def get_const(obj):
    """Get a const reference to an object if it has "user-defined" attributes."""
    if hasattr(obj,'__dict__'):
        smach.logdebug("Making const '%s'" % str(obj))
        return Const(obj)
        return obj
Exemple #2
def get_const(obj):
    """Get a const reference to an object if it has "user-defined" attributes."""
    if hasattr(obj,'__dict__'):
        smach.logdebug("Making const '%s'" % str(obj))
        return Const(obj)
        return obj
    def set_initial_state(self, initial_states, userdata=smach.UserData()):
        smach.logdebug("Setting initial state to "+str(initial_states))

        if len(initial_states) > 1:
            smach.logwarn("Attempting to set initial state to include more than one state, but the StateMachine container can only have one initial state.")

        # Set the initial state label
        if len(initial_states) > 0:
            self._initial_state_label = initial_states[0]
        # Set local userdata
    def set_initial_state(self, initial_states, userdata=smach.UserData()):
        smach.logdebug("Setting initial state to "+str(initial_states))

        if len(initial_states) > 1:
            smach.logwarn("Attempting to set initial state to include more than one state, but the StateMachine container can only have one initial state.")

        # Set the initial state label
        if len(initial_states) > 0:
            self._initial_state_label = initial_states[0]
        # Set local userdata
Exemple #5
    def set_initial_state(self, initial_states, userdata=None):
        """Set initial active states of a container.
        @type initial_states: list of string
        @param initial_states: A description of the initial active state of this
        @type userdata: L{UserData}
        @param userdata: Initial userdata for this container.
        with self._lock:
            if userdata is None:
                userdata = smach.UserData()

            smach.logdebug("Setting initial states to " + str(initial_states))

            if len(initial_states) > 1:
                    "Attempting to set initial state to include more than"
                    " one state, but the BehaviorTreeContainer container can only"
                    " have one initial state. Taking the first one."

            # Set the initial state label
            if len(initial_states) > 0:
                initial_state_label = initial_states[0]
                # TODO We only support the root as initial state for now
                # for proper support we'll want to walk the tree and set initial idx
                # for every container on the path to the task with the specified
                # label.

                    self._initial_task = self._task_for_label[initial_state_label]
                except KeyError:
                    smach.logwarn("Unknown initial state '%s' requested", initial_state_label)
            # Set local userdata
Exemple #6
    def set_initial_state(self, initial_states, userdata=None):
        """Set initial active states of a container.
        @type initial_states: list of string
        @param initial_states: A description of the initial active state of this
        @type userdata: L{UserData}
        @param userdata: Initial userdata for this container.
        with self._lock:
            if userdata is None:
                userdata = smach.UserData()

            smach.logdebug("Setting initial states to " + str(initial_states))

            if len(initial_states) > 1:
                smach.logwarn("Attempting to set initial state to include more than"
                              " one state, but the BehaviorTreeContainer container can only"
                              " have one initial state. Taking the first one.")

            # Set the initial state label
            if len(initial_states) > 0:
                initial_state_label = initial_states[0]
                # TODO We only support the root as initial state for now
                # for proper support we'll want to walk the tree and set initial idx
                # for every container on the path to the task with the specified
                # label.
                    self._initial_task = self._task_for_label[initial_state_label]
                except KeyError:
                    smach.logwarn("Unknown initial state '%s' requested", initial_state_label)
            # Set local userdata
Exemple #7
    def add(task, block_on_preempt=True, remapping=None):
        """Add task to the opened container task.
            - in a parallel container, if we have an immediate result from one
            of our tasks but we started another and have preempted it, then a
            value of True for this parameter will mean we will block until the 
            preemption completes, and a value of False means we will return
            RUNNING and return the result through the parent callback when the
            preemption has completed.
            - in a preempting sequential container, TODO
        smach.logdebug('Adding task (%s, %s)' % (task.get_label(), str(task)))
        # Get currently opened container
        self = ContainerTask._currently_opened_container()

        # Store task
        return task
 def __getitem__(self, name):
     smach.logdebug("Getting '%s' from const wrapper." % name)
     attr = self._obj[name]
     return get_const(attr)
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     smach.logdebug("Getting '%s' from const wrapper." % name)
     attr = getattr(self._obj,name)
     return get_const(attr)
    def add(label, state, transitions=None, remapping=None):
        """Add a state to the opened state machine.
        @type label: string
        @param label: The label of the state being added.
        @param state: An instance of a class implementing the L{State} interface.
        @param transitions: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to other state
        labels or container outcomes.

        @param remapping: A dictrionary mapping local userdata keys to userdata
        keys in the container.
        # Get currently opened container
        self = StateMachine._currently_opened_container()

        smach.logdebug('Adding state (%s, %s, %s)' % (label, str(state), str(transitions)))

        #If the state being added is an RL state.
        if type(state) == smach.StateMachineRL:
            state.add_learner(label, self)

        # Set initial state if it is still unset
        if self._initial_state_label is None:
            self._initial_state_label = label

        if transitions is None:
            transitions = {}

        if remapping is None:
            remapping = {}

        # Add group transitions to this new state, if they exist
        if 'transitions' in smach.Container._context_kwargs:
            for outcome, target in smach.Container._context_kwargs['transitions'].iteritems():
                if outcome not in transitions:
                    transitions[outcome] = target

        # Check the state specification
        self.check_state_spec(label, state, transitions)

        # Check if th label already exists
        if label in self._states:
            raise smach.InvalidStateError(
            'Attempting to add state with label "'+label+'" to state machine, but this label is already being used.')

        # Debug info
        smach.logdebug("Adding state '"+str(label)+"' to the state machine.")

        # Create implicit terminal transitions, and combine them with the explicit transitions
        registered_outcomes = state.get_registered_outcomes()

        # Get a list of the unbound transitions
        missing_transitions = {o: None for o in registered_outcomes if o not in transitions}
        smach.logdebug("State '%s' is missing transitions: %s" % (label, str(missing_transitions)))

        # Add state and transitions to the dictionary
        self._states[label] = state
        self._transitions[label] = transitions
        self._remappings[label] = remapping
        smach.logdebug("TRANSITIONS FOR %s: %s" % (label, str(self._transitions[label])))

        # Add transition to this state if connected outcome is defined
        if len(self._connector_outcomes) > 0 and self._last_added_label is not None:
            for connector_outcome in self._connector_outcomes:
                self._transitions[self._last_added_label][connector_outcome] = label
            # Reset connector outcomes and last added label
            self._connector_outcomes = []
            self._last_added_label = None

        return state
    def execute(self, parent_ud=smach.UserData()):
        """Overridden execute method.
        This starts all the threads.
        # Clear the ready event

        # Reset child outcomes
        self._child_outcomes = {}

        # Copy input keys
        self._copy_input_keys(parent_ud, self.userdata)

        # Spew some info
        smach.loginfo("Concurrence starting with userdata: \n\t%s" % (str(list(self.userdata.keys()))))

        # Call start callbacks

        # Create all the threads
        for (label, state) in ((k, self._states[k]) for k in self._states):
            # Initialize child outcomes
            self._child_outcomes[label] = None
            self._threads[label] = threading.Thread(
                name="concurrent_split:" + label, target=self._state_runner, args=(label,)

        # Launch threads
        for thread in self._threads.values():

        # Wait for done notification

        # Notify all threads ready to go

        # Wait for a done notification from a thread

        # Preempt any running states
        smach.logdebug("SMACH Concurrence preempting running states.")
        for label in self._states:
            if self._child_outcomes[label] == None:

        # Wait for all states to terminate
        while not smach.is_shutdown():
            if all([not t.isAlive() for t in self._threads.values()]):

        # Check for user code exception
        if self._user_code_exception:
            self._user_code_exception = False
            raise smach.InvalidStateError("A concurrent state raised an exception during execution.")

        # Check for preempt
        if self.preempt_requested():
            # initialized serviced flag
            children_preempts_serviced = True

            # Service this preempt if
            for (label, state) in ((k, self._states[k]) for k in self._states):
                if state.preempt_requested():
                    # Reset the flag
                    children_preempts_serviced = False
                    # Complain
                    smach.logwarn("State '%s' in concurrence did not service preempt." % label)
                    # Recall the preempt if it hasn't been serviced
            if children_preempts_serviced:
                smach.loginfo("Concurrence serviced preempt.")

        # Spew some debyg info
        smach.loginfo("Concurrent Outcomes: " + str(self._child_outcomes))

        # Initialize the outcome
        outcome = self._default_outcome

        # Determine the outcome from the outcome map
        smach.logdebug("SMACH Concurrence determining contained state outcomes.")
        for (container_outcome, outcomes) in ((k, self._outcome_map[k]) for k in self._outcome_map):
            if all([self._child_outcomes[label] == outcomes[label] for label in outcomes]):
                smach.logdebug("Terminating concurrent split with mapped outcome.")
                outcome = container_outcome

        # Check outcome callback
        if self._outcome_cb:
                cb_outcome = self._outcome_cb(copy.copy(self._child_outcomes))
                if cb_outcome:
                    if cb_outcome == str(cb_outcome):
                        outcome = cb_outcome
                            "Outcome callback returned a non-string '%s', using default outcome '%s'"
                            % (str(cb_outcome), self._default_outcome)
                    smach.logwarn("Outcome callback returned None, using outcome '%s'" % outcome)
                raise smach.InvalidUserCodeError(
                    ("Could not execute outcome callback '%s': " % self._outcome_cb) + traceback.format_exc()

        # Cleanup
        self._threads = {}
        self._child_outcomes = {}

        # Call termination callbacks
        self.call_termination_cbs(list(self._states.keys()), outcome)

        # Copy output keys
        self._copy_output_keys(self.userdata, parent_ud)

        return outcome
    def execute(self, parent_ud=smach.UserData()):
        """Overridden execute method.
        This starts all the threads.
        # Clear the ready event
        # Reset child outcomes
        self._child_outcomes = {}

        # Copy input keys
        self._copy_input_keys(parent_ud, self.userdata)

        ## Copy the datamodel's value into the userData
        for data in self._datamodel:
            if (self._datamodel[data] != ""):
                self.userdata[data] = self._datamodel[data]

        ## Do the <onentry>
        if (self._onEntry is not None):
            except Exception as ex:
                rospy.logerr('%s::onEntry::execute() raised | %s' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, str(ex)))
                return "preempt"

        # Spew some info
        smach.loginfo("Concurrence starting with userdata: \n\t%s" %

        # Call start callbacks

        # Create all the threads
        for (label, state) in ((k, self._states[k]) for k in self._states):
            # Initialize child outcomes

            self._child_outcomes[label] = None
            self._threads[label] = threading.Thread(name='concurrent_split:' +
                                                    args=(label, ))

        # Launch threads
        for thread in self._threads.values():

        # Wait for done notification

        # Notify all threads ready to go

        # Wait for a done notification from a thread

        # Preempt any running states
        smach.logdebug("SMACH Concurrence preempting running states.")
        for label in self._states:
            if self._child_outcomes[label] == None:

        # Wait for all states to terminate
        while not smach.is_shutdown():
            if all([not t.isAlive() for t in self._threads.values()]):

        # Check for user code exception
        if self._user_code_exception:
            self._user_code_exception = False
            raise smach.InvalidStateError(
                "A concurrent state raised an exception during execution.")

        # Check for preempt
        if self.preempt_requested():
            # initialized serviced flag
            children_preempts_serviced = True

            # Service this preempt if
            for (label, state) in ((k, self._states[k]) for k in self._states):
                if state.preempt_requested():
                    # Reset the flag
                    children_preempts_serviced = False
                    # Complain
                        "State '%s' in concurrence did not service preempt." %
                    # Recall the preempt if it hasn't been serviced
            if children_preempts_serviced:
                smach.loginfo("Concurrence serviced preempt.")

        # Spew some debyg info
        smach.loginfo("Concurrent Outcomes: " + str(self._child_outcomes))

        # Initialize the outcome
        outcome = self._default_outcome

        # Determine the outcome from the outcome map
            "SMACH Concurrence determining contained state outcomes.")
        for (container_outcome, outcomes) in ((k, self._outcome_map[k])
                                              for k in self._outcome_map):
            if all([
                    self._child_outcomes[label] == outcomes[label]
                    for label in outcomes
                    "Terminating concurrent split with mapped outcome.")
                outcome = container_outcome

        # Check outcome callback
        if self._outcome_cb:
                cb_outcome = self._outcome_cb(copy.copy(self._child_outcomes))
                if cb_outcome:
                    if cb_outcome == str(cb_outcome):
                        outcome = cb_outcome
                            "Outcome callback returned a non-string '%s', using default outcome '%s'"
                            % (str(cb_outcome), self._default_outcome))
                        "Outcome callback returned None, using outcome '%s'" %
                raise smach.InvalidUserCodeError(
                    ("Could not execute outcome callback '%s': " %
                     self._outcome_cb) + traceback.format_exc())

        # Cleanup
        self._threads = {}
        self._child_outcomes = {}

        # Call termination callbacks
        self.call_termination_cbs(list(self._states.keys()), outcome)

        ## Do the <onexit>
        if (self._onExit is not None):
                outcome = self._onExit.execute(self.userdata, outcome)
            except Exception as ex:
                rospy.logerr('%s::onExit::execute() raised | %s' %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, str(ex)))
                return "preempt"

        # Copy output keys
        self._copy_output_keys(self.userdata, parent_ud)

        return outcome
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self, obj):
     smach.logdebug("Making const '%s'" % str(obj))
     self._obj = obj
     self.__initialized = True
Exemple #14
 def __getitem__(self, name):
     smach.logdebug("Getting '%s' from const wrapper." % name)
     attr = self._obj[name]
     return get_const(attr)
Exemple #15
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     smach.logdebug("Getting '%s' from const wrapper." % name)
     attr = getattr(self._obj,name)
     return get_const(attr)
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, obj):
     smach.logdebug("Making const '%s'" % str(obj))
     self._obj = obj
     self.__initialized = True
Exemple #17
    def add(label, state, transitions=None, remapping=None):
        """Add a state to the opened state machine.
        @type label: string
        @param label: The label of the state being added.
        @param state: An instance of a class implementing the L{State} interface.
        @param transitions: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to other state
        labels or container outcomes.

        @param remapping: A dictrionary mapping local userdata keys to userdata
        keys in the container.
        # Get currently opened container
        self = StateMachine._currently_opened_container()

        smach.logdebug('Adding state (%s, %s, %s)' % (label, str(state), str(transitions)))

        # Set initial state if it is still unset
        if self._initial_state_label is None:
            self._initial_state_label = label

        if transitions is None:
            transitions = {}

        if remapping is None:
            remapping = {}

        # Add group transitions to this new state, if they exist
        if 'transitions' in smach.Container._context_kwargs:
            for outcome, target in smach.Container._context_kwargs['transitions'].iteritems():
                if outcome not in transitions:
                    transitions[outcome] = target

        # Check the state specification
        self.check_state_spec(label, state, transitions)

        # Check if th label already exists
        if label in self._states:
            raise smach.InvalidStateError(
            'Attempting to add state with label "'+label+'" to state machine, but this label is already being used.')

        # Debug info
        smach.logdebug("Adding state '"+str(label)+"' to the state machine.")

        # Create implicit terminal transitions, and combine them with the explicit transitions
        registered_outcomes = state.get_registered_outcomes()

        # Get a list of the unbound transitions
        missing_transitions = {o: None for o in registered_outcomes if o not in transitions}
        smach.logdebug("State '%s' is missing transitions: %s" % (label, str(missing_transitions)))

        # Add state and transitions to the dictionary
        self._states[label] = state
        self._transitions[label] = transitions
        self._remappings[label] = remapping
        smach.logdebug("TRANSITIONS FOR %s: %s" % (label, str(self._transitions[label])))

        # Add transition to this state if connected outcome is defined
        if len(self._connector_outcomes) > 0 and self._last_added_label is not None:
            for connector_outcome in self._connector_outcomes:
                self._transitions[self._last_added_label][connector_outcome] = label
            # Reset connector outcomes and last added label
            self._connector_outcomes = []
            self._last_added_label = None

        return state