def __init__(self, temperatures): """ Arguments: temperatures --- List of temperature sensors to monitor. """ Plugin.__init__(self) for sensor in temperatures: self.add_datasource("temp_{}".format(sensor), "GAUGE", title=sensor, description="Temperature of sensor {}.".format(sensor))
def __init__(self, drives): """ Arguments: drives --- List of drives to monitor, e.g. ("/dev/sda", "SATA:/dev/sdb"). """ Plugin.__init__(self) for drive in drives: drive_name = drive.split(":")[-1] self.add_datasource(drive, "GAUGE", title=drive_name, description="Temperature of drive {}.".format(drive_name))
def __init__(self, intervals=("5min",)): """ Keyworded arguments: intervals --- Load average intervals to monitor (1min, 5min, 15min). """ Plugin.__init__(self) for interval in intervals: if interval not in self._intervals: raise ValueError("Invalid load average interval {!r}.".format(interval)) self.add_datasource(interval, "GAUGE", min_=0, title="{} load".format(interval), description="{} system load average.".format(interval))
def __init__(self): Plugin.__init__(self) self.add_datasource( "uptime", "GAUGE", min_=0, max_=1, unknown=0, archives=[ArchiveGroup(cfs=("AVERAGE",))], title="Uptime", description="Uptime ratio.", )
def __init__(self, methods=("su", "login", "sshd")): """ Arguments: methods --- Authentication methods to monitor, the rest goes to 'other'. """ Plugin.__init__(self) conf = {"min_": 0, "unknown": 0, "archives": [ArchiveGroup(cfs=("AVERAGE",))]} for name in methods: description = "Authentication failures using {}.".format(name) self.add_datasource(name, "DERIVE", description=description, **conf) if len(methods) > 0: self.add_datasource("other", "DERIVE", description="Other authentication failures.", **conf) self.add_datasource("total", "DERIVE", description="Total authentication failures.", warning=self.warning, critical=self.critical, **conf)
def __init__(self, interfaces): """ Arguments: interfaces --- Names of interfaces to monitor. """ Plugin.__init__(self) for interface in interfaces: name = "{}:in".format(interface) title = "{} in".format(interface) description = "Incoming traffic on interface {}.".format(interface) self.add_datasource(name, "COUNTER", title=title, description=description, min_=0, unknown=0) name = "{}:out".format(interface) title = "{} out".format(interface) description = "Outgoing traffic on interface {}.".format(interface) self.add_datasource(name, "COUNTER", title=title, description=description, min_=0, unknown=0)
def __init__(self, drive, columns): """ Arguments: drive --- Name of the drive to monitor (e.g. sda). columns --- Iterable with column names to monitor. """ if re.match("^[a-z0-9]+$", drive, re.I) is None: raise ValueError("Invalid drive name {!r}.".format(drive)) self._drive = "/dev/{}".format(drive) = "smart_{}".format(drive) Plugin.__init__(self) conf = {"min_": 0, "heartbeat": 3*24*3600, "step": 1800, "archives": [ArchiveGroup(cfs=("AVERAGE",), templates=("week", "month", "year"))]} description = "{{}} S.M.A.R.T. value for drive {}.".format(drive) title = "{} {{}}".format(drive) for name in columns: if name not in self._columns: raise ValueError("Unknown column name {!r}.".format(column)) column = name.replace("_", " ") self.add_datasource(name, "GAUGE", title=title.format(column), description=description.format(drive), **conf)
def __init__(self): Plugin.__init__(self) max_ = multiprocessing.cpu_count()*100 for name, description in self._descriptions.items(): self.add_datasource(name, "COUNTER", description=description, min_=0, max_=max_, archives=[ArchiveGroup(cfs=("AVERAGE",))])
def __init__(self): Plugin.__init__(self) for name, description in self._descriptions.items(): self.add_datasource(name, "GAUGE", description=description, min_=0, archives=[ArchiveGroup(cfs=("AVERAGE",))])
def __init__(self): Plugin.__init__(self) self.add_datasource("logins", "GAUGE", min_=0, title="Logins", description="Number of logged in users.") self.add_datasource("users", "GAUGE", min_=0, title="Users", description="Number of unique logged in users.")