (1, 257):
            f"max_bins={max_bins} should be no smaller than 2 and no larger",
            GradientBoosting(max_bins=max_bins).fit, X, y

        f"max_bins is set to 4 but the data is pre-binned with 256 bins",
        GradientBoosting(max_bins=4).fit, X.astype(np.uint8), y

        f"n_iter_no_change=-1 must be positive",
        GradientBoosting(n_iter_no_change=-1).fit, X, y

    for validation_split in (-1, 0):
            f"validation_split={validation_split} must be strictly positive",
            GradientBoosting(validation_split=validation_split).fit, X, y

        f"tol=-1 must not be smaller than 0",
        GradientBoosting(tol=-1).fit, X, y
def test_nearmiss_wrong_version():
    version = 1000
    nm = NearMiss(version=version, random_state=RND_SEED)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "must be 1, 2 or 3", nm.fit_sample, X, Y)
Exemple #54
def test_raise_isinstance_error():
    var = 10.0
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be one of", raise_isinstance_error,
                        'var', [int], var)
def test_oss_with_wrong_object():
    knn = 'rnd'
    oss = OneSidedSelection(random_state=RND_SEED, n_neighbors=knn)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be a int", oss.fit_sample, X, Y)
def test_enn_not_good_object():
    nn = 'rnd'
    enn = EditedNearestNeighbours(n_neighbors=nn,
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be one of", enn.fit_sample, X, Y)
Exemple #57
def test_sample_weight_length():
    # check that an error is raised when passing sample weights
    # with an incompatible shape
    km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=42)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'len\(sample_weight\)', km.fit, X,
Exemple #58
def test_check_estimator():
    # tests that the estimator actually fails on "bad" estimators.
    # not a complete test of all checks, which are very extensive.

    # check that we have a set_params and can clone
    msg = "it does not implement a 'get_params' methods"
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object)
    assert_raises_regex(TypeError, msg, check_estimator, object())
    # check that values returned by get_params match set_params
    msg = "get_params result does not match what was passed to set_params"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    assert_warns(UserWarning, check_estimator, RaisesErrorInSetParams())
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that we have a fit method
    msg = "object has no attribute 'fit'"
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator)
    assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, msg, check_estimator, BaseEstimator())
    # check that fit does input validation
    msg = "ValueError not raised"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that sample_weights in fit accepts pandas.Series type
        from pandas import Series  # noqa
        msg = ("Estimator NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType raises error if "
               "'sample_weight' parameter is of type pandas.Series")
            ValueError, msg, check_estimator, NoSampleWeightPandasSeriesType)
    except ImportError:
    # check that predict does input validation (doesn't accept dicts in input)
    msg = "Estimator doesn't check for NaN and inf in predict"
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, NoCheckinPredict)
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,
    # check that estimator state does not change
    # at transform/predict/predict_proba time
    msg = 'Estimator changes __dict__ during predict'
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator, ChangesDict)
    # check that `fit` only changes attribures that
    # are private (start with an _ or end with a _).
    msg = ('Estimator ChangesWrongAttribute should not change or mutate  '
           'the parameter wrong_attribute from 0 to 1 during fit.')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, ChangesWrongAttribute)
    # check that `fit` doesn't add any public attribute
    msg = (r'Estimator adds public attribute\(s\) during the fit method.'
           ' Estimators are only allowed to add private attributes'
           ' either started with _ or ended'
           ' with _ but wrong_attribute added')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, SetsWrongAttribute)
    # check for invariant method
    name = NotInvariantPredict.__name__
    method = 'predict'
    msg = ("{method} of {name} is not invariant when applied "
           "to a subset.").format(method=method, name=name)
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg,
                        check_estimator, NotInvariantPredict)
    # check for sparse matrix input handling
    name = NoSparseClassifier.__name__
    msg = "Estimator %s doesn't seem to fail gracefully on sparse data" % name
    # the check for sparse input handling prints to the stdout,
    # instead of raising an error, so as not to remove the original traceback.
    # that means we need to jump through some hoops to catch it.
    old_stdout = sys.stdout
    string_buffer = StringIO()
    sys.stdout = string_buffer
        sys.stdout = old_stdout
    assert msg in string_buffer.getvalue()

    # Large indices test on bad estimator
    msg = ('Estimator LargeSparseNotSupportedClassifier doesn\'t seem to '
           r'support \S{3}_64 matrix, and is not failing gracefully.*')
    assert_raises_regex(AssertionError, msg, check_estimator,

    # non-regression test for estimators transforming to sparse data

    # doesn't error on actual estimator
def test_ada_wrong_nn_obj():
    nn = 'rnd'
    ada = ADASYN(random_state=RND_SEED, n_neighbors=nn)
    assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "has to be one of", ada.fit_sample, X, Y)