Exemple #1
def evaluate_per_class_detections(dataset, dets, dirname, force=False):
    Output evaluations of detections over the dataset in per-class regime.

    Will distribute per-class evaluation computation over MPI if available.

        dataset (skvisutils.Dataset): the dataset of the detections

        dets (skpyutils.Table): the detections

        dirname (string): path to directory where the evaluations will be output

        force (bool): if False, will not re-compute PR curves if files are there

        aps (list of floats), and outputs plots and supporting files to dirname
    num_classes = len(dataset.classes)
    dist_aps = np.zeros(num_classes)
    for cls_ind in range(mpi.comm_rank, num_classes, mpi.comm_size):
        object_class = dataset.classes[cls_ind]
        cls_dets = dets.filter_on_column("cls_ind", cls_ind)
        cls_gt = dataset.get_det_gt_for_class(object_class, with_diff=True)
        ap = compute_and_plot_pr(cls_dets, cls_gt, object_class, dirname, force)
        dist_aps[cls_ind] = ap
    aps = np.zeros(num_classes)
    mpi.comm.Reduce(dist_aps, aps)
    return aps
Exemple #2
def evaluate_detections_whole(dataset, dets, dirname, force=False):
    Output evaluations of detections over the whole dataset in multi-class and
    per-class regimes.

    Will distribute per-class evaluation computation over MPI if available.

        dataset (skvisutils.Dataset): the dataset of the detections

        dets (skpyutils.Table): the detections

        dirname (string): path to directory where the evaluations will be output

        force (bool): if False, will not re-compute PR curves if files are there

        none, but outputs plot files and a single HTML dashboard.
    aps = evaluate_per_class_detections(dataset, dets, dirname, force)

    if mpi.comm_rank == 0:
        # TODO: re-run per-class to make sure they plot?
        ap_mc = evaluate_multiclass_detections(dataset, dets, dirname, force)

        # Write out the information to a single overview file
        dirname = skutil.makedirs(dirname)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, "aps_whole.txt")
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            f.write("Multiclass: %.3f\n" % ap_mc)
            f.write(",".join(dataset.classes) + "\n")
            f.write(",".join(["%.3f" % ap for ap in aps]) + "\n")

        # Assemble everything in one HTML file, the Dashboard
        names = list(dataset.classes) + ["mean ap", "multiclass"]
        aps = aps.tolist() + [np.mean(aps), ap_mc]

        pngs = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, "*.png"))
        aps_to_print = ["%.3f" % ap for ap in aps]

        template_filename = os.path.join(SUPPORT_DIR, "dashboard_template.html")
        template = Template(filename=template_filename)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, "whole_dashboard.html")
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            f.write(template.render(support_dir=SUPPORT_DIR, names=names, aps=aps_to_print, pngs=pngs))