Exemple #1
    def test_consistent(self):
        dirs = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi,
        dir_bins = np.linspace(-15 * np.pi/16., 15 * np.pi/16., 16)
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(dirs, divs=dir_bins, wrap=True)
        tiny['wrap_val'] = np.pi
        recovered = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        # cater for wrap-around case (dir < 0 mapped onto +np.pi)
        diffs = np.where((dirs < 0) & (recovered > 0), recovered + dirs,
                recovered - dirs)
                             np.pi / 16)

        original_array = np.random.normal(size=(30, 3))
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(original_array)
        recovered = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        self.assertEqual(original_array.shape, recovered.shape)
        self.assertLessEqual(np.max(np.abs(original_array - recovered)),

        precip = np.random.normal(size=3742).astype('float32')
        precip[precip < 0] = 0.
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(precip, divs=np.array([0., 1e-8, 0.5, 10.]))
        recovered = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        self.assertEqual(precip.shape, recovered.shape)
        self.assertLessEqual(np.max(np.abs(precip - recovered)),
Exemple #2
 def test_masked(self):
     # test packing 2 bit ints of odd length
     shape = (30, 3)
     original_array = np.random.normal(size=shape)
     mask = np.random.uniform(size=shape) > 0.5
     tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(original_array, mask=mask)
     recovered = tinylib.expand_array(mask=mask, **tiny)
     self.assertEqual(np.sum(np.isfinite(recovered)), np.sum(mask))
     self.assertLess(np.max(np.abs(recovered[mask] - original_array[mask])),
Exemple #3
    def test_tiny(self):
        bins = np.arange(11.)
        # all this data falls exactly on the mid points so it
        # should be preserved through a round trip
        linear = np.arange(10.) + 0.5
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(linear, bits=4, divs=bins)
        recovered = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(linear, recovered)
        # check idempotent
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(recovered, bits=4, divs=bins)
        recovered_again = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(recovered_again, recovered)

        # now we should get some that fall outside the divs
        # which should get rounded to the upper and lower limits.
        linear = np.arange(12.) - 0.5
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(linear, bits=4, divs=bins)
            recovered = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        assert len(w)

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(recovered[1:-1], linear[1:-1])
        self.assertTrue(recovered[0] < bins[0])
        self.assertTrue(recovered[-1] > bins[-1])
        # check idempotent
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(recovered, bits=4, divs=bins)
        recovered_again = tinylib.expand_array(**tiny)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(recovered_again, recovered)

        # give it a shot with wrapping
        wrap_val = 10.5
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(linear, bits=4, divs=bins, wrap=True)
        recovered = tinylib.expand_array(wrap_val=wrap_val, **tiny)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(recovered[1:-1], linear[1:-1])
        # anything less than zero or greater than 10 should end up 10.5
        self.assertEqual(recovered[0], wrap_val)
        self.assertEqual(recovered[-1], wrap_val)
        # check idempotent
        tiny = tinylib.tiny_array(recovered, bits=4, divs=bins, wrap=True)
        recovered_again = tinylib.expand_array(wrap_val=wrap_val, **tiny)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(recovered_again, recovered)