Exemple #1
    def _new(self, request, data=None):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        me = args['me']
        landing = not self._ajax
        authInfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        convType = data['type']
        convId, conv, keywords = yield Item.new(request, authInfo, convType)
        if keywords:
            block = t.getBlock('item.mako', 'requireReviewDlg', keywords=keywords)
            request.write('$$.convs.reviewRequired(%s);' % json.dumps(block))

        target = conv['meta'].get('target', None)
        toFetchEntities = set()
        if target:

        convType = utils.getRequestArg(request, "type")
        plugin = plugins[convType]
        entityIds = yield plugin.fetchData(args, convId)
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()

        data = {"items": {convId: conv}, "relations": relation,
                "entities": entities, "script": True}
        onload = "(function(obj){$$.convs.load(obj);$('#sharebar-attach-uploaded').empty();})(this);"
        t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "item_layout",
                            False, "#user-feed", "prepend", args=[convId, 'conv-item-created'],
                            handlers={"onload": onload}, **args)

        defaultType = plugins.keys()[0]
        plugins[defaultType].renderShareBlock(request, True)
        if plugin and hasattr(plugin, 'renderFeedSideBlock'):
            entityId = myId
            referer = request.getHeader('referer')
            matchObj = feedPathObj.search(referer)
            if matchObj:
                matchedStr = matchObj.group('entityId')
                if matchedStr != "":
                    entityId = matchedStr
                if target:
                    entityId = target.split(',')[0]
                    args["groupId"] = target.split(',')[0]

            yield plugin.renderFeedSideBlock(request, landing, entityId, args)
Exemple #2
def createNewItem(request, itemType, owner, acl=None, subType=None, groupIds=None, richText=False):
    if not acl:
        acl = getRequestArg(request, "acl", sanitize=False)

        acl = json.loads(acl)
        orgs = acl.get("accept", {}).get("orgs", [])
        if len(orgs) > 1 or (len(orgs) == 1 and orgs[0] != owner.basic["org"]):
            msg = "Cannot grant access to other orgs on this item"
            raise errors.PermissionDenied(_(msg))
        acl = {"accept": {"orgs": [owner.basic["org"]]}}

    accept_groups = acl.get("accept", {}).get("groups", [])
    deny_groups = acl.get("deny", {}).get("groups", [])
    groups = [x for x in accept_groups if x not in deny_groups]
    if groups:
        relation = Relation(owner.id, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()
        if not all([x in relation.groups for x in groups]):
            msg = "Only group members can post to a group"
            raise errors.PermissionDenied(_(msg))

    acl = pickle.dumps(acl)
    item = {
        "meta": {
            "acl": acl,
            "org": owner.basic["org"],
            "type": itemType,
            "uuid": uuid.uuid1().bytes,
            "owner": owner.id,
            "timestamp": str(int(time.time())),
            "richText": str(richText),
        "followers": {owner.id: ""},
    if subType:
        item["meta"]["subType"] = subType
    if groups:
        item["meta"]["target"] = ",".join(groups)

    tmpFileIds = getRequestArg(request, "fId", False, True)
    attachments = {}
    if tmpFileIds:
        attachments = yield _upload_files(owner.id, tmpFileIds)
        if attachments:
            item["attachments"] = {}
            for attachmentId in attachments:
                fileId, name, size, ftype = attachments[attachmentId]
                item["attachments"][attachmentId] = "%s:%s:%s" % (name, size, ftype)
Exemple #3
def getValidItemId(request, arg, type=None, columns=None, itemId=None, myOrgId=None, myId=None):
    if not itemId:
        itemId = getRequestArg(request, arg, sanitize=False)
    itemType = type if type else "item"
    if not itemId:
        raise errors.MissingParams([_("%s id") % _(itemType).capitalize()])

    columns = [] if not columns else columns
    columns.extend(["meta", "attachments"])

    item = yield db.get_slice(itemId, "items", columns)
    if not item:
        raise errors.InvalidItem(itemType, itemId)

    item = supercolumnsToDict(item)
    meta = item["meta"]

    if type and meta["type"] != type:
        raise errors.InvalidItem(itemType, itemId)

    parentId = meta.get("parent", None)
    if parentId:
        parent = yield db.get_slice(parentId, "items", ["meta"])
        parent = supercolumnsToDict(parent)
        acl = parent["meta"]["acl"]
        owner = parent["meta"]["owner"]
        deleted = parent["meta"].get("state", None) == "deleted"
        parent = item
        acl = meta["acl"]
        owner = meta["owner"]
        deleted = parent["meta"].get("state", None) == "deleted"

    if deleted:
        raise errors.InvalidItem(itemType, itemId)

    if not myOrgId:
        myOrgId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).organization
    if not myId:
        myId = request.getSession(IAuthInfo).username

    relation = Relation(myId, [])
    yield relation.initGroupsList()
    if not checkAcl(myId, myOrgId, False, relation, parent["meta"]):
        raise errors.ItemAccessDenied(itemType, itemId)

    defer.returnValue((itemId, item))
Exemple #4
    def _to_python(self, itemId, state):
        itemType = self.itemType if self.itemType else 'item'
        if not itemId or not itemId[0]:
            raise MissingParam('%s-id' % (itemType), itemId, state)
        itemId = itemId[0]

        columns = set(['meta']).update(self.columns)
        item = yield db.get_slice(itemId, "items", columns)
        if not item:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        item = utils.supercolumnsToDict(item)
        meta = item["meta"]

        if self.itemType and meta["type"] != self.itemType:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        parentId = meta.get("parent", None)
        if parentId:
            parent = yield db.get_slice(parentId, "items", ["meta"])
            parent = utils.supercolumnsToDict(parent)
            parent = item
        acl = parent["meta"]["acl"]
        owner = parent["meta"]["owner"]
        #parent is deleted
        deleted = parent['meta'].get('state', None) == 'deleted'
        #item is deleted
        deleted = deleted or meta.get('state', None) == 'deleted'

        if deleted:
            raise InvalidItem(itemType, itemId, state)

        if self.source != 'api':
            request = state.request
            authInfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
            myId = authInfo.username
            orgId = authInfo.organization
            isOrgAdmin = authInfo.isAdmin

        isOrgAdmin = self.checkAdmin and isOrgAdmin
        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()
        if not utils.checkAcl(myId, orgId, isOrgAdmin, relation, parent['meta']):
            raise ItemAccessDenied(itemType, itemId, state)
        defer.returnValue((itemId, item))
Exemple #5
    def _getUserItems(self, request, userId, start='', count=10):
        authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
        myId = authinfo.username
        myOrgId = authinfo.organization

        toFetchItems = set()
        toFetchEntities = set()
        toFetchTags = set()
        toFetchResponses = set()
        toFetchCount = count + 1
        toFetchStart = utils.decodeKey(start) if start else ''
        fetchedUserItem = []
        responses = {}
        convs = []
        userItemsRaw = []
        userItems = []
        reasonStr = {}
        timestamps = {}
        items = {}
        nextPageStart = None
        args = {'myId': myId}

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()


        while len(convs) < toFetchCount:
            cols = yield db.get_slice(userId, "userItems", start=toFetchStart,
                                      reverse=True, count=toFetchCount)
            tmpIds = []
            for col in cols:
                convId = col.column.value.split(":")[2]
                if convId not in tmpIds and convId not in convs:
            (filteredConvs, deletedConvs) = yield utils.fetchAndFilterConvs\
                                        (tmpIds, relation, items, myId, myOrgId)
            for col in cols[0:count]:
                convId = col.column.value.split(":")[2]
                if len(convs) == count or len(fetchedUserItem) == count*2:
                    nextPageStart = col.column.name
                if convId not in filteredConvs and convId not in convs:
                if convId not in convs:
            if len(cols) < toFetchCount or nextPageStart:
            if cols:
                toFetchStart = cols[-1].column.name
        if nextPageStart:
            nextPageStart = utils.encodeKey(nextPageStart)

        for col in fetchedUserItem:
            value = tuple(col.column.value.split(":"))
            timestamps[value] = col.column.timestamp/1e6
            rtype, itemId, convId, convType, convOwnerId, commentSnippet = value
            commentSnippet = """<span class="snippet">"%s"</span>""" %(_(commentSnippet))
            if rtype == 'I':
            elif rtype == "L" and itemId == convId and convOwnerId != userId:
                reasonStr[value] = _("liked %s's %s")
            elif rtype == "L"  and convOwnerId != userId:
                r = "answer" if convType == 'question' else 'comment'
                reasonStr[value] = _("liked") + " %s " %(commentSnippet) + _("%s "%r) + _("on %s's %s")
            elif rtype in ["C", 'Q'] and convOwnerId != userId:
                reasonStr[value] = "%s"%(commentSnippet) + _(" on %s's %s")

        itemResponses = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchResponses, "itemResponses",
                                                count=2, reverse=True)
        for convId, comments in itemResponses.items():
            responses[convId] = []
            for comment in comments:
                userId_, itemKey = comment.column.value.split(':')
                if itemKey not in toFetchItems:

        items = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchItems, "items", ["meta", "tags", "attachments"])
        items = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(items)
        args["items"] = items
        extraDataDeferreds = []

        for convId in convs:
            if convId not in items:

            meta = items[convId]["meta"]
            itemType = meta["type"]
            if "target" in meta:

            toFetchTags.update(items[convId].get("tags", {}).keys())

            if itemType in plugins:
                d =  plugins[itemType].fetchData(args, convId)

        result = yield defer.DeferredList(extraDataDeferreds)
        for success, ret in result:
            if success:

        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()

        tags = {}
        if toFetchTags:
            userOrgId = entities[userId].basic["org"]
            fetchedTags = yield db.get_slice(userOrgId, "orgTags", toFetchTags)
            tags = utils.supercolumnsToDict(fetchedTags)

        fetchedLikes = yield db.multiget(toFetchItems, "itemLikes", myId)
        myLikes = utils.multiColumnsToDict(fetchedLikes)

        data = {"entities": entities, "reasonStr": reasonStr,
                "tags": tags, "myLikes": myLikes, "userItems": userItems,
                "responses": responses, "nextPageStart": nextPageStart,
                "timestamps": timestamps }
        del args['myId']
Exemple #6
    def _render(self, request):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)

        # We are setting an empty value to 'cu' here just to make sure that
        # any errors when looking validating the entity should not leave us
        # in a bad state.

        request.addCookie('cu', '', path="/ajax/profile")
        if request.args.get("id", None):
            userId, ign = yield utils.getValidEntityId(request, "id", "user")
            userId = myId

        # XXX: We should use getValidEntityId to fetch the entire user
        # info instead of another call to the database.
        request.addCookie('cu', userId, path="/ajax/profile")
        user = base.Entity(userId)
        yield user.fetchData([])
        if user._data:
            args['user'] = user

        detail = utils.getRequestArg(request, "dt") or "activity"

        args["detail"] = detail
        args["userId"] = userId
        args["menuId"] = "people"
        args["entities"] = base.EntitySet({myId:args['me'], userId:user})

        # When scripts are enabled, updates are sent to the page as
        # and when we get the required data from the database.

        # When we are the landing page, we also render the page header
        # and all updates are wrapped in <script> blocks.
        landing = not self._ajax

        # User entered the URL directly
        # Render the header.  Other things will follow.
        if script and landing:
            t.render(request, "profile.mako", **args)

        # Start with displaying the template and navigation menu
        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "layout",
                                landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        # Prefetch some data about how I am related to the user.
        # This is required in order to reliably filter our profile details
        # that I don't have access to.
        relation = Relation(myId, [userId])
        args["relations"] = relation
        yield defer.DeferredList([relation.initSubscriptionsList(),

        # Reload all user-depended blocks if the currently displayed user is
        # not the same as the user for which new data is being requested.
        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "summary",
                                landing, "#profile-summary", "set", **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "user_subactions",
                                landing, "#user-subactions", "set", **args)

        fetchedEntities = set()
        start = utils.getRequestArg(request, "start") or ''
        fromFetchMore = ((not landing) and (not appchange) and start)
        if detail == "activity":
            userItems = yield self._getUserItems(request, userId, start=start)
        elif detail == 'files':
            end = utils.getRequestArg(request, "end") or ''
            end = utils.decodeKey(end)
            start = utils.decodeKey(start)
            userFiles = yield files.userFiles(myId, userId, args['orgId'], start, end, fromFeed=False)
            args['userfiles'] = userFiles
            args['fromProfile'] = True

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "tabs", landing,
                                "#profile-tabs", "set", **args)
            handlers = {} if detail != "activity" \
                else {"onload": "(function(obj){$$.convs.load(obj);})(this);"}

            if fromFetchMore and detail == "activity":
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "content", landing,
                                    "#next-load-wrapper", "replace", True,
                                    handlers=handlers, **args)
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "content", landing,
                                    "#profile-content", "set", True,
                                    handlers=handlers, **args)

        # List the user's subscriptions
        cols = yield db.get_slice(userId, "subscriptions", count=11)
        subscriptions = set(utils.columnsToDict(cols).keys())
        args["subscriptions"] = subscriptions

        # List the user's followers
        cols = yield db.get_slice(userId, "followers", count=11)
        followers = set(utils.columnsToDict(cols).keys())
        args["followers"] = followers

        # Fetch item data (name and avatar) for subscriptions, followers,
        # user groups and common items.
        entitiesToFetch = followers.union(subscriptions)\

        # List the user's groups (and look for groups common with me)
        cols = yield db.multiget_slice([myId, userId], "entityGroupsMap")
        myGroups = set([x.column.name.split(':', 1)[1] for x in cols[myId]])
        userGroups = set([x.column.name.split(':', 1)[1] for x in cols[userId]])
        commonGroups = myGroups.intersection(userGroups)
        if len(userGroups) > 10:
            userGroups = sample(userGroups, 10)
        args["userGroups"] = userGroups
        args["commonGroups"] = commonGroups

        groupsToFetch = commonGroups.union(userGroups)
        entitiesToFetch = entitiesToFetch.union(groupsToFetch)
        entities = base.EntitySet(entitiesToFetch)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        for entityId, entity in entities.items():
            if not entity._data:
               del entities[entityId]

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "user_subscriptions",
                                landing, "#user-subscriptions", "set", **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "user_followers",
                                landing, "#user-followers", "set", **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "user_me",
                                landing, "#user-me", "set", **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "profile.mako", "user_groups",
                                landing, "#user-groups", "set", **args)

        if script and landing:

        if not script:
            t.render(request, "profile.mako", **args)
Exemple #7
def get(auth, feedId=None, feedItemsId=None, convIds=None,
        getFn=None, cleanFn=None, start='', count=10, getReasons=True,
        forceCount=False, itemType=None):
    """Fetch data from feed represented by feedId. Returns a dictionary
    that has the items from feed, start of the next page and responses and
    likes that I know of.

    Keyword params:
    @auth -  An instance of AuthInfo representing the authenticated user
    @feedId -  Id of the feed from which the data is to be fetched
    @feedItemsId -  Id of the feed from with feed items must be fetched
    @convIds -  List of conversation id's to be used as feed
    @getFn -  Function that must be used to fetch items
    @cleanFn -  Function that must be used to clean items that don't exist
    @start -  Id of the item where the fetching must start
    @count - Number of items to fetch
    @getReasons - Add reason strings to the returned dictionary
    @forceCount - Try hard to get atleast count items from the feed

    toFetchItems = set()    # Items and entities that need to be fetched
    toFetchEntities = set() #
    toFetchTags = set()     #

    items = {}              # Fetched items, entities and tags
    entities = base.EntitySet([])#
    tags = {}               #

    deleted = []            # List of items that were deleted
    deleteKeys = []         # List of keys that need to be deleted

    responses = {}          # Cached data of item responses and likes
    likes = {}              #
    myLikes = {}

    myId = auth.username
    orgId = auth.organization

    feedSource = "feed_%s" % itemType\
                        if itemType and itemType in plugins\
                                    and plugins[itemType].hasIndex\
                        else "feed"
    feedItemsId = feedItemsId or myId
    feedItems_d = []            # List of deferred used to fetch feedItems

    # Used for checking ACL
    relation = Relation(myId, [])
    yield relation.initGroupsList()

    # The updates that will be used to build reason strings
    convReasonUpdates = {}

    # Data that is sent to various plugins and returned by this function
    # XXX: myKey is depricated - use myId
    data = {"myId": myId, "orgId": orgId, "responses": responses,
            "likes": likes, "myLikes": myLikes, "items": items,
            "entities": entities, "tags": tags, "myKey": myId,
            "relations": relation}

    def fetchFeedItems(ids):
        rawFeedItems = yield db.get_slice(feedItemsId, "feedItems", ids) \
                                            if ids else defer.succeed([])
        for conv in rawFeedItems:
            convId = conv.super_column.name
            convUpdates = conv.super_column.columns
            responses[convId] = []
            likes[convId] = []
            latest = None

            updatesByType = {}
            for update in convUpdates:
                parts = update.value.split(':')
                updatesByType.setdefault(parts[0], []).append(parts)
                if parts[1] != myId:    # Ignore my own updates
                    latest = parts      # when displaying latest actors

            # Parse all notification to make sure we fetch any required
            # items, entities. and cache generic stuff that we display
            for tipe in updatesByType.keys():
                updates = updatesByType[tipe]

                if tipe in _feedUpdatePlugins:
                    (i,e) = _feedUpdatePlugins[tipe].parse(convId, updates)

                if tipe == "L":
                    for update in updates:
                        if update[2] == convId:
                        # XXX: Adding this item may break the sorting
                        #      of responses on this conversation
                        #      Bug #493
                        #    responses[convId].append(update[2])
                elif tipe in ["C", "Q"]:
                    for update in updates:

            # Store any information that can be used to render
            # the reason strings when we have the required data
            if getReasons and latest:
                convReasonUpdates[convId] = updatesByType[latest[0]]

    # Fetch the feed if required and at the same time make sure
    # we delete unwanted items from the feed (cleanup).
    # NOTE: We assume that there will be very few deletes.
    nextPageStart = None
    if not convIds:
        feedId = feedId or myId
        allFetchedConvIds = set()   # Complete set of convIds fetched
        itemsFromFeed = {}          # All the key-values retrieved from feed
        keysFromFeed = []           # Sorted list of keys (used for paging)
        convIds = []                # List of convIds that will be displayed

        fetchStart = utils.decodeKey(start)
        fetchCount = count + 1

        while len(convIds) < count:
            fetchedConvIds = []

            # Use the getFn function if given.
            # NOTE: Part of this code is duplicated just below this.
            if getFn:
                results = yield getFn(start=fetchStart, count=fetchCount)
                for name, value in results.items():
                    if value not in allFetchedConvIds:
                        itemsFromFeed[name] = value

            # Fetch user's feed when getFn isn't given.
            # NOTE: Part of this code is from above
                results = yield db.get_slice(feedId, feedSource,
                                             start=fetchStart, reverse=True)
                for col in results:
                    value = col.column.value
                    if value not in allFetchedConvIds:
                        itemsFromFeed[col.column.name] = value

            # Initiate fetching feed items for all the conversation Ids.
            # Meanwhile we check if the authenticated user has access to
            # all the fetched conversation ids.
            # NOTE: Conversations would rarely be filtered out. So, we
            #       just go ahead with fetching data for all convs.
            (filteredConvIds, deletedIds) = yield utils.fetchAndFilterConvs\
                                (fetchedConvIds, relation, items, myId, orgId)

            # Unless we are forced to fetch count number of items, we only
            # iterate till we fetch atleast half of them
            if (not forceCount and len(convIds) > (count/2)) or\
                    len(results) < fetchCount:

            # If we need more items, we start fetching from where we
            # left in the previous iteration.
            fetchStart = keysFromFeed[-1]

        # If DB fetch got as many items as I requested
        # there may be additional items present in the feed
        # So, we cut one item from what we return and start the
        # next page from there.
        if len(results) == fetchCount:
            lastConvId = convIds[-1]
            for key in reversed(keysFromFeed):
                if key in itemsFromFeed and itemsFromFeed[key] == lastConvId:
                    nextPageStart = utils.encodeKey(key)
            convIds = convIds[:-1]

        (convIds, deletedIds) = yield utils.fetchAndFilterConvs(convIds,
                                            relation, items, myId, orgId)
        # NOTE: Unlike the above case where we fetch convIds from
        #       database (where we set the nextPageStart to a key),
        #       here we set nextPageStart to the convId.
        if len(convIds) > count:
            nextPageStart = utils.encodeKey(convIds[count])
            convIds = convIds[0:count]

        # Since convIds were directly passed to us, we would also
        # return the list of convIds deleted back to the caller.
        if deletedIds:
            data["deleted"] = deletedIds

    # We don't have any conversations to display!
    if not convIds:
        defer.returnValue({"conversations": []})

    # Delete any convs that were deleted from the feeds and
    # any duplicates that were marked for deletion
    cleanup_d = []
    if deleted:
        for key, value in itemsFromFeed.items():
            if value in deleted:

        if cleanFn:
            d1 = cleanFn(list(deleteKeys))
            d1 = db.batch_remove({feedSource: [feedId]}, names=deleteKeys)

        d2 = db.batch_remove({'feedItems': [feedId]}, names=list(deleted))
        cleanup_d = [d1, d2]

    # We now have a filtered list of conversations that can be displayed
    # Let's wait till all the feed items have been fetched and processed
    yield defer.DeferredList(feedItems_d)

    # Fetch the remaining items (comments on the actual conversations)
    items_d = db.multiget_slice(toFetchItems, "items", ["meta" ,"attachments"])

    # Fetch tags on all the conversations that will be displayed
    for convId in convIds:
        conv = items[convId]
        if "target" in conv["meta"]:

    tags_d = db.get_slice(orgId, "orgTags", toFetchTags) \
                                if toFetchTags else defer.succeed([])

    # Fetch the list of my likes.
    # XXX: Latency can be pretty high here becuase many nodes will have to
    #      be contacted for the information.  Alternative could be to cache
    #      all likes by a user somewhere.
    myLikes_d = db.multiget(toFetchItems.union(convIds), "itemLikes", myId)

    # Fetch extra data that is required to render special items
    # We already fetched the conversation items, plugins merely
    # add more data to the already fetched items
    for convId in convIds[:]:
        itemType = items[convId]["meta"]["type"]
        if itemType in plugins:
                entityIds = yield plugins[itemType].fetchData(data, convId)
            except Exception, e:
Exemple #8
    def fetchMatchingEvents(self, request, args, entityId, count=5, start=None):
        """Find matching events for the user, org or group for a given time
        range. Events are sorted by their start time and then by their end time.

        myId = args["myId"]
        convs = []
        invitations = []
        toFetchEntities = set()
        my_tz = timezone(args["me"].basic["timezone"])

        if not start:
            # since we store times in UTC, find out the utc time for the user's
            # 00:00 hours instead of utc 00:00.
            utc_now = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc)
            mytz_now = utc_now.astimezone(my_tz)
            mytz_start = mytz_now
            mytz_start = start.replace(tzinfo=my_tz)

        args["start"] = mytz_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        timestamp = calendar.timegm(mytz_start.utctimetuple())
        timeUUID = utils.uuid1(timestamp=timestamp)
        start = timeUUID.bytes

        page = args.get("page", 1)

        cols = yield db.get_slice(entityId, "userAgenda", start=start,
        matched_events = [col.column.value for col in cols]
        res = yield db.multiget_slice(matched_events, "items", ["meta"])
        matched_events = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(res)
        to_sort_time_tuples = [(x, y["meta"]["event_startTime"],
                                y["meta"]["event_endTime"]) \
                                    for x, y in matched_events.iteritems()]

        sorted_time_tuples = sorted(to_sort_time_tuples,
                                    key=itemgetter(int(1), int(2)))

        sorted_event_ids = [x[0] for x in sorted_time_tuples]
        events_in_this_page = sorted_event_ids[(page-1)*count:page*count]

        if len(events_in_this_page) >= count:
            nextPage = page + 1
            args.update({'nextPage': nextPage})
            args.update({'nextPage': 0})

        args["prevPage"] = page - 1
        args["items"] = matched_events
        args["conversations"] = events_in_this_page

        #Now fetch all related entities, participants, owners, attendees,
        # invitees, groups etc
        for convId in events_in_this_page:
            entityIds = yield self.fetchData(args, convId)

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()

        for event, event_meta in matched_events.iteritems():
            target = event_meta['meta'].get('target')
            if target:

        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        args["entities"] = entities
        args["relations"] = relation
Exemple #9
    def _invite(self, request, convId=None):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax
        myOrgId = args['orgId']
        convId, conv = yield utils.getValidItemId(request, "id", columns=["invitees"])

        # Parse invitees from the tag edit plugin values
        arg_keys = request.args.keys()
        invitees, new_invitees = [], []
        for arg in arg_keys:
            if arg.startswith("invitee[") and arg.endswith("-a]"):
                rcpt = arg.replace("invitee[", "").replace("-a]", "")
                if rcpt != "":

        if myId not in conv["invitees"].keys():
            raise errors.invalidRequest(_("Only those who are invited can invite others"))

        res = base.EntitySet(invitees)
        yield res.fetchData()
        invitees = [x for x in res.keys() if res[x].basic["org"] == myOrgId]
        invitees = [x for x in invitees if x not in conv["invitees"].keys()]
        relation = Relation(myId, [])

        updateConv = {"meta":{}, "invitees":{}}
        if myId == conv["meta"]["owner"]:
            #If invited by owner, add the invitees to the ACL
            acl = conv["meta"]["acl"]
            acl = pickle.loads(acl)
            acl.setdefault("accept", {}).setdefault("users", [])
            updateConv["meta"]["acl"] = pickle.dumps(acl)
            for invitee in invitees:
                relation = Relation(invitee, [])
                yield relation.initGroupsList()
                withinAcl = utils.checkAcl(invitee, myOrgId, False,
                                           relation, conv["meta"])
                if withinAcl:

        if new_invitees:
            convMeta = conv["meta"]
            starttime = int(convMeta["event_startTime"])
            starttimeUUID = utils.uuid1(timestamp=starttime)
            starttimeUUID = starttimeUUID.bytes

            endtime = int(convMeta["event_endTime"])
            endtimeUUID = utils.uuid1(timestamp=endtime)
            endtimeUUID = endtimeUUID.bytes

            updateConv["invitees"] = dict([(x, myId) for x in new_invitees])
            d = yield db.batch_insert(convId, "items", updateConv)

            yield event.inviteUsers(request, starttimeUUID, endtimeUUID,
                                    convId, conv["meta"], myId,
                                    myOrgId, new_invitees)
            request.write("""$$.alerts.info('%s');""" \
                            %("%d people invited to this event" %len(new_invitees)))
            if not invitees:
                request.write("""$$.alerts.info('%s');""" \
                                %("Invited persons are already on the invitation list"))
                request.write("""$$.alerts.info('%s');""" \
                                %("Invited persons do not have access to this event"))

        request.write("$('#item-subactions .tagedit-listelement-old').remove();")
Exemple #10
    def _search(self, request):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax
        myOrgId = args['orgId']
        filter_map = {'people':'itemType'}

        term = utils.getRequestArg(request, "q")
        start = utils.getRequestArg(request, "start") or 0
        filters = utils.getRequestArg(request, 'filter', multiValued=True) or []
        filters = dict([(filter_map[x], x) for x in filters if x in filter_map])
        args["term"] = term
        nextPageStart = ''

        if not term:

            start = int(start)
            if start < 0:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:

        if script  and landing:
            t.render(request, "search.mako", **args)

        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "layout",
                                landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)
        items = {}
        convs = set()
        highlighting = {}
        toFetchItems = []
        toFetchStart = start
        toFetchEntities = set()
        people = []
        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield defer.DeferredList([relation.initGroupsList(),
        regex = re.compile("(.*?)([^\s]*\s*[^\s]*\s*[^\s]*\s*)(<em class='highlight'>.*<\/em>)(\s*[^\s]*\s*[^\s]*\s*[^\s]*)(.*)")

        res = yield solr.search(term, args['orgId'], count, toFetchStart, filters={'itemType': 'people'})
        docs = res.data.get('response', {}).get('docs', [])
        for item in docs:
            entityId = item['id']

        while 1:
            res = yield solr.search(term, args['orgId'], count, toFetchStart)
            messages = []
            convItems = []
            numMatched = res.data.get('response', {}).get('numFound', 0)
            docs = res.data.get('response', {}).get('docs', [])
            highlighting.update(res.data.get('highlighting', {}))
            for index, item in enumerate(docs):
                itemId = item['id']
                parent = item.get('parent', None)
                position = toFetchStart + index
                if item.get('itemType', '') == "message":
                    if (item.get('id'), parent) not in messages:
                        messages.append((item.get('id'), parent))
                elif item.get('itemType', '') == 'people':
                    entityId = item.get('id')
                    if entityId not in people:
                elif parent:
                    convItems.append((itemId, parent, position))
                    convItems.append((itemId, itemId, position))
            if convs:
                filteredConvs, deleted  = yield utils.fetchAndFilterConvs(convs, relation, items, myId, myOrgId)
                for itemId, convId, position in convItems:
                    if convId in filteredConvs and itemId not in toFetchItems:
                    if len(toFetchItems) == count:
                        if position +1 < numMatched:
                            nextPageStart = position + 1
            if len(toFetchItems) == count or len(docs) < count:
            toFetchStart = toFetchStart + count

        _items = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchItems, "items",
                                           ['meta', 'attachments', 'tags'])
        for itemId, item in items.iteritems():
            if 'target' in item['meta']:
            if itemId in highlighting and 'comment' in highlighting[itemId]:
                match = re.match(regex, unquote(highlighting[itemId]['comment'][0]))
                if match:
                    comment = "".join(match.groups()[1:4])
                    comment = comment + " &hellip;" if match.group(5) else comment
                    items[itemId]['meta']['comment'] = comment

        entities = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchEntities, "entities", ['basic'])
        entities = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(entities)

        for userId in people:
            if userId in highlighting and userId in entities:
                entities[userId]['basic']['reason'] = {}
                for key in highlighting[userId]:
                    if key in entities[userId]['basic']:
                        entities[userId]['basic'][key] = " ".join(highlighting[userId][key])
                        entities[userId]['basic']['reason'][key] = highlighting[userId][key]

        fromFetchMore = True if start else False
        args['term'] = term
        args['items'] = items
        args['people'] = people
        args['entities'] = entities
        args['relations'] = relation
        args["conversations"] = toFetchItems
        args["nextPageStart"] = nextPageStart
        args['fromFetchMore'] = fromFetchMore
        args['fromSidebar'] = 'people' in filters.values()

        if script:
            onload = "(function(obj){$$.convs.load(obj);})(this);"
            if fromFetchMore:
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "results",
                                    landing, "#next-load-wrapper", "replace",
                                    True, handlers={"onload": onload}, **args)
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "results",
                                    landing, "#search-results", "set", True,
                                    handlers={"onload": onload}, **args)
            if 'people' not in filters.values() and people:
              t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "_displayUsersMini",
                                  landing, "#people-block", "set", True, **args)

        if script and landing:

        if not script:
            t.render(request, "search.mako", **args)
Exemple #11
    def search(self, request):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax
        myOrgId = args['orgId']

        term = utils.getRequestArg(request, "q")
        if not term:
            errors.MissingParams(['Search term'])
        args["term"] = term

        itemType = utils.getRequestArg(request, "it") or 0
            itemType = int(itemType)
            if not 0 < itemType < 31:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            itemType = self.TYPE_ITEMS | self.TYPE_PEOPLE
        args["itemType"] = itemType

        start = utils.getRequestArg(request, "start") or 0
            start = int(start)
            if start < 0:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            start = 0
        args["start"] = start

        if script  and landing:
            t.render(request, "search.mako", **args)

        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "layout",
                                landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        toFetchEntities = set()
        toFetchItems = set()
        toFetchTags = set()
        deferreds = []
        highlight = {}

        # If searching for more than one itemType then use half the count.
        count = SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE if itemType in [1,2,4,8,16] else SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE/2

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        relation_d = relation.initGroupsList()
        args['relations'] = relation

        people = {}
        args['matchedUsers'] = people
        if itemType & self.TYPE_PEOPLE:
            d = solr.search(term, myOrgId, count, start, filters={'_type':'people'})
            def _gotPeople(results):
                docs = results.data.get('response', {}).get('docs', [])
                for item in docs:
                    entityId = item['id']
                    people[entityId] = item
                args['matchedUserCount'] = results.data.get('response', {}).get('numFound', 0)

        items = {}
        matchedItemIds = []
        args['items'] = items
        args['matchedItemIds'] = matchedItemIds
        if itemType & self.TYPE_ITEMS:
            yield relation_d
            aclFilterEntities = relation.groups + [myOrgId, myId]
            filters = {'_type': 'item',
                       '_acceptACL': '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(aclFilterEntities),
                       '-_denyACL': '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(aclFilterEntities)}
            d = solr.search(term, myOrgId, count, start, filters=filters)

            def _gotConvs(results):
                docs = results.data.get('response', {}).get('docs', [])
                for index, item in enumerate(docs):
                    itemId = item['id']
                    parentId = item.get('parent', None)
                    if parentId:

                if toFetchItems and matchedItemIds:
                    fetchedItems = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchItems,
                                    "items", ["meta", "tags", "attachments"])
                    fetchedItems = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(fetchedItems)
                    for itemId, item in fetchedItems.items():
                        if 'target' in item['meta']:


                extraDataDeferreds = []
                for itemId in toFetchItems:
                    if itemId in matchedItemIds and itemId in items:
                        meta = items[itemId]['meta']
                        itemType = meta.get('type', 'status')
                        if itemType in plugins:
                            d = plugins[itemType].fetchData(args, itemId)

                result = yield defer.DeferredList(extraDataDeferreds)
                for success, ret in result:
                    if success:
                args['matchedItemCount'] = results.data.get('response', {}).get('numFound', 0)


        yield defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        args['entities'] = entities
        if toFetchEntities:
            yield entities.fetchData()

        tags = {}
        args['tags'] = tags
        if toFetchTags:
            fetchedTags = yield db.get_slice(myOrgId, "orgTags", toFetchTags)

        args['highlight'] = highlight
        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "search.mako", "results",
                                landing, "#search-results", "set", **args)
            t.render(request, "search.mako", **args)
Exemple #12
def userFiles(myId, entityId, myOrgId, start='', end='', fromFeed=True):
    allItems = {}
    hasPrevPage = False     # Do we have another page before the current one.
    nextPageStart = ''      # Start item for the next page
    accessibleFiles = []
    accessibleItems = []
    toFetchEntities = set()

    count = constants.FILES_PER_PAGE
    toFetchCount = count + 1

    relation = Relation(myId, [])
    yield relation.initGroupsList()

    # Fetching files owned by entityId or files that were part of entityId's feed.
    cf = 'entityFeed_files' if fromFeed else 'user_files'

    # End is actually the start item of next page.
    # If @end is set, we have to display @count items before @end.  For that
    # we fetch @count + 2 items before (and including) @end. Of the extra items
    # fetched, one item helps us determine if there is another page before this
    # and the other one is the start of next page.
    if end:
        start = end
        reverse = False
        toFetchCount += 1
        reverse = True

    while 1:
        files = yield db.get_slice(entityId, cf, count=toFetchCount, start=start, reverse=reverse)
        files = utils.columnsToDict(files, True)
        toFetchItems = []
        for tuuid in files:
            if len(files[tuuid].split(':')) == 4:
                fid, name, itemId, attachmentId = files[tuuid].split(':')

        toFetchItems = [itemId for itemId in toFetchItems if itemId not in accessibleItems]
        if toFetchItems:
            items = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchItems, "items", ["meta"])
            items = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(items)
            toFetchConvIds = [items[itemId]['meta']['parent'] for itemId in items if 'parent' in items[itemId]['meta'] and items[itemId]['meta']['parent'] not in allItems]
            if toFetchConvIds:
                convs = yield db.multiget_slice(toFetchConvIds, "items", ["meta"])
                convs = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(convs)
            for itemId in items:
                if 'parent' in items[itemId]['meta']:
                    convId = items[itemId]['meta']['parent']
                    acl = allItems[convId]['meta']['acl']
                    acl = items[itemId]['meta']['acl']
                    convId = itemId
                if utils.checkAcl(myId, myOrgId, False, relation, allItems[convId]['meta']):

        for tuuid in files:
            if len(files[tuuid].split(':')) == 4:
                fid, name, itemId, ownerId = files[tuuid].split(':')
                if itemId in accessibleItems:
                                            (fid, urlsafe_b64decode(name),
                                             itemId, ownerId, allItems[itemId])))

        if len(files) < toFetchCount or len(accessibleFiles) > count:
            start = files.keys()[-1]

    if end:
        # We have enough items to have another page before this.
        if len(accessibleFiles) > count + 1:
            hasPrevPage = True
            accessibleFiles = accessibleFiles[:count + 1]

        # Revert the list to get most recent items first.

        # The last item is actually the first item of next page.
        nextPageStart = accessibleFiles[-1][0]
        accessibleFiles = accessibleFiles[:-1]

    elif start:
        hasPrevPage = True  # XXX: may not always be true, but the edge case is OK

    if len(accessibleFiles) > count:
        nextPageStart = accessibleFiles[count][0]
        accessibleFiles = accessibleFiles[:count]

    defer.returnValue((accessibleFiles, hasPrevPage, nextPageStart, toFetchEntities))
Exemple #13
def _update_suggestions(request, relation=None):
    authinfo = request.getSession(IAuthInfo)
    myId = authinfo.username
    orgId = authinfo.organization
    weights = {'group': {'follower': 15, 'subscription': 40, 'group': 30},
               'follower': {'follower': 9, 'subscription': 24, 'group': 15},
               'subscription': {'follower': 24, 'subscription': 64, 'group': 40}}
    defaultWeight = 1
    people = {}

    def _compute_weights(userIds, myGroups, type):
        followers = yield db.multiget_slice(userIds, "followers", count=50)
        subscriptions = yield db.multiget_slice(userIds, "subscriptions", count=50)
        groups = yield db.multiget_slice(userIds, "entityGroupsMap")
        followers = utils.multiColumnsToDict(followers)
        subscriptions = utils.multiColumnsToDict(subscriptions)
        groups = utils.multiColumnsToDict(groups)
        for userId in followers:
            for follower in followers[userId]:
                people[follower] = people.setdefault(follower, defaultWeight) + weights[type]['follower']
        for userId in subscriptions:
            for subscription in subscriptions[userId]:
                people[subscription] = people.setdefault(subscription, defaultWeight) + weights[type]['subscription']
        for userId in groups:
            groupIds = [x.split(':', 1)[1] for x in groups[userId]]
            for groupId in groupIds:
                if groupId in myGroups:
                    people[userId] = people.setdefault(userId, defaultWeight) + weights[type]['group']

    if not relation:
        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield defer.DeferredList([relation.initSubscriptionsList(),
    if relation.followers:
        yield _compute_weights(relation.followers, relation.groups, 'follower')
    if relation.subscriptions:
        yield _compute_weights(relation.subscriptions, relation.groups, 'subscription')
    if relation.groups:
        groupMembers = yield db.multiget_slice(relation.groups, "groupMembers", count=20)
        groupMembers = utils.multiColumnsToDict(groupMembers)
        for groupId in groupMembers:
            yield  _compute_weights(groupMembers[groupId], relation.groups, 'group')

    cols = yield db.get_slice(orgId, "orgUsers", count=100)
    for col in cols:
        userId = col.column.name
        if userId not in people:
            people[userId] = people.setdefault(userId, 0) + defaultWeight

    suggestions = {}
    for userId in people:
        if isValidSuggestion(myId, userId, relation):
            suggestions.setdefault(people[userId], []).append(userId)

    yield db.remove(myId, "suggestions")
    weights_userIds_map = {}
    format = '>l'
    for weight in suggestions:
        key = struct.pack(format, weight)
        weights_userIds_map[key] = ' '.join(suggestions[weight])
    if weights_userIds_map:
        yield db.batch_insert(myId, "suggestions", weights_userIds_map)
Exemple #14
    def renderItem(self, request, toFeed=False):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax
        myOrgId = args["orgId"]

        convId, conv = yield utils.getValidItemId(request, "id", columns=['tags'])
        itemType = conv["meta"].get("type", None)

        if 'parent' in conv['meta']:
            raise errors.InvalidItem('conversation', convId)

        start = utils.getRequestArg(request, "start") or ''
        start = utils.decodeKey(start)

        args['convId'] = convId
        args['isItemView'] = True
        args['items'] = {convId: conv}
        meta = conv["meta"]
        owner = meta["owner"]

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield defer.DeferredList([relation.initGroupsList(),
        args["relations"] = relation

        if script and landing:
            t.render(request, "item.mako", **args)

        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "layout",
                                landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        args["entities"] = {}
        toFetchEntities = set()
        toFetchTags = set(conv.get("tags", {}).keys())

        plugin = plugins[itemType] if itemType in plugins else None
        if plugin:
            entityIds = yield plugin.fetchData(args)

        if "target" in conv["meta"]:

        if conv['meta']['owner'] not in toFetchEntities:
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        args["entities"] = entities

        renderers = []

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "conv_root",
                                landing, "#conv-root-%s > .conv-summary" % (convId),
                                "set", **args)

        convOwner = args["items"][convId]["meta"]["owner"]
        args["ownerId"] = convOwner
        if script:
            if itemType != "feedback":
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "conv_owner",
                                    landing, "#conv-avatar-%s" % convId,
                                    "set", **args)
                feedbackType = conv['meta']['subType']
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "feedback_icon",
                                    landing, "#conv-avatar-%s" % convId,
                                    "set", args=[feedbackType])

        # A copy of this code for fetching comments is present in _responses
        # Most changes here may need to be done there too.
        itemResponses = yield db.get_slice(convId, "itemResponses",
                                           start=start, reverse=True,
                                           count=constants.COMMENTS_PER_PAGE + 1)
        nextPageStart = itemResponses[-1].column.name\
                        if len(itemResponses) > constants.COMMENTS_PER_PAGE\
                        else None
        itemResponses = itemResponses[:-1] \
                        if len(itemResponses) > constants.COMMENTS_PER_PAGE\
                        else itemResponses
        responseKeys = []
        for response in itemResponses:
            userKey, responseKey = response.column.value.split(":")

        subscriptions = list(relation.subscriptions)
        likes = yield db.get_slice(convId, "itemLikes", subscriptions) \
                            if subscriptions else defer.succeed([])
        toFetchEntities.update([x.column.name for x in likes])
        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        d1 = entities.fetchData()
        d2 = db.multiget_slice(responseKeys, "items", ["meta", "attachments"])
        d3 = db.multiget_slice(responseKeys + [convId], "itemLikes", [myId])
        d4 = db.get_slice(myOrgId, "orgTags", toFetchTags)\
                                    if toFetchTags else defer.succeed([])

        yield d1
        fetchedItems = yield d2
        myLikes = yield d3
        fetchedTags = yield d4

        fetchedItems = utils.multiSuperColumnsToDict(fetchedItems)
        myLikes = utils.multiColumnsToDict(myLikes)
        fetchedTags = utils.supercolumnsToDict(fetchedTags)

        # Do some error correction/consistency checking to ensure that the
        # response items actually exist. I don't know of any reason why these
        # items may not exist.
        missingIds = [x for x, y in fetchedItems.items() if not y]
        if missingIds:
            yield self._cleanupMissingComments(convId, missingIds, itemResponses)

        args["myLikes"] = myLikes
        args["tags"] = fetchedTags
        args["responses"] = {convId: responseKeys}
        if nextPageStart:
            args["oldest"] = utils.encodeKey(nextPageStart)

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_footer',
                                landing, '#item-footer-%s' % convId,
                                'set', **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_tags',
                                landing, '#conv-tags-wrapper-%s' % convId, 'set',
                                handlers={"onload": "$('#conv-meta-wrapper-%s').removeClass('no-tags')" % convId} if toFetchTags else None, **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_comments',
                                landing, '#conv-comments-wrapper-%s' % convId, 'set', **args)
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_comment_form',
                                landing, '#comment-form-wrapper-%s' % convId, 'set',
                                True, handlers={"onload": "(function(obj){$$.convs.load(obj);})(this);"}, **args)

            numLikes = int(conv["meta"].get("likesCount", "0"))
            if numLikes:
                numLikes = int(conv["meta"].get("likesCount", "0"))
                iLike = myId in args["myLikes"].get(convId, [])
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", 'conv_likes',
                                    landing, '#conv-likes-wrapper-%s' % convId, 'set',
                                    args=[convId, numLikes, iLike, [x.column.name for x in likes]],

        if plugin and hasattr(plugin, 'renderItemSideBlock'):
            plugin.renderItemSideBlock(request, landing, args)

        if script and landing:

        if not script:
            t.render(request, "item.mako", **args)
Exemple #15
    def _renderReport(self, request, partial=False):
        (appchange, script, args, myId) = yield self._getBasicArgs(request)
        landing = not self._ajax

        convId, conv = yield utils.getValidItemId(request, "id", columns=["reports"])
        if 'parent' in conv['meta']:
            raise errors.InvalidItem('conversation', convId)

        args["entities"] = {}
        toFetchEntities = set()

        args['convId'] = convId
        args['items'] = {convId: conv}
        convMeta = conv["meta"]
        convType = convMeta.get("type", None)

        relation = Relation(myId, [])
        yield relation.initGroupsList()
        args["relations"] = relation

        if script and landing:
            t.render(request, "item-report.mako", **args)

        if script and appchange:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item-report.mako", "layout",
                                landing, "#mainbar", "set", **args)

        plugin = plugins[convType] if convType in plugins else None
        if plugin:
            entityIds = yield plugin.fetchData(args)

        convOwner = convMeta['owner']
        if "target" in convMeta:
        if "reportId" in convMeta:

        entities = base.EntitySet(toFetchEntities)
        yield entities.fetchData()
        args["entities"] = entities
        args["ownerId"] = convOwner

        if script:
            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "conv_root",
                                landing, "#conv-root-%s > .conv-summary" % (convId),
                                "set", **args)

            t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item-report.mako", 'conv_footer',
                                landing, '#item-footer-%s' % convId,
                                'set', **args)

            if convType != "feedback":
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "conv_owner",
                                    landing, "#conv-avatar-%s" % convId,
                                    "set", **args)
                feedbackType = conv['meta']['subType']
                t.renderScriptBlock(request, "item.mako", "feedback_icon",
                                    landing, "#conv-avatar-%s" % convId,
                                    "set", args=[feedbackType])

        yield self._renderReportResponses(request, convId, convMeta, args)

        if not script:
            t.render(request, "item-report.mako", **args)