def preproc_graph(filename):
    ''' get connected graph 
	I beleive this is done after we remap the nodes to 
	consecutive order in
    print "Working on %s \n" % filename
    print "Generating graph from edge list..."
    # laod edge list into snap
    Graph0 = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, filename, 0, 1, '\t')
    # get edges
    V0 = Graph0.GetNodes()
    # delete zero degree nodes
    print "Done generating graph!"

    # get max weakly connected component
    print "Generating connected graph..."
    Graph = snap.GetMxWcc(Graph0)
    V = Graph.GetNodes()
    E = Graph.GetEdges()
    print "Done generating graph with V = %i, E = %i!, V0 = %i" % (V, E, V0)

    # get nodes included in weakly connected graph (which could be
    # a proper subset of original set)
    # Find one edge in graph and find all connected nodes
    for EI in Graph.Edges():
        conn_node = EI.GetSrcNId()  # start with one edge
        break  # only need one edge since connected
    CnCom = snap.TIntV()
    snap.GetNodeWcc(Graph, conn_node, CnCom)
    conn_node_ids = sort(array([node for node in CnCom]))

    return Graph, conn_node_ids, V, E, V0
def calcCnctComponents(graph):
    lenComps = {}
    CnCom = snap.TIntV()
    for node in graph.Nodes():
        nodeid = node.GetId()
        if nodeid in lenComps:
        snap.GetNodeWcc(graph, nodeid, CnCom)
        l = CnCom.Len()
        lenComps[nodeid] = l
        for conNode in CnCom:
            lenComps[conNode] = l

    return lenComps
def labelConnectedComponents(graph):

    components = {}
    CnCom = snap.TIntV()
    component = 1

    for node in graph.Nodes():
        nodeid = node.GetId()

        if nodeid in components:

        snap.GetNodeWcc(graph, nodeid, CnCom)
        if len(CnCom) == 1:
            components[nodeid] = 0.0
            for cnid in CnCom:
                components[cnid] = component
        component += 1

    return components
# test if the graph is connected or weakly connected
print("IsConnected(G) =", snap.IsConnected(G))
print("IsWeaklyConnected(G) =", snap.IsWeaklyConn(G))

# get the weakly connected component counts
WccSzCnt = snap.TIntPr64V()
snap.GetWccSzCnt(G, WccSzCnt)
#print (WccSzCnt[0],WccSzCnt[0].Val1,WccSzCnt[0].Val2)
for i in range(0, WccSzCnt.Len()):
    print("WccSzCnt[%d] = (%d, %d)" %
          (i, WccSzCnt[i].Val1.Val, WccSzCnt[i].Val2.Val))

# return nodes in the same weakly connected component as node 1
CnCom = snap.TInt64V()
snap.GetNodeWcc(G, 1, CnCom)
print("CnCom.Len() = %d" % (CnCom.Len()))

# get nodes in weakly connected components
WCnComV = snap.TCnComV()
snap.GetWccs(G, WCnComV)
for i in range(0, WCnComV.Len()):
    print("WCnComV[%d].Len() = %d" % (i, WCnComV[i].Len()))
    for j in range(0, WCnComV[i].Len()):
        print("WCnComV[%d][%d] = %d" % (i, j, WCnComV[i][j]))

# get the size of the maximum weakly connected component
MxWccSz = snap.GetMxWccSz(G)
print("MxWccSz = %.5f" % (MxWccSz))

# get the graph with the largest weakly connected component
def get_size_of_conn_comp(G, n):
    CnCom = snap.TIntV()
    return len(snap.GetNodeWcc(G, n, CnCom))
import snap

Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
CnCom = snap.TInt64V()
snap.GetNodeWcc(Graph, 0, CnCom)
print("Nodes in the same connected component as node 0:")
for node in CnCom:
Exemple #7
 def nodesInWcc(self, returnNodes=True):
     nodes = snap.TIntV()
     snap.GetNodeWcc(self.parentGraph.rawGraph,, nodes)
     return SnapUtil.rawComponentToNodeSet(nodes, self.parentGraph, returnNodes)