Exemple #1
    def test_get_sparameter_data(self):
        This tests the get_sparameter_data function.

        with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')) as fid:
            touch = Touchstone(fid)

        expected_keys = [

        unexpected_keys = [

        # get dict data structure
        sp_ri = touch.get_sparameter_data(format="ri")

        # test data structure
        for ek in expected_keys:
            self.assertTrue(ek in sp_ri)

        for uk in unexpected_keys:
            self.assertFalse(uk in sp_ri)

        # test data contents
        expected_sp_ri = {
            'frequency': npy.array([1.0e+09, 1.1e+09]),
            'S11R': npy.array([1., 9.]),
            'S11I': npy.array([2., 10.]),
            'S21R': npy.array([3., 11.]),
            'S21I': npy.array([4., 12.]),
            'S12R': npy.array([5., 13.]),
            'S12I': npy.array([6., 14.]),
            'S22R': npy.array([7., 15.]),
            'S22I': npy.array([8., 16.]),

        for k in sp_ri:
            self.assertTrue(k in expected_sp_ri)

                (expected_sp_ri[k] == sp_ri[k]).all(),
                msg='Field %s does not match. Expected "%s", got "%s"' %
                (k, str(expected_sp_ri[k]), str(sp_ri[k])))
Exemple #2
 def test_read_with_special_encoding(self):
     Read Touchstone files with various file encoding
     filename_utf8_sig = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'test_encoding_UTF-8-SIG.s2p')
     filename_latin1 = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'test_encoding_ISO-8859-1.s2p')
     filename_unknown = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'test_encoding_unknown.s2p')
     # most common situation: try and error guessing the encoding
     # specify the encoding  
     Touchstone(filename_latin1, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
     Touchstone(filename_utf8_sig, encoding='utf_8_sig')
    def test_read_from_fid(self):
        This tests reading touch stone data from a file object as compared with
        a string path and name of the file.
        with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')) as fid:
            touch = Touchstone(fid)
        f, s = touch.get_sparameter_arrays()
        z0 = complex(touch.resistance)
        f_true = npy.array([1.00000000e+09, 1.10000000e+09])
        s_true = npy.array([[[1.+2.j, 5.+6.j], [3.+4.j, 7.+8.j]],
                            [[9.+10.j, 13.+14.j], [11.+12.j, 15.+16.j]]])
        z0_true = 50+50j

        self.assertTrue((f == f_true).all())
        self.assertTrue((s == s_true).all())
        self.assertTrue((z0 == z0_true))
    def test_read_data(self):
        This test reads data from simple_touchstone.s2p and compares with known
        true values.
        filename = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')
        touch = Touchstone(filename)
        f, s = touch.get_sparameter_arrays()
        z0 = complex(touch.resistance)
        f_true = npy.array([1.00000000e+09, 1.10000000e+09])
        s_true = npy.array([[[1.+2.j, 5.+6.j], [3.+4.j, 7.+8.j]],
                            [[9.+10.j, 13.+14.j], [11.+12.j, 15.+16.j]]])
        z0_true = 50+50j

        self.assertTrue((f == f_true).all())
        self.assertTrue((s == s_true).all())
        self.assertTrue((z0 == z0_true))
 def test_read_from_fid(self):
     fid = open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p'))
     touch= Touchstone(fid)
     f,s = touch.get_sparameter_arrays()
     z0 = complex(touch.resistance)
     f_true = npy.array([  1.00000000e+09,   1.10000000e+09])
     s_true = npy.array([
             [[  1. +2.j,   5. +6.j],
             [  3. +4.j,   7. +8.j]],
             [[  9.+10.j,  13.+14.j],
             [ 11.+12.j,  15.+16.j]]
     z0_true = 50+50j
    def to_csv(self, csv_filename, dB=True, angle='rad', unwrap=False):
        csv_filename = self.root_node.gui.dialogs.constant_handler_ASK_SAVEAS_FILENAME(
            filetypes=[('CSV Files', '*.csv'), ('All Files', '*.*')],

        s2p = Touchstone(str(self.filename))
        f, s = s2p.get_sparameter_arrays()

        if angle == 'rad':
            convert_unit = lambda x: x
        elif angle in ('deg', 'degree'):
            convert_unit = numpy.rad2deg
            raise TypeError('Angle unit not supported.')

        if dB:
            get_mag = lambda x: 20 * numpy.log10(numpy.abs(x))
            get_mag = numpy.abs

        if unwrap:
            get_unwrap = numpy.unwrap
            get_unwrap = lambda x: x

        X, Y, Z = s.shape

        data_list = []

        for z in range(Z):
            for y in range(Y):
                    (get_mag(s[:, y, z]),
                     convert_unit(get_unwrap(numpy.angle(s[:, y, z])))))

        with open(csv_filename, 'wb') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
            writer.writerow(['Freq'] + ['Abs', 'Angle'] * len(data_list))
            for index, freq in enumerate(f):
                row = [freq]
                for item in data_list:
Exemple #7
 def to_csv(self, csv_filename, dB=True, angle='rad', unwrap=False):
     csv_filename = self.root_node.dialogs.support_ask_saveas_filename(
         filetypes=[('CSV Files', '*.csv'), ('All Files', '*.*')],
     s2p = Touchstone(str(self.filename))
     f, s = s2p.get_sparameter_arrays()
     if angle == 'rad':            
         convert_unit = lambda x: x
     elif angle in ('deg', 'degree'):
         convert_unit = numpy.rad2deg
         raise TypeError('Angle unit not supported.')
     if dB:
         get_mag = lambda x: 20*numpy.log10(numpy.abs(x))
         get_mag = numpy.abs
     if unwrap:
         get_unwrap = numpy.unwrap
         get_unwrap = lambda x: x
     X, Y, Z = s.shape
     data_list = []
     for z in range(Z):
         for y in range(Y):
             data_list.append((get_mag(s[:, y, z]), convert_unit(get_unwrap(numpy.angle(s[:, y, z])))))
     with open(csv_filename, 'wb') as csvfile:
         writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
         writer.writerow(['Freq'] + ['Abs', 'Angle']*len(data_list))
         for index, freq in enumerate(f):
             row = [freq]
             for item in data_list:
    def test_get_sparameter_data(self):
        This tests the get_sparameter_data function.

        with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')) as fid:
            touch = Touchstone(fid)

        spardict = touch.get_sparameter_data(format="ri")
        self.assertTrue("frequency" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S12R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S12I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S21R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S21I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S22R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S22I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11DB" not in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11M" not in spardict)
Exemple #9
    def test_get_sparameter_data(self):
        This tests the get_sparameter_data function.

        with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')) as fid:
            touch = Touchstone(fid)

        spardict = touch.get_sparameter_data(format="ri")
        self.assertTrue("frequency" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S12R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S12I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S21R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S21I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S22R" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S22I" in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11DB" not in spardict)
        self.assertTrue("S11M" not in spardict)
Exemple #10
 def load(self, filename):
     kwargs = {}
     if self.__filename:
         kwargs['initialdir'] = os.path.split(self.__filename)[0]
     kwargs['filetypes'] = [('Touchstone Files', '*.s2p'), ('All Files', '*.*')]
     filename = self.root_node.dialogs.support_ask_open_filename(
     if not filename:
     s2p = Touchstone(str(filename))
     f, s = s2p.get_sparameter_arrays()
     self.__freq_range = f
     X, Y, Z = s.shape
     for y in range(Y):
         for z in range(Z):
             self.current_data = s[:, z, y]
     self.__filename = filename
Exemple #11
    def test_get_sparameter_data(self):
        This tests the get_sparameter_data function.

        with open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'simple_touchstone.s2p')) as fid:
            touch = Touchstone(fid)

        expected_keys = ["frequency", "S11R", "S11I", "S12R", "S12I",
                "S21R", "S21I", "S22R", "S22I", ]

        unexpected_keys = ['S11DB', 'S11M', ]

        # get dict data structure
        sp_ri = touch.get_sparameter_data(format="ri")
        # Get dict data in db to check ri -> db/angle conversion
        sp_db = touch.get_sparameter_data(format="db")

        # test data structure
        for ek in expected_keys:
            self.assertTrue(ek in sp_ri)

        for uk in unexpected_keys:
            self.assertFalse(uk in sp_ri)

        # test data contents
        expected_sp_ri = {
            'frequency': npy.array([1.0e+09, 1.1e+09]),
            'S11R': npy.array([1., 9.]),
            'S11I': npy.array([ 2., 10.]),
            'S21R': npy.array([ 3., 11.]),
            'S21I': npy.array([ 4., 12.]),
            'S12R': npy.array([ 5., 13.]),
            'S12I': npy.array([ 6., 14.]),
            'S22R': npy.array([ 7., 15.]),
            'S22I': npy.array([ 8., 16.]),

        S11 = npy.array([1., 9.]) + 1j*npy.array([ 2., 10.])
        S21 = npy.array([ 3., 11.]) + 1j*npy.array([ 4., 12.])
        S12 = npy.array([ 5., 13.]) + 1j*npy.array([ 6., 14.])
        S22 = npy.array([ 7., 15.]) + 1j*npy.array([ 8., 16.])
        expected_sp_db = {
            'frequency': npy.array([1.0e+09, 1.1e+09]),
            'S11DB': 20*npy.log10(npy.abs(S11)),
            'S11A': npy.angle(S11, deg=True),
            'S21DB': 20*npy.log10(npy.abs(S21)),
            'S21A': npy.angle(S21, deg=True),
            'S12DB': 20*npy.log10(npy.abs(S12)),
            'S12A': npy.angle(S12, deg=True),
            'S22DB': 20*npy.log10(npy.abs(S22)),
            'S22A': npy.angle(S22, deg=True),

        for k in sp_ri:
            self.assertTrue(k in expected_sp_ri)

            self.assertTrue( (expected_sp_ri[k] == sp_ri[k]).all(),
                    msg='Field %s does not match. Expected "%s", got "%s"'%(
                        k, str(expected_sp_ri[k]), str(sp_ri[k]))  )

        for k in sp_db:
            self.assertTrue(k in expected_sp_db)

            self.assertTrue( (expected_sp_db[k] == sp_db[k]).all(),
                    msg='Field %s does not match. Expected "%s", got "%s"'%(
                        k, str(expected_sp_db[k]), str(sp_db[k]))  )