Exemple #1
    def check_data(self, _, y):
        if y is None and self.iterator_train is DataLoader:
            raise ValueError("No y-values are given (y=None). You must "
                             "implement your own DataLoader for training "
                             "(and your validation) and supply it using the "
                             "``iterator_train`` and ``iterator_valid`` "
                             "parameters respectively.")
        elif y is None:
            # The user implements its own mechanism for generating y.

        # The problem with 1-dim float y is that the pytorch DataLoader will
        # somehow upcast it to DoubleTensor
        if get_dim(y) == 1:
            raise ValueError("The target data shouldn't be 1-dimensional; "
                             "please reshape (e.g. y.reshape(-1, 1).")
Exemple #2
    def check_data(self, X, y):
        if ((y is None) and (not is_dataset(X))
                and (self.iterator_train is DataLoader)):
            raise ValueError("No y-values are given (y=None). You must "
                             "implement your own DataLoader for training "
                             "(and your validation) and supply it using the "
                             "``iterator_train`` and ``iterator_valid`` "
                             "parameters respectively.")
        elif y is None:
            # The user implements its own mechanism for generating y.

        if get_dim(y) == 1:
            msg = (
                "The target data shouldn't be 1-dimensional but instead have "
                "2 dimensions, with the second dimension having the same size "
                "as the number of regression targets (usually 1). Please "
                "reshape your target data to be 2-dimensional "
                "(e.g. y = y.reshape(-1, 1).")
            raise ValueError(msg)
Exemple #3
 def check_data(self, X, y):
     super().check_data(X, y)
     if get_dim(y) != 1:
         raise ValueError("The target data should be 1-dimensional.")
Exemple #4
 def check_data(self, X, y):
     super().check_data(X, y)
     if (not is_dataset(X)) and (get_dim(y) != 1):
         raise ValueError("The target data should be 1-dimensional.")