def loadImuData(self): print "Reading IMU data ({0})".format(self.dataset.topic) # prepare progess bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(self.dataset.numMessages()) iProgress.sample() Rgyro = np.eye( 3) * self.gyroUncertaintyDiscrete * self.gyroUncertaintyDiscrete Raccel = np.eye( 3) * self.accelUncertaintyDiscrete * self.accelUncertaintyDiscrete # Now read the imu measurements. imu = [] for timestamp, omega, alpha in self.dataset: timestamp = acv.Time(timestamp.toSec()) imu.append( self.ImuMeasurement(timestamp, omega, alpha, Rgyro, Raccel)) iProgress.sample() self.imuData = imu if len(self.imuData) > 1: print "\r Read %d imu readings over %.1f seconds " % ( len(imu), imu[-1].stamp.toSec() - imu[0].stamp.toSec()) else: sm.logFatal( "Could not find any IMU messages. Please check the dataset.") sys.exit(-1)
def extractCornersFromDataset(dataset, detector, multithreading=False, numProcesses=None, clearImages=True, noTransformation=False): print "Extracting calibration target corners" targetObservations = [] numImages = dataset.numMessages() # prepare progess bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(numImages) iProgress.sample() if multithreading: if not numProcesses: numProcesses = max(1,multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1) try: manager = multiprocessing.Manager() resultq = manager.Queue() manager2 = multiprocessing.Manager() taskq = manager2.Queue() for idx, (timestamp, image) in enumerate(dataset.readDataset()): taskq.put( (idx, timestamp, image) ) plist=list() for pidx in range(0, numProcesses): detector_copy = copy.copy(detector) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=multicoreExtractionWrapper, args=(detector_copy, taskq, resultq, clearImages, noTransformation, )) p.start() plist.append(p) #wait for results last_done=0 while 1: if all([not p.is_alive() for p in plist]): time.sleep(0.1) break done = numImages-taskq.qsize() sys.stdout.flush() if (done-last_done) > 0: iProgress.sample(done-last_done) last_done = done time.sleep(0.5) resultq.put('STOP') except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError("Exception during multithreaded extraction: {0}".format(e)) #get result sorted by time (=idx) if resultq.qsize() > 1: targetObservations = [[]]*(resultq.qsize()-1) for lidx, data in enumerate(iter(resultq.get, 'STOP')): obs=data[0]; time_idx = data[1] targetObservations[lidx] = (time_idx, obs) targetObservations = list(zip(*sorted(targetObservations, key=lambda tup: tup[0]))[1]) else: targetObservations=[]
def addAccelerometerErrorTerms(self, problem, poseSplineDv, gravityExpression, mSigma=0.0, accelNoiseScale=1.0): print print "Adding accelerometer error terms ({0})".format( self.dataset.topic) #progress bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(len(self.imuData)) iProgress.sample() # AccelerometerError(measurement, invR, C_b_w, acceleration_w, bias, g_w) w = 1.0 / accelNoiseScale accelErrors = [] num_skipped = 0 if mSigma > 0.0: mest = aopt.HuberMEstimator(math.sqrt(mSigma)) else: mest = aopt.NoMEstimator() for im in self.imuData: tk = im.stamp.toSec() if tk > poseSplineDv.spline().t_min() and tk < poseSplineDv.spline( ).t_max(): C_b_w = poseSplineDv.orientation(tk).inverse() ak = poseSplineDv.linearAcceleration(tk) bk = self.accelBiasDv.toEuclideanExpression(tk, 0) aerr = ket.AccelerometerError(im.alpha, im.alphaInvR * w, C_b_w, ak, bk, gravityExpression) aerr.setMEstimatorPolicy(mest) accelErrors.append(aerr) problem.addErrorTerm(aerr) else: num_skipped = num_skipped + 1 #update progress bar iProgress.sample() print "\r Added {0} of {1} accelerometer error terms (skipped {2} out-of-bounds measurements)".format( len(self.imuData) - num_skipped, len(self.imuData), num_skipped) self.accelErrors = accelErrors
def addGyroscopeErrorTerms(self, problem, poseSplineDv, mSigma=0.0, gyroNoiseScale=1.0): print print "Adding gyroscope error terms ({0})".format(self.dataset.topic) #progress bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(len(self.imuData)) iProgress.sample() num_skipped = 0 gyroErrors = [] w = 1.0 / gyroNoiseScale if mSigma > 0.0: mest = aopt.HuberMEstimator(math.sqrt(mSigma)) else: mest = aopt.NoMEstimator() for im in self.imuData: tk = im.stamp.toSec() if tk > poseSplineDv.spline().t_min() and tk < poseSplineDv.spline( ).t_max(): # GyroscopeError(measurement, invR, angularVelocity, bias) wk = poseSplineDv.angularVelocityBodyFrame(tk) bk = self.gyroBiasDv.toEuclideanExpression(tk, 0) gerr = ket.GyroscopeError(, im.omegaInvR * w, wk, bk) #gerr.setMEstimatorPolicy(mest) gyroErrors.append(gerr) problem.addErrorTerm(gerr) else: num_skipped = num_skipped + 1 #update progress bar iProgress.sample() print "\r Added {0} of {1} gyroscope error terms (skipped {2} out-of-bounds measurements)".format( len(self.imuData) - num_skipped, len(self.imuData), num_skipped) self.gyroErrors = gyroErrors
def addCameraErrorTerms(self, problem, poseSplineDv, T_cN_b, blakeZissermanDf=0.0, timeOffsetPadding=0.0): print print "Adding camera error terms ({0})".format(self.dataset.topic) #progress bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(len(self.targetObservations)) iProgress.sample() allReprojectionErrors = list() error_t = for obs in self.targetObservations: # Build a transformation expression for the time. frameTime = self.cameraTimeToImuTimeDv.toExpression() + obs.time( ).toSec() + self.timeshiftCamToImuPrior frameTimeScalar = frameTime.toScalar() #as we are applying an initial time shift outside the optimization so #we need to make sure that we dont add data outside the spline definition if frameTimeScalar <= poseSplineDv.spline().t_min( ) or frameTimeScalar >= poseSplineDv.spline().t_max(): continue T_w_b = poseSplineDv.transformationAtTime(frameTime, timeOffsetPadding, timeOffsetPadding) T_b_w = T_w_b.inverse() #calibration target coords to camera N coords #T_b_w: from world to imu coords #T_cN_b: from imu to camera N coords T_c_w = T_cN_b * T_b_w #get the image and target points corresponding to the frame imageCornerPoints = np.array(obs.getCornersImageFrame()).T targetCornerPoints = np.array(obs.getCornersTargetFrame()).T #setup an aslam frame (handles the distortion) frame = frame.setGeometry( #corner uncertainty R = np.eye(2) * self.cornerUncertainty * self.cornerUncertainty invR = np.linalg.inv(R) for pidx in range(0, imageCornerPoints.shape[1]): #add all image points k = k.setMeasurement(imageCornerPoints[:, pidx]) k.setInverseMeasurementCovariance(invR) frame.addKeypoint(k) reprojectionErrors = list() for pidx in range(0, imageCornerPoints.shape[1]): #add all target points targetPoint = np.insert(targetCornerPoints.transpose()[pidx], 3, 1) p = T_c_w * aopt.HomogeneousExpression(targetPoint) #build and append the error term rerr = error_t(frame, pidx, p) #add blake-zisserman m-estimator if blakeZissermanDf > 0.0: mest = aopt.BlakeZissermanMEstimator(blakeZissermanDf) rerr.setMEstimatorPolicy(mest) problem.addErrorTerm(rerr) reprojectionErrors.append(rerr) allReprojectionErrors.append(reprojectionErrors) #update progress bar iProgress.sample() print "\r Added {0} camera error terms ".format( len(self.targetObservations)) self.allReprojectionErrors = allReprojectionErrors
def extractCornersFromDataset(dataset, detector, multithreading=False, numProcesses=None, clearImages=True, noTransformation=False): print("Extracting calibration target corners") targetObservations = [] numImages = dataset.numImages() # prepare progess bar iProgress = sm.Progress2(numImages) iProgress.sample() if multithreading: if not numProcesses: numProcesses = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) try: manager = multiprocessing.Manager() resultq = manager.Queue() manager2 = multiprocessing.Manager() taskq = manager2.Queue() for idx, (timestamp, image) in enumerate(dataset.readDataset()): taskq.put((idx, timestamp, image)) plist = list() for pidx in range(0, numProcesses): detector_copy = copy.copy(detector) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=multicoreExtractionWrapper, args=( detector_copy, taskq, resultq, clearImages, noTransformation, )) p.start() plist.append(p) #wait for results last_done = 0 while 1: if all([not p.is_alive() for p in plist]): time.sleep(0.1) break done = numImages - taskq.qsize() sys.stdout.flush() if (done - last_done) > 0: iProgress.sample(done - last_done) last_done = done time.sleep(0.5) resultq.put('STOP') except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Exception during multithreaded extraction: {0}".format(e)) #get result sorted by time (=idx) if resultq.qsize() > 1: targetObservations = [[]] * (resultq.qsize() - 1) for lidx, data in enumerate(iter(resultq.get, 'STOP')): obs = data[0] time_idx = data[1] targetObservations[lidx] = (time_idx, obs) targetObservations = list( zip(*sorted(targetObservations, key=lambda tup: tup[0])))[1] else: targetObservations = [] #single threaded implementation else: for timestamp, image in dataset.readDataset(): if noTransformation: success, observation = detector.findTargetNoTransformation( timestamp, np.array(image)) else: success, observation = detector.findTarget( timestamp, np.array(image)) if clearImages: observation.clearImage() if success == 1: targetObservations.append(observation) iProgress.sample() if len(targetObservations) == 0: print("\r") sm.logFatal( "No corners could be extracted for camera {0}! Check the calibration target configuration and dataset." .format(dataset.topic)) else: print( "\r Extracted corners for %d images (of %d images) " % (len(targetObservations), numImages)) #close all opencv windows that might be open cv2.destroyAllWindows() return targetObservations