def ss_attach_list_of_image_files(access_token, sheet_name, conditional_field_name, conditional_field_value, attachList): if settings.YH_SS_PRODUCTION_SITE: # Initialize client proxy.server:3128 and provide access token proxies = {'https': 'https://proxy.server:3128'} ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(proxies=proxies, access_token=access_token) else: # just provide access token # Instantiate smartsheet and specify access token value. ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) # Get the id for the Sheet name search_results = sheet_id = next(result.object_id for result in search_results if result.object_type == 'sheet') # Get all the columns for the sheet all_columns = ss.Sheets.get_columns(sheet_id, include_all=True) columns = # Create two reference dictionaries that will be useful in the subsequent code # colMap {column-name: column-id } and colMapRev { column-id: column-name } colMap = {} colMapRev = {} for col in columns: colMap[col.title] = colMapRev[] = col.title # Create an array of ColumnIds to limit the returned dataset col_ids = [] col_ids.append(colMap.get(conditional_field_name)) # Get the Sheet Data and convert to json MySheet = ss.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id, column_ids=col_ids) MySheetjson = json.loads(str(MySheet)) for MyRow in MySheetjson["rows"]: for MyCell in MyRow["cells"]: if colMapRev.get(MyCell.get( "columnId")) == conditional_field_name and MyCell.get( "value") == conditional_field_value: #print("found it", MyRow["id"]) for attach_file in attachList: if Path(attach_file).suffix == '.png': mime_type = 'image/png' else: mime_type = 'image/jpeg' updated_attachment = ss.Attachments.attach_file_to_row( sheet_id, # sheet_id MyRow["id"], # row_id (os.path.basename(attach_file), open( attach_file, 'rb'), mime_type)) return
def test_update_sheet(self, smart_setup): smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet() smart.assume_user(smart_setup['users']['moe'].email) action = smart.Sheets.update_sheet( smart_setup['sheet'].id, smart.models.Sheet({'name': 'You knuckleheads!'})) assert isinstance(action, smart.models.error.Error)
def new_tally(project_name, token): import smartsheet import logging # initialize client ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) # make sure we don't miss any errors ss_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) # log all calls logging.basicConfig(filename='rwsheet.log', level=logging.INFO) # copy overview template response = ss_client.Sheets.copy_sheet( 6257571175655300, smartsheet.models.ContainerDestination({ 'destination_type': 'workspace', 'destination_id': 2148322879268740, 'new_name': project_name + ' Overview' }), include=['data']) print('done')
def export(sheet_id, export_type, export_format='csv', export_to=''): """ A slightly more elegant way to export a file from Smartsheet * get_sheet_as_ does not support Gantt chart export * for Excel format, get_sheet_as and get_report_as only support xlsx output TODO: prevent overwriting files with the same name :param sheet_id: int, required; sheet ID :param export_type: str, required; 'sheet' or 'report' to call get_sheet_* or get_report_* :param export_format: str, optional: 'csv', 'xlsx', or (sheet only) 'pdf' to call get_*_csv, get_*_xlsx, etc. (default 'csv') :param export_to: str, optional; the file path you're exporting the file to (ex: C:\foo\bar\ ) (default :return: none """ ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) # initialize client ss.errors_as_exceptions(True) # call out errors if export_to == '': # if no export location specified, use the filepath of this code export_path = _dir else: export_path = export_to sheet_name = ss.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id).name if export_type == 'sheet': # calls get_sheet_as_ user_msg = export_sheet(ss, sheet_id, export_format, export_path, sheet_name) elif export_type == 'report': # calls get_report_as_ user_msg = export_report(ss, sheet_id, export_format, export_path, sheet_name) else: user_msg = 'export_type not valid. Please use \'sheet\' or \'report\'.' print(user_msg)
def new_project_status_row(project, token): import smartsheet import logging map_of_sheets = {} project_rows = {} status_columns = {} # initialize client ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) # make sure we don't miss any errors ss_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) # log all calls logging.basicConfig(filename='rwsheet.log', level=logging.INFO) # list sheets response = ss_client.Sheets.list_sheets(include_all=True) sheets = # make sheet map for sheet in sheets: map_of_sheets[] = # get project sheet sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(map_of_sheets[project]) # build row map of project sheet for row in sheet.rows: project_rows[row.row_number] = # get project status sheet sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(2762627773425540) # create column map for project status sheet for column in sheet.columns: status_columns[column.title] = # specify new cell values for new row in project status row_a = ss_client.models.Row() row_a.to_top = True row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': status_columns['Project #'], 'value': project[0:6], 'hyperlink': { 'sheetId': map_of_sheets[project] } }) row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': status_columns['Project Name'], 'value': project[7:len(project)] }) row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': status_columns['Status'], 'value': 'Open' }) # add row to project status sheet response = ss_client.Sheets.add_rows(2762627773425540, [row_a]) print('done')
def create_sheet(sheet_name): ss_token=ss_config['SS_TOKEN'] ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ss_token) # # Run a Query to get the col names sql= "SHOW COLUMNS FROM povbot.tblPovs " cols = db.engine.execute(sql) new_col_list=[] primary_col = True for col in cols: # If this column is first make it the required SS primary column # else create they type of SS column we need (TEXT_NUMBER,DATE,CHECKBOX etc) if col.Type == 'datetime': new_col_list.append({'title': col.Field, 'primary': primary_col, 'type': 'DATE'}) elif col.Field == 'deleted': print ('i found deleted') new_col_list.append({'title': col.Field, 'primary': primary_col,'type': 'PICKLIST','options':['Yes','No']}) else: new_col_list.append({'title': col.Field, 'primary': primary_col, 'type': 'TEXT_NUMBER'}) primary_col = False sheet_spec = ss.models.Sheet({'name': sheet_name, 'columns': new_col_list}) response = ss.Home.create_sheet(sheet_spec)
def dataFrame_Creation(mylist): # trying out pandas: access_token = '' # temp access token for smartsheets smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet( access_token) # accessing our smartsheet phone_call_analysis = simple_sheet_to_dataframe( smartsheet_client.Sheets.get_sheet( )) # grabing a specific sheet from my account using the sheet number newlist = [] # this array is gonna contain the numbers - for i in mylist: # this loop will get rid of spaces j = i.replace(' ', '') newlist.append(j) newFrame = pd.DataFrame(newlist) # creating a new dataframe # creating a new column in the list for testing newFrame['phoneList'] = newlist outcome = phone_call_analysis.merge( newFrame, left_on='Telephone Number_Centrix', right_on='phoneList', how='outer') # comparing and sorting and creating a new dataframe # outer join is to show all the rows even the ones that didn't match # left join is to grap everything from the phon_call_anlysis datafram and only the phonlistcolumn from the other dataframe # right is the opposite - grabbing everything from the newFrame and only the telephone number_centrix from the phon_call_analysis dataframe # inner join only shows the common rows after checking and sorting return outcome
def sort_project_status(token): import smartsheet import logging sheet_map = {} # initialize client ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) # make sure we don't miss any errors ss_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) # log all calls logging.basicConfig(filename='rwsheet.log', level=logging.INFO) sort_specifier = smartsheet.models.SortSpecifier({ 'sort_criteria': [ smartsheet.models.SortCriterion({ 'column_id': 7164751437424516, # Exp Finish 'direction': 'ASCENDING', 'column_id': 4957636463486852, # Schedule Status 'direction': 'ASCENDING', 'column_id': 5049912694990724, # Project Manager 'direction': 'ASCENDING' }) ] }) sheet = ss_client.Sheets.sort_sheet(2762627773425540, sort_specifier) print('done')
def test_new_and_shared_sheet(self, smart_setup): smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet() newsheet = smart.models.Sheet({ 'name': 'pytest_social_sheet', 'columns': [{ 'title': 'Primary', 'primary': True, 'type': 'TEXT_NUMBER' }] }) action = smart.Folders.create_sheet_in_folder( smart_setup['folder'].id, newsheet); assert action.message == 'SUCCESS' newsheet = action.result action = newsheet.share( smart.models.Share({ 'accessLevel': 'ADMIN', 'email': smart_setup['users']['moe'].email }) ) assert action.message == 'SUCCESS' share = action.result # now edit as Moe smart.assume_user(smart_setup['users']['moe'].email) action = newsheet.update_name('You knuckleheads!') assert action.message == 'ERROR' assert isinstance(action, smart.models.error.Error) assert action.result.code == 1004
def push_xls_to_ss(my_file, ss_name, run_dir=app_cfg['UPDATES_DIR']): home = app_cfg['HOME'] working_dir = app_cfg['WORKING_DIR'] path_to_run_dir = (os.path.join(home, working_dir, run_dir, my_file)) print('PUSHING to ', path_to_run_dir, ' to SmartSheets>>>>>> ', ss_name) ws = app_cfg['SS_WORKSPACE'] ss_token = passwords['SS_TOKEN'] ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ss_token) # Import as an Excel sheet response = ss.Sheets.import_xlsx_sheet( path_to_run_dir, ss_name, # sheet_name header_row_index=0) response_dict = response.to_dict() my_sheet_id = response_dict['data']['id'] # Get the workspace id # Then move this sheet to the configured workspace ws_info = ss_get_ws(ss, ws) ss_move_sheet(ss, my_sheet_id, ws_info['id']) return
def config_and_connect(env): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if env == 'TEST':['config/pctest.cfg']) conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};SERVER={};DATABASE={};trusted_connection={}'.format( config.get('sql_server', 'driver'), config.get('sql_server', 'server'), config.get('sql_server', 'database'), config.get('sql_server', 'connection') ) ) elif env == 'PROD':['config/production.cfg']) conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};SERVER={};PORT={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={}'.format( config.get('sql_server', 'driver'), config.get('sql_server', 'server'), config.get('sql_server', 'port'), config.get('sql_server', 'database'), config.get('sql_server', 'user'), config.get('sql_server', 'password') ) ) cursor = conn.cursor() token = config.get('smartsheet', 'access_token') ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) return ss, token, conn, cursor
def smt_data_extraction(): xMytoken = 'a0rcziibs8bzzchmpqwgyusd4n' SHEET_ID = '8485507110856580' xSheet = smartsheet.Smartsheet(xMytoken) tt = xSheet.Sheets.get_sheet(SHEET_ID) def simple_sheet_to_dataframe(sheet): col_names = [col.title for col in sheet.columns] rows = [] for row in sheet.rows: cells = [] for cell in row.cells: cells.append(cell.value) rows.append(cells) data_frame = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=col_names) return data_frame sm_data = simple_sheet_to_dataframe(tt) datt_only = datt[:10] path = 'C:/Users/Mr.Goldss/Desktop/beltmann inventory(smartsheet)/data/' filename = 'MARICOPA COUNTY COMPLETE INVENTORY TRANSACTIONS' need_col = [ 'PROJECT', 'CATEGORY', 'ITEM/ SKU', 'DESCRIPTION', 'SOURCE', 'SHIPPER', 'CASE COUNT', '# INNER CASE CTN', '# PER INNER CTN', 'TOTAL QTY', 'RECEIVED DATE', 'BALANCE', 'CUSTOMER NOTES', 'qty out', 'full pallet out', 'RELEASE DATE', 'Workorder Nbr', 'Release to cust:' ] df_smart = sm_data df_smart = df_smart[need_col] return df_smart
def sheet_details(sheet_name): ss_token=ss_config['SS_TOKEN'] ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ss_token) sheet_dict = {} # Find my Sheet ID response = ss.Sheets.list_sheets(include_all=True) sheets = for sheet in sheets: if == sheet_name: sheet_dict['sheet_name'] = sheet_dict['sheet_id'] = # If we found "sheet_name" find columns if 'sheet_id' in sheet_dict.keys(): sheet = ss.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_dict['sheet_id']) sheet_dict['row_count'] = sheet.total_row_count sheet_dict['sheet_url']= sheet.permalink sheet_dict['modified_at'] = sheet.modified_at.astimezone(pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')) columns = sheet.columns col_cnt = 1 for column in columns: #print(sheet_dict['sheet_name'], column.title, sheet_dict['col_name_'+str(col_cnt)] = column.title sheet_dict['col_id_'+str(col_cnt)] = sheet_dict['col_count']=(col_cnt) col_cnt += 1 else: sheet_dict['sheet_id'] = "Not Found" return sheet_dict
def image_upload(API_Token, Sheet_ID, Start_Row, image_path): # Function for uploading images to Smartsheet smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet( API_Token) # Initialize Smartsheet using API Token sheet = smart.Sheets.get_sheet( int(Sheet_ID)) # Get the desired Smartsheet using the Sheet ID files = [] # Empty array named files for entry in os.listdir( image_path): # Loop through the directory given by user files.append(entry) # Append all files in directory to files array for x in range(0, len(files)): # Loop through all files in that files array sg.OneLineProgressMeter('Progress', x + 1, len(files), 'key') # PySimpleGUI's Progress Meter sleep(5) # Sleep function to avoid exceeding the rate limit smart.Attachments.attach_file_to_row( # Function to attach files to a row in Smartsheet Sheet_ID, # Pass through the Sheet ID sheet.rows[int(Start_Row) + x - 1]. id_, # This will iterate through and get all the row IDs in order ( str( files[x] ), # Name the attachment based on the name of the file being uploaded open(str(image_path) + '//' + str(files[x]), 'rb'), # Open the location of the file being uploaded 'application/msword' ) # Pretty sure this does nothing but I do not want to delete it )
def get_tasks(sheet_id): ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(smartsheet_token) ss.errors_as_exceptions(True) try: raw_sheet = ss.Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id) except: print("Something is wrong...") sys.exit(1) sheet = raw_sheet.to_dict() title_column_id = [ c['id'] for c in sheet['columns'] if c['title'] == 'Task Name' ][0] row_tasks = [] for r in sheet['rows']: task = [ c['displayValue'] for c in r['cells'] if c['columnId'] == title_column_id ][0] if 'parentId' in r.keys(): par_id = r['parentId'] else: par_id = None row_tasks.append([par_id, r['id'], task]) return row_tasks
def add_rows(sheet_dict): ss_token=ss_config['SS_TOKEN'] ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ss_token) sheet_id= sheet_dict['sheet_id'] # "test" Sheet ID col_count = sheet_dict['col_count'] # Build the SQL query from tblPovs povs = ta_povs.query.order_by(ta_povs.company_name).all() for pov in povs: row_next = ss.models.Row() row_next.to_top = True for x in range(1, col_count+1): col_id_key = 'col_id_' + str(x) col_name_key = 'col_name_' + str(x) col_id = sheet_dict[col_id_key] col_name = sheet_dict[col_name_key] row_value = eval("pov."+col_name) # Change None type to something else if row_value is None: row_value = "" # Change datetime to string if isinstance(row_value, datetime): row_value = row_value.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") row_dict = { 'column_id':col_id ,'value': row_value, 'strict': False} row_next.cells.append(row_dict) response = ss.Sheets.add_rows(sheet_id, [row_next])
def delete_sheet(sheet_dict): ss_token=ss_config['SS_TOKEN'] ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ss_token) if sheet_dict['sheet_id'] != 'Not Found': sheet_id = sheet_dict['sheet_id'] response = ss.Sheets.delete_sheet(sheet_id) # sheet_id
def clear_sheet(access_token, sheet_id): """ Removes all cell data from a given Smartsheet Sheet, while preserving columns, etc., by gathering a list of row IDs, then deleting those rows. Could probably be done without utilizing Requests - Requests in and Smartsheet out seems wonky - but I believe it's cleanest/shortest path to the solution. :param access_token: str, required; Smartsheet api token :param sheet_id: int, required; sheet ID :return: none """ api_prefix_url = '' # base Smartsheet api url for Requests url = api_prefix_url + str(sheet_id) # full url for requests header = { # header for requests 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'cache-control': 'no-cache' } ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) # initialize Smartsheet client del_tbl = requests.get( url, headers=header).json() # GET table for row IDs to delete del_row_ids = [] # empty list for row IDs for i, rows in enumerate(del_tbl['rows']): del_row_ids.append( del_tbl['rows'][i]['id']) # append list with row IDs ss.Sheets.delete_rows(sheet_id, del_row_ids) # delete all rows on sheet
def create_overview_columns(project, token): ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) # make sure we don't miss any errors ss_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) # log all calls logging.basicConfig(filename='rwsheet.log', level=logging.INFO) # build sheet map response = ss_client.Sheets.list_sheets(include_all=True) sheets = map_of_sheets = {} overview_columns = {} departments = [ 'Shipping', 'Sculpt', 'Paint', 'Metal', 'Install', 'Fab', 'Design', 'CNC' ] for sheet in sheets: map_of_sheets[] = # get source sheet sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(map_of_sheets[project]) # create column map for source sheet for column in sheet.columns: project_columns[column.title] = # get overview sheet sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(map_of_sheets[project + ' Overview']) # create column map for overview sheet for column in sheet.columns: overview_columns[column.title] = for department in departments: make_start_reference(department, map_of_sheets[project],, token) make_finish_reference(department, map_of_sheets[project],, token) row_a = ss_client.models.Row() row_a.to_top = True row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': overview_columns['Project Name'], 'value':[0:len( - 9] }) row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': overview_columns['Resource'], 'value': department }) row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': overview_columns['Start'], 'formula': '=MIN({' + department + ' Start Range})' }) row_a.cells.append({ 'column_id': overview_columns['Finish'], 'formula': '=MAX({' + department + ' Finish Range})' }) response = ss_client.Sheets.add_rows(, [row_a]) print('done')
def __init__(self, config: Mapping[str, Any]): self._spreadsheet_id = config["spreadsheet_id"] self._access_token = config["access_token"] api_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(self._access_token) api_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) # each call to `Sheets` makes a new instance, so we save it here to make no more new objects self._get_sheet = api_client.Sheets.get_sheet self._data = None
def importSmartsheetCsv(sheetName, fileName): smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) smart.errors_as_exceptions(True) imported_sheet = smart.Sheets.import_csv_sheet(fileName, sheetName, header_row_index=0)
def get_conn(self): """Authenticates with the Smartsheet API and returns the session object. Returns: Smartsheet -- The Smartsheet API session. """ return smartsheet.Smartsheet(self.token)
def main(event, context): # initiate the connection to S3 s3 = boto3.client("s3") # Initialize client smartsheet_token = os.environ['SmartSheetToken'] smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(smartsheet_token) # Make sure we don't miss any errors smartsheet_client.errors_as_exceptions(True) SHEET_ID = os.environ['SheetID'] # Get all columns action = smartsheet_client.Sheets.get_columns(SHEET_ID, include_all=True) columns = cols = [] for col in columns: cols.append(col.title) # Get each card info values = [] sheet_object = smartsheet_client.Sheets.get_sheet(SHEET_ID) for row in sheet_object.rows: row_values = [] for cell in row.cells: if cell.value: row_values.append(cell.value) else: row_values.append('') values.append(row_values) # Combine card titles with card values col_val = [] for val in values: col_val.append(dict(zip(cols, val))) print(col_val[0]) # Convert to JSON json_data = json.dumps(col_val, indent=2) # Convert to bytes encoded = bytes(json_data.encode('utf-8')) # Compress compressed = gzip.compress(encoded) print('Prepare to upload data into the S3 bucket ....') # Provide target S3 bucket name and output file name bucket = '<your bucket name>' #bucket = 'ssdp-s3-csai-dsde-dev' filename= 'test_smartsheet' + '.json' # Write into the S3 bucket s3.put_object(Bucket = bucket, Key = filename, Body = encoded) print('Your file will land into the bucket', bucket, 'soon!!!')
def ss_append_data(access_token, sheet_name, append_data): if settings.YH_SS_PRODUCTION_SITE: # Initialize client proxy.server:3128 and provide access token proxies = {'https': 'https://proxy.server:3128'} ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(proxies=proxies, access_token=access_token) else: # just provide access token # Instantiate smartsheet and specify access token value. ss = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) # Get the id for the Sheet name search_results = sheet_id = next(result.object_id for result in search_results if result.object_type == 'sheet') # Get all the columns for the sheet all_columns = ss.Sheets.get_columns(sheet_id, include_all=True) columns = # Create two reference dictionaries that will be useful in the subsequent code # colMap {column-name: column-id } and colMapRev { column-id: column-name } colMap = {} colMapRev = {} for col in columns: colMap[col.title] = colMapRev[] = col.title # Specify cell values for row new_row = smartsheet.models.Row() new_row.to_bottom = True for data_element in append_data: for key in data_element: #print(key,data_element[key]) new_row.cells.append({ 'column_id': colMap.get(key), 'value': data_element[key] }) # Add rows to sheet response = ss.Sheets.add_rows( sheet_id, # sheet_id [new_row]) return
def __init__(self): """ Constructor - initialze access using ACCESS_TOKEN""" try: self.smart_sheets = smartsheet.Smartsheet(ACCESS_TOKEN) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) self.smart_sheets.errors_as_exceptions(True)
def smartsheetGetSheets(filter): smart = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) smart.errors_as_exceptions(True) response = smart.Sheets.list_sheets(include_all=True) sheets = for sheet in sheets: if filter.lower() in print("ID: %s - NAME: %s" % (,
def make_pm_row(source_row, source_pm, token): ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) new_cell = smartsheet.models.Cell() new_cell.column_id = column_map['PM'] new_cell.value = source_pm new_cell.strict = False new_row = smartsheet.models.Row() = new_row.cells.append(new_cell) return new_row
def read(self, logger: AirbyteLogger, config: json, catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog, state: Dict[str, any]) -> Generator[AirbyteMessage, None, None]: access_token = config["access_token"] spreadsheet_id = config["spreadsheet_id"] smartsheet_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(access_token) for configured_stream in catalog.streams: stream = properties = stream.json_schema["properties"] if isinstance(properties, list): columns = tuple(key for dct in properties for key in dct.keys()) elif isinstance(properties, dict): columns = tuple(i for i in properties.keys()) else: logger.error( "Could not read properties from the JSONschema in this stream" ) name = try: sheet = smartsheet_client.Sheets.get_sheet(spreadsheet_id) sheet = json.loads(str(sheet)) # make it subscriptable"Starting syncing spreadsheet {sheet['name']}")"Row count: {sheet['totalRowCount']}") for row in sheet["rows"]: values = tuple(i["value"] if "value" in i else "" for i in row["cells"]) try: data = dict(zip(columns, values)) yield AirbyteMessage( type=Type.RECORD, record=AirbyteRecordMessage( stream=name, data=data, emitted_at=int( * 1000), ) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Unable to encode row into an AirbyteMessage with the following error: {e}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Could not read smartsheet: {name}") raise e"Finished syncing spreadsheet with ID: {spreadsheet_id}")
def downloadSmartsheet(): downloadDir = globalVars.MAIN_DIR + "/input_files" print('Attempting to download Smartsheet as Excel File...') # this is the bearer token ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(credentials.smartsheet_api_key) # content hub library sheet id=7229045214603140 sheetID = credentials.smartsheet_id # sheet = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(sheetID) ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet_as_excel(credentials.smartsheet_id, downloadDir) print("Downloaded to " + downloadDir)
def make_start_reference(dept, source, destination, token): ss_client = smartsheet.Smartsheet(token) xref = ss_client.models.CrossSheetReference({ 'name': dept + ' Start Range', 'source_sheet_id': int(source), 'start_column_id': project_columns[dept + ' Start'], 'end_column_id': project_columns[dept + ' Start'] }) result = ss_client.Sheets.create_cross_sheet_reference(destination, xref)