Exemple #1
def getSliceData_Ny_sowfa(dir, jobName, slice, var, varD, trs_para, tInd, xInd,
    """ extract velocity data of specified slice_Nz """
    readDir = dir + '/data/'
    readName = slice
    fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
    data = pickle.load(fr)
    slc = sdc.Slice(data, 1)
    del data  # 2 means z-axis
    tSeq = slc.data['time']
    tSeq = tSeq[tInd[0]:tInd[1]]
    Y = slc.N_location  # height of this plane

    O, alpha = trs_para[0], trs_para[1]
    varSeq = []
    for t_ind in range(tInd[0], tInd[1]):
        print('processing: ' + str(t_ind) + ' ...')
        tmp = slc.data[var][t_ind]
        tmp = funcs.trs(tmp, O, alpha)
        tmp1 = slc.meshITP_Ny(xInd, zInd, tmp[:, varD], 0, method_='linear')
        xSeq, zSeq, varSeq_ = tmp1[0], tmp1[1], tmp1[2]
    varSeq = np.array(varSeq)
    return tSeq, xSeq, zSeq, Y, varSeq
def getSliceData_Nz_sowfa(jobDir, slice, var, varD, trs_para, tInd, xcoor,
    Extract data from specified slice_Nz
        jobDir: job directory, e.g. '/scratch/sowfadata/pp/tutorials/example_nbl'
        slice: the name of the slice, e.g. 'Nz2'
        var: name of the target variable, e.g. 'U'
        varD: the dimension of which the target vector variable will be outputted
        trs_para: coordinate transform parameters, e.g. ((0,0,0),30.0), the origin and the conterclockwise rotation degree
        tInd: a tuple containing the start time index and end time index of the output data (not including the end tInd)
        xcoor: a tuple containing the start x, end x and x.size of the output data
        ycoor: a tuple containing the start y, end y and y.size of the output data
        tSeq: 1D array of times
        ySeq: 1D array of y positions
        xSeq: 1D array of x positions
        H: the height of the slice
        varSeq: 3D array of the target variable, 1st dim time, 2nd dim y, 3rd x
    readDir = jobDir + '/data/'
    readName = slice
    fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
    data = pickle.load(fr)
    slc = sdc.Slice(data, 2)
    del data  # 2 means z-axis
    tSeq = slc.data['time']
    tSeq = tSeq[tInd[0]:tInd[1]]
    H = slc.N_location  # height of this plane

    O, alpha = trs_para[0], trs_para[1]
    varSeq = []
    for t_ind in range(tInd[0], tInd[1]):
        print('processing: ' + str(t_ind) + ' ...')
        tmp = slc.data[var][t_ind]
        tmp = funcs.trs(tmp, O, alpha)
        tmp1 = slc.meshITP_Nz(xcoor, ycoor, tmp[:, varD], method_='linear')
        xSeq, ySeq, varSeq_ = tmp1[0], tmp1[1], tmp1[2]
    varSeq = np.array(varSeq)
    return tSeq, xSeq, ySeq, H, varSeq
Exemple #3
sliceNum = len(sliceList)

var = 'U'
varD = 0  # u:0, v:1, w:2
varNameDict = {0: 'u', 1: 'v', 2: 'w'}

readDir = ppDir + '/data/'
readName = sliceList[0]
fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
data_org = pickle.load(fr)
slc = sdc.Slice(data_org, 2)
tSeq = slc.data['time']
tInd = -1  # index of time step

plotDataList = []
HList = []

for slice in sliceList:
    readDir = ppDir + '/data/'
    readName = slice
    fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
    data_org = pickle.load(fr)

    slc = sdc.Slice(data_org, 2)
    H = slc.N_location  # height of this plane
Exemple #4
jobName = 'pcr_NBL_U10'
ppDir = '/scratch/sowfadata/pp/' + jobName

sliceList = ['Ny0']
sliceNum = len(sliceList)

var = 'U'
varD = 0  # u:0, v:1, w:2
varNameDict = {0: 'u', 1: 'v', 2: 'w'}

readDir = ppDir + '/data/'
readName = sliceList[0]
fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
data_org = pickle.load(fr)
slc = sdc.Slice(data_org, 1)
tSeq = slc.data['time']
tInd = -1  # index of time step

plotDataList = []
YList = []

for slice in sliceList:
    readDir = ppDir + '/data/'
    readName = slice
    fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
    data_org = pickle.load(fr)

    slc = sdc.Slice(data_org, 1)
    Y = slc.N_location  # height of this plane
Exemple #5
import pickle
import sliceDataClass as sdc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# the directory where the wake data locate
prjDir = '/scratch/sowfadata/JOBS'
jobName = 'pcr_NBL_U10'
ppDir = '/scratch/sowfadata/pp/' + jobName + '/data'

readDir = ppDir + '/'
readName = 'Ny0'
fr = open(readDir + readName, 'rb')
data_org = pickle.load(fr)

test = sdc.Slice(data_org, 1)

plotdata = test.meshITP_Ny((0, 2000, 200), (0, 960, 48), test.data['U'][-1][:,

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
cbreso = 100  # resolution of colorbar
CS = axs.contourf(plotdata[0],
cbar = plt.colorbar(CS, ax=axs, shrink=1.0)
cbar.ax.set_ylabel('u (m/s)')
# xaxis_min = xseq
# xaxis_max = 2