def verifySecondIterationProbabilities():
    theta = np.zeros([10, trainX.shape[1]])

    for i in range(2):
        probabilities = computeProbabilities(trainX, theta, tempParameter)
        theta = runGradientDescentIteration(trainX, trainY, theta, alpha,
                                            lambdaFactor, tempParameter)

    probabilities_correct = np.array(
            0.09597698, 0.4196854, 0.05667909, 0.06235487, 0.06899079,
            0.06916521, 0.0349496, 0.06532456, 0.05395287, 0.0534354
             0.1983818, 0.10531464, 0.06639631, 0.45786242, 0.28722984,
             0.17173531, 0.66822544, 0.17628658, 0.49547944, 0.12812545
             0.06894131, 0.0729084, 0.07108203, 0.07492149, 0.09201906,
             0.32024728, 0.04201663, 0.06632575, 0.06420374, 0.07989414
             0.15999806, 0.11905036, 0.10471412, 0.10113209, 0.09236406,
             0.11466912, 0.0524019, 0.40685285, 0.06768243, 0.08783947
             0.08006051, 0.07574158, 0.48790648, 0.07751524, 0.10680567,
             0.13473093, 0.04778263, 0.12621854, 0.06412731, 0.46603252
             0.29379288, 0.09461314, 0.05543612, 0.06703539, 0.05533667,
             0.06447243, 0.04871483, 0.08654557, 0.06685891, 0.0569282
             0.01879811, 0.01853099, 0.03324019, 0.03119805, 0.02239253,
             0.01757959, 0.01861633, 0.01016821, 0.03562178, 0.02229219
             0.01879811, 0.01853099, 0.03324019, 0.03119805, 0.02239253,
             0.01757959, 0.01861633, 0.01016821, 0.03562178, 0.02229219
             0.01879811, 0.01853099, 0.03324019, 0.03119805, 0.02239253,
             0.01757959, 0.01861633, 0.01016821, 0.03562178, 0.02229219
             0.04645412, 0.0570935, 0.05806529, 0.06558436, 0.23007632,
             0.07224095, 0.05006, 0.04194153, 0.08082997, 0.06086825

    if np.all(np.absolute(probabilities - probabilities_correct) < 1.0e-6):
        print("Verifying probabilities during second iteration: Passed")
        print("Verifying probabilities during second iteration: Failed")
Exemple #2
def verifySecondIterationCostFunction():
    theta = np.zeros([10, trainX.shape[1]])

    for i in xrange(2):
        cost = computeCostFunction(trainX, trainY, theta, lambdaFactor)
        theta = runGradientDescentIteration(trainX, trainY, theta, alpha,

    if abs(cost - 0.896839929358) < 1.0e-6:
        print "Verifying cost during second iteration: Passed"
        print "Verifying cost during second iteration: Failed"
def verifyInputOutputTypesSoftmax():
    trainX, trainY, testX, testY = getMNISTData()
    trainX = augmentFeatureVector(trainX[0:10])
    trainY = trainY[0:10]
    alpha = 0.3
    lambdaFactor = 1.0e-4
    theta = np.zeros([10, trainX.shape[1]])
    tempParameter = 1

    # check computeCostFunction
    cost = computeCostFunction(trainX, trainY, theta, lambdaFactor,
    print('PASSED: computeCostFunction appears to handle correct input type.')
    if isinstance(cost, float):
        print('PASSED: computeCostFunction appears to return the right type.')
            'FAILED: computeCostFunction appears to return the wrong type. Expected {0} but got {1}'
            .format(float, type(cost)))

    # check computeProbabilities
    probabilities = computeProbabilities(trainX, theta, tempParameter)
    print('PASSED: computeProbabilities appears to handle correct input type.')
    if isinstance(probabilities, np.ndarray):
        if probabilities.shape == (10, 10):
                'PASSED: computeProbabilities return value appears to return a numpy array of the right shape.'
            print('FAILED: computeProbabilities return value appears to return a numpy array but with the wrong size. ' + \
                    'Expected a shape of {0} but got {1}.'.format((10,10), probabilities.shape))
        print('FAILED: computeProbabilities appears to be the wrong type. ' + \
                'Expected {0} but got {1}.'.format(type(np.array(range(4))), type(probabilities)))

    # check gradient descent
    theta = runGradientDescentIteration(trainX, trainY, theta, alpha,
                                        lambdaFactor, tempParameter)
        'PASSED: runGradientDescentIteration appears to handle correct input type.'
    if isinstance(theta, np.ndarray):
        if theta.shape == (10, 785):
                'PASSED: runGradientDescentIteration return value appears to return a numpy array of the right shape.'
            print('FAILED: runGradientDescentIteration return value appears to return a numpy array but with the wrong size. ' + \
                    'Expected {0} but got {1}.'.format((10, 785), theta.shape))
        print('FAILED: runGradientDescentIteration appears to return the wrong type. ' + \
                'Expected {0} but got {1}'.format(type(np.array(range(4))), type(theta)))