Exemple #1
    def _copy_assets(self):
        """Copy assets directly to repository, if exists."""
        assets_dir = self._project._get_snapcraft_assets_dir()
        logger.debug("assets expected at: {}".format(assets_dir))

        # Assets directory exists, but may not actually contain assets.
        # The snapd project is an example of this.  The sanity checker
        # will warn to the user when the project is built.
        if os.path.exists(assets_dir):
            logger.debug("copying assets: {} -> {}".format(
                assets_dir, self._repo_snap_dir))

            # Remove existing assets, and update copy.
            if os.path.exists(self._repo_snap_dir):
            shutil.copytree(assets_dir, self._repo_snap_dir)
            os.makedirs(self._repo_snap_dir, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy plugins if not already inside assets directory (and exists).
        plugins_dir = self._project._get_local_plugins_dir()
        if plugins_dir.startswith(
                assets_dir) or not os.path.exists(plugins_dir):

        self._repo_plugins_dir = os.path.join(self._repo_snap_dir, "plugins")
        logger.debug("copying local plugins: {} -> {}".format(
            plugins_dir, self._repo_plugins_dir))
        shutil.copytree(plugins_dir, self._repo_plugins_dir)
Exemple #2
    def _pull_source(self, part_name: str, source: str, selector=None) -> str:
        """Pull source_url for part to source_dir. Returns source.

        :param str part_name: Name of part.
        :param str source: Source URL to pull.
        :param str selector: Source selector, if any (e.g. "on amd64").
        :return: Relative path to archive within repository.
        download_dir = self._get_part_cache_dir(part_name, selector)
        source_handler = self._get_part_source_handler(part_name, source,

        if selector:
            print_name = "{} [selector='{}']".format(part_name, selector)
            print_name = part_name

        # Skip non-local sources (the remote builder can fetch those directly),
        # unless configured to package all sources.
        is_local_source = isinstance(
            source_handler, snapcraft.internal.sources.Local) or (
                isinstance(source_handler, snapcraft.internal.sources.Git)
                and source_handler.is_local())
        if not self._package_all_sources and not is_local_source:
            logger.debug("passing through source for {}: {}".format(
                print_name, source))
            return source

        logger.info("Packaging sources for {}...".format(print_name))

        # Remove existing cache directory (if exists)
        if os.path.exists(download_dir):

        # Pull sources, but create directory first if part
        # is configured to use the `dump` plugin.
        if self._snapcraft_config["parts"][part_name].get("plugin") == "dump":
            os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True)


        # Create source archive.
        return self._archive_part_sources(part_name, selector)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
                 worktree_dir: str,
                 project: Project,
                 package_all_sources=False) -> None:
        """Create remote-build WorkTree.

        :param str worktree_dir: Directory to use for working tree.
        :param Project project: Snapcraft project.
        :param bool package_all_sources: Package all sources instead of
               the default of local-only sources.
        self._project = project
        self._package_all_sources = package_all_sources

        # Get snapcraft yaml (as OrderedDict).
        self._snapcraft_config = (self._project.info.get_raw_snapcraft()
                                  )  # type: OrderedDict

        # Working copy.
        self._prepared_snapcraft_config = (
            self._project.info.get_raw_snapcraft())  # type: OrderedDict

        # Working tree base directory.
        self._base_dir = worktree_dir

        # Initialize cache for sources.
        self._cache_dir = os.path.join(self._base_dir, "cache")
        os.makedirs(self._cache_dir, exist_ok=True)

        # Initialize clean repo to ship to remote builder.
        self._repo_dir = os.path.join(self._base_dir, "repo")
        if os.path.exists(self._repo_dir):

        self._repo_sources_dir = os.path.join(self._repo_dir, "sources")
        self._repo_snap_dir = os.path.join(self._repo_dir, "snap")