def __call__(self,  im):
     im_size = im.getSize()
     _ ,  im_morphm = ws.im_labelled_square_grid_points_v2( im_size,  self._params["size"], 0)
     imout_smil = sp.Image("UINT16", im_size[0], im_size[1], im_size[2])
     sp.copy(sp.MorphmInt(im_morphm),  imout_smil)
     self.update_cache(im, imout_smil)
     return self._cache_seg
 def __call__(self,  imIn0):
     imIn = sp.Image(imIn0.getSize()[0]+2,  imIn0.getSize()[1]+2)
     sp.copy(imIn0,  imIn, 1, 1) # cette étape sert pour pouvoir éroder les pixels qui touchent le bord.
     se = uf.set_structuring_element(self._neighborhood, 1)
     im_bin = sp.Image(imIn)
     sp.test(imIn,  1, 0, im_bin)
     imwrk1= sp.Image(im_bin) # interior zone
     imwrk2 = sp.Image(im_bin) # contour zone (inside SP)
     sp.erode(im_bin,  imwrk1,  se)
     sp.sub(im_bin,  imwrk1,  imwrk2)
     sp.test(imwrk1, imIn,  0, imwrk1)
     sp.test(imwrk2, imIn,  0, imwrk2)
     histo1 = sp.histogram(imwrk1,  im_bin)
     histo2 = sp.histogram(imwrk2,  im_bin)
     list1 = uf.from_histogram_to_list(histo1,  True)
     list2 = uf.from_histogram_to_list(histo2,  True)
     print "list1: ",  len(list1)
     print "list2: ",  len(list2)
     if len(list2)==0 or len(list1)==0:
         return None
         return np.abs(np.std(list1) - np.std(list2))
def geodesicTopHatInv(imIn, se_neigh,  se_size):
    imIn2 = sp.Image(imIn)
    sp.copy(imIn,  imIn2)
    sp.inv(imIn2,  imIn2)
    sp.test(imIn, imIn2, 0,  imIn2)
    imOut = sp.Image(imIn)
    imwrk = geodesicOpening(imIn2,  se_neigh,  se_size)
    sp.sub(imIn2, imwrk,  imOut)
    return imOut
def geodesicDilation(imIn, se_neigh,  se_size):
    se = uf.set_structuring_element(se_neigh, 1)
    imOut = sp.Image(imIn)
    sp.copy(imIn,  imOut)
    imwrk = sp.Image(imOut)
    for i in range(se_size):
        sp.dilate(imOut,  imwrk, se)
        sp.test(imIn,  imwrk, 0 ,  imOut ) 
    return imOut
def geodesicErosion(imIn, se_neigh, se_size):
    se = uf.set_structuring_element(se_neigh, 1)
    imOut = sp.Image(imIn)
    sp.copy(imIn,  imOut)
    imwrk = sp.Image(imOut)
    maxval = sp.maxVal(imIn)
    for _ in range(se_size):
        sp.test(imOut, imOut,  maxval,  imwrk)
        sp.erode(imwrk,  imOut,  se)
        sp.test(imIn,  imOut, 0 ,  imOut )
    return imOut
def image_enlargement(original_image, window_size,  substitution_value=0):
    This function enables to create a enlarged image containing at its center the original image and filling the new boarders with a substitution value.
    - original_image: original image (smil)
    - window_size (int): number of pixels (depth) to be added on the boarders of the original_image
    - substitution_value: how to fill the pixels added on the boarders (0 by default)
    - enlarged_image: image of size [original_image.getSize()[0]+2*window_size, original_image.getSize()[1]+2*window_size]
    enlarged_image = sp.Image(original_image.getSize()[0]+2*window_size, original_image.getSize()[1]+2*window_size)
    sp.fill(enlarged_image,  0)
    sp.copy(original_image,  enlarged_image,  window_size,  window_size)
    return enlarged_image
 def __call__(self, im):
     if self.check_cache(im) is False:
         arrIn = np.zeros(( im.getSize()[0], im.getSize()[1], 3  ))
         if im.getTypeAsString()=="RGB":
             image_slices = sp.Image()
             sp.splitChannels(im, image_slices)
             for i in range(3):
                 arrtmp = image_slices.getSlice(i)
                 arrIn[:, :, i] = arrtmp.getNumArray()
             for i in range(3):
                 arrIn[:, :, i] = im.getNumArray()
         region_labels = slic(np.uint8(arrIn), self._params["nb_regions"],   self._params["m"])
         imout = sp.Image(region_labels.shape[0],  region_labels.shape[1])
         arrOut = imout.getNumArray()
         for i in range(region_labels.shape[0]):
             for j in range(region_labels.shape[1]):
                 arrOut[i, j] = region_labels[i, j]
         copie16 = sp.Image(imout, "UINT16")
         sp.copy(imout,  copie16)
         self.update_cache(im, copie16)
     return self._cache_seg
def visu_TFPN(im_pred,  im_GT):
    Enables to see the:
   - true positives in green
   - true negatives in white
   - false positives in red
   - false negatives in blue
    dic_color={'TP': [0, 255, 0],  'TN': [255, 255, 255], 'FP': [255, 0, 0],  'FN': [0, 0, 255] }
    sp.test(im_pred,  1,  0,  im_pred)
    sp.test(im_GT,  1,  0,  im_GT)

    imtmp = sp.Image(im_GT)
    iminv = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imTP = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imFN = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imTN = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imFP = sp.Image(im_GT)
    sp.test(im_pred == im_GT,  1,  0,  imtmp)
    sp.test(im_pred == im_GT,  0,  1,  iminv)
    sp.test(im_pred>0,  imtmp,  0,  imTP)
    sp.test(im_pred<1,  iminv,  0,  imFN)
    sp.test(im_GT<1,  imtmp,  0,  imTN)
    sp.test(im_GT<1, iminv,  0,  imFP)
    imR = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imG = sp.Image(im_GT)
    imB = sp.Image(im_GT)
    sp.test(imTP,  dic_color['TP'][0], 0,  imR)
    sp.test(imTP,  dic_color['TP'][1], 0,  imG)
    sp.test(imTP,  dic_color['TP'][2], 0,  imB)
    sp.test(imFN, dic_color['FN'][0],  imR,  imR)
    sp.test(imFN, dic_color['FN'][1],  imG,  imG)
    sp.test(imFN, dic_color['FN'][2],  imB,  imB)
    sp.test(imTN, dic_color['TN'][0],  imR,  imR)
    sp.test(imTN, dic_color['TN'][1],  imG,  imG)
    sp.test(imTN, dic_color['TN'][2],  imB,  imB)
    sp.test(imFP, dic_color['FP'][0],  imR,  imR)
    sp.test(imFP, dic_color['FP'][1],  imG,  imG)
    sp.test(imFP, dic_color['FP'][2],  imB,  imB)
    imOut = sp.Image(imR,  'RGB')
    im_slices = sp.Image()
    sp.splitChannels(imOut,  im_slices)
    sp.copy(imR,  im_slices.getSlice(0))
    sp.copy(imG,  im_slices.getSlice(1))
    sp.copy(imB,  im_slices.getSlice(2))
    sp.mergeChannels(im_slices,  imOut)
    return imOut
 def __call__(self, imIn,  imOut):
     sp.copy(imIn,  imOut)
 def __call__(self, imIn,  imOut):
     imtmp = sp.Image(imOut)
     sp.copy(imIn,  imtmp)
     apply_uniform_filter(imtmp,  imOut, self._params["window_size"])
 def __call__(self, imIn,  imOut):
     imIn2 = sp.Image(imIn)
     sp.copy(imIn, imIn2)
     sp.inv(imIn2,  imIn2)
     sp.topHat(imIn2,  imOut,  self._se)
Exemple #12
def copy_image(im):
    imOut = Image(im)
    smil.copy(im, imOut)
    return imOut
Exemple #13
def demo_m_waterpixels(imin,  step,  d_weight, filter_ori):
    Compute m-waterpixels, i.e. superpixels based on the watershed transformation. 
    Flooding starts form the best minimum of each cell of a regular grid. 
    The gradient used to be flooded is regularized using the distance function to these minima.
    Cells of the grid are chosen here to be squares.
    Input :
    imin (image UINT8): original image, to be segmented into superpixels
    step (UINT8) : grid step, i.e. distance between two cell centers of the grid
    d_weight (UINT8) : constant to be multiplied with function distance before addition to gradient image.
        If d_weight <=0, then only the gradient is taken into account.
    filter_ori (BOOLEAN) : do we filter the input image?

    image (UINT16) : labelled superpixels
    image (UINT8) : distance weighted gradient function
    image (UINT16) : minima used in the computation
    # Connexity:
    basicse = sp.CrossSE()
    gridse = sp.SquSE()

    # Ori filtering
    if filter_ori is True:
        my_area_filtering(imin, step*step/16)

    # Gradient computation
    im_grad = my_gradient(imin, basicse,  True)

    ## Pool of working images:
    imwrk0 = sp.Image(im_grad)
    imwrk1 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")
    imwrk2 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")

    # Compute cell centers and cells
    size = imin.getSize()
    im_markers, im_cells = im_labelled_square_grid_points(size, step, step/6) 

    ## Choice of the markers : one per grid cell

    # Step 1 : Computation of the minima of the gradient
    im_minima = sp.Image(im_grad)
    sp.minima(im_grad, im_minima, basicse)
    #Step 2 : Imposing minimum distance between minima (= Removing minima candidates which fall on cell margins )
    sp.test(im_cells, im_minima, 0, imwrk0)
    sp.label(imwrk0, imwrk1, basicse)
    #Step 3 : Evaluation of the importance of minima ( = computation of their surfacic extinction)
    im_minima_val = sp.Image(imwrk1)
    sp.watershedExtinction( im_grad, imwrk1, im_minima_val, "a", basicse)
    # Step 4 : Taking back at value 2 the minima of null-volumic extinction 
    sp.test( imwrk0,  2,  0,  imwrk2)
    sp.test( im_minima_val,  im_minima_val, imwrk2, im_minima_val )
    # Step 5 : Coping with the potential absence of minimum in cells (= choosing the minimum value inside this cell as its marker if necessary)
    blobs = sp.computeBlobs(im_cells)
    sp.test(im_cells, im_grad, 0, imwrk00)
    minVals = sp.measMinVals(imwrk00, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, minVals, imwrk0)
    sp.test(imwrk00==imwrk0, 1, 0, imwrk1)
    maxVals = sp.measMaxVals(im_minima_val, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, maxVals, imwrk2)
    sp.test(imwrk2, im_minima_val, imwrk1, im_minima_val)
    # Step 6 : Selection of one marker per cell
    one_min_per_grid_cell(im_cells, blobs, im_minima_val, basicse)

    ## Spatial regularization of the gradient
    #Step 1 : Computation of the distance function to the markers
    immask = sp.Image(im_markers, "UINT8")
    sp.test(im_minima_val, 0, 1, immask)
    imdist = sp.Image(immask, "UINT8")
    sp.dist(immask, imdist, gridse)
    #Step 2 : Adding the distance function to the gradient
    if d_weight > 0:
        weight = d_weight * float(2)/step
        sp.mul(imdist, weight, imdist)
        sp.add(imdist, im_grad, im_grad)

    ## Superpixel segmentation : watershed transformation, flooding from selected minima on the regularized gradient
    sp.copy(im_minima_val, imwrk1)
    sp.label(imwrk1,  im_minima_val, basicse)
    imout = sp.Image(im_minima_val)
    sp.basins(im_grad, im_minima_val, imout, basicse) 
    return imout,  im_grad,  im_minima_val
import smilPython as sp

im = sp.Image("cells.png")

imDist = sp.Image(im)
imMask = sp.Image(im)
imMark = sp.Image(im)
imGeoDist = sp.Image(im)

# create a marker image, the same as the original image except at
# some point inside the "true" region, which is set to "0"
nl = sp.HexSE()
sp.distance(im, imDist, nl), "==", sp.maxVal(imDist), 0, im, imMark)

# use the original image as the mask.
sp.copy(im, imMask)
sp.distanceGeodesic(imMark, imMask, imGeoDist, nl)
def demo_m_waterpixels(imin,  step,  d_weight, filter_ori):
    Compute m-waterpixels, i.e. superpixels based on the watershed transformation. 
    Flooding starts form the best minimum of each cell of a regular grid. 
    The gradient used to be flooded is regularized using the distance function to these minima.
    Cells of the grid are chosen here to be squares.
    Input :
    imin (image UINT8): original image, to be segmented into superpixels
    step (UINT8) : grid step, i.e. distance between two cell centers of the grid
    d_weight (UINT8) : constant to be multiplied with function distance before addition to gradient image.
        If d_weight <=0, then only the gradient is taken into account.
    filter_ori (BOOLEAN) : do we filter the input image?

    image (UINT16) : labelled superpixels
    image (UINT8) : distance weighted gradient function
    image (UINT16) : minima used in the computation
    # Connexity:
    basicse = sp.CrossSE()
    gridse = sp.SquSE()

    # Ori filtering
    if filter_ori is True:
        my_area_filtering(imin, step*step/16)

    # Gradient computation
    im_grad = my_gradient(imin, basicse,  True)

    ## Pool of working images:
    imwrk0 = sp.Image(im_grad)
    imwrk1 = sp.Image_UINT32(im_grad.getSize()[0],  im_grad.getSize()[1])
    #imwrk2 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")
    imwrk2 = sp.Image_UINT32(im_grad.getSize()[0],  im_grad.getSize()[1])
    imwrk3 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")
    imwrk4 = sp.Image(im_grad,  "UINT16")

    # Compute cell centers and cells
    size = imin.getSize()
    im_markers, im_cells = im_labelled_square_grid_points(size, step, step/6) 

    ## Choice of the markers : one per grid cell

    # Step 1 : Computation of the minima of the gradient
    im_minima = sp.Image(im_grad)
    sp.minima(im_grad, im_minima, basicse)
    #Step 2 : Imposing minimum distance between minima (= Removing minima candidates which fall on cell margins )
    sp.test(im_cells, im_minima, 0, imwrk0)
    sp.label(imwrk0, imwrk1, basicse)
    #Step 3 : Evaluation of the importance of minima ( = computation of their surfacic extinction)
    im_minima_val = sp.Image_UINT32(imwrk1)
    sp.watershedExtinction( im_grad, imwrk1, im_minima_val, "a", basicse)
    # Step 4 : Taking back at value 2 the minima of null-volumic extinction 
    sp.test( imwrk0,  2,  0,  imwrk2)
    sp.test( im_minima_val,  im_minima_val, imwrk2, im_minima_val )
    # Step 5 : Coping with the potential absence of minimum in cells (= choosing the minimum value inside this cell as its marker if necessary)
    blobs = sp.computeBlobs(im_cells)
    sp.test(im_cells, im_grad, 0, imwrk00)
    minVals = sp.measMinVals(imwrk00, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, minVals, imwrk0)
    sp.test(imwrk00==imwrk0, 1, 0, imwrk1)
    maxVals = sp.measMaxVals(im_minima_val, blobs)
    sp.applyLookup(im_cells, maxVals, imwrk2)
    sp.test(imwrk2, im_minima_val, imwrk1, im_minima_val)
    # Step 6 : Selection of one marker per cell
    one_min_per_grid_cell(im_cells, blobs, im_minima_val, basicse)

    ## Spatial regularization of the gradient
    #Step 1 : Computation of the distance function to the markers
    immask = sp.Image(im_markers, "UINT8")
    sp.test(im_minima_val, 0, 1, immask)
    imdist = sp.Image(immask, "UINT8")
    sp.dist(immask, imdist, gridse)
    #Step 2 : Adding the distance function to the gradient
    if d_weight > 0:
        weight = d_weight * float(2)/step
        if im_grad.getTypeAsString()!=imdist.getTypeAsString():
            imdist2 = sp.Image(imdist,  "UINT16")
            sp.copy(imdist,  imdist2)
            sp.mul(imdist2, weight, imdist2)
            sp.add(imdist2, im_grad, im_grad)
            sp.mul(imdist, weight, imdist)
            sp.add(imdist, im_grad, im_grad)

    ## Superpixel segmentation : watershed transformation, flooding from selected minima on the regularized gradient
#    sp.copy(im_minima_val, imwrk1)
#    sp.label(imwrk1,  im_minima_val, basicse)
#    imout = sp.Image(im_minima_val)
#    sp.basins(im_grad, im_minima_val, imout, basicse) 
    sp.copy(im_minima_val,  imwrk3)
    sp.label(imwrk3,  imwrk4,  basicse)
    imout = sp.Image(imwrk4)
    sp.basins(im_grad,  imwrk4,  imout,  basicse)
    return imout,  im_grad,  im_minima_val
Exemple #16
def copy_image(im):
    imOut = Image(im)
    smil.copy(im, imOut)
    return imOut