def plot_simulated_histogram_variety_test(parameters: np.array) -> None:
    params = {"review_prior": np.ones(5), "tendency_to_rate": 0.05}
    simulator = simulator_class.DoubleRhoSimulator(params)
    simulator.simulation_parameters = {"rho": parameters}

    with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc="Simulations", total=parameters.shape[0])) as progress_bar:
        simulations = Parallel(n_jobs=mp.cpu_count())(
            delayed(simulator.simulate_review_histogram)(i) for i in range(parameters.shape[0])
    simulations = np.array(simulations)

    for i in range(parameters.shape[0]):
            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            simulations[i, :],
            label=r"$\rho_{-}=$" + f"{parameters[i, 0]}, " + r"$\rho_{+}=$" + f"{parameters[i, 1]}",
        ax = plt.gca()
        plt.ylabel("Number of ratings")
        plt.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=20)
def generate_and_save_simulations(
    num_simulations: int, review_prior: np.array, tendency_to_rate: float, simulation_type: str
) -> None:
    params = {"review_prior": review_prior, "tendency_to_rate": tendency_to_rate, "simulation_type": simulation_type}
    simulator = simulator_class.DoubleRhoSimulator(params)
def plot_simulated_vs_actual_histogram_test(
    observed_histograms: np.array,
    posterior_samples: np.array,
    products_to_test: np.array,
    plot_histograms: bool = False,
    return_raw_simulations: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
    products_to_test = products_to_test.astype("int")
    simulated_histograms = np.zeros((posterior_samples.shape[0], len(products_to_test), 5))
    # Get the total number of reviews of the products we want to test
    # We will simulate as many reviews for each products as exist in their observed histograms
    # total_reviews = np.sum(observed_histograms[products_to_test, :], axis=1)

    params = {"review_prior": np.ones(5), "tendency_to_rate": 0.05, "simulation_type": "histogram"}
    simulator = simulator_class.DoubleRhoSimulator(params)
    # Take posterior samples of the products we want to test
    # We will simulate distributions using these posterior samples as parameters
    parameters = np.swapaxes(posterior_samples[:, products_to_test, :], 0, 1).reshape((-1, 2))
    # We need to expand total reviews to be same number as the number of simulations to be run
    # total_reviews = np.tile(total_reviews[:, None], (1, posterior_samples.shape[0])).flatten()
    simulator.simulation_parameters = {"rho": parameters}

    with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc="Simulations", total=parameters.shape[0])) as progress_bar:
        simulations = Parallel(n_jobs=mp.cpu_count())(
            delayed(simulator.simulate_review_histogram)(i) for i in range(parameters.shape[0])
    simulations = np.array(simulations)
    simulated_histograms[:, :, :] = simulations.reshape((-1, len(products_to_test), 5), order="F")
    simulated_histograms /= np.sum(simulated_histograms, axis=-1)[:, :, None]

    if plot_histograms:
        for i in range(len(products_to_test)):
                np.arange(5) + 1,
                observed_histograms[i, :] / np.sum(observed_histograms[i, :]),
            # Get the HPDs of the simulated histograms
            hpd = arviz.hdi(simulated_histograms[:, i, :], hdi_prob=0.95)
            plt.fill_between(np.arange(5) + 1, hpd[:, 0], hpd[:, 1], color="black", alpha=0.4)
            plt.ylim([0, 1])

    if return_raw_simulations:
        return simulations
        return simulated_histograms
    def load_simulator(
        self, dirname: Path, simulator_type: str = "double_rho", simulation_type: str = "timeseries"
    ) -> None:
        # The parameters used to initialize the simulator object don't matter here
        # as they will be overridden by those of the loaded simulator
        params = {"review_prior": np.ones(5), "tendency_to_rate": 0.05, "simulation_type": simulation_type}
        self.simulator_type = simulator_type
        self.simulation_type = simulation_type
        if self.simulator_type == "single_rho":
            simulator = simulator_class.SingleRhoSimulator(params)
        elif self.simulator_type == "double_rho":
            simulator = simulator_class.DoubleRhoSimulator(params)
        elif self.simulator_type == "herding":
            # Add the additional parameters that the herding simulator needs to initialize
            # Again the values aren't important as they will be overridden by those of the loaded simulator
            params.update({"previous_rating_measure": "mean", "min_reviews_for_herding": 5})
            simulator = simulator_class.HerdingSimulator(params)
            raise ValueError(
                f"simulator_type has to be one of single_rho, double rho or herding, found {self.simulator_type}"

        self.simulator = simulator
def plot_test_parameter_recovery(
    parameters: np.array,
    num_posterior_samples: int,
    simulator_type: str,
    simulation_type: str,
    plot_posteriors: bool = False,
    get_stats: bool = False,
    param_posterior_prob_band: Optional[float] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    # Simulate review histograms using provided parameters
    params = {"review_prior": np.ones(5), "tendency_to_rate": 0.05, "simulation_type": simulation_type}
    simulator = simulator_class.DoubleRhoSimulator(params)
    simulator.simulation_parameters = {"rho": parameters}
    with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc="Simulations", total=parameters.shape[0])) as progress_bar:
        simulations = Parallel(n_jobs=mp.cpu_count())(
            delayed(simulator.simulate_review_histogram)(i) for i in range(parameters.shape[0])
    simulations = np.array(simulations)

    # The parameter prior doesn't matter here as it will be overridden by that of the loaded inference object
    parameter_prior = sbi.utils.BoxUniform(
        low=torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]).type(torch.FloatTensor), high=torch.tensor([4.0, 4.0]).type(torch.FloatTensor)
    inferrer = inference_class.HistogramInference(parameter_prior=parameter_prior)
    inferrer.load_simulator(dirname=ARTIFACT_PATH, simulator_type=simulator_type, simulation_type=simulation_type)
    posterior_samples = inferrer.get_posterior_samples(simulations, num_samples=num_posterior_samples)

    # Plot the posterior samples inferred for the simulated data
    # We will plot upto 4 plots in one row of the panel
    if plot_posteriors:
        if len(parameters) <= 4:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(parameters), squeeze=False)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots((len(parameters) + 1) // 4, 4, squeeze=False)
        row_index = 0
        for i in range(len(parameters)):
            if len(parameters) > 4:
                row_index = i // 4
            ax[row_index, i % 4].hist(
                posterior_samples[:, i, 0], color="black", alpha=0.5, bins=10, label=r"$\rho_{-}$"
            ax[row_index, i % 4].axvline(x=parameters[i, 0], linewidth=3.0, color="black", linestyle="--")
            ax[row_index, i % 4].hist(posterior_samples[:, i, 1], color="red", alpha=0.5, bins=10, label=r"$\rho_{+}$")
            ax[row_index, i % 4].axvline(x=parameters[i, 1], linewidth=3.0, color="red", linestyle="--")
            ax[row_index, i % 4].set_xlim([0, 4])
            ax[row_index, i % 4].set_xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
            ax[row_index, i % 4].legend()
        # add a big axis, hide frame
        fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
        # hide tick and tick label of the big axis
        plt.tick_params(labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False)
        plt.xlabel(r"$\rho_{-}, \rho_{+}$")
        plt.ylabel("Number of samples")

    # If asked, print how many of the provided parameters are recovered by the inference engine
    # i.e, how often do the supplied parameters lie within the 95% HPD of the posterior
    if get_stats:
        f = open(ARTIFACT_PATH / "stats_parameter_recovery.txt", "w")
        assert (
            posterior_samples.shape == (num_posterior_samples,) + parameters.shape
        ), f"""
        Expected shape {(num_posterior_samples,) + parameters.shape} for array of posterior samples,
        but got {posterior_samples.shape} instead
        # First get the HPD of each recovered posterior distribution
        hpd = np.array([arviz.hdi(posterior_samples[:, i, :], hdi_prob=0.95) for i in range(parameters.shape[0])])
        assert hpd.shape == parameters.shape + (2,), f"Found shape {hpd.shape} for hpd"
        # See how many of the supplied rho_- and rho_+ are contained in these HPDs
        contained_rho_0 = [
            True if (parameters[i, 0] < hpd[i, 0, 1] and parameters[i, 0] > hpd[i, 0, 0]) else False
            for i in range(parameters.shape[0])
        contained_rho_1 = [
            True if (parameters[i, 1] < hpd[i, 1, 1] and parameters[i, 1] > hpd[i, 1, 0]) else False
            for i in range(parameters.shape[0])
        rho- is recovered {np.sum(contained_rho_0)} times out of {parameters.shape[0]}
        = {100*(np.sum(contained_rho_0) / parameters.shape[0]):0.2f}%"
        rho+ is recovered {np.sum(contained_rho_1)} times out of {parameters.shape[0]}
        = {100*(np.sum(contained_rho_1) / parameters.shape[0]):0.2f}%"
        print("=======================================================", file=f)
        # Now get the probability that the posterior distribution puts in a band/region around
        # the passed parameter values. For good parameter recovery, this number should be high
        assert (
            param_posterior_prob_band is not None
        ), f"""
        Posterior probability band around parameter values need to be passed if stats are needed
        param_band_low = parameters - param_posterior_prob_band
        param_band_high = parameters + param_posterior_prob_band
        rho_0_probs = (posterior_samples[:, :, 0] >= param_band_low[None, :, 0]) * (
            posterior_samples[:, :, 0] <= param_band_high[None, :, 0]
        rho_0_probs = np.mean(rho_0_probs, axis=0)
        rho_1_probs = (posterior_samples[:, :, 1] >= param_band_low[None, :, 1]) * (
            posterior_samples[:, :, 1] <= param_band_high[None, :, 1]
        rho_1_probs = np.mean(rho_1_probs, axis=0)
        In {100*np.mean(rho_0_probs>=0.5):0.2f}% of cases, the inferred posterior places more than 50% probability
        in a band of {2*param_posterior_prob_band} around the true value of rho-
        In {100*np.mean(rho_1_probs>=0.5):0.2f}% of cases, the inferred posterior places more than 50% probability
        in a band of {2*param_posterior_prob_band} around the true value of rho+
        # Finally, plot the distribution of the posterior probability the inference engine places in a
        # band around the true value of rho- and rho+
        plt.hist(rho_0_probs, alpha=0.5, label=r"$\rho_{-}$")
        plt.hist(rho_1_probs, alpha=0.5, label=r"$\rho_{+}$")
            f"Posterior probability placed by inference engine in a band of {2*param_posterior_prob_band}"
            + f"\n around the true value of the parameters ({parameters.shape[0]} trials)",

    return posterior_samples