def test_parse_last_state():
    raw_last_state = [
            "RNA(solution) -1 -4 6 191",
            "RNA(solution) 1 2 3 193",
            "Gf(solution) 0 0 0 192",
    last_state = parse_last_state(raw_last_state)
    assert Mol("RNA", -1.0, -4.0, 6.0) in last_state
    assert Mol("RNA", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) in last_state
    assert Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) in last_state
    def test_smoldyn_run_trajectory(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test smoldyn runs and terminates in threshold mode


        n_points = 500

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters)
        history, _ = run_trajectory(

        assert len(history['P']) == n_points + 1
        #if it works, rerun with smaller tstep and retest

        history, _ = run_trajectory(
        assert len(history['P']) == n_points + 1
    def test_smoldyn_parallel(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test smoldyn parallel run using dask

        import time
        from dask.distributed import LocalCluster, Client

        cluster = LocalCluster(processes=False)
        client = Client(cluster)

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters)

        s_start = time.time(), 100., n_trajectories=32)
        s_end = time.time()

        p_start = time.time(), 100., n_trajectories=32, client=client)
        p_end = time.time()

        assert s_end - s_start > 0.8 * 2 * (p_end - p_start)
        # Minimal speed up is a trade off here between garanteed performance
        # and time necessary to run the test

    def test_smoldyn(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test smoldyn is running without raising exceptions


        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters), 10., n_trajectories=1)
    def test_seed(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test results are the same when the same seed is provided

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters)
        results = [
  , 10., n_trajectories=1, seed=0)
            for _ in range(2)]

        assert results[0] == results[1]
    def test_noseed(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test results are different when no seed is provided

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters)

        # Run models one after the other to ensure timebased seed is different
        results = [, 10., n_trajectories=1)]
        results.append(, 10., n_trajectories=1))

        assert results[0] != results[1]
    def test_smoldyn_threshold(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test smoldyn runs and terminates in threshold mode


        n_points = 500

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        model = Cell(template, parameters)
        data, time = model.run_threshold(initial_state, 10.,
                n_trajectories=10, threshold=0.25, n_points=n_points)

        for tstep in data:
            assert len(tstep['P'][0]) == n_points + 1
    def test_npoints(self, template, parameters):
        """ Test timeseries have the specified length

        import numpy as np

        initial_state = [Mol("Gf", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]

        # Vary tstop
        n_points = 100

        model = Cell(template, parameters)
        for tstop in [1., 10., 100.]:
            results =
                    initial_state, tstop,
                    n_trajectories=1, n_points=n_points, seed=0)
            for species in results[0]:
                assert len(results[0][species]) == n_points + 1

        # Vary tstep
        n_points = 500
        tstop = 1000

        for tstep in [0.01, 0.02, 0.04]:
            parameters['time_step'] = tstep
            model = Cell(template, parameters)
            results =
                    initial_state, tstop,
                    n_trajectories=1, n_points=n_points, seed=0)
            for species in results[0]:
                assert len(results[0][species]) == n_points + 1

        # Test with many trajectories
        n_points = 500
        tstop = 1000
        n_traj = 10

        for tstep in [0.01, 0.02, 0.04]:
            parameters['time_step'] = tstep
            model = Cell(template, parameters)
            results =
                    initial_state, tstop,
                    n_trajectories=n_traj, n_points=n_points, seed=0)
            for species in results:
                assert np.array(results[species]).shape == (n_traj, n_points + 1)
 def test_smoldyn_input(self):
     assert Mol("RNA", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0).to_smoldyn_input() == "mol 1 RNA 1.0 2.0 3.0"
     assert Mol("P", 5, -10.0, 0.0).to_smoldyn_input() == "mol 1 P 5.0 -10.0 0.0"
     assert Mol("Gf", -0.2, -250, -1).to_smoldyn_input() == "mol 1 Gf -0.2 -250.0 -1.0"
 def test_repr(self):
     assert str(Mol("RNA", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) == "{'name': 'RNA', 'x': 1.0, 'y': 2.0, 'z': 3.0}"