Exemple #1
def disconnect(backend, association_id=None):
    """Disconnects given backend from current logged in user."""
    strategy = g.strategy
    strategy.disconnect(user=g.user, association_id=association_id)
    url = (
        request.form.get("next", "")
        or request.args.get("next", "")
        or strategy.setting("DISCONNECT_REDIRECT_URL")
        or strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")
    return redirect(url)
Exemple #2
def auth(backend):
    # Save any defined next value into session
    strategy = g.strategy
    data = request.form if request.method == "POST" else request.args

    # Save extra data into session.
    for field_name in strategy.setting("FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION", []):
        if field_name in data:
            session[field_name] = data[field_name]

    if "next" in data:
        # Check and sanitize a user-defined GET/POST next field value
        redirect_uri = data["next"]
        if strategy.setting("SANITIZE_REDIRECTS", True):
            redirect_uri = sanitize_redirect(request.host, redirect_uri)
        session["next"] = redirect_uri or strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")
    return strategy.start()
Exemple #3
def complete(backend, *args, **kwargs):
    """Authentication complete view, override this view if transaction
    management doesn't suit your needs."""
    strategy = g.strategy
    # pop redirect value before the session is trashed on login()
    redirect_value = session.get("next", "") or request.form.get("next", "") or request.args.get("next", "")

    is_authenticated = user_is_authenticated(g.user)
    user = is_authenticated and g.user or None
    url = strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")

    if session.get("partial_pipeline"):
        data = session.pop("partial_pipeline")
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        kwargs.setdefault("user", user)
        idx, xargs, xkwargs = strategy.from_session(data, request=request, *args, **kwargs)

        if xkwargs.get("backend", "") == backend:
            user = strategy.continue_pipeline(pipeline_index=idx, *xargs, **xkwargs)
            user = strategy.complete(user=user, request=request, *args, **kwargs)
        user = strategy.complete(user=user, request=request, *args, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(user, Response):
        return user

    if is_authenticated:
        if not user:
            url = redirect_value or strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")
            url = (
                or strategy.setting("NEW_ASSOCIATION_REDIRECT_URL")
                or strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")
    elif user:
        if user_is_active(user):
            # catch is_new flag before login() resets the instance
            is_new = getattr(user, "is_new", False)
            # user.social_user is the used UserSocialAuth instance defined
            # in authenticate process
            social_user = user.social_user
            # store last login backend name in session
            session["social_auth_last_login_backend"] = social_user.provider

            # Remove possible redirect URL from session, if this is a new
            # account, send him to the new-users-page if defined.
            new_user_redirect = strategy.setting("NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL")
            if new_user_redirect and is_new:
                url = new_user_redirect
                url = redirect_value or strategy.setting("LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL")
            url = (
                or strategy.setting("LOGIN_ERROR_URL")
                or strategy.setting("LOGIN_URL")
        url = strategy.setting("LOGIN_ERROR_URL") or strategy.setting("LOGIN_URL")

    if redirect_value and redirect_value != url:
        redirect_value = quote(redirect_value)
        url += ("?" in url and "&" or "?") + "%s=%s" % ("next", redirect_value)
    return redirect(url)