def test_game(players, silent):
    """ Go through a whole game by pitting two AutoPlayers against each other """
    # The players parameter is a list of tuples: (playername, constructorfunc)
    # where constructorfunc accepts a State parameter and returns a freshly
    # created AutoPlayer (or subclass thereof) that will generate moves
    # on behalf of the player.

    # Initial, empty game state
    state = State(tileset = NewTileSet, drawtiles = True)

    print(u"After initial draw, bag contains {0} tiles".format(state.bag().num_tiles()))
    print(u"Bag contents are:\n{0}".format(state.bag().contents()))
    print(u"Rack 0 is {0}".format(state.rack(0)))
    print(u"Rack 1 is {0}".format(state.rack(1)))

    # Set player names
    for ix in range(2):
        state.set_player_name(ix, players[ix][0])

    if not silent:
        print(state.__str__()) # This works in Python 2 and 3

    # Generate a sequence of moves, switching player sides automatically

    t0 = time.time()

    while not state.is_game_over():

        # Call the appropriate player creation function
        apl = players[state.player_to_move()][1](state)

        g0 = time.time()
        move = apl.generate_move()
        g1 = time.time()

        legal = state.check_legality(move)
        if legal != Error.LEGAL:
            # Oops: the autoplayer generated an illegal move
            print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))

        if not silent:
            print(u"Play {0} scores {1} points ({2:.2f} seconds)".format(move, state.score(move), g1 - g0))

        # Apply the move to the state and switch players

        if not silent:

    # Tally the tiles left and calculate the final score
    p0, p1 = state.scores()
    t1 = time.time()

    if not silent:
        print(u"Game over, final score {4} {0} : {5} {1} after {2} moves ({3:.2f} seconds)".format(p0, p1,
            state.num_moves(), t1 - t0, state.player_name(0), state.player_name(1)))

    return state.scores()
Exemple #2
def test_game(players, silent):
    """ Go through a whole game by pitting two AutoPlayers against each other """
    # The players parameter is a list of tuples: (playername, constructorfunc)
    # where constructorfunc accepts a State parameter and returns a freshly
    # created AutoPlayer (or subclass thereof) that will generate moves
    # on behalf of the player.

    # Initial, empty game state
    state = State(tileset=NewTileSet, drawtiles=True)

    print(u"After initial draw, bag contains {0} tiles".format(
    print(u"Bag contents are:\n{0}".format(state.bag().contents()))
    print(u"Rack 0 is {0}".format(state.rack(0)))
    print(u"Rack 1 is {0}".format(state.rack(1)))

    # Set player names
    for ix in range(2):
        state.set_player_name(ix, players[ix][0])

    if not silent:
        print(state.__str__())  # This works in Python 2 and 3

    # Generate a sequence of moves, switching player sides automatically

    t0 = time.time()

    while not state.is_game_over():

        # Call the appropriate player creation function
        apl = players[state.player_to_move()][1](state)

        g0 = time.time()
        move = apl.generate_move()
        g1 = time.time()

        legal = state.check_legality(move)
        if legal != Error.LEGAL:
            # Oops: the autoplayer generated an illegal move
            print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(

        if not silent:
            print(u"Play {0} scores {1} points ({2:.2f} seconds)".format(
                move, state.score(move), g1 - g0))

        # Apply the move to the state and switch players

        if not silent:

    # Tally the tiles left and calculate the final score
    p0, p1 = state.scores()
    t1 = time.time()

    if not silent:
            u"Game over, final score {4} {0} : {5} {1} after {2} moves ({3:.2f} seconds)"
            .format(p0, p1, state.num_moves(), t1 - t0, state.player_name(0),

    return state.scores()
Exemple #3
def test_game(players, silent):
    """ Go through a whole game by pitting two AutoPlayers against each other """
    # The players parameter is a list of tuples: (playername, constructorfunc)
    # where constructorfunc accepts a State parameter and returns a freshly
    # created AutoPlayer (or subclass thereof) that will generate moves
    # on behalf of the player.

    # Initial, empty game state
    state = State(drawtiles=True)

    # Set player names
    for ix in range(2):
        state.set_player_name(ix, players[ix][0])

    if not silent:
        print(state.__str__())  # This works in Python 2 and 3

    # test_move(state, u"H4 stuði")
    # test_move(state, u"5E detts")
    # test_exchange(state, 3)
    # test_move(state, u"I3 dýs")
    # test_move(state, u"6E ?óx") # The question mark indicates a blank tile for the subsequent cover
    # state.player_rack().set_tiles(u"ðhknnmn")

    # Generate a sequence of moves, switching player sides automatically

    t0 = time.time()

    while not state.is_game_over():

        # Call the appropriate player creation function
        apl = players[state.player_to_move()][1](state)

        g0 = time.time()
        move = apl.generate_move()
        g1 = time.time()

        # legal = state.check_legality(move)
        # if legal != Error.LEGAL:
        #     # Oops: the autoplayer generated an illegal move
        #     print(u"Play is not legal, code {0}".format(Error.errortext(legal)))
        #     return
        if not silent:
            print(u"Play {0} scores {1} points ({2:.2f} seconds)".format(move, state.score(move), g1 - g0))

        # Apply the move to the state and switch players

        if not silent:

    # Tally the tiles left and calculate the final score
    p0, p1 = state.scores()
    t1 = time.time()

    if not silent:
            u"Game over, final score {4} {0} : {5} {1} after {2} moves ({3:.2f} seconds)".format(
                p0, p1, state.num_moves(), t1 - t0, state.player_name(0), state.player_name(1)

    return state.scores()
Exemple #4
    def _find_best_move(self, depth):
        """ Analyze the list of candidate moves and pick the best one """

        # assert depth >= 0

        if not self._candidates:
            # No moves: must exchange or pass instead
            return None

        if len(self._candidates) == 1:
            # Only one legal move: play it
            return self._candidates[0]

        # !!! TODO: Consider looking at exchange moves if there are
        # few and weak candidates

        # Calculate the score of each candidate
        scored_candidates = [(m, self._state.score(m)) for m in self._candidates]

        def keyfunc(x):
            # Sort moves first by descending score;
            # in case of ties prefer shorter words
            # !!! TODO: Insert more sophisticated logic here,
            # including whether triple-word-score opportunities
            # are being opened for the opponent, minimal use
            # of blank tiles, leaving a good vowel/consonant
            # balance on the rack, etc.
            return (- x[1], x[0].num_covers())

        def keyfunc_firstmove(x):
            # Special case for first move:
            # Sort moves first by descending score, and in case of ties,
            # try to go to the upper half of the board for a more open game
            return (- x[1], x[0]._row)

        # Sort the candidate moves using the appropriate key function
        if self._board.is_empty():
            # First move
            # Subsequent moves

        # If we're not going deeper into the minimax analysis,
        # cut the crap and simply return the top scoring move
        if depth == 0:
            return scored_candidates[0][0]

        # Weigh top candidates by alpha-beta testing of potential
        # moves and counter-moves

        # !!! TODO: In endgame, if we have moves that complete the game (use all rack tiles)
        # we need not consider opponent countermoves

        NUM_TEST_RACKS = 20 # How many random test racks to try for statistical average
        NUM_CANDIDATES = 12 # How many top candidates do we look at with MiniMax?

        weighted_candidates = []
        min_score = None

        print(u"Looking at {0} top scoring candidate moves".format(NUM_CANDIDATES))
        # Look at the top scoring candidates
        for m, score in scored_candidates[0:NUM_CANDIDATES]:

            print(u"Candidate move {0} with raw score {1}".format(m, score))

            # Create a game state where the candidate move has been played
            teststate = State(tileset = None, copy = self._state) # Copy constructor

            countermoves = list()

            if teststate.is_game_over():
                # This move finishes the game. The opponent then scores nothing
                # !!! TODO: (and in fact we get her tile score, but leave that aside here)
                avg_score = 0.0
                # Loop over NUM_TEST_RACKS random racks to find the average countermove score
                sum_score = 0
                rackscores = dict()
                for _ in range(NUM_TEST_RACKS):
                    # Make sure we test this for a random opponent rack
                    rack = teststate.player_rack().contents()
                    if rack in rackscores:
                        # We have seen this rack before: fetch its score
                        sc = rackscores[rack]
                        # New rack: see how well it would score
                        apl = AutoPlayer_MiniMax(teststate)
                        # Go one level deeper into move generation
                        move = apl._generate_move(depth = depth - 1)
                        # Calculate the score of this random rack based move
                        # but do not apply it to the teststate
                        sc = teststate.score(move)
                        if sc > 100:
                            print(u"Countermove rack '{0}' generated move {1} scoring {2}".format(rack, move, sc))
                        # Cache the score
                        rackscores[rack] = sc
                    sum_score += sc
                # Calculate the average score of the countermoves to this candidate
                # !!! TODO: Maybe a median score is better than average?
                avg_score = float(sum_score) / NUM_TEST_RACKS

            print(u"Average score of {0} countermove racks is {1:.2f}".format(NUM_TEST_RACKS, avg_score))

            # Keep track of the lowest countermove score across all candidates as a baseline
            min_score = avg_score if (min_score is None) or (avg_score < min_score) else min_score
            # Keep track of the weighted candidate moves
            weighted_candidates.append((m, score, avg_score))

        print(u"Lowest score of countermove to all evaluated candidates is {0:.2f}".format(min_score))
        # Sort the candidates by the plain score after subtracting the effect of
        # potential countermoves, measured as the countermove score in excess of
        # the lowest countermove score found
        weighted_candidates.sort(key = lambda x: float(x[1]) - (x[2] - min_score), reverse = True)

        print(u"AutoPlayer_MinMax: Rack '{0}' generated {1} candidate moves:".format(self._rack, len(scored_candidates)))
        # Show top 20 candidates
        for m, sc, wsc in weighted_candidates:
            print(u"Move {0} score {1} weighted {2:.2f}".format(m, sc, float(sc) - (wsc - min_score)))
        # Return the highest-scoring candidate
        return weighted_candidates[0][0]
Exemple #5
    def _find_best_move(self, depth):
        """ Analyze the list of candidate moves and pick the best one """

        # assert depth >= 0

        if not self._candidates:
            # No moves: must exchange or pass instead
            return None

        if len(self._candidates) == 1:
            # Only one legal move: play it
            return self._candidates[0]

        # !!! TODO: Consider looking at exchange moves if there are
        # few and weak candidates

        # Calculate the score of each candidate
        scored_candidates = [(m, self._state.score(m))
                             for m in self._candidates]

        def keyfunc(x):
            # Sort moves first by descending score;
            # in case of ties prefer shorter words
            # !!! TODO: Insert more sophisticated logic here,
            # including whether triple-word-score opportunities
            # are being opened for the opponent, minimal use
            # of blank tiles, leaving a good vowel/consonant
            # balance on the rack, etc.
            return (-x[1], x[0].num_covers())

        def keyfunc_firstmove(x):
            # Special case for first move:
            # Sort moves first by descending score, and in case of ties,
            # try to go to the upper half of the board for a more open game
            return (-x[1], x[0]._row)

        # Sort the candidate moves using the appropriate key function
        if self._board.is_empty():
            # First move
            # Subsequent moves

        # If we're not going deeper into the minimax analysis,
        # cut the crap and simply return the top scoring move
        if depth == 0:
            return scored_candidates[0][0]

        # Weigh top candidates by alpha-beta testing of potential
        # moves and counter-moves

        # !!! TODO: In endgame, if we have moves that complete the game (use all rack tiles)
        # we need not consider opponent countermoves

        NUM_TEST_RACKS = 20  # How many random test racks to try for statistical average
        NUM_CANDIDATES = 12  # How many top candidates do we look at with MiniMax?

        weighted_candidates = []
        min_score = None

        print(u"Looking at {0} top scoring candidate moves".format(
        # Look at the top scoring candidates
        for m, score in scored_candidates[0:NUM_CANDIDATES]:

            print(u"Candidate move {0} with raw score {1}".format(m, score))

            # Create a game state where the candidate move has been played
            teststate = State(tileset=None,
                              copy=self._state)  # Copy constructor

            countermoves = list()

            if teststate.is_game_over():
                # This move finishes the game. The opponent then scores nothing
                # !!! TODO: (and in fact we get her tile score, but leave that aside here)
                avg_score = 0.0
                # Loop over NUM_TEST_RACKS random racks to find the average countermove score
                sum_score = 0
                rackscores = dict()
                for _ in range(NUM_TEST_RACKS):
                    # Make sure we test this for a random opponent rack
                    rack = teststate.player_rack().contents()
                    if rack in rackscores:
                        # We have seen this rack before: fetch its score
                        sc = rackscores[rack]
                        # New rack: see how well it would score
                        apl = AutoPlayer_MiniMax(teststate)
                        # Go one level deeper into move generation
                        move = apl._generate_move(depth=depth - 1)
                        # Calculate the score of this random rack based move
                        # but do not apply it to the teststate
                        sc = teststate.score(move)
                        if sc > 100:
                                u"Countermove rack '{0}' generated move {1} scoring {2}"
                                .format(rack, move, sc))
                        # Cache the score
                        rackscores[rack] = sc
                    sum_score += sc
                # Calculate the average score of the countermoves to this candidate
                # !!! TODO: Maybe a median score is better than average?
                avg_score = float(sum_score) / NUM_TEST_RACKS

            print(u"Average score of {0} countermove racks is {1:.2f}".format(
                NUM_TEST_RACKS, avg_score))

            # Keep track of the lowest countermove score across all candidates as a baseline
            min_score = avg_score if (min_score is None) or (
                avg_score < min_score) else min_score
            # Keep track of the weighted candidate moves
            weighted_candidates.append((m, score, avg_score))

            u"Lowest score of countermove to all evaluated candidates is {0:.2f}"
        # Sort the candidates by the plain score after subtracting the effect of
        # potential countermoves, measured as the countermove score in excess of
        # the lowest countermove score found
        weighted_candidates.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[1]) -
                                 (x[2] - min_score),

        print(u"AutoPlayer_MinMax: Rack '{0}' generated {1} candidate moves:".
              format(self._rack, len(scored_candidates)))
        # Show top 20 candidates
        for m, sc, wsc in weighted_candidates:
            print(u"Move {0} score {1} weighted {2:.2f}".format(
                m, sc,
                float(sc) - (wsc - min_score)))
        # Return the highest-scoring candidate
        return weighted_candidates[0][0]