def __init__(self, config): """ @type config: configparser.ConfigParser """ self._config = config self._manager = Manager(self) pygame.mixer.init() pygame.init()
class Application(object): """ @type _config: configparser.ConfigParser @type _display: pygame.Surface @type _manager: Manager @type _scene: AbstractScene @type _clock: Clock @type _camera: Camera @type _run: bool @type _state: int """ _config = None _display = None _manager = None _scene = None _clock = None _camera = None _state = GAME_STATE_LOADING _run = False def __init__(self, config): """ @type config: configparser.ConfigParser """ self._config = config self._manager = Manager(self) pygame.mixer.init() pygame.init() def init(self): config_display = self._config["DISPLAY"] display_width = int(config_display.get("width", 800)) display_height = int(config_display.get("height", 600)) display_tup = (display_width, display_height) pygame.init() fullscreen = int(config_display.get("fullscreen", 0)) display_flags = DOUBLEBUF | HWSURFACE if fullscreen == 1: display_flags |= FULLSCREEN videoinfo = pygame.display.Info() # we have to limit our display to FullHD, to use only one monitor untill pygame with SDL > 1.2.14 released display_tup = (min(videoinfo.current_w, 1920), min(videoinfo.current_h, 1080)) self._display = pygame.display.set_mode(display_tup, display_flags) self._camera = Camera(self._display.get_size()) self._clock = Clock() self.set_scene(self._manager.get_scene(MainMenuScene)) def get_display(self): return self._display def get_camera(self): return self._camera def set_state(self, state): """ @type state: int """ self._state = state def get_state(self): return self._state def set_scene(self, scene: AbstractScene): self._scene = scene def running(self): return bool(self._run) def run(self, run=False): self._run = run while self.running(): events = pygame.event.get() for e in events: if e.type == EVENT_LOAD_MAP: camera = self._manager.get_camera() map_loading_thread = e.map_name,, camera ) map_loading_thread.start() if e.type == QUIT: self._run = False if e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_F4 and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: self._run = False if e.key == K_t and pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_ALT: print(self.get_state()) self._manager.handle(events) if self._scene: self._scene.handle_events(events) self._scene.draw() pygame.display.update() pygame.display.set_caption( "FPS: %.2f" % (self._clock.get_fps()) + "ticks: %.2f" % (self._clock.tick(FPS)) ) def get_time(self): return self._clock.get_time()