def _parse_param(self, param: SsbOpParam, built_strings: Dict[str, List[str]], built_constants: List[str]) -> int:
        if isinstance(param, int):
            return param

        if isinstance(param, SsbOpParamConstant):
                return SsbConstant(, self.rom_data.script_data)
            except ValueError as err:
                raise SsbCompilerError(str(err)) from err

        if isinstance(param, SsbOpParamConstString):
            i = len(built_constants)
            return i

        if isinstance(param, SsbOpParamLanguageString):
            i = len(built_strings[next(iter(built_strings.keys()))])
            if len(param.strings.keys()) == 1:
                # Single language convenience mode, apply this to all languages.
                only_value = param.strings[next(iter(param.strings.keys()))]
                for lang in built_strings.keys():
                # Multi language regular case. All languages must be known.
                for lang, string in param.strings.items():
                    if lang not in built_strings:
                        raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Unknown language for string: {lang}")))
            return StringIndexPlaceholder(i)

        raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Invalid parameter supplied for an operation: {param}")))
    def compile_structured(
            routine_infos: List[SsbRoutineInfo],
            routine_ops: List[List[SsbOperation]],
            named_coroutines: List[str],
            original_source_map: SourceMap
    ) -> Tuple[Ssb, SourceMap]:
        """Compile the structured data from a base compiler for SsbScript or ExplorerScript into an SSB model."""
        logger.debug("Assembling SSB model...")

        model = Ssb.create_empty(self.rom_data.script_data)
        if len(routine_ops) != len(routine_ops) != len(named_coroutines):
            raise SsbCompilerError(_("The routine data lists for the decompiler must have the same lengths."))

        # Build routines and opcodes.
        if len(routine_ops) > 0:
            header_class = SsbHeaderUs
            if self.rom_data.game_region == GAME_REGION_EU:
                header_class = SsbHeaderEu

            built_strings: Dict[str, List[str]] = {lang: [] for lang in header_class.supported_langs()}
            built_constants: List[str] = []

            for i, r in enumerate(routine_infos):
                if r is None:
                    raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Routine {i} not found.")))

            input_routine_structure: List[
                Tuple[SsbRoutineInfo, str, List[SsbOperation]]
            ] = list(zip(routine_infos, named_coroutines, routine_ops))

            # The cursor position of the written routine opcodes.
            # The opcodes start after the routine info, which has a fixed length, based on the number of routines.
            opcode_cursor = SSB_LEN_ROUTINE_INFO_ENTRY * len(input_routine_structure) + SSB_PADDING_BEFORE_ROUTINE_INFO
            # If it has any coroutines, they all have to be.
            has_coroutines = routine_infos[0].type == SsbRoutineType.COROUTINE

            # Run coroutine checks and sortings.
            if has_coroutines:
                # Assert, that the data contains all coroutines from the ROM schema and sort all three lists by this
                if len(input_routine_structure) != len(self.rom_data.script_data.common_routine_info):
                    raise SsbCompilerError(
                        f(_("The script must contain exactly {len(self.rom_data.script_data.common_routine_info)} coroutines."))
                if len(routine_infos) != len(set(named_coroutines)):
                    raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("The script must not contain any duplicate coroutines.")))
                    input_routine_structure = sorted(
                        input_routine_structure, key=lambda k: self.rom_data.script_data.common_routine_info__by_name[k[1]].id
                except KeyError as err:
                    raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Unknown coroutine {err}"))) from err

            # Build Routine Infos
            built_routine_info_with_offset: List[Tuple[int, SsbRoutineInfo]] = []
            built_routine_ops: List[List[SsbOperation]] = []
            # A list of lists for ALL opcodes that maps all opcode indices to their memory address.
            opcode_index_mem_offset_mapping: Dict[int, int] = {}
            bytes_written_last_rtn = 0

            for i, (input_info, __, input_ops) in enumerate(input_routine_structure):
                if (
                        has_coroutines and input_info.type != SsbRoutineType.COROUTINE
                ) or (
                        not has_coroutines and input_info.type == SsbRoutineType.COROUTINE
                    raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Coroutines and regular routines can not be mixed in a script file.")))

                routine_start_cursor = opcode_cursor
                # Build OPs
                built_ops: List[SkyTempleSsbOperation] = []
                if len(input_ops) == 0:
                    # ALIAS ROUTINE. This alias the PREVIOUS routine
                    routine_start_cursor = opcode_cursor - bytes_written_last_rtn
                    bytes_written_last_rtn = 0
                    for in_op in input_ops:
                        if not in self.rom_data.script_data.op_codes__by_name:
                            raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("Unknown operation {}.")))
                        op_codes: List[Pmd2ScriptOpCode] = self.rom_data.script_data.op_codes__by_name[]
                        if len(op_codes) > 1:
                            # Can be either a variable length opcode or the "normal" variant.
                            var_len_op_code = next(o for o in op_codes if o.params == -1)
                            normal_op_code = next(o for o in op_codes if o.params != -1)
                            if self._correct_param_list_len(in_op.params) == normal_op_code.params:
                                op_code = normal_op_code
                            elif self._correct_param_list_len(in_op.params) > normal_op_code.params:
                                op_code = var_len_op_code
                                raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("The number of parameters for {} "
                                                          "must be at least {normal_op_code.params}, is {self._correct_param_list_len(in_op.params)}.")))
                            op_code = op_codes[0]
                        new_params: List[int] = []
                        op_len = 2
                        if op_code.params == -1:
                            # Handle variable length opcode by inserting the number of opcodes as the first argument.
                            # ... nothing to do here! Writing the first "meta-argument" for the number of arguments
                            # is the job of the writer later!
                            op_len += 2
                        elif self._correct_param_list_len(in_op.params) != op_code.params:
                            # TODO: This might be a confusing count for end users in the case of position markers.
                            raise SsbCompilerError(f(_("The number of parameters for {} "
                                                       "must be {op_code.params}, is {self._correct_param_list_len(in_op.params)}.")))
                        for param in in_op.params:
                            if isinstance(param, SsbOpParamPositionMarker):
                                # Handle multi-argument case position markers
                                op_len += 8
                                # Handle the rest
                                new_params.append(self._parse_param(param, built_strings, built_constants))
                                op_len += 2
                        built_ops.append(SkyTempleSsbOperation(opcode_cursor, op_code, new_params))

                        # Create actual offset mapping for this opcode and update source map
                        opcode_index_mem_offset_mapping[in_op.offset] = int(opcode_cursor / 2)

                        bytes_written_last_rtn += op_len
                        opcode_cursor += op_len

                # Find out the target for this routine if it's specified by name
                if input_info.linked_to == -1:
                    input_info.linked_to = SsbConstant(input_info.linked_to_name, self.rom_data.script_data)

                built_routine_info_with_offset.append((routine_start_cursor, input_info))

            # Second pass: Update all jumps to their correct place and update string index positions
            for built_routine in built_routine_ops:
                for op in built_routine:
                    if in OPS_WITH_JUMP_TO_MEM_OFFSET:
                        param_id = OPS_WITH_JUMP_TO_MEM_OFFSET[]
                        index_to_jump_to = op.params[param_id]
                        op.params[param_id] = opcode_index_mem_offset_mapping[index_to_jump_to]
                    for i, param in enumerate(op.params):
                        if isinstance(param, StringIndexPlaceholder):
                            # If the parameter is a reference to a language string, the length of the constants
                            # has to be added, because the language strings are after the const strings.
                            op.params[i] = len(built_constants) + int(param)

            # Fill the model
            model.routine_info = built_routine_info_with_offset
            model.routine_ops = built_routine_ops
            model.constants = built_constants
            model.strings = built_strings

            # Update the source map

        return model, original_source_map