def test_slice_time_image():
    # Test slice timing on image in memory
    n_slices = 4
    n_vols = 5
    TR = 3.5
    vol_times = np.arange(n_vols) * TR
    # Add some random jitter per slice
    slice_times = np.arange(n_slices) * TR / n_slices
    slice_times = slice_times + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, size=(n_slices,))

    data = np.random.normal(size=(2, 3, n_slices, n_vols))
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Test against interpolation with interp_slice
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interped = np.zeros_like(data)
        for slice_no in range(n_slices):
            orig_times = vol_times + slice_times[slice_no]
            interped[:, :, slice_no, :] = interp_slice(
                orig_times, data[:, :, slice_no, :], vol_times, order)
        interped_img = slice_time_image(img, slice_times, TR, order)
        assert_almost_equal(interped_img.get_data(), interped)

    data = np.random.normal(size=(n_slices, 2, 3, n_vols))
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interped = np.zeros_like(data)
        for slice_no in range(n_slices):
            orig_times = vol_times + slice_times[slice_no]
            interped[slice_no, ...] = interp_slice(
                orig_times, data[slice_no, ...], vol_times, order)
        interped_img = slice_time_image(img, slice_times, TR, order,
        assert_almost_equal(interped_img.get_data(), interped)
def test_interp_slice():
    # Test interpolation over 3D slices
    data = np.random.normal(size=(4, 5, 6))
    old_times = np.arange(6) * 2.5
    # Add some random jitter
    new_times = old_times + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=(6, ))
    # Do manual thing
    pad_front = new_times[0] < old_times[0]
    pad_back = new_times[-1] > old_times[-1]
    if pad_front and pad_back:
        pad_times = [new_times[0]] + list(old_times) + [new_times[-1]]
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data[..., 0:1], data, data[..., 5:6]),
    elif pad_front:
        pad_times = [new_times[0]] + list(old_times)
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data[..., 0:1], data), axis=-1)
    elif pad_back:
        pad_times = list(old_times) + [new_times[-1]]
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data, data[..., 5:6]), axis=-1)
        pad_times = old_times
        pad_data = data
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interper = spi.interp1d(pad_times, pad_data, order, axis=-1)
        interped = interper(new_times)
                            interp_slice(old_times, data, new_times, order))
def test_interp_slice():
    # Test interpolation over 3D slices
    data = np.random.normal(size=(4, 5, 6))
    old_times = np.arange(6) * 2.5
    # Add some random jitter
    new_times = old_times + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=(6,))
    # Do manual thing
    pad_front = new_times[0] < old_times[0]
    pad_back = new_times[-1] > old_times[-1]
    if pad_front and pad_back:
        pad_times = [new_times[0]] + list(old_times) + [new_times[-1]]
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data[..., 0:1], data, data[..., 5:6]),
    elif pad_front:
        pad_times = [new_times[0]] + list(old_times)
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data[..., 0:1], data), axis=-1)
    elif pad_back:
        pad_times = list(old_times) + [new_times[-1]]
        pad_data = np.concatenate((data, data[..., 5:6]), axis=-1)
        pad_times = old_times
        pad_data = data
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interper = spi.interp1d(pad_times, pad_data, order, axis=-1)
        interped = interper(new_times)
                            interp_slice(old_times, data, new_times, order))
def test_slice_time_image():
    # Test slice timing on image in memory
    n_slices = 4
    n_vols = 5
    TR = 3.5
    vol_times = np.arange(n_vols) * TR
    # Add some random jitter per slice
    slice_times = np.arange(n_slices) * TR / n_slices
    slice_times = slice_times + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, size=(n_slices, ))

    data = np.random.normal(size=(2, 3, n_slices, n_vols))
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Test against interpolation with interp_slice
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interped = np.zeros_like(data)
        for slice_no in range(n_slices):
            orig_times = vol_times + slice_times[slice_no]
            interped[:, :, slice_no, :] = interp_slice(orig_times,
                                                       data[:, :, slice_no, :],
                                                       vol_times, order)
        interped_img = slice_time_image(img, slice_times, TR, order)
        assert_almost_equal(interped_img.get_data(), interped)

    data = np.random.normal(size=(n_slices, 2, 3, n_vols))
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    for order in ('linear', 'cubic', 1, 4):
        interped = np.zeros_like(data)
        for slice_no in range(n_slices):
            orig_times = vol_times + slice_times[slice_no]
            interped[slice_no, ...] = interp_slice(orig_times, data[slice_no,
                                                   vol_times, order)
        interped_img = slice_time_image(img,
        assert_almost_equal(interped_img.get_data(), interped)