def test_non_string_values(self):
     If a value isn't a string, skip over it and continue validating.
     valid_xml = '{"foo": "<b>Bar</b>", "baz": true}'
     eq_(validate_xml(valid_xml), valid_xml)
 def test_unicode(self):
     unicode_xml = '{"foo": "<b>\u03c6\u03bf\u03bf</b>"}'
     eq_(validate_xml(unicode_xml), unicode_xml)
 def test_valid_xml(self):
     valid_xml = '{"foo": "<b>foobar</b>"}'
     eq_(validate_xml(valid_xml), valid_xml)
 def test_unicode(self):
     unicode_xml = '{"foo": "<b>\u03c6\u03bf\u03bf</b>"}'
     eq_(validate_xml(unicode_xml), unicode_xml)
 def test_valid_xml(self):
     valid_xml = '{"foo": "<b>foobar</b>"}'
     eq_(validate_xml(valid_xml), valid_xml)
 def test_non_string_values(self):
     If a value isn't a string, skip over it and continue validating.
     valid_xml = '{"foo": "<b>Bar</b>", "baz": true}'
     eq_(validate_xml(valid_xml), valid_xml)