Exemple #1
def example_spot_ensemble_velocity():
    import slocum.query.utils as query_utils
    n = 17
    k = 3
    fcst = xray.Dataset()
    times = pd.date_range('2015-01-03 06:00:00Z', periods=n, freq='6h').values
    fcst['time'] = ('time', times)
    fcst['latitude'] = ('latitude', [-8])
    fcst['longitude'] = ('longitude', [115])
    fcst['wind_speed'] = (('time', 'realization', 'longitude', 'latitude'),
                          np.zeros((n, k, 1, 1)),
                          {'units': 'knots'})
    fcst['wind_from_direction'] = (('time', 'realization', 'longitude', 'latitude'),
                              np.zeros((n, k, 1, 1)),
                              {'units': 'radians'})

    fcst['wind_speed'].values[:, 0, 0, 0] = np.arange(n)
    fcst['wind_speed'].values[:, 1, 0, 0] = n - 1 - np.arange(n)
    fcst['wind_speed'].values[:, 2, 0, 0] = np.ones(n)

    fcst['wind_from_direction'].values[:, 0, 0, 0] = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi, n)
    fcst['wind_from_direction'].values[:, 1, 0, 0] = np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, n)
    fcst['wind_from_direction'].values[:, 2, 0, 0] = np.pi * np.ones(n)

    spot_plot = spot_velocity(fcst, query_utils.get_variable('wind'))
Exemple #2
def decompress_dataset(payload):
    Unpacks a dataset that has been packed using compress_dataset()
    payload = zlib.decompress(payload)
    version = np.fromstring(payload[0], dtype=np.uint8)[0]
    payload = payload[1:]
    if version > _VERSION:
        raise ValueError("The forecast was compressed using a"
                         "newer version than the version currently "
                         "installed.  Consider upgrading slocum")
    elif version < _VERSION:
        # TODO:  Allow queries to specify the version, so that users
        # with older versions can request forecasts they can still read.
        raise NotImplementedError("Backward comaptibility is not currently "
                                  "supported.  Your version of slocum is newer "
                                  "than the server, consider rolling back")
    # this iterates through the payload and yields individual variables
    output = xray.Dataset()
    while len(payload):
        var_name, packed, payload = _split_single_variable(payload)
        variable = utils.get_variable(var_name)
        output.update(variable.decompress(packed, output), inplace=True)
        logging.debug("Decoded %s" % var_name)
    return xray.decode_cf(output)
Exemple #3
def plot_interactive_forecast(fcst, variable_name=None, **kwdargs):
    variable_name = variable_name or utils.infer_variable(fcst)
    variable = query_utils.get_variable(variable_name)
    if isinstance(variable, schemes.VelocityVariable):
        interactive.InteractiveVelocity(fcst, variable, **kwdargs)
        raise NotImplementedError("Only support velocity variables at "
                                  "the moment.")
Exemple #4
 def test_roundtrip(self):
     ds = create_ensemble_data()
     for vn in utils.available_variables(ds):
         v = utils.get_variable(vn)
         orig = ds.copy(deep=True)
         expected = v.decompress(v.compress(ds), ds)
         # make sure two passes yields the same result
         actual = v.decompress(v.compress(expected), ds)
Exemple #5
def main():
    fcst = test_data()
    fcst = compress.decompress_dataset(compress.compress_dataset(fcst))

    for vn in ['current', 'wind']:
        variable = query_utils.get_variable(vn)
        if isinstance(variable, schemes.VelocityVariable):
            interactive.InteractiveVelocity(fcst, variable)

Exemple #6
def plot_gridded_forecast(fcst, variable_name=None, **kwdargs):
    Creates an interactive plot of a gridded forecast.
    variable_name = variable_name or utils.infer_variable(fcst)
    variable = query_utils.get_variable(variable_name)
    if isinstance(variable, schemes.VelocityVariable):
        velocity.VelocityField(fcst, variable, **kwdargs)
        raise NotImplementedError("Only support velocity variables at "
                                  "the moment.")
Exemple #7
def plot_spot(fcst, variable_name=None):
    Takes a forecast that is assumed to hold a spot forecast and
    infers the type of variable then uses the corresponding plot utilities.
    variable_name = variable_name or utils.infer_variable(fcst)
    variable = query_utils.get_variable(variable_name)
    if isinstance(variable, schemes.VelocityVariable):
        spot.spot_velocity(fcst, variable)
        raise NotImplementedError("Only support velocity variables at "
                                  "the moment.")
Exemple #8
def example_spot_single_velocity():
    import slocum.query.utils as query_utils
    n = 8
    fcst = xray.Dataset()
    times = pd.date_range('2015-01-03 06:00:00Z', periods=n, freq='6h').values
    fcst['time'] = ('time', times)
    fcst['latitude'] = ('latitude', [-8])
    fcst['longitude'] = ('longitude', [115])
    fcst['wind_speed'] = (('time', 'longitude', 'latitude'),
                          np.arange(float(n)).reshape((n, 1, 1)),
                          {'units': 'knots'})
    fcst['wind_from_direction'] = (('time', 'longitude', 'latitude'),
                              np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, n).reshape((n, 1, 1)),
                              {'units': 'radians'})

    spot_plot = spot_velocity(fcst, query_utils.get_variable('wind'))