def test_header(): """ Tests if the DataLine class correctly parses section headers. """ header_line = DataLine("ROWS") # empty section header. assert_equal(header_line.first_header_word(), "ROWS") header_line = DataLine("INDEP DISCRETE") # parameterised header. assert_equal(header_line.first_header_word(), "INDEP") assert_equal(header_line.second_header_word(), "DISCRETE")
def test_discrete(): """ Tests if a discrete section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriate discrete distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("DISCRETE") # First part of the LandS stoch file. Discrete distribution (p_i, x_i), with # [(0.3, 3), (0.4, 5), (0.3, 7)]. lines = [ " RHS DEMAND1 3.0 PERIOD2 0.3", " RHS DEMAND1 5.0 PERIOD2 0.4", " RHS DEMAND1 7.0 PERIOD2 0.3" ] for line in lines: data_line = DataLine(line) indep.add_entry(data_line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("RHS", "DEMAND1") assert_almost_equal(, [0.3, 0.4, 0.3]) assert_almost_equal(distr.xk, [3, 5, 7]) assert_equal(, "discrete")
def test_raw(line, expected): """ Tests if the raw method returns the original string, cleaned for line-breaks and the like on the right. """ data_line = DataLine(line) assert_equal(data_line.raw(), expected)
def test_first_header_word(line, expected): """ The first word field on a header line is the 1-14 column range (inclusive). """ header_line = DataLine(line) assert_(header_line.is_header()) assert_equal(header_line.first_header_word(), expected)
def test_second_number_columns(line, expected): """ The second numeric field is the 50-61 column range (inclusive). """ padding = " " * 49 # starts at column 50, so 49 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_almost_equal(data_line.second_number(), expected)
def test_third_name_columns(line, expected): """ The third name field is the 40-47 column range (inclusive). """ padding = " " * 39 # starts at column 40, so 39 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_equal(data_line.third_name(), expected)
def test_first_number_column(line, expected): """ The first numeric field is the 25-36 column range (inclusive). """ padding = " " * 24 # starts at column 25, so 24 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_almost_equal(data_line.first_number(), expected)
def test_second_name_columns(line, expected): """ The second name field is the 15-12 column range (inclusive). """ padding = " " * 14 # starts at column 15, so 14 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_equal(data_line.second_name(), expected)
def test_first_name_columns(line, expected): """ The first name field is the 5-12 column range (inclusive). """ padding = " " * 4 # starts at column 5, so 4 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_equal(data_line.first_name(), expected)
def test_indicator_and_name(): """ Tests if the indicator and name are correctly parsed. """ data_line = DataLine(" N OBJ") # from the LandS.cor file. assert_equal(data_line.indicator(), "N") assert_equal(data_line.first_name(), "OBJ")
def test_second_header_word(line, expected): """ The second word field on a header line is the 15-72 column range (inclusive). """ padding = "NAME" + " " * 10 # second data word starts at column 15. header_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_(header_line.is_header()) assert_equal(header_line.second_header_word(), expected)
def test_has_second_data_entry(line, exp_name, exp_number): """ Tests if the DataLine class correctly tests if there is a second data entry, and parses the result. Also checks that this does not intervene with the first data entry. """ padding = " " * 39 # starts at column 40, so 5 spaces. data_line = DataLine(padding + line) assert_equal(data_line.has_third_name(), exp_name) assert_equal(data_line.has_second_number(), exp_number)
def test_first_data_entry(): """ Tests if the DataLine class correctly parses the first data entry. """ # From the sslp_5_25_50.cor file. line = " x_1 c2 188" data_line = DataLine(line) assert_equal(data_line.first_name(), "x_1") assert_equal(data_line.second_name(), "c2") assert_almost_equal(data_line.first_number(), 188)
def _read_file(self) -> Generator[DataLine, None, None]: """ Reads the file, one line at a time (generator). Yields ------ DataLine A DataLine wrapping a single line in the input file. """ with open(str(self.file_location())) as fh: for line in fh: yield DataLine(line)
def test_gamma(): """ Tests if a Gamma distribution section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriate Gamma distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("GAMMA") # A Gamma distribution: (VAR, CONSTR) ~ Gamma(shape = 2, scale = 5). line = DataLine(" VAR CONSTR 5.0 2.0") indep.add_entry(line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("VAR", "CONSTR") assert_almost_equal(distr.mean(), 2 * 5) # = shape * scale. assert_almost_equal(distr.var(), 2 * 5**2) # = shape * scale ** 2. assert_equal(, "gamma")
def test_uniform(): """ Tests if a uniform distribution section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriately set uniform distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("UNIFORM") # A uniform distribution: (VAR, CONSTR) ~ U[a = 0, b = 5]. line = DataLine(" VAR CONSTR 0.0 5.0") indep.add_entry(line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("VAR", "CONSTR") assert_almost_equal(distr.mean(), 5 / 2) # = (b - a) / 2 assert_almost_equal(distr.var(), 5**2 / 12) # = (b - a) ** 2 / 12 assert_equal(, "uniform")
def test_normal(): """ Tests if a normal distribution section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriately set normal distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("NORMAL") # Inspired by the the LandS stoch file. Normal distribution, as # (RHS, DEMAND1) ~ N(mu = 7, sigma^2 = 2) line = DataLine(" RHS DEMAND1 7.0 PERIOD2 2") indep.add_entry(line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("RHS", "DEMAND1") assert_almost_equal(distr.mean(), 7) assert_almost_equal(distr.var(), 2) assert_equal(, "norm")
def test_log_normal(): """ Tests if a log normal distribution section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriate log normal distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("LOGNORM") # A log normal distribution: (VAR, CONSTR) ~ LogNorm(mu = 4, sigma^2 = 2). line = DataLine(" VAR CONSTR 4.0 2.0") indep.add_entry(line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("VAR", "CONSTR") # See for a # description of mean and var. assert_almost_equal(distr.mean(), np.exp(4 + 2 / 2)) assert_almost_equal(distr.var(), (np.exp(2) - 1) * np.exp(2 * 4 + 2)) assert_equal(, "lognorm")
def test_beta(): """ Tests if a Beta distribution section is parsed correctly, and returns an appropriate Beta distribution (from ``scipy.stats``). """ indep = Indep("BETA") # A Beta distribution: (VAR, CONSTR) ~ Beta(a = 5, b = 3). line = DataLine(" VAR CONSTR 5.0 3.0") indep.add_entry(line) assert_equal(len(indep), 1) distr = indep.get_for("VAR", "CONSTR") # See for a description of # mean and var. assert_almost_equal(distr.mean(), 5 / (5 + 3)) assert_almost_equal(distr.var(), 5 * 3 / ((5 + 3)**2 * (5 + 3 + 1))) assert_equal(, "beta")
def test_str(): """ Tests if the string representation is sensible. """ data_line = DataLine(" N OBJ") # from the LandS.cor file. assert_equal(str(data_line), " N OBJ")
def test_indicator_columns(line, expected): """ The indicator field is the 2-3 column range (inclusive). """ data_line = DataLine(line) assert_equal(data_line.indicator(), expected)
def test_len(length, string): """ Tests if the __len__ function correctly looks at the raw string's length. """ data_line = DataLine(string) assert_equal(len(data_line), length)
def test_repr(): """ Tests if the specific repr implementation is sensible. """ data_line = DataLine(" N OBJ") # from the LandS.cor file. assert_equal(repr(data_line), "DataLine(' N OBJ')")
def test_is_header(line, expected): """ Tests if the DataLine class correctly detects section headers. """ data_line = DataLine(line) assert_equal(data_line.is_header(), expected)
def test_is_comment(line, expected): """ Tests if the DataLine class correctly detects comment lines. """ data_line = DataLine(line) assert_equal(data_line.is_comment(), expected)