Exemple #1
def main():
    global POST
    input_ = sys.argv[1]
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    (intervalq,rangeq,sampleq,idq) = (None,None,None,None)
    #(intervalq,rangeq,sampleq,idq) = ([],[],[],[])
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % input_)
    if input_[0] == '[' or input_[1] == '[' or input_[2] == '[':
        (intervalq,rangeq,sampleq,idq) = parse_json_query(input_)
    #update support simple '&' CGI format
    #    (intervalq,rangeq,sampleq,idq) = input_.split('|')
        (intervalq,idq,rangeq,sampleq) = process_params(input_)

    sample_map = snample.load_sample_metadata(snapconf.SAMPLE_MD_FILE)
    if DEBUG_MODE_:
        sys.stderr.write("loaded %d samples metadata\n" % (len(sample_map)))

    #first we build filter-by-snaptron_id list based either (or all) on passed ids directly
    #and/or what's dervied from the sample query and/or what sample ids were passed in as well
    #NOTE this is the only place where we have OR logic, i.e. the set of snaptron_ids passed in
    #and the set of snaptron_ids dervied from the passed in sample_ids are OR'd together in the filtering
    snaptron_ids = set()
    if len(idq) >= 1:

    #if we have any sample related queries, do them to get snaptron_id filter set
    #NOTE we are NOT currently support sample-id querying
    if len(sampleq) >= 1:
        snaptron_ids = snample.query_samples(sampleq,sample_map,snaptron_ids)

    #end result here is that we have a list of snaptron_ids to filter by
    #or if no snaptron_ids were found we're done, in keeping with the strict AND policy (currently)
    #TODO: update this when we start supporting OR in the POSTs, this will need to change
    if len(snaptron_ids) == 0 and (len(idq) >=1 or len(sampleq) >= 1):

    #NOW start normal query processing between: 1) interval 2) range or 3) or just snaptron ids
    #note: 1) and 3) use tabix, 2) uses lucene
    #sample_set = set()
    #UPDATE: prefer tabix queries of either interval or snaptron_ids rather than lucene search of range queries due to speed
    #if len(snaptron_ids) > 0 and len(intervalq) == 0 and (len(rangeq) == 0 or not first_tdb):
    #back to usual processing, interval queries come first possibly with filters from the point range queries and/or ids
    found_snaptron_ids = set()
    found_sample_ids = set()
    if len(intervalq) >= 1:
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = query_regions(intervalq,rangeq,snaptron_ids,filtering=RESULT_COUNT)
    elif len(snaptron_ids) >= 1:
        rquery = range_query_parser(rangeq,snaptron_ids)
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = search_introns_by_ids(snaptron_ids,rquery,filtering=RESULT_COUNT)
    #finally if there's no interval OR id query to use with tabix, use a point range query (first_rquery) with additional filters from the following point range queries and/or ids in lucene
    elif len(rangeq) >= 1:
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = search_ranges_lucene(rangeq,snaptron_ids,stream_back=True,filtering=RESULT_COUNT)
        sys.stdout.write("%d\n" % (len(found_snaptron_ids)))
def run_toplevel_AND_query(intervalq,rangeq,sampleq,idq,sample_map=[],ra=default_region_args):
    #first we build filter-by-snaptron_id list based either (or all) on passed ids directly
    #and/or what's dervied from the sample query and/or what sample ids were passed in as well
    #NOTE this is the only place where we have OR logic, i.e. the set of snaptron_ids passed in
    #and the set of snaptron_ids dervied from the passed in sample_ids are OR'd together in the filtering

    snaptron_ids = set()
    if len(idq) >= 1:

    #if we have any sample related queries, do them to get snaptron_id filter set
    #NOTE we are NOT currently support sample-id querying
    if len(sampleq) >= 1:
        snaptron_ids = snample.query_samples(sampleq,sample_map,snaptron_ids,ra)

    #end result here is that we have a list of snaptron_ids to filter by
    #or if no snaptron_ids were found we're done, in keeping with the strict AND policy (currently)
    #TODO: update this when we start supporting OR in the POSTs, this will need to change
    if len(snaptron_ids) == 0 and (len(idq) >=1 or len(sampleq) >= 1):

    #NOW start normal query processing between: 1) interval 2) range or 3) or just snaptron ids
    #note: 1) and 3) use tabix, 2) uses lucene
    #sample_set = set()
    #UPDATE: prefer tabix queries of either interval or snaptron_ids rather than lucene search of range queries due to speed
    #if len(snaptron_ids) > 0 and len(intervalq) == 0 and (len(rangeq) == 0 or not first_tdb):
    #back to usual processing, interval queries come first possibly with filters from the point range queries and/or ids
    found_snaptron_ids = set()
    found_sample_ids = set()
    #favor intervals over everything else
    if len(intervalq) >= 1:
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = query_regions(intervalq,rangeq,snaptron_ids,filtering=ra.result_count,region_args=ra)
    elif len(snaptron_ids) >= 1:
        rquery = range_query_parser(rangeq,snaptron_ids)
        ra_ = ra._replace(tabix_db_file=snapconf.TABIX_DBS['snaptron_id'],stream_back=True)
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = search_introns_by_ids(snaptron_ids,rquery,filtering=ra_.result_count,region_args=ra_)
    #finally if there's no interval OR id query to use with tabix, use a point range query (first_rquery) with additional filters from the following point range queries and/or ids in lucene
    elif len(rangeq) >= 1:
        #(found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = search_ranges_lucene(rangeq,snaptron_ids,stream_back=True,filtering=RESULT_COUNT)
        (found_snaptron_ids,found_sample_ids) = run_sqlite3(None,rangeq,snaptron_ids,region_args=ra)
    if ra.result_count:
        sys.stdout.write("%d\n" % (len(found_snaptron_ids)))