def test_layabout_can_connect_to_slack_with_token(monkeypatch):
    Test that layabout can connect to the Slack API when given a valid Slack
    API token.
    layabout = Layabout()
    SlackClient, slack = mock_slack(connections=(True, ))
    monkeypatch.setattr('layabout.SlackClient', SlackClient), until=lambda e: False)

    # Verify we instantiated a SlackClient with the given token.
def test_layabout_can_connect_to_slack_with_env_var(monkeypatch):
    Test that layabout can discover and use a Slack API token from an
    environment variable when not given one directly.
    env_var = EnvVar('_TEST_LAYABOUT_TOKEN')
    environ = {env_var: TOKEN}
    layabout = Layabout()
    SlackClient, slack = mock_slack(connections=(True, ))

    monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'environ', environ)
    monkeypatch.setattr('layabout.SlackClient', SlackClient)

    # Purposefully don't provide a connector so we have to use an env var., until=lambda e: False)

    # Verify we instantiated a SlackClient with the given token and used it to
    # connect to the Slack API.