def convImgBinary(imageFile): """ Convert image to binary. Image format must be PNG or JPG. If image is PNG, it will be converted to JPG becuase ArcGIS thumbnail is only compatible with JPG binary ref: ref: """ fileExt = meta.path.basename(imageFile).split(".")[1] if (fileExt == "png") | (fileExt == "gif"): from PIL import Image im = newPng = im.convert('RGB') newJPG = meta.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "temp.jpg") with open(newJPG, "rb") as imagefile: str = base64.b64encode( return str elif fileExt == "jpg": with open(imageFile, "rb") as imagefile: str = base64.b64encode( return str else: meta.printit("Please convert the image to PNG, GIF, or JPG format!") meta.printit("Terminating the tool.") exit()
def orderinstruction(): """ Replace distribution order instruction with default. :return: none """ meta.printit("# Order Instruction...") orderInstrTag = metaTag["distOrderInstr"] default_orderInstr_elem = default_tree.findxmltag(orderInstrTag) # find all order instructions temp_elems = tree.findxmltagAll(orderInstrTag) for temp_elem in temp_elems: if temp_elem is not None: # delete child nodes tree.deleteAllChildXmlTagNoPrint(meta.parentTagFuc(orderInstrTag)) # set Order Instruction parent tag orderInstr_parent_tag = meta.parentTagFuc(orderInstrTag) # set Order Instruction parent element orderInstr_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(orderInstr_parent_tag) # add Order Instruction parent elem if it doesn't exist if orderInstr_parent_elem is None: tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(orderInstr_parent_tag) # insert default Order Instruction orderInstr_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(orderInstr_parent_tag) orderInstr_parent_elem.insert(0, default_orderInstr_elem)
def xmlout(inputPar): # check input file is xml if (inputdesc.dataType == 'File') & (inputPar.lower().endswith('.xml')): return inputPar # check input data element is in the list elif inputdesc.dataType in [ "FeatureClass", "RasterDataset", "Workspace", "ShapeFile", "FeatureDataset", "Table", "TextFile" ]: return meta.xmlExport(inputPar) else: meta.printit("Please select correct data type to export Metadata") quit()
def searchkeys(searchkeywords): if len(searchkeywords) > 0: searchKeys = searchkeywords.split(",") meta.printit("# Search Keywords...") # if searchKeys tag exists, delete searchkeyTag = metaTag["searchKeys"] if tree.findxmltag(searchkeyTag) is not None: tree.deletexmlTagNoPrint(searchkeyTag, metaTag["keyword"]) # add searchKeys tag tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(searchkeyTag) # add search keyword tag & text for i in range(len(searchKeys)): tree.addxmlTagText(searchkeyTag, metaTag["keyword"], searchKeys[i].strip())
def dataidinfoupdate(elementname, tag, textinput): if len(textinput) > 0: meta.printit("# {}...".format(elementname)) tempTag = metaTag[tag] # find element temp_elem = tree.findxmltag(tempTag) if temp_elem is None: # add tag tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(tempTag) # set new text tree.setXmlText(tempTag, textinput) else: # set new text tree.setXmlText(tempTag, textinput)
def thumbnail(image): """ Update thumbnail. :return: none """ if len(image) > 0: # ---- THUMNAIL ----# meta.printit("# Replace thumbnail...") # check thumbnail tag exist, if not add elements tree.findaddmissingxmltag(metaTag["thumbnail"]) # set thumbnail attribute tree.addTagAtt(metaTag["thumbnail"], "EsriPropertyType", "PictureX") # add thumbnail binary to metadata xml # convert imagery to binary and append it to xml tree.findreplacexmltext(metaTag["thumbnail"], convImgBinary(image))
def metaUpdate(xml_file): global tree, tree_root, i # set xml tree element tree = meta.xmlMeta(xml_file) tree_root = tree.getroot() dataidinfoupdate("Title", "title", titleinput) searchkeys(searchkeywords) dataidinfoupdate("Summary (Purpose)", "summary", summaryinput) dataidinfoupdate("Description (Abstract)", "description", descinput) dataidinfoupdate("Credits", "credit", creditsinput) for i in option_list: i = i.replace("'", "") if i == "Resource Contact": contact("resContact") elif i == "Distribution Contact": contact("distContact") elif i == "Metadata Contact": contact("mdContact") elif i == "Use Limitation": uselimitConstraint() elif i == "Distribution Order Instruction": orderinstruction() elif i == "All": uselimitConstraint() contact("resContact") contact("distContact") orderinstruction() contact("mdContact") # delete data quality and lineage section if dq: target_dq_elem = tree.findxmltag(metaTag['dataQuality']) if target_dq_elem is not None: meta.printit("# Delete Data Quality and Lineage...") tree_root.remove(target_dq_elem) if langcnty: deleteLangCntyCode() if revise: reviseDate() # update thumbnail thumbnail(image) # write updates to xml file tree.writeXml(xml_file)
def xmlout(inputPar): # set arcpy Describe object from input inputdesc = meta.arcpy.Describe(inputPar) # check input file is xml if (inputdesc.dataType == 'File') & (inputPar.lower().endswith('.xml')): return inputPar # check input data element is in the list elif inputdesc.dataType in [ "FeatureClass", "Table", "Workspace", "ShapeFile", "FeatureDataset", "RasterDataset" ]: return meta.xmlExport(inputPar) else: meta.printit( "Please select an input from xml, shapefile, feature class, feature dataset, Table, or Workspace" ) quit()
def uselimitConstraint(): """ Replace General Use Limitation with default. :return: none """ meta.printit("# Constraints... ") genUseLimitTag = metaTag["genUseLimit"] default_useLimt_elem = default_tree.findxmltag(genUseLimitTag) constraint_elem = tree.findxmltag(genUseLimitTag) if constraint_elem is not None: tree.deletexmlTag2NoPrint(genUseLimitTag) # set use limitation parent tag constraint_parent_tag = meta.parentTagFuc(genUseLimitTag) # set use limitation parent element constraint_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(constraint_parent_tag) # add use limitation parent elem if it doesn't exist if constraint_parent_elem is None: tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(constraint_parent_tag) # insert default use limitation constraint_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(constraint_parent_tag) constraint_parent_elem.insert(0, default_useLimt_elem)
def contact(contactTag): # code block to replace existing contacts with a default (edit Metadata_Template.xml before using this script) meta.printit("# {}...".format(contactsDesc[contactTag])) # set xml element target_elem = default_tree.findxmltag(contacts[contactTag]) contact_elem = tree.findxmltag(contacts[contactTag]) # MD contact if contactTag == "mdContact": # delete MD contact element if it exists if contact_elem is not None: tree.deleterootxmlTagNoPrint(contacts[contactTag]) # insert default contact tree_root.insert(len(tree_root), target_elem) # Distributor contact elif contactTag == "distContact": distributor_elem = tree.findxmltag(metaTag['distributor']) target_distributor_elem = default_tree.findxmltag(contacts[contactTag]) # delete distributor contact element if it exists if distributor_elem is not None: tree.deletexmlTag2NoPrint(metaTag['distributor']) contact_parent_tag = meta.parentTagFuc(contacts[contactTag]) contact_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(contact_parent_tag) # add distributor elems if contact_parent_elem is None: tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(contact_parent_tag) # insert default contact contact_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(contact_parent_tag) contact_parent_elem.insert(0, target_distributor_elem) # other contacts else: if contact_elem is not None: tree.deletexmlTag2NoPrint(contacts[contactTag]) contact_parent_tag = meta.parentTagFuc(contacts[contactTag]) contact_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(contact_parent_tag) # add contact elems if contact_parent_elem is None: tree.findaddmissingxmltagNoPrint(contact_parent_tag) # insert default contact contact_parent_elem = tree.findxmltag(contact_parent_tag) contact_parent_elem.insert(0, target_elem)
if langcnty: deleteLangCntyCode() if revise: reviseDate() # update thumbnail thumbnail(image) # write updates to xml file tree.writeXml(xml_file) # set input basename input_metadata_name = os.path.basename(input_metadata) meta.printit(" Updating {} Metadata".format(input_metadata_name)) # set input xml file inputxml = xmlout(input_metadata) # update metadata metaUpdate(inputxml) # set input data arcpy Describe object tardesc = arcpy.Describe(input_metadata) # check if input data type is in the list if tardesc.datatype in [ "FeatureClass", "RasterDataset", "Workspace", "ShapeFile", "FeatureDataset", "Table", "TextFile" ]: # import metadata back to feature class arcpy.MetadataImporter_conversion(inputxml, input_metadata) # synchronize metadata arcpy.SynchronizeMetadata_conversion(input_metadata, "SELECTIVE")