Exemple #1
def RankEigvecDist(graph):
    Calculates the degree - clustering coefficient distribution of a given graph. The graph must be in snap format.

    graph : an instance of SNAP.TUNGraph()/SNAP.TNGraph() for undirected/directed graph
        The graph for which the degree distribution is to be calculated
    eigvec_dist : 2D numpy array with shape (2, :)
        The calculated eigenvector distribution for graph. Here, the eigenvector refers to the principal eigenvector, which should be positive definite due to Perrin-Frobenius theorem. 
        eigvec_dist[0, :] : rank of the eigenvector
        eigvec_dist[1, :] : value of the element of the first eigenvector, sorted in the order of descending value.

    EigVec = snap.TFltV()
    eigvec = np.abs(np.array(EigVec))
    N = len(eigvec)
    eigvec.reshape((1, N))
    rank = np.arange(N).reshape((1, N))
    eigvec = eigvec[np.argsort(-eigvec)]
    eigvec_dist = np.vstack([rank, eigvec])

    return eigvec_dist
Exemple #2
def TopKRankEigvalDist(graph, K):
    N = graph.GetNodes()
    assert K<=N, "K must be smaller than the number of nodes in the graph"
    flag = 0
    N_try = min(2*K, N)
    # The code is written in this convoluted way, because for some unknown reasons regarding the snap library, the function snap.GetEigVals does not properly return the same number of the top eigenvalues as requested
    while flag < K:
        EigVal =  snap.TFltV()
        snap.GetEigVals(graph, N_try, EigVal)
        eig = np.array(EigVal)
        flag = len(eig)
        N_try = min(2*N_try, N)
    eig = np.abs(eig)
    return np.vstack([np.arange(K).reshape((1, K)), eig[:K].reshape((1, K))])
Exemple #3
def getNodeFeatures(graph, node):
    # The snap vectors that will house the raw data
    intVals = snap.TIntV()
    intNames = snap.TStrV()
    fltVals = snap.TFltV()
    fltNames = snap.TStrV()
    strVals = snap.TStrV()
    strNames = snap.TStrV()
    # Load the raw data from the node
    graph.IntAttrValueNI(node, intVals)
    graph.IntAttrNameNI(node, intNames)
    graph.FltAttrValueNI(node, fltVals)
    graph.FltAttrNameNI(node, fltNames)
    graph.StrAttrValueNI(node, strVals)
    graph.StrAttrNameNI(node, strNames)
    # Put the data into a dictionary to be returned
    return _aggregate_vecs(intNames, intVals, fltNames, fltVals, strNames, strVals)
Exemple #4
def get_basic_feature(graph, node_id):
    NI = graph.GetNI(node_id)
    v_1 = NI.GetDeg()
    nbrs = NI.GetOutEdges()
    nbr_vec = snap.TIntV()
    nbrs = [nbr_vec.Add(nbr) for nbr in nbrs]
    subgraph = snap.GetSubGraph(graph, nbr_vec)
    v_2 = subgraph.GetEdges()
    total_edges = 0
    for node in subgraph.Nodes():
        orig_NI = graph.GetNI(node.GetId())
        total_edges += orig_NI.GetDeg()
    v_3 = total_edges - 2 * v_2
    feature = snap.TFltV()

    return feature
Exemple #5
def run_rolx_iteration(graph, features):
    new_features = snap.TIntFltVH()
    iterator = features.BegI()
    while not iterator.IsEnd():
        node_id = iterator.GetKey()
        nodeI = graph.GetNI(node_id)
        node_nbrs = [nbr for nbr in nodeI.GetOutEdges()]
        sum_aggregate = np.zeros(features[0].Len())
        num_nbrs = len(node_nbrs)
        for node_nbr in node_nbrs:
            sum_aggregate += np.asarray(features[node_nbr], dtype=np.float32)
        new_feature = snap.TFltV(features[node_id])
        if num_nbrs == 0:
            mean_aggregate = np.zeros(features[0].Len())
            sum_aggregate = np.zeros(features[0].Len())
            mean_aggregate = sum_aggregate / len(node_nbrs)
        for i in range(mean_aggregate.size):
        for i in range(sum_aggregate.size):
        new_features[node_id] = new_feature
    return new_features
Exemple #6
CntV = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetWccSzCnt(G9, CntV)
for p in CntV:
    print "size %d: count %d" % (p.GetVal1(), p.GetVal2())

# get degree distribution pairs (out-degree, count):
snap.GetOutDegCnt(G9, CntV)
for p in CntV:
    print "degree %d: count %d" % (p.GetVal1(), p.GetVal2())

# generate a Preferential Attachment graph on 100 nodes and out-degree of 3
G10 = snap.GenPrefAttach(100, 3)
print "G10: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G10.GetNodes(), G10.GetEdges())

# define a vector of floats and get first eigenvector of graph adjacency matrix
EigV = snap.TFltV()
snap.GetEigVec(G10, EigV)
nr = 0
for f in EigV:
    nr += 1
    print "%d: %.6f" % (nr, f)

# get an approximation of graph diameter
diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G10, 10)
print "diam", diam

# count the number of triads:
triads = snap.GetTriads(G10)
print "triads", triads

# get the clustering coefficient
Exemple #7
def intro():

    # create a graph PNGraph
    G1 = snap.TNGraph.New()
    G1.AddEdge(1, 5)
    G1.AddEdge(5, 1)
    G1.AddEdge(5, 32)
    print("G1: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G1.GetNodes(), G1.GetEdges()))

    # create a directed random graph on 100 nodes and 1k edges
    G2 = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
    print("G2: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G2.GetNodes(), G2.GetEdges()))

    # traverse the nodes
    for NI in G2.Nodes():
        print("node id %d with out-degree %d and in-degree %d" %
              (NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutDeg(), NI.GetInDeg()))
    # traverse the edges
    for EI in G2.Edges():
        print("edge (%d, %d)" % (EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId()))

    # traverse the edges by nodes
    for NI in G2.Nodes():
        for Id in NI.GetOutEdges():
            print("edge (%d %d)" % (NI.GetId(), Id))

    # generate a network using Forest Fire model
    G3 = snap.GenForestFire(1000, 0.35, 0.35)
    print("G3: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G3.GetNodes(), G3.GetEdges()))

    # save and load binary
    FOut = snap.TFOut("test.graph")
    FIn = snap.TFIn("test.graph")
    G4 = snap.TNGraph.Load(FIn)
    print("G4: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G4.GetNodes(), G4.GetEdges()))

    # save and load from a text file
    snap.SaveEdgeList(G4, "test.txt", "Save as tab-separated list of edges")
    G5 = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "test.txt", 0, 1)
    print("G5: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G5.GetNodes(), G5.GetEdges()))

    # generate a network using Forest Fire model
    G6 = snap.GenForestFire(1000, 0.35, 0.35)
    print("G6: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G6.GetNodes(), G6.GetEdges()))
    # convert to undirected graph
    G7 = snap.ConvertGraph(snap.PUNGraph, G6)
    print("G7: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G7.GetNodes(), G7.GetEdges()))
    # get largest weakly connected component of G
    WccG = snap.GetMxWcc(G6)
    # get a subgraph induced on nodes {0,1,2,3,4,5}
    SubG = snap.GetSubGraph(G6, snap.TIntV.GetV(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
    # get 3-core of G
    Core3 = snap.GetKCore(G6, 3)
    # delete nodes of out degree 10 and in degree 5
    snap.DelDegKNodes(G6, 10, 5)
    print("G6a: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G6.GetNodes(), G6.GetEdges()))

    # generate a Preferential Attachment graph on 1000 nodes and node out degree of 3
    G8 = snap.GenPrefAttach(1000, 3)
    print("G8: Nodes %d, Edges %d" % (G8.GetNodes(), G8.GetEdges()))
    # vector of pairs of integers (size, count)
    CntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    # get distribution of connected components (component size, count)
    snap.GetWccSzCnt(G8, CntV)
    # get degree distribution pairs (degree, count)
    snap.GetOutDegCnt(G8, CntV)
    # vector of floats
    EigV = snap.TFltV()
    # get first eigenvector of graph adjacency matrix
    snap.GetEigVec(G8, EigV)
    # get diameter of G8
    snap.GetBfsFullDiam(G8, 100)
    # count the number of triads in G8, get the clustering coefficient of G8
Exemple #8
def ManipulateAttributesIter():
        Test node, edge attribute functionality using iterators

    NNodes = 1000
    NEdges = 1000
    Graph = snap.TNEANet.New()
    t = Graph.Empty()

    # create the nodes
    for i in range(0, NNodes):

    t = Graph.Empty()
    n = Graph.GetNodes()

    # create random edges
    NCount = NEdges
    while NCount > 0:
        x = int(random.random() * NNodes)
        y = int(random.random() * NNodes)
        # skip the loops in this test
        if x != y  and not Graph.IsEdge(x,y):
            n = Graph.AddEdge(x, y)
        NCount -= 1
    print("Added nodes")

    # create attributes and fill all nodes
    #attr1 = TStr("str")
    #attr2 = TStr("int")
    #attr3 = TStr("float")
    #attr4 = TStr("default")
    attr1 = "STR"
    attr2 = "INT"
    attr3 = "FLOAT"
    attr4 = "DEFAULT"
    # Test column int iterator for node 3, 50, 700, 900
    # Check if we can set defaults to 0 fordata.
    Graph.AddIntAttrN(attr2, 0)
    NI3 = Graph.GetNI(3)
    NI50 = Graph.GetNI(50)
    NI700 = Graph.GetNI(700)
    NI900 = Graph.GetNI(900)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NI3, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NI50, 50*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NI700, 700*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NI900, 900*2, attr2)
    print("Added attributes")
    NodeId = 0
    NI = Graph.BegNAIntI(attr2)
    while NI < Graph.EndNAIntI(attr2):
        if NI.GetDat() != 0:
           print("Attribute1: %s, Node: %i, Val: %d" % (attr2, NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
           #print("Attribute: %s, Node: %i, Val: %d" % (attr2(), NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
        NodeId += 1

    # Test column flt iterator for node 3, 50, 700, 900
    NI5 = Graph.GetNI(5)
    NI50 = Graph.GetNI(50)
    NI300 = Graph.GetNI(300)
    NI653 = Graph.GetNI(653)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatN(NI5, 3.41, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatN(NI50, 2.718, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatN(NI300, 150.0, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatN(NI653, 653, attr3)

    NodeId = 0
    NCount = 0
    NI = Graph.BegNI()
    while NI < Graph.EndNI():
        NCount += 1

    NI = Graph.BegNAFltI(attr3)
    NodeId = 0
    while NI < Graph.EndNAFltI(attr3):
        if NI.GetDat() != snap.TFlt.Mn:
            print("Attribute2: %s, Node: %i, Val: %f" % (attr3, NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
            #print("Attribute: %s, Node: %i, Val: %f" % (attr3(), NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
        NodeId += 1

    # Test column str iterator for node 3, 50, 700, 900
    NI10 = Graph.GetNI(10)
    NI20 = Graph.GetNI(20)
    NI400 = Graph.GetNI(400)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(10, TStr("abc"), attr1)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(20, TStr("def"), attr1)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(400, TStr("ghi"), attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NI10, "abc", attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NI20, "def", attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NI400, "ghi", attr1)
    # this does not show since ""=null
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(455, TStr(""), attr1)
    # TODO Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(455, "", attr1)
    NodeId = 0

    NI = Graph.BegNAStrI(attr1)
    NodeId = 0
    while NI < Graph.EndNAStrI(attr1):
        if NI.GetDat() != snap.TStr.GetNullStr():
            print("Attribute3: %s, Node: %i, Val: %s" % (attr1, NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
            #print("Attribute: %s, Node: %i, Val: %s" % (attr1(), NodeId, NI.GetDat()))
        NodeId += 1

    # Test column iterator over many types (must skip default/deleted attr)
    NId = 55
    NI55 = Graph.GetNI(55)
    NI80 = Graph.GetNI(80)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NId, TStr("aaa"), attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NI55, "aaa", attr1)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NI55, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatN(NI55, 3.41, attr3)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(80, TStr("dont appear"), attr4) # should not show up
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatN(NI80, "dont appear", attr4) # should not show up

    attr1idx = Graph.GetAttrIndN(attr1)
    attr2idx = Graph.GetAttrIndN(attr2)
    attr3idx = Graph.GetAttrIndN(attr3)
    attr4idx = Graph.GetAttrIndN(attr4)
    print("Node attribute indexes:  %s %d,   %s %d,   %s %d,   %s %d" % (
            attr1, attr1idx, attr2, attr2idx, attr3, attr3idx, attr4, attr4idx))

    NI = Graph.GetNI(NId)
    print("NI  attributes: %i, %s %d %.2f" % (
            Graph.GetStrAttrDatN(NI, attr1),
            Graph.GetIntAttrDatN(NI, attr2),
            Graph.GetFltAttrDatN(NI, attr3)))

    print("ind attributes: %i, %s %d %.2f" % (
            Graph.GetStrAttrIndDatN(NI, attr1idx),
            Graph.GetIntAttrIndDatN(NI, attr2idx),
            Graph.GetFltAttrIndDatN(NI, attr3idx)))

    NIdAttrName = snap.TStrV()
    NIdAttrValue = snap.TStrV()
    NIdIntAttrValue = snap.TIntV()
    NIdFltAttrValue = snap.TFltV()
    NIdStrAttrValue = snap.TStrV()

    Graph.AttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node1: %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    NIdAttrName = snap.TStrV()
    Graph.IntAttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node11 (int): %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    NIdAttrName = snap.TStrV()
    Graph.FltAttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node12 (flt): %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    NIdAttrName = snap.TStrV()
    Graph.StrAttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node13 (str): %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.IntAttrValueNI(NId, NIdIntAttrValue)
    AttrLen = NIdIntAttrValue.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node14 (int): %i, Attr_Val: %d" % (NId, NIdIntAttrValue.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.FltAttrValueNI(NId, NIdFltAttrValue)
    AttrLen = NIdFltAttrValue.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node15 (flt): %i, Attr_Val: %.2f" % (NId, NIdFltAttrValue.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.StrAttrValueNI(NId, NIdStrAttrValue)
    AttrLen = NIdStrAttrValue.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node16 (str): %i, Attr_Val: %s" % (NId, NIdStrAttrValue.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.DelAttrDatN(NId, attr2)
    Graph.AttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node2 (no int) : %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(NId, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AttrNameNI(NId, NIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node3 (no str) : %i, Attr: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.AttrValueNI(NId, NIdAttrValue)
    AttrLen = NIdAttrValue.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Node4 (no str) : %i, Attr_Val: %s" % (NId, NIdAttrValue.GetI(i)()))

    for i in range(NNodes):
        Graph.AddIntAttrDatN(i, 70, attr2)

    total = 0
    NI = Graph.BegNAIntI(attr2)
    while NI < Graph.EndNAIntI(attr2):
        total += NI.GetDat()

    print("Average: %i (should be 70)" % (total/NNodes))
    if total/NNodes != 70:
        print("*** Error3")

    # Test column iterator for edge
    EI3 = Graph.GetEI(3)
    EI55 = Graph.GetEI(55)
    EI705 = Graph.GetEI(705)
    EI905 = Graph.GetEI(905)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EI3, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EI55, 55*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EI705, 705*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EI905, 905*2, attr2)
    EdgeId = 0
    EI = Graph.BegEAIntI(attr2)
    while EI < Graph.EndEAIntI(attr2):
        if EI.GetDat() != snap.TInt.Mn:
            print("E Attribute1: %s, Edge: %i, Val: %i" % (
                attr2, EdgeId, EI.GetDat()))
            #% (attr2(), EdgeId, EI.GetDat())
        EdgeId += 1

    # Test column flt iterator for edge
    Graph.AddFltAttrE(attr3, 0.00)
    EI5 = Graph.GetEI(5)
    EI50 = Graph.GetEI(50)
    EI300 = Graph.GetEI(300)
    EI653 = Graph.GetEI(653)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatE(EI5, 4.41, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatE(EI50, 3.718, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatE(EI300, 151.0, attr3)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatE(EI653, 654, attr3)
    EdgeId = 0
    EI = Graph.BegEAFltI(attr3)
    while EI < Graph.EndEAFltI(attr3):
        # Check if defaults are set to 0.
        if EI.GetDat() != 0:
            print("E Attribute2: %s, Edge: %i, Val: %f" % (
                attr3, EdgeId, EI.GetDat()))
            #(attr3(), EdgeId, EI.GetDat())
        EdgeId += 1

    # Test column str iterator for edge
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(10, TStr("abc"), attr1)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(20, TStr("def"), attr1)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(400, TStr("ghi"), attr1)
    EI10 = Graph.GetEI(10)
    EI20 = Graph.GetEI(20)
    EI400 = Graph.GetEI(400)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EI10, "abc", attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EI20, "def", attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EI400, "ghi", attr1)
    # this does not show since ""=null
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(455, TStr(""), attr1)
    # TODO Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(455, "", attr1)
    EdgeId = 0
    EI = Graph.BegEAStrI(attr1)
    while EI < Graph.EndEAStrI(attr1):
        if EI.GetDat() != snap.TStr.GetNullStr():
            print("E Attribute3: %s, Edge: %i, Val: %s" % (
                attr1, EdgeId, EI.GetDat()))
            #(attr1(), EdgeId, EI.GetDat())
        EdgeId += 1

    # Test column iterator over many types (must skip default/deleted attr)
    EId = 55
    EI55 = Graph.GetEI(55)
    EI80 = Graph.GetEI(80)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EId, TStr("aaa"), attr1)
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EI55, "aaa", attr1)
    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EI55, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AddFltAttrDatE(EI55, 3.41, attr3)
    #Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(80, TStr("dont appear"), attr4) # should not show up
    Graph.AddStrAttrDatE(EI80, "dont appear", attr4) # should not show up

    attr1idx = Graph.GetAttrIndE(attr1)
    attr2idx = Graph.GetAttrIndE(attr2)
    attr3idx = Graph.GetAttrIndE(attr3)
    attr4idx = Graph.GetAttrIndE(attr4)
    print("Edge attribute indexes:  %s %d,   %s %d,   %s %d,   %s %d" % (
            attr1, attr1idx, attr2, attr2idx, attr3, attr3idx, attr4, attr4idx))

    EI = Graph.GetEI(EId)
    print("EI  attributes: %i, %s %d %.2f" % (
            Graph.GetStrAttrDatE(EI, attr1),
            Graph.GetIntAttrDatE(EI, attr2),
            Graph.GetFltAttrDatE(EI, attr3)))

    print("ind attributes: %i, %s %d %.2f" % (
            Graph.GetStrAttrIndDatE(EI, attr1idx),
            Graph.GetIntAttrIndDatE(EI, attr2idx),
            Graph.GetFltAttrIndDatE(EI, attr3idx)))

    EIdAttrName = snap.TStrV()
    EIdAttrValue = snap.TStrV()

    Graph.AttrNameEI(EId, EIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = EIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Edge1: %i, Attr: %s" % (EId, EIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.DelAttrDatE(EId, attr2)
    Graph.AttrNameEI(EId, EIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = EIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Edge2 (no int) : %i, Attr: %s" % (EId, EIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(EId, 3*2, attr2)
    Graph.AttrNameEI(EId, EIdAttrName)
    AttrLen = EIdAttrName.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Edge3 (no str) : %i, Attr: %s" % (EId, EIdAttrName.GetI(i)()))

    Graph.AttrValueEI(EId, EIdAttrValue)
    AttrLen = EIdAttrValue.Len()
    for i in range(AttrLen):
        print("Vertical Edge4 (no str) : %i, Attr_Val: %s" % (EId, EIdAttrValue.GetI(i)()))

    for i in range(NEdges):
        Graph.AddIntAttrDatE(i, 70, attr2)

    total = 0
    EI = Graph.BegNAIntI(attr2)
    while EI < Graph.EndNAIntI(attr2):
        total += EI.GetDat()

    print("Average: %i (should be 70)" % (total/NEdges))
    if total/NNodes != 70:
        print("*** Error4")
def run_model_and_save(sv, nv, cv, nodes, avgdeg, taa, tbb, iterations,
                       run_name, folder):
    sv: 2d vector with s parameter groups a and b


    #TODO: Save a network after it has been simulated
    trnd = snap.TRnd(
    )  #from the clock? The default value seems to mean that the random seed is always the same
    sa, sb = sv

    iterations = int(iterations)
    edges = int((nodes * avgdeg) / 2.)
    sizes = snap.TFltV()
    asize = int(nv * nodes)
    bsize = nodes - asize

        network = nc.create_network_from_t(avgdeg, sizes, taa, tbb, trnd)
    except ValueError:
            "Could not create network with {} and {} nodes and average degree {}"
            .format(sizes[0], sizes[1], avgdeg))

    biasVec = snap.TFltV()

    Paas, Pbbs = [], []
    instds, outstds = [], []

    for ite in range(iterations):
        snap.RunBiasedTriadicModel(network, edges, cv, sizes, biasVec, trnd)

    modelstr = " ".join(
        map(str, [sv[0], sv[1], nv, cv, nodes, avgdeg, iterations, taa, tbb]))

    Pab = snap.GetPMatrixElement(0, 1, network, sizes)
    Paa = snap.GetPMatrixElement(0, 0, network, sizes)
    Pbb = snap.GetPMatrixElement(1, 1, network, sizes)  #1 - Pab - Paa

    biases_a, degs_a = [], []
    biases_b, degs_b = [], []
    true_fraction = (asize + 0.) / (asize + bsize)

    def classify_node(node):
        if node < asize:
            return 1  # If in group a, it is minority
            return 0  # If in group b, it's majority

    #Iterate over nodes
    for NI in network.Nodes():
        deg = 0
        perc = 0
        #Iterate over neighbors
        for Id in NI.GetOutEdges():
            perc += classify_node(Id)
            deg += 1
        if deg > 0:
            bias = (perc + 0.) / (deg * true_fraction)
            bias = 0.
        if classify_node(NI.GetId()) == 1:

    bias_a = numpy.mean(biases_a)
    bias_b = numpy.mean(biases_b)

    if not os.path.exists(folder):
    summary_name = 'summary.txt'
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, summary_name)):
        res = 'name sa sb na cv taa tbb nodes avgdeg iter bias_a bias_b\n'
        save_summary(res, os.path.join(folder, summary_name))
        #max_file = 0
    #    max_file = max([int(f.split('.')[0]) for f in os.listdir(folder)])

    res = ' '.join(['{}'] * 12) + '\n'
    path_name = os.path.join(folder, run_name + '.p')
    if os.path.exists(path_name):
        run_name += '_0'
        path_name = os.path.join(folder, run_name + '.p')
    res = res.format(run_name, sa, sb, nv, cv, taa, tbb, nodes, avgdeg,
                     iterations, bias_a, bias_b)
    save_summary(res, os.path.join(folder, 'summary.txt'))

    dic = {
        'sa': sa,
        'sb': sb,
        'na': nv,
        'cv': cv,
        'taa': taa,
        'tbb': tbb,
        'nodes': nodes,
        'avgdeg': avgdeg,
        'iterations': iterations,
        'biases_a': biases_a,
        'biases_b': biases_b,
        'degs_a': degs_a,
        'degs_b': degs_b

    with open(path_name, 'wb') as w:
        pickle.dump(dic, w)
Exemple #10
def svalsSNAP( graph, n_sv = 20):
    SngValV = snap.TFltV()
    snap.GetSngVals(graph, n_sv, SngValV)
    svArr = [ sv for sv in SngValV ]
    return svArr