Exemple #1
def filtering_test():
  arr = np.array([
    [0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6],
    [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
  cols = ['a','b','c']
  index = ['one','two','three']
  name = 'test_table'
  t = Table(arr, cols, index, name)

  # filter by equality
  t2 = t.filter_on_column('c',0.6)
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.1, 0.3, 0.6],
    [0.6, 0.3, 0.6]])
  cols2 = ['a','b','c']
  index2 = ['two','three']
  name2 = 'test_table'
  assert(t2.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t2.arr == arr2) and t2.cols == cols2 and t2.index == index2 and t2.name == name2)

  # filter by < 0.6
  t2 = t.filter_on_column('c',0.6,operator.lt)
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]])
  cols2 = ['a','b','c']
  index2 = ['one']
  name2 = 'test_table'
  assert(t2.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t2.arr == arr2) and t2.cols == cols2 and t2.index == index2 and t2.name == name2)
  # filter by < 0.6 and omit column
  t2 = t.filter_on_column('c',0.6,operator.lt,omit=True)
  arr2 = np.array([
    [0.2, 0.3]])
  cols2 = ['a','b']
  index2 = ['one']
  name2 = 'test_table'
  assert(t2.shape == arr2.shape and np.all(t2.arr == arr2) and t2.cols == cols2 and t2.index == index2 and t2.name == name2)