Exemple #1
class interface:
    def __init__(self, bus_number: int):
        self.bus = SMBus(bus_number)

    # Get a sensor readings from an arduino with a given id.
    # This will ultimately call the `get_sensor_[number]()`
    # function on the specified arduino. The arduino will
    # send the value over I2C and it will be returned from
    # this function.
    def get_sensor_reading(self, arduino_ID: int, sensor_number: int):
        # Request reading from sensor, Data returned as float in 4 Bytes
        sensor_data = bytearray(
            self.bus.read_block_data(arduino_ID, sensor_number, 4))
        # Convert 4 raw bytes into Float value
        # Uses BIG ENDIAN, This may be incorrect. If float values are
        # incorrect, try '>f' instead
        value = struct.unpack('>f', sensor_data[:4])
        return value

    # Send a text command to the arduino, This will call the `handle_commnd()`
    # function on thw arduino. No value is returned from the arduino.
    def send_command(self, arduino_ID: int, command_code: int,
                     extra_data: bytearray):
        # Create Data array to send
        data_array = bytearray(command_code) + extra_data
        # Send command over I2C
        self.bus.write_block_data(arduino_ID, I2C_COMMAND_CODE, data_array)
class i2c_device:
	def __init__(self, addr, port=I2CBUS):
		self.addr = addr
		self.bus = SMBus(port)

	# Write a single command
	def write_cmd(self, cmd):
		self.bus.write_byte(self.addr, cmd)

	# Write a command and argument
	def write_cmd_arg(self, cmd, data):
		self.bus.write_byte_data(self.addr, cmd, data)

	# Write a block of data
	def write_block_data(self, cmd, data):
		self.bus.write_block_data(self.addr, cmd, data)

	# Read a single byte
	def read(self):
		return self.bus.read_byte(self.addr)

	# Read
	def read_data(self, cmd):
		return self.bus.read_byte_data(self.addr, cmd)

	# Read a block of data
	def read_block_data(self, cmd):
		return self.bus.read_block_data(self.addr, cmd)
Exemple #3
    global bus, alert_act, alert_dir, alert_reg, ADDR
    while True:
            alert_dir_rand = random.choice(alert_dir)
            alert_act_rand = random.choice(alert_act)
            alert_st = alert_dir_rand + ':' + alert_act_rand

            alert_st_byte = bytearray(alert_st, 'ascii')
            bus.write_block_data(ADDR, alert_reg, alert_st_byte)
            print('Sent alert :', alert_st)
            print('Cannot write alert state @ ', time.time())

y = threading.Thread(target=send_alert, daemon=True)

while True:
        drive_st = random.choice(l_st) + ':' + random.choice(r_st)
        drive_st_byte = bytearray(drive_st, 'ascii')
        bus.write_block_data(ADDR, drive_st_reg, drive_st_byte)
        print('Sent drive st : ', drive_st)
        print('Cannot write bot state @ ', time.time())
Exemple #4
bus.write_byte_data(ADDRESS, 4, 0x44)
b = bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, 1)
assert b == 0x44
print("Write byte data@4 OK")

bus.write_byte_data(ADDRESS, 5, 0x55)
b = bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, 2)
assert b == 0x55
print("Write byte data@5 OK")

bus.write_byte_data(ADDRESS, 6, 0x66)
b = bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, 3)
assert b == 0x66
print("Write byte data@6 OK")

bus.write_word_data(ADDRESS, 9, 0xabcd)
w = bus.read_word_data(ADDRESS, 7)
assert w == 0xabcd
print("Write word data@9, read word data@7 OK")

bus.write_word_data(ADDRESS, 10, 0xef12)
w = bus.read_word_data(ADDRESS, 8)
assert w == 0xef12
print("Write word data@10, read word data@8 OK")

    0x19, 13, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2])
block = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x19, 11, 9)
assert block == [8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
print("Write/Read block OK")
Exemple #5
class client:
    def __init__(self, config: json):

        self._config = config
        self._bus = SMBus(config["i2c"]["device"])

        # Load msg configs on init

        self._header_size = _calc_msg_size(self._header_conf)
        self._general_size = _calc_msg_size(self._general_conf["general"])

        # Colors
        mode_size = int(self._color_conf["mode"]["size"])
        self._color_static_size = _calc_msg_size(self._color_conf["static_color"]) + mode_size
        self._color_grad_size = _calc_msg_size(self._color_conf["grad_color"]) + mode_size
        self._color_rnd_size = _calc_msg_size(self._color_conf["rnd_color"]) + mode_size

        # States
        mode_size = int(self._state_conf["mode"]["size"])
        self._state_static_size = _calc_msg_size(self._state_conf["static_state"]) + mode_size
        self._state_snake_size = _calc_msg_size(self._state_conf["snake_state"]) + mode_size

        # Mqtt
        self._client = mqtt.Client(transport=config['mqtt']['transport'])

        # Set callbacks
        self._client.on_connect = self._on_connect
        self._client.on_message = self._on_message
        self._client.on_subscribe = self._on_subscribe
        self._client.on_publish = self._on_publish

    def _conf_bytes(self, byte_config_paths: json):
        self._color_conf = json.load(open(byte_config_paths["color_modes"]))
        self._general_conf = json.load(open(byte_config_paths["general"]))
        self._header_conf = json.load(open(byte_config_paths["header"]))
        self._state_conf = json.load(open(byte_config_paths["state_modes"]))

    def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
        print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))

    def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        input_json = json.loads(msg.payload)

        if "general_data" in input_json:
            self._send_i2c(self._general_conf, input_json["general_data"],
                           self._general_size + self._header_size, "general",
                           input_json["zone"], {})

        color_topic = "color_mode"
        if color_topic in input_json:
            if input_json[color_topic] == "static":
                self._send_i2c(self._color_conf, input_json["color_data"],
                               self._color_static_size + self._header_size, "static_color",
                               input_json["zone"], {})
            elif input_json[color_topic] == "random":
                self._send_i2c(self._color_conf, input_json["color_data"],
                               self._color_rnd_size + self._header_size, "rnd_color",
                               input_json["zone"], {})
            elif input_json[color_topic] == "gradient":
                self._send_i2c(self._color_conf, input_json["color_data"],
                               self._color_grad_size + self._header_size, "grad_color",
                               input_json["zone"], {"colors": "color_number"})

        display_topic = "display_mode"
        if display_topic in input_json:
            if input_json[display_topic] == "static":
                self._send_i2c(self._state_conf, {},
                               self._state_static_size + self._header_size, "static_state",
                               input_json["zone"], {})
            elif input_json[display_topic] == "snake":
                self._send_i2c(self._state_conf, input_json["display_data"],
                               self._state_snake_size + self._header_size, "snake_state",
                               input_json["zone"], {})

    def _on_subscribe(self, mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
        if granted_qos == 128:
            sys.exit("Unable to subscribe to topic")  # bad

        print("Subscribed: " + str(mid))
        print("Granted qos: " + str(granted_qos))

    def _on_publish(self, client, userdata, result):
        print("data published")

    # msg_size = body + header
    # byte_conf - top-level conf (for example toUColorModes.json), cause we need to take mode conf somewhere
    # array_dict - dictionary like (array_field:array_length_field)
    def _send_i2c(self, byte_conf, input_json, msg_size, msg_name, zone_num, array_dict: dict):

        for key, value in array_dict.items():
            msg_size += (len(input_json[key]) - 1) * byte_conf[msg_name][key]["size"]

        out_data: list = [None] * msg_size

        # Fill header
        _set_bytes(self._header_conf["zone"], zone_num, out_data, 0)
        _set_bytes(self._header_conf["msg_type"], byte_conf["msg_num"], out_data, 0)

        # Fill body
        # There is no mode_num - it's general msg (hello there)
        if "mode_num" in byte_conf[msg_name]:
            _set_bytes(byte_conf["mode"], byte_conf[msg_name]["mode_num"], out_data, self._header_size)

        for key in input_json:
            if key not in array_dict:  # second condition is for the keys like array size
                _set_bytes(byte_conf[msg_name][key], input_json[key], out_data, self._header_size)

        # Well it basically works only for colors
        for array_field in array_dict:
            _set_bytes(byte_conf[msg_name][array_dict[array_field]], len(input_json[array_field]), out_data,
            for num, el in enumerate(input_json[array_field]):
                color = [el[0], el[1], el[2]]
                _set_bytes(byte_conf[msg_name][array_field], int.from_bytes(color, byteorder='big'), out_data,
                           self._header_size + num * byte_conf[msg_name][array_field]["size"])  # this should be illegal

        print(msg_name + str(out_data))
        self._bus.write_block_data(self._config["i2c"]["address"], 0, out_data)

    def start(self):
        self._client.connect(self._config['mqtt']['ip'], self._config['mqtt']['port'])
Exemple #6
lpwr = '0.556'
rpwr = '0.987'
pwrr = lpwr + ',' + rpwr
pwrr = bytearray(pwrr, 'ascii')

def get_data():
    global bus
    while True:
            data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(ADDR, 5, 2)
            print('Bat-1 : ', data[0], '   ', 'Bat-2 : ', data[1])

            print('Cannot request @ ', time.time())

x = threading.Thread(target=get_data, daemon=True)

while True:
        bus.write_block_data(ADDR, 3, pwrr)
        print('Sent @ ', time.time())
        print('Cannot write @ ', time.time())