from sncosmo.magsystems import _MAGSYSTEMS from sncosmo.models import _SOURCES """Test downloading all of the builtins These tests download lots of files (~1.2 GB as of Oct. 12, 2021) so they aren't included by default with the regular tests. They can be run with `tox -e builtins`. This will make sure that the downloads happen in a clean environment without any caching. """ bandpasses = [i['name'] for i in _BANDPASSES.get_loaders_metadata()] bandpass_interpolators = [ i['name'] for i in _BANDPASS_INTERPOLATORS.get_loaders_metadata() ] magsystems = [i['name'] for i in _MAGSYSTEMS.get_loaders_metadata()] sources = [(i['name'], i['version']) for i in _SOURCES.get_loaders_metadata()] @pytest.mark.might_download @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", bandpasses) def test_builtin_bandpass(name): sncosmo.get_bandpass(name) @pytest.mark.might_download @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", bandpass_interpolators) def test_builtin_bandpass_interpolator(name): interpolator = _BANDPASS_INTERPOLATORS.retrieve(name)
from astropy.extern import six from sncosmo.models import _SOURCES lines = [ '', ' '.join([20*'=', 7*'=', 10*'=', 27*'=', 30*'=', 7*'=', 20*'=']), '{0:20} {1:7} {2:10} {3:27} {4:30} {5:7} {6:50}'.format( 'Name', 'Version', 'Type', 'Subclass', 'Reference', 'Website', 'Notes') ] lines.append(lines[1]) urlnums = {} allnotes = [] allrefs = [] for m in _SOURCES.get_loaders_metadata(): reflink = '' urllink = '' notelink = '' if 'note' in m: if m['note'] not in allnotes: allnotes.append(m['note']) notenum = allnotes.index(m['note']) notelink = '[{0}]_'.format(notenum + 1) if 'reference' in m: reflink = '[{0}]_'.format(m['reference'][0]) if m['reference'] not in allrefs: allrefs.append(m['reference'])
import string from sncosmo.models import _SOURCES lines = [ '', ' '.join( [20 * '=', 7 * '=', 10 * '=', 27 * '=', 30 * '=', 7 * '=', 20 * '=']), '{0:20} {1:7} {2:10} {3:27} {4:30} {5:7} {6:50}'.format( 'Name', 'Version', 'Type', 'Subclass', 'Reference', 'Website', 'Notes') ] lines.append(lines[1]) urlnums = {} allnotes = [] allrefs = [] for m in _SOURCES.get_loaders_metadata(): reflink = '' urllink = '' notelink = '' if 'note' in m: if m['note'] not in allnotes: allnotes.append(m['note']) notenum = allnotes.index(m['note']) notelink = '[{0}]_'.format(notenum + 1) if 'reference' in m: reflink = '[{0}]_'.format(m['reference'][0]) if m['reference'] not in allrefs: allrefs.append(m['reference'])