Exemple #1
def azza_to_radec(az, za, MJD, fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'):
    azza_to_radec(az, za, MJD):
        Return RA and DEC (J2000 in deg) from AZ and ZA (in deg) at MJD.  Keyword params
           are fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'.
    scope, x, lon, lat, hgt = s.sla_obs(0, scope)
    microns = 3e8/(fctr*1e6)*1e6
    app_rarad, app_decrad =  s.sla_oap('a',az*DEGTORAD,za*DEGTORAD,MJD,
    ra2000, dec2000 = s.sla_amp(app_rarad, app_decrad, MJD, 2000.0)
    return ra2000*RADTODEG, dec2000*RADTODEG
Exemple #2
def radec_to_azza(ra, dec, MJD, fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'):
    redec_to_azza(ra, dec, MJD):
        Return AZ and ZA (in deg) from RA and DEC (J2000 in deg) at MJD.  Keyword params
           are fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'.
    scope, x, lon, lat, hgt = s.sla_obs(0, scope)
    microns = 3e8/(fctr*1e6)*1e6
    app_rarad, app_decrad = s.sla_map(ra*DEGTORAD,dec*DEGTORAD,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,2000.0,MJD)
    az, za, hob, rob, dob  = s.sla_aop(app_rarad,app_decrad,MJD,
    az = s.sla_dranrm(az)
    return az*RADTODEG, za*RADTODEG
Exemple #3
def azza_to_radec(az,
    azza_to_radec(az, za, MJD):
        Return RA and DEC (J2000 in deg) from AZ and ZA (in deg) at MJD.  Keyword params
           are fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'.
    scope, x, lon, lat, hgt = s.sla_obs(0, scope)
    microns = 3e8 / (fctr * 1e6) * 1e6
    app_rarad, app_decrad = s.sla_oap('a', az * DEGTORAD, za * DEGTORAD, MJD,
                                      0.0, -lon, lat, hgt, 0.0, 0.0, temp, atm,
                                      humid, microns, 0.0065)
    ra2000, dec2000 = s.sla_amp(app_rarad, app_decrad, MJD, 2000.0)
    return ra2000 * RADTODEG, dec2000 * RADTODEG
Exemple #4
def radec_to_azza(ra,
    redec_to_azza(ra, dec, MJD):
        Return AZ and ZA (in deg) from RA and DEC (J2000 in deg) at MJD.  Keyword params
           are fctr=350.0, atm=1010.0, temp=283.0, humid=0.5, scope='GBT'.
    scope, x, lon, lat, hgt = s.sla_obs(0, scope)
    microns = 3e8 / (fctr * 1e6) * 1e6
    app_rarad, app_decrad = s.sla_map(ra * DEGTORAD, dec * DEGTORAD, 0.0, 0.0,
                                      0.0, 0.0, 2000.0, MJD)
    az, za, hob, rob, dob = s.sla_aop(app_rarad, app_decrad, MJD, 0.0, -lon,
                                      lat, hgt, 0.0, 0.0, temp, atm, humid,
                                      microns, 0.0065)
    az = s.sla_dranrm(az)
    return az * RADTODEG, za * RADTODEG
def get_sitepos(site_code, dbg=False):
    '''Returns site name, geodetic longitude (East +ve), latitude (both in radians)
    and altitude (meters) for passed sitecode. This can be either a SLALIB site
    name or a MPC sitecode (FTN, FTS and SQA currently defined).
    Be *REALLY* careful over longitude sign conventions...'''

    site_code = site_code.upper()
    if site_code == 'F65' or site_code == 'FTN':
# MPC code for FTN. Positions from JPL HORIZONS, longitude converted from 203d 44' 32.6" East
# 156d 15' 27.4" W
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(20, 42, 25.5)
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(156, 15, 27.4)
        site_long = -site_long
        site_hgt = 3055.0
        site_name = 'Haleakala-Faulkes Telescope North (FTN)'
    elif site_code == 'E10' or site_code == 'FTS':
# MPC code for FTS. Positions from JPL HORIZONS ( 149d04'13.0''E, 31d16'23.4''S, 1111.8 m )
        (site_lat, status)  =  (S.sla_daf2r(31, 16, 23.4))
        site_lat = -site_lat
        (site_long, status) = S.sla_daf2r(149, 04, 13.0)
        site_hgt = 1111.8
        site_name = 'Siding Spring-Faulkes Telescope South (FTS)'
    elif site_code == 'SQA' or site_code == 'G51':
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(34, 41, 29.23)
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(120, 02, 32.0)
        site_long = -site_long
        site_hgt = 328.0
        site_name = 'Sedgwick Observatory (SQA)'
    elif site_code == 'ELP' or site_code == '711' or site_code == 'V37':
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(30, 40, 47.53)
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(104, 00, 54.63)
        site_long = -site_long
        site_hgt = 2010.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT Node at McDonald Observatory (ELP)'
    elif site_code == 'BPL' or site_code == '500':
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(34, 25, 57)
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(119, 51, 46)
        site_long = -site_long
        site_hgt = 7.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT Back Parking Lot Node (BPL)'
    elif site_code == 'LSC-DOMA-1M0A' or site_code == 'W85':
# Latitude, longitude from Eric Mamajek (astro-ph: 1210.1616) Table 6. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(30, 10, 2.58)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(70, 48, 17.24)
        site_long = -site_long # West of Greenwich !
        site_hgt = 2201.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT LSC Node 1m0 Dome A at Cerro Tololo'
    elif site_code == 'LSC-DOMB-1M0A' or site_code == 'W86':
# Latitude, longitude from Eric Mamajek (astro-ph: 1210.1616) Table 6. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(30, 10, 2.39)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(70, 48, 16.78)
        site_long = -site_long # West of Greenwich !
        site_hgt = 2201.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT LSC Node 1m0 Dome B at Cerro Tololo'
    elif site_code == 'LSC-DOMC-1M0A' or site_code == 'W87':
# Latitude, longitude from Eric Mamajek (astro-ph: 1210.1616) Table 6. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(30, 10, 2.81)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(70, 48, 16.85)
        site_long = -site_long # West of Greenwich !
        site_hgt = 2201.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT LSC Node 1m0 Dome C at Cerro Tololo'
    elif site_code == 'LSC-AQWA-0M4A' or site_code == 'W85':
# Latitude, longitude from somewhere
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(30, 10, 3.79)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(70, 48, 16.88)
        site_long = -site_long # West of Greenwich !
        site_hgt = 2202.5
        site_name = 'LCOGT LSC Node 0m4a Aqawan A at Cerro Tololo'
    elif site_code == 'CPT-DOMA-1M0A' or site_code == 'K91':
# Latitude, longitude from site GPS co-ords plus offsets from site plan. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(32, 22, 50.0)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(20, 48, 36.65)
        site_hgt = 1807.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT CPT Node 1m0 Dome A at Sutherland'
    elif site_code == 'CPT-DOMB-1M0A' or site_code == 'K92':
# Latitude, longitude from site GPS co-ords plus offsets from site plan. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(32, 22, 50.0)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(20, 48, 36.13)
        site_hgt = 1807.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT CPT Node 1m0 Dome B at Sutherland'
    elif site_code == 'CPT-DOMC-1M0A' or site_code == 'K93':
# Latitude, longitude from site GPS co-ords plus offsets from site plan. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(32, 22, 50.38)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(20, 48, 36.39)
        site_hgt = 1807.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT CPT Node 1m0 Dome C at Sutherland'
    elif site_code == 'COJ-DOMA-1M0A' or site_code == 'Q63':
# Latitude, longitude from Google Earth guesswork. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(31, 16, 22.56)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(149, 04, 14.33)
        site_hgt = 1168.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT COJ Node 1m0 Dome A at Siding Spring'
    elif site_code == 'COJ-DOMB-1M0A' or site_code == 'Q64':
# Latitude, longitude from Google Earth guesswork. Height
# corrected by +3m for telescope height from Vince.
        (site_lat, status)  =  S.sla_daf2r(31, 16, 22.89)
        site_lat = -site_lat   # Southern hemisphere !
        (site_long, status) =  S.sla_daf2r(149, 04, 14.75)
        site_hgt = 1168.0
        site_name = 'LCOGT COJ Node 1m0 Dome B at Siding Spring'
# Obtain latitude, longitude of the observing site.
# Reverse longitude to get the more normal East-positive convention
        (site_num, site_name, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt) = S.sla_obs(0, site_code)
        site_name = site_name.rstrip()
        site_long = -site_long

    logger.debug("Site name, lat/long/height=%s %f %f %.1f" % (site_name, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt))
    return (site_name, site_long, site_lat, site_hgt)