def train_model(self, df_train: pd.DataFrame, application_area_lfs: list, analysis_path: str = "output", label_output_path: str = "labels.jsonl", save_model_path: str = None): """Using our labeling functions, we can train a probabilistic model which is able to generate weak labels for our data points :param df_train: The training data for the model :type df_train: pd.DataFrame :param application_area_lfs: A list of labeling functions to use in training the Label Model :type application_area_lfs: list :param analysis_path: Folder path where the model output should be stored, defaults to `PROJECT_ROOT/output` :type analysis_path: str, optional :param label_output_path: Path to file where probabilistic labels generated by the model should be stored, defaults to "labels.jsonl" :type label_output_path: str, optional :param save_model_path: A path to where the Label Model should be save at. If no path is provided, the model is not saved :type save_model_path: str, optional """ file_name_timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") applier = PandasLFApplier(lfs=application_area_lfs) L_train = applier.apply(df=df_train) model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True), n_epochs=800, log_freq=100) if (save_model_path is not None): int_labels, prob_labels = model.predict(L=L_train, return_probs=True, tie_break_policy="abstain") probs_df_train_filtered, probs_train_filtered = filter_unlabeled_dataframe( X=df_train, y=prob_labels, L=L_train) int_df_train_filtered, int_train_filtered = filter_unlabeled_dataframe( X=df_train, y=int_labels, L=L_train) # write out both labels. In the probability outputs, p_rel is the second probability listed assert list(probs_df_train_filtered["paperid"]) == list( int_df_train_filtered["paperid"]) with open(f"{label_output_path}", mode="w") as out: for idx, paper_id in enumerate(probs_df_train_filtered["paperid"]): out.write( json.dumps({ "id": paper_id, # cast to int and float to get rid of nonserializable numpy types "is_rel": int(int_train_filtered[idx]), "p_rel": float(probs_train_filtered[idx][1]) }) + "\n") # output LF analysis to csv file sorted by coverage lf_analysis = LFAnalysis(L=L_train, lfs=application_area_lfs).lf_summary() with open( f"{self.PROJECT_ROOT}/output/{analysis_path}_{file_name_timestamp}.csv", "w") as outfile: lf_analysis = lf_analysis.sort_values("Coverage") lf_analysis.to_csv(outfile, encoding="utf-8", index=True)
def run_analysis( applied_lf_matrix: np.ndarray, lfs: List[LabelingFunction], save_csv_to: AbsolutePath, save_json_to: AbsolutePath, label_series: Optional[Series] = None, ) -> None: lf_analysis_summary = LFAnalysis(applied_lf_matrix, lfs).lf_summary( Y=label_series.values if label_series is not None else None) lf_analysis_summary.to_csv(save_csv_to) analysis_dict = lf_analysis_summary.to_dict() del analysis_dict["j"] with open(save_json_to, "w") as f: json.dump(analysis_dict, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=NumpyEncoder)
def main(train_path, output_dir, label_dir): # Get all data df = pd.read_csv(train_path) # Get human labels human_labels = read_human_labels(label_dir) # df_test and lab_test: the set of all human-labeled notes, and their labels df_test = df.merge(human_labels, on=['record_number']) lab_test = df_test.human_label del df_test['human_label'] # df_train: formed by removing all patients from df with a human-labeled note df_train = df.merge(, indicator=True, how='left', on = ['mr']) df_train = df_train.query('_merge=="left_only"').drop('_merge', axis=1) # Generate label matrix L_train = PandasLFApplier(lfs=lfs).apply(df=df_train) L_test = PandasLFApplier(lfs=lfs).apply(df=df_test) # Summarize LFs output_train = LFAnalysis(L=L_train, lfs=lfs).lf_summary() #print(output_train) output_test = LFAnalysis(L=L_test, lfs=lfs).lf_summary(Y = lab_test.values) #print(output_test) # Save LF analysis path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'LF_analysis_train.csv') output_train.to_csv(path, index = True) path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'LF_analysis_test.csv') output_test.to_csv(path, index = True) # Create label model label_model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True), n_epochs=500, log_freq=100, seed=123, class_balance = [0.3, 0.7]) # Evaluate the label model using labeled test set for metric in ['recall', 'precision', 'f1', 'accuracy']: label_model_acc = label_model.score(L=L_test, Y=lab_test, metrics=[metric], tie_break_policy="random")[metric] print("%-15s %.2f%%" % (metric+":", label_model_acc * 100)) null_f1 = f1_score(lab_test.values, np.ones((df_test.shape[0],))) print("%-15s %.2f%%" % ("null f1:", null_f1 * 100)) print("%-15s %.2f%%" % ("null accuracy:", np.maximum(1-np.mean(lab_test), np.mean(lab_test)) * 100)) # Save error analysis preds = label_model.predict_proba(L_test) error_analysis(df_test, L_test, lfs, preds[:,1], lab_test, output_dir) # Get labels on train probs_train = label_model.predict_proba(L_train) # Filter out unlabeled data points df_train_filtered, probs_train_filtered = filter_unlabeled_dataframe(X=df_train, y=probs_train, L=L_train) # Save filtered training set df_train_filtered['prob'] = probs_train_filtered[:,1] path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'df_train_filtered.csv') df_train_filtered.to_csv(path, index = False) # Save label probs path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'probs_train_filtered'), probs_train_filtered[:,1]) # Save training data set and labels assert len(df_test) == len(lab_test) df_test['human_label'] = lab_test path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'df_test.csv') df_test.to_csv(path, index = False) path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'lab_test'), lab_test)
def label_user(inp_path, prefix=""): df_train = pd.read_pickle(inp_path) ########## threshold on word similarity take_first = 100 overall_first = 10000 global thresh_by_value, overall_thresh df_train['root_value'] = df_train['value'].swifter.set_dask_threshold( dask_threshold=0.001).allow_dask_on_strings().apply( lambda x: syn_to_hob[x]) thresh_by_value = df_train.groupby( ["root_value"]).apply(lambda x: np.partition( x['lexicon_counts'], max(len(x['lexicon_counts']) - take_first, 0) )[max(len(x['lexicon_counts']) - take_first, 0)]).to_dict() overall_thresh = np.partition(df_train["lexicon_counts"].to_numpy(), max(len(df_train) - overall_first, 0))[max( len(df_train) - overall_first, 0)] print(overall_thresh) ############################# # separately loose - strict, pos - neg, period - without names_pool = [ "context:2_count_pos", "context:3_count_pos", "context:100_count_pos", "context:2_period_count_pos", "context:3_period_count_pos", "context:100_period_count_pos", "context:2_count_neg", "context:3_count_neg", "context:100_count_neg", "context:2_period_count_neg", "context:3_period_count_neg", "context:100_period_count_neg" ] for f_name in names_pool: curr_cols = [x for x in df_train.columns if f_name in x] df_train['total_' + f_name] = df_train[curr_cols].swifter.apply(sum, axis=1) df_train = df_train.drop(curr_cols, axis=1) for p in ["pos", "neg"]: df_train["new_total_context:100_count_" + p] = df_train[[ "total_context:100_count_" + p, "total_context:3_count_" + p ]].swifter.apply(lambda x: max( 0, x["total_context:100_count_" + p] - x["total_context:3_count_" + p]), axis=1) df_train["new_total_context:3_count_" + p] = df_train[[ "total_context:3_count_" + p, "total_context:2_count_" + p ]].swifter.apply(lambda x: max( 0, x["total_context:3_count_" + p] - x["total_context:2_count_" + p ]), axis=1) df_train["new_total_context:100_period_count_" + p] = df_train[[ "total_context:3_period_count_" + p, "total_context:100_period_count_" + p ]].swifter.apply(lambda x: max( 0, x["total_context:100_period_count_" + p] - x[ "total_context:3_period_count_" + p]), axis=1) df_train["new_total_context:3_period_count_" + p] = df_train[[ "total_context:3_period_count_" + p, "total_context:2_period_count_" + p ]].swifter.apply(lambda x: max( 0, x["total_context:3_period_count_" + p] - x[ "total_context:2_period_count_" + p]), axis=1) df_train["new_total_context:2_count_" + p] = df_train[[ "total_context:100_period_count_" + p, "total_context:2_count_" + p ]].swifter.apply(lambda x: max( 0, x["total_context:2_count_" + p] - x[ "total_context:100_period_count_" + p]), axis=1) df_train = df_train.drop( ["total_" + x for x in names_pool if "2_period_count" not in x], axis=1) lfs = [val_in_name, positive_lexicon_overall, positive_lexicon_pervalue] num_of_thesholds = 3 step = 100 // num_of_thesholds for col in df_train: if col not in ["author", "value", "idd", "root_value"]: if col not in [ "pos_prob_mean", "neg_prob_mean", "num_good_posts" ]: # , "lexicon_counts", "subreddit_counts", "name_in_subr_count"]: thresholds = [0] if "lexicon" in col and "unique" not in col: continue if True: # col in ["lexicon_counts", "unique_lexicon_counts"]: vals = df_train[col].to_numpy() thresholds = np.percentile( vals, list(range(0 + step, 99 + step, step))).astype(int) thresholds = sorted(list(set(thresholds))) if len(thresholds) > 1: thresholds = thresholds[:-1] if "lexicon" in col: thresholds = [3] # max_val = max(vals) # thresholds = list(range(0, int(max_val), int(max_val/5) + 1)) # elif col == "pos_prob_mean": # thresholds = [0.5 + 0.1 * x for x in range(5)] for i in range(len(thresholds)): thresh = thresholds[i] next_threshold = sys.maxsize if i == len( thresholds) - 1 else thresholds[i + 1] previous_threshold = -sys.maxsize if i == 0 else thresholds[ i - 1] if "lexicon_counts" not in col: lfs.append( make_thresold_lf(thresh=thresh, col_name=col, next_threshold=next_threshold)) else: lfs.append( make_lexicon_lf( thresh=thresh, pref=col, previous_threshold=previous_threshold)) num_annotators = 0 if num_annotators > 0: for i in range(1, num_annotators + 1): lfs.append(make_annotator_lf(worker_index=i)) lfs = [ x for x in lfs if any(y in str(x) for y in ["less", "context:2", "worker", "lexicon"]) ] print("created lfs their number", len(lfs)) print("\n".join(str(x) for x in lfs)) #### validation ##### do_val = False if do_val: df_golden = pd.read_csv( "/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/profession/gold_dev.csv" ) name_val = list(df_golden["auth_val"]) # df_train['root_value'] = df_train['value'].swifter.apply(lambda x: syn_to_hob[x]) df_train["auth_val"] = df_train[["author", "value"]].swifter.apply( lambda x: x["author"] + "+++" + x["value"], axis=1) df_val = df_train[df_train.auth_val.isin(name_val)] df_dev = df_train[~df_train.auth_val.isin(name_val)] print("Number val", df_val.shape) print("Number dev", df_dev.shape) df_val = df_val.merge(df_golden, on="auth_val") y_val = np.array(df_val["final"]) df_val = df_val.drop(labels="final", axis=1) # create test set as well with TQDMDaskProgressBar(desc="Dask Apply"): applier = PandasParallelLFApplier(lfs=lfs) L_val = applier.apply(df=df_val, n_parallel=num_cpu) L_dev = applier.apply(df=df_dev, n_parallel=num_cpu) dev_analysis = LFAnalysis(L=L_dev, lfs=lfs).lf_summary() analysis = LFAnalysis(L=L_val, lfs=lfs).lf_summary(y_val) analysis.to_csv("/home/tigunova/val_analysis.csv") dev_analysis.to_csv("/home/tigunova/dev_analysis.csv") print(analysis) label_model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True) #, Y_dev=y_val) model_stat = label_model.score(L=L_val, Y=y_val) print(model_stat) exit(0) ########### #### picking threshold ##### do_threshold = False if do_threshold: df_golden = pd.read_csv( "/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/profession/gold_validation.csv" ) name_val = list(df_golden["auth_val"]) # df_train['root_value'] = df_train['value'].swifter.apply(lambda x: syn_to_hob[x]) df_train["auth_val"] = df_train[["author", "value"]].swifter.apply( lambda x: x["author"] + "+++" + x["value"], axis=1) df_val = df_train[df_train.auth_val.isin(name_val)] df_dev = df_train[~df_train.auth_val.isin(name_val)] pop_size = df_dev.shape[0] print("Number val", df_val.shape) print("Number dev", df_dev.shape) applier = PandasParallelLFApplier(lfs=lfs) df_val = df_val.merge(df_golden, on="auth_val") L_val = applier.apply(df=df_val, n_parallel=num_cpu) val_thresholds = [0.01 * x for x in range(100)] label_model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True) with TQDMDaskProgressBar(desc="Dask Apply"): L_dev = applier.apply(df=df_dev, n_parallel=num_cpu), class_balance=[0.5, 0.5]) # , Y_dev=y_val) wghts = label_model.get_weights() print("\n".join(str(x) for x in zip(lfs, wghts))) probs_val = label_model.predict_proba(L=L_val) probs_df = pd.DataFrame(probs_val, columns=["neg_prob", "pos_prob"]) df_val = pd.concat([df_val.reset_index(), probs_df], axis=1) probs_dev = label_model.predict_proba(L=L_dev) probs_df = pd.DataFrame(probs_dev, columns=["neg_prob", "pos_prob"]) df_dev = pd.concat([df_dev.reset_index(), probs_df], axis=1) y_true = np.array(df_val["final"]) for th in val_thresholds: y_pred = np.array( df_val["pos_prob"].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > th else 0)) #print("true negatives") #print(df_val[df_val["final"] == 1][df_val["pos_prob"] <= th][["auth_val", "text"]]) prec = precision_score(y_true, y_pred) pred_labels = y_pred true_labels = y_true # True Positive (TP): we predict a label of 1 (positive), and the true label is 1. TP = np.sum(np.logical_and(pred_labels == 1, true_labels == 1)) # True Negative (TN): we predict a label of 0 (negative), and the true label is 0. TN = np.sum(np.logical_and(pred_labels == 0, true_labels == 0)) # False Positive (FP): we predict a label of 1 (positive), but the true label is 0. FP = np.sum(np.logical_and(pred_labels == 1, true_labels == 0)) # False Negative (FN): we predict a label of 0 (negative), but the true label is 1. FN = np.sum(np.logical_and(pred_labels == 0, true_labels == 1)) print('TP: %i, FP: %i, TN: %i, FN: %i' % (TP, FP, TN, FN)) # print(list(zip(label_model.predict(L=L_val_curr), y_val_curr))) # print("******************************") print("threshold %s, proportion population %.4f, precision %s" % (str(th), df_dev[df_dev["pos_prob"] > th].shape[0] / pop_size, str(prec))) exit(0) ########### with TQDMDaskProgressBar(desc="Dask Apply"): applier = PandasParallelLFApplier(lfs=lfs) L_train = applier.apply(df=df_train, n_parallel=num_cpu) analysis = LFAnalysis(L=L_train, lfs=lfs).lf_summary() print(analysis) df_l_train = pd.DataFrame( L_train, columns=["llf_" + str(x).split(",")[0] for x in lfs]) print(df_train.shape) print(df_l_train.shape) df_train = pd.concat([df_train.reset_index(), df_l_train], axis=1) print(df_train.shape) print("********************************************") t4 = time.time() label_model = LabelModel(cardinality=2, verbose=True), n_epochs=1000, lr=0.001, log_freq=100, seed=123, class_balance=[0.3, 0.7]) probs_train = label_model.predict_proba(L=L_train) print("labeling model work ", (time.time() - t4) / 60) df_train_filtered, probs_train_filtered = filter_unlabeled_dataframe( X=df_train, y=probs_train, L=L_train) probs_df = pd.DataFrame(probs_train_filtered, columns=["neg_prob", "pos_prob"]) print(df_train_filtered.shape) print(probs_df.shape) result_filtered = pd.concat([ df_train_filtered[['author', 'value', 'idd']].reset_index(), probs_df ], axis=1) print(result_filtered.shape) print("****************************************************") result_filtered.to_csv("/home/tigunova/some_result_" + prefix + ".csv") print(df_train_filtered.shape) print(probs_df.shape) df_train_filtered = pd.concat([df_train_filtered.reset_index(), probs_df], axis=1) df_train_filtered = df_train_filtered.drop(["index"], axis=1) print(df_train_filtered.shape) df_train_filtered.to_pickle( "/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/profession/user_" + prefix + ".pkl") df_train_filtered.to_csv( "/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/profession/user_" + prefix + ".csv") # df_train.iloc[L_train[:, 1] == POS].to_csv("/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/user_" + prefix + ".csv") ### write dict output_threshold = 0.63 output_dict = defaultdict(list) auth_hobby_dict = defaultdict(list) for index, row in result_filtered.iterrows(): if row.value == row.value and == auth_hobby_dict[].append([row.value, row.pos_prob]) allowed_labels = [] for index, row in df_train_filtered.iterrows(): if row.value == row.value and == if row.pos_prob > output_threshold: output_dict[].append([row.value] + row.idd + [row.pos_prob]) allowed_labels.append(syn_to_hob[row.value]) print("\n".join([ str(y) for y in sorted(dict(Counter(allowed_labels)).items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) ])) print( "After cropping", sum([ x if x < 500 else 500 for x in dict(Counter(allowed_labels)).values() ])) print("users in total", len(output_dict)) for auth, stuffs in output_dict.items(): prof = ":::".join(set([x[0] for x in stuffs])) prob = ":::".join([str(x[-1]) for x in stuffs]) msgs = set([x for l in stuffs for x in l[1:-1]]) output_dict[auth] = [prof] + list(msgs) + [prob] with open( "/home/tigunova/PycharmProjects/snorkel_labels/data/profession/sources/final_author_dict_" + prefix + ".txt", "w") as f_out: f_out.write(repr(dict(auth_hobby_dict))) with open("/home/tigunova/users_profession1.txt", "w") as f_out: f_out.write(repr(dict(output_dict)))