Exemple #1
def ImportableStringList(x):
    for s in x:
        assert isinstance(s, basestring)
        except Exception,e:
            raise Invalid(str(e))
 def __call__(self):
     if self.type == 'python':
         fxn = from_dotpath(self.value)
         if not callable(fxn):
             err = ("prompt component {0} references "
                    "something that's not callable!")
             err = err.format(dict(self))
             raise PromptError(err)
         result = fxn()
     elif self.type == 'literal':
         result = self.value
     elif self.type == 'shell':
         result = qlocal(self.value, capture=True).strip()
     elif self.type == 'env':
         if self.value.startswith('$'):
             value = self.value[1:]
             value = self.value
         result = os.environ.get(value, '')
         err = 'invalid prompt component: {0}'
         err = err.format(self)
         raise Exception(err)
     # post-processing
     if result and self.space_margins:
         if self.space_margins == True or \
                 self.space_margins.lower() == 'true':
             result = ' {0} '.format(result)
     if self.color:
         # have to use IPython's formatting rules so that IPython
         # can correctly calculate terminal width w/ invisible chars
         return '{color.' + self.color.title() + '}' + result + '{color.Normal}'
         return result
Exemple #3
 def _event_set_change_dir_hooks(self, slice_or_index, val):
         obj = from_dotpath(val)
     except ObjectNotFound as e:
         err = 'ChangeDirHooks.change_dir_hooks: '
         raise ObjectNotFound(err + e.message)
     self.report("retrieved from dotpath: ", obj)
     self.report("object will be subscribed to <{0}>".format(C_CHANGE_DIR))
     self.smash.bus.subscribe(C_CHANGE_DIR, obj)
    def init_plugins(self):
        _installed_plugins = {}

        for dotpath in self.plugins:
                mod = from_dotpath(dotpath)
            except AttributeError as e:
                error = "Error working with plugin {0}: {1}"
                error = error.format(dotpath, e)
                raise SystemExit(error)
            ext_name = dotpath.split('.')[-1]
            load_fxn = getattr(mod, 'load_ipython_extension', None)
            if load_fxn is None:
                error = ('Check configuration at {2}.  Entry "{0}" '
                         'resolves to {1}, but no load_ipython_extension '
                         'function was found')
                raise ConfigError(error.format(
                    dotpath, mod, data.DIR_SMASH_ETC))
            ext_obj = mod.load_ipython_extension(self.shell)
            if not isinstance(ext_obj, Plugin):
                error = ("error with extension '{0}': "
                         "smash requires load_ipython_extension()"
                         " to return plugin object ")
                error = error.format(ext_name)
                raise ConfigError(error)
            _installed_plugins[ext_name] = ext_obj
            if ext_obj is None:
                msg = '{0}.load_ipython_extension should return an object'
                msg = msg.format(dotpath)
        self._installed_plugins = _installed_plugins

        tmp = [AliasInterface, PluginInterface, PromptInterface]
        for IfaceCls in tmp:
            iface = IfaceCls(self)
            #get_ipython().user_ns.update({iface.user_ns_var: iface})

        self.report("loaded plugins:", _installed_plugins.keys())