def init_state(self): """Queries Soho to initialize the attributes of the class""" state_parms = { "rop": soho.SohoParm("object:name", "string", key="rop"), "hip": soho.SohoParm("$HIP", "string", key="hip"), "hipname": soho.SohoParm("$HIPNAME", "string", key="hipname"), "hipfile": soho.SohoParm("$HIPFILE", "string", key="hipfile"), "ver": soho.SohoParm("state:houdiniversion", "string", ["9.0"], False, key="ver"), "now": soho.SohoParm("state:time", "real", [0], False, key="now"), "fps": soho.SohoParm("state:fps", "real", [24], False, key="fps"), } rop = soho.getOutputDriver() parms = soho.evaluate(state_parms, None, rop) for parm in parms: setattr(self, parm, parms[parm].Value[0]) if not self.fps: self.fps = 24.0 self.inv_fps = 1.0 / self.fps return
def outputStyleSheets(now, dirtystylesheets, for_update): ss_parms = soho.evaluate(stylesheetParms) ss_declare = ss_parms['declare_stylesheets'].Value[0] ss_apply = ss_parms['apply_stylesheets'].Value[0] if dirtystylesheets is not None: ss_dirty_list = dirtystylesheets.split() else: ss_dirty_list = None # Declare style sheets and any materials used by the style sheets. for style in hou.styles.styles(ss_declare): if ss_dirty_list is None or style in ss_dirty_list: if ss_dirty_list is not None: ss_dirty_list.remove(style) stylesheet = hou.styles.stylesheet(style) (ss_bundles, ss_mats) = getBundlesAndMaterialsFromStyleSheet(stylesheet) for mat_path in ss_mats: if hou.node(mat_path): outputMaterial(mat_path, now) for bundle in ss_bundles: outputBundle(bundle) cmd_textblock("stylesheet:" + style, stylesheet) # Remove style sheets that have been deleted. if ss_dirty_list is not None: for style in ss_dirty_list: cmd_textblock("stylesheet:" + style, '') # Output command to apply the requested style sheets. if for_update or (ss_apply != '' and not ss_apply.isspace()): cmd_stylesheet(ss_apply)
def init_state(self): """Queries Soho to initialize the attributes of the class""" state_parms = { "rop": soho.SohoParm("object:name", "string", key="rop"), "soho_outputmode": soho.SohoParm( "soho_outputmode", "integer", skipdefault=False, key="output_mode" ), "soho_diskfile": soho.SohoParm( "soho_diskfile", "string", skipdefault=False, key="disk_file" ), "hip": soho.SohoParm("$HIP", "string", key="hip"), "hipname": soho.SohoParm("$HIPNAME", "string", key="hipname"), "hipfile": soho.SohoParm("$HIPFILE", "string", key="hipfile"), "ver": soho.SohoParm( "state:houdiniversion", "string", ["9.0"], False, key="ver" ), "now": soho.SohoParm("state:time", "real", [0], False, key="now"), "fps": soho.SohoParm("state:fps", "real", [24], False, key="fps"), "pbrt_nanovdb_converter": soho.SohoParm( "pbrt_nanovdb_converter", "string", ["nanovdb_convert -z -f {vdb} {nanovdb}"], False, key="nanovdb_converter", ), } rop = soho.getOutputDriver() parms = soho.evaluate(state_parms, None, rop) for parm in parms: setattr(self, parm, parms[parm].Value[0]) if not self.fps: self.fps = 24.0 self.inv_fps = 1.0 / self.fps return
def init_state(self): """Queries Soho to initialize the attributes of the class""" state_parms = { 'rop': soho.SohoParm('object:name', 'string', key='rop'), 'hip': soho.SohoParm('$HIP', 'string', key='hip'), 'hipname': soho.SohoParm('$HIPNAME', 'string', key='hipname'), 'hipfile': soho.SohoParm('$HIPFILE', 'string', key='hipfile'), 'ver': soho.SohoParm('state:houdiniversion', 'string', ["9.0"], False, key='ver'), 'now': soho.SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'fps': soho.SohoParm('state:fps', 'real', [24], False, key='fps'), } rop = soho.getOutputDriver() parms = soho.evaluate(state_parms, None, rop) for parm in parms: setattr(self, parm, parms[parm].Value[0]) if not self.fps: self.fps = 24.0 self.inv_fps = 1.0 / self.fps return
def outputBundles(now, dirtybundles, for_update): ss_parms = soho.evaluate(stylesheetParms) if for_update: bundle_list = dirtybundles.split() elif ss_parms['declare_bundles'].Value[0]: bundle_list = list( for bundle in hou.nodeBundles()) else: bundle_list = [] for bundle in bundle_list: outputBundle(bundle)
def main(): parameters = soho.evaluate(parameterDefines) # # init soho # logger = logging.getLogger() oldHandlers = logger.handlers handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.__stderr__) logger.handlers = [handler] ropName = parameters['ropname'].Value[0] node = hou.node(ropName) vStr = node.type().nameComponents()[-1] version = 0 if not vStr else int(vStr) now = parameters['now'].Value[0] soho.initialize(now, '') soho.lockObjects(now) if parameters['trange'].Value[0] == 0: ff = lf = int(now * parameters['fps'].Value[0] + 1) else: ff = int(parameters['f'].Value[0]) lf = int(parameters['f'].Value[1]) stride = int(parameters['f'].Value[2]) sourcefiles = parameters['sourcefiles'].Value[0] outfile = parameters['outfile'].Value[0] try: coalesceFiles(outfile, sourcefiles, list(range(ff, lf + 1)), stride) except Exception as e: soho.error('Failed to stitch USD files: ' + str(e) + '\n' + traceback.format_exc()) finally: logger.handlers = oldHandlers
def main(): parameters = soho.evaluate(parameterDefines) # # init soho # logger = logging.getLogger() oldHandlers = logger.handlers handler = logging.StreamHandler( stream = sys.__stderr__ ) logger.handlers = [handler] ropName = parameters['ropname'].Value[0] node = hou.node( ropName ) vStr = node.type().nameComponents()[-1] version = 0 if not vStr else int( vStr ) now = parameters['now'].Value[0] soho.initialize(now, '') soho.lockObjects(now) if parameters['trange'].Value[0] == 0: ff = lf = int(now * parameters['fps'].Value[0] + 1) else: ff = int(parameters['f'].Value[0]) lf = int(parameters['f'].Value[1]) stride = int(parameters['f'].Value[2]) sourcefiles = parameters['sourcefiles'].Value[0] outfile = parameters['outfile'].Value[0] try: coalesceFiles( outfile, sourcefiles, range(ff,lf+1), stride ) except Exception as e: soho.error( 'Failed to stitch USD files: ' + str(e) + '\n' + traceback.format_exc()) finally: logger.handlers = oldHandlers
def soho_render(): control_parms = { # The time at which the scene is being rendered "now": SohoParm("state:time", "real", [0], False, key="now"), "camera": SohoParm("camera", "string", ["/obj/cam1"], False), } parms = soho.evaluate(control_parms) now = parms["now"].Value[0] camera = parms["camera"].Value[0] options = {} if not soho.initialize(now, camera, options): soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module with given camera") object_selection = { # Candidate object selection "vobject": SohoParm("vobject", "string", ["*"], False), "alights": SohoParm("alights", "string", ["*"], False), "forceobject": SohoParm("forceobject", "string", [""], False), "forcelights": SohoParm("forcelights", "string", [""], False), "excludeobject": SohoParm("excludeobject", "string", [""], False), "excludelights": SohoParm("excludelights", "string", [""], False), "sololight": SohoParm("sololight", "string", [""], False), } for cam in soho.objectList("objlist:camera"): break else: soho.error("Unable to find viewing camera for render") objparms = cam.evaluate(object_selection, now) stdobject = objparms["vobject"].Value[0] stdlights = objparms["alights"].Value[0] forceobject = objparms["forceobject"].Value[0] forcelights = objparms["forcelights"].Value[0] excludeobject = objparms["excludeobject"].Value[0] excludelights = objparms["excludelights"].Value[0] sololight = objparms["sololight"].Value[0] forcelightsparm = "forcelights" if sololight: stdlights = excludelights = "" forcelights = sololight forcelightsparm = "sololight" # First, we add objects based on their display flags or dimmer values soho.addObjects( now, stdobject, stdlights, "", True, geo_parm="vobject", light_parm="alights", fog_parm="", ) soho.addObjects( now, forceobject, forcelights, "", False, geo_parm="forceobject", light_parm=forcelightsparm, fog_parm="", ) soho.removeObjects( now, excludeobject, excludelights, "", geo_parm="excludeobject", light_parm="excludelights", fog_parm="", ) # Lock off the objects we've selected soho.lockObjects(now) with hou.undos.disabler(), scene_state: if "SOHO_PBRT_DEV" in os.environ: # pragma: no coverage import cProfile pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() try: PBRTscene.render(cam, now) finally: pr.disable() pr.dump_stats("hou-prbt.stats") else: PBRTscene.render(cam, now) return
soho.SohoParm('camera', 'string', ['/obj/cam1'], False), 'vm_picture': soho.SohoParm('vm_picture', 'string', ['$HIP/render/$HIPNAME.$OS.$F4.svg'], False), 'render_viewcamera': soho.SohoParm('render_viewcamera', 'bool', [True], False), 'projection_attribute': soho.SohoParm('projection_attribute', 'string', ['uv'], False), 'attribute_rendering_resolution': soho.SohoParm('attribute_rendering_resolution', 'int', [1024, 1024], False), 'attribute_scale_by_resolution': soho.SohoParm('attribute_scale_by_resolution', 'bool', [True], False) } parmlist = soho.evaluate(controlParameters) project = bool(parmlist['render_viewcamera'].Value[0]) projection_attribute = parmlist['projection_attribute'].Value[0] attribute_rendering_resolution = [ parmlist['attribute_rendering_resolution'].Value[0], parmlist['attribute_rendering_resolution'].Value[1] ] attribute_scale_by_resolution = bool( parmlist['attribute_scale_by_resolution'].Value[0]) now = parmlist['now'].Value[0] camera = parmlist['camera'].Value[0] fps = parmlist['fps'].Value[0] options = {"state:autoheadlight": False}
SohoParm('vm_renderengine', 'string', ['micropoly'], False, key='engine'), 'vm_inheritproperties': SohoParm('vm_inheritproperties', 'int', [0], False), 'vm_embedvex': SohoParm('vm_embedvex', 'int', [0], False, key='embedvex'), 'vm_quickexit': SohoParm('vm_quickexit', 'int', [1], False), 'vm_numpathmap': SohoParm('vm_numpathmap', 'int', [0], False), 'vm_isuvrendering': SohoParm('vm_isuvrendering', 'bool', [False], False), 'vm_defaults': SohoParm('vm_defaults', 'string', ['RenderProperties.json'], False), } parmlist = soho.evaluate(controlParameters) options = {} now = parmlist['now'].Value[0] mode = parmlist['mode'].Value[0] camera = parmlist['camera'].Value[0] quickexit = parmlist['vm_quickexit'].Value[0] propdefs = parmlist['vm_defaults'].Value[0] if mode != 'default': # Don't allow for nested evaluation in IPR mode inheritedproperties = False else: inheritedproperties = parmlist['vm_inheritproperties'].Value[0] options = {} if inheritedproperties:
def export(): """Main export function.""" is_last = False try: T = timer('FrameExport') ps = soho.evaluate({ 'now': SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'fps': SohoParm('state:fps', 'real', [24], False, key='fps'), 'hver': SohoParm('state:houdiniversion', 'string', [''], False, key='hver'), 'objpath': SohoParm('objpath', 'string', [''], False), 'abcoutput': SohoParm('abcoutput', 'string', [''], False), 'camera': SohoParm('camera', 'string', [None], False), 'trange': SohoParm('trange', 'int', [0], False), 'f': SohoParm('f', 'int', None, False) }) now = ps['now'].Value[0] fps = ps['fps'].Value[0] hver = ps['hver'].Value[0] camera = ps['camera'].Value[0] dbg("now=%.3f fps=%.3f" % (now, fps)) if not soho.initialize(now, camera): soho.error("couldn't initialize soho (make sure camera is set)") abc_cleanup() return # NOTE: this is prone to float inaccuracies frame = now*fps + 1.0 objpath = ps['objpath'].Value[0] abc_file = ps['abcoutput'].Value[0] trange = ps['trange'].Value[0] f = ps['f'].Value is_first = frame < f[0]+0.5 # working around float funniness is_last = frame > f[1]-0.5 if trange==0: is_first= is_last= True dbg("is_first=%d is_last=%d" % (is_first, is_last)) dbg("now=%.3f fps=%.3f -> %f" % (now, fps, frame)) dbg("objpath=%s camera=%s abcoutput=%s trange=%d f=%s" % \ (objpath, camera, abc_file, trange, str(f))) T.lap('init') # collect hierarchy to be exported # (read from scene directly, ie. not containing instances, etc.) # results in array [ (parentname, objname) [, ...] ] -- (full pathnames) # #dbg("COLLECTING ARCHY:") archy = collect_archy(objpath) archy_objs = [ n[1] for n in archy ] #dbg("DONE.") # collect geometry to be exported and their render SOPS # (including point- and other instances, etc) # (NOTE: the entire scene is to be searched, unfortunately) # soho.addObjects(now, '*', '*', '', do_culling=False) soho.lockObjects(now) soho_objs = {} # {objname: soho_obj} soho_only = {} # soho-only objects (can't be accessed directly with hdk) obj_list = [] sop_dict = {} # {objname: sopname} objs = soho.objectList('objlist:instance') #dbg("COLLECT soho instance/sop pairs ------------------") for obj in objs: n = obj.getName() # full pathname obj_list.append(n) soho_objs[n] = obj path = obj.getDefaultedString('object:soppath', now, [None])[0] #dbg(" -- %s (sop:%s)" % (n, str(path)) ) if path and path!="": sop_dict[n] = path T.lap('collect-objs') if False: dbg( '-' * 40 ) dbg("sop_dict: %s" % str(sop_dict)) # extend hierarchy with per-point instances # p1 = re.compile(":[^:]+:") for obj in obj_list: if, obj): m = obj.split(":") p = m[-2] # parent: 2nd from right if p in archy_objs: archy.append( ( p, obj, "%s__%s" % (m[-2], m[-1]) ) ) soho_only[obj]=p #dbg(" -+- %s %s" % (p, obj)) # fill rest of the archy array # elem: (parentpath, objpath, exportname, soppath) # archy2 = [] for a in archy: N = list(a) if len(N)<3: N.append(N[1]) # N = [ N[0], N[1], N[1] ] if N[1] in sop_dict: N = [ N[0], N[1], N[2], sop_dict[N[1]] ] else: # empty xform (no sop) N = [ N[0], N[1], N[1], None ] N[2] ="[^/]+$", N[2]).group(0) archy2.append(N) archy = archy2 if False: dbg( '-' * 40 ) dbg("COLLECTED ARCHY:") for a in archy: dbg("- %s: " % (a[1], )) dbg("COLLECTED ARCHY: %d elems" % len(archy)) T.lap('got-archy') # we now have a list of all objects to be exported # (parentname, objname, exportname, soppath) # archy_objs = [ n[1] for n in archy ] skip_frame = False now_out = now+(1.0/fps) # check for user abort # if False: # TODO: check for user abort! skip_frame = True is_last = True warn("user abort") # first frame: init all internal stuff # if is_first: dbg("\n\n\n") dbg("IS_FIRST--INIT") G.archy = archy[:] G.archy_objs = archy_objs[:] s = abc_init(abc_file, tstep=1.0/fps, tstart=now_out) if s: # build objects for oarchive # for E in archy: objname = E[1] parent = E[0] outname = E[2] soppath = E[3] if parent is None: parent="-" if soppath is None: soppath="-" # TODO: if instance, objname should be the base obj name obj_src = objname if objname in soho_only: obj_src = soho_only[objname] #dbg("-- new xform\n\toutname= %s\n\tobj = %s\n\tparent = %s\n\tsop = %s" % (outname, objname, parent, soppath)) hou.hscript('%s newobject "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % \ (CCMD, objname, obj_src, parent, outname, soppath)) # set object flags (static, etc.) # if objname in soho_objs: ps = soho_objs[objname].evaluate({ 'abc_staticgeo': SohoParm('abc_staticgeo', 'int', [0], False) }, now) if ps['abc_staticgeo'].Value[0]!=0: hou.hscript('%s objset "%s" static' % (CCMD, objname)) else: warn("couldn't output to file %s--aborting" % abc_file) skip_frame = True is_last = True T.lap('frame-first') # frame export: collect xforms, geoms, and export them # if archy_objs==G.archy_objs and not skip_frame: dbg("\n") dbg(" -- EXPORTING frame %.1f" % frame) for E in archy: #dbg("\n-") #dbg("- OBJ: %s" % str(E)) objname = E[1] soppath = E[3] #dbg("- OBJ: %s" % E[1]) # get xform matrix (TODO: get pretransform too!) # xform = '' # TODO: use this only for instances! #if objname in soho_objs: if objname in soho_only: # get matrix from soho #dbg(" --- (mtx from soho)") xform = [] soho_objs[objname].evalFloat('space:local', now, xform) xform = hou.Matrix4(xform) xform = ' '.join([ str(n) for n in xform.asTuple() ]) # perform sample write # (c++ code decides if geom is to be written) # if True: hou.hscript('%s writesample %f "%s" %s' % \ (CCMD, now_out, objname, xform)) else: #soho.error("couldn't export frame %.1f--no. of objects changed" % frame) warn("couldn't export frame %.1f--no. of objects changed" % frame) T.lap('frame-export') except: dbg("INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION") is_last=True # last frame: cleanup all internal stuff, # finish export # if is_last: dbg("\n\n\n") dbg("IS_LAST--FINISHING...") abc_cleanup() T.lap('frame-last') T.stats()
# The time at which the scene is being rendered 'now' : SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'fps' : SohoParm('state:fps', 'real', [24], False, key='fps'), 'camera' : SohoParm('camera', 'string', ['/obj/cam1'], False), 'picture' : SohoParm('vm_picture', 'string', ['ip'], False), 'samples' : SohoParm('vm_samples', 'real', [2], False), 'sampler' : SohoParm('vm_sampler', 'string', ['ldsampler'], False), 'reflectlimit' : SohoParm('vm_reflectlimit', 'int', [1], False), 'integrator' : SohoParm('vm_integrator', 'string', ['path'], False), 'camera' : SohoParm('camera', 'string', ['/obj/cam1'], False), 'skip_geo_export' : SohoParm('skip_geo_export', 'int', [0], False)} # Evaluate the control parameters to determine settings for the render parmlist = soho.evaluate(controlParameters) # Extract the values from the evaluation now = parmlist['now'].Value[0] camera = parmlist['camera'].Value[0] fps = parmlist['fps'].Value[0] picture = parmlist['vm_picture'].Value[0] samples = parmlist['vm_samples'].Value[0] sampler = parmlist['vm_sampler'].Value[0] reflectlimit = parmlist['vm_reflectlimit'].Value[0] integrator = parmlist['vm_integrator'].Value[0] camera = parmlist['camera'].Value[0] skip_geo_export = parmlist['skip_geo_export'].Value[0] if not soho.initialize(now, camera):
clockstart = time.clock() controlParameters = { # The time at which the scene is being rendered 'now' : SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'main' : SohoParm('render_viewcamera','int', [1], False, key='main'), 'decl' : SohoParm('declare_all_shops', 'int', [0], False, key='decl'), 'engine' : SohoParm('vm_renderengine', 'string', ['micropoly'], False, key='engine'), 'vm_inheritproperties' : SohoParm('vm_inheritproperties', 'int', [0], False), 'vm_embedvex' :SohoParm('vm_embedvex', 'int', [0], False, key='embedvex'), } parmlist = soho.evaluate(controlParameters) now = parmlist['now'].Value[0] IFDapi.ForceEmbedVex = parmlist['embedvex'].Value[0] decl_shops = parmlist['decl'].Value[0] inheritedproperties = parmlist['vm_inheritproperties'].Value[0] options = {} if inheritedproperties: # Turn off object->output driver inheritance options['state:inheritance'] = '-rop' if not soho.initialize(now, None): soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module")
def declareBakingParms(now, for_update): plist = soho.evaluate(bakingParms, now) for pname, parm in plist.iteritems(): if parm.Value == parm.Default: continue cmd_declare('global', parm.Type, 'global:%s' % pname, parm.Value)
return (frameRange, defaultPrim, firstRoot) ############################################################################### # parameters ############################################################################### parameterDefines = { 'f' : soho.SohoParm('f', 'real', [1, 1, 1], False), 'now' : soho.SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key = 'now'), 'destfile' : soho.SohoParm('destfile', 'string', [''], False ), 'path' : soho.SohoParm('path', 'string', [''], False ), 'reffile' : soho.SohoParm('reffile', 'string', [''], False ), } parameters = soho.evaluate(parameterDefines) # # init soho # now = parameters['now'].Value[0] soho.initialize(now, '') soho.lockObjects(now) destFile = parameters['destfile'].Value[0] path = parameters['path'].Value[0] reffile = parameters['reffile'].Value[0] try: insertReference( destFile, path, reffile )
def soho_render(): control_parms = { # The time at which the scene is being rendered 'now': SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'fps': SohoParm('state:fps', 'real', [24], False, key='fps'), 'camera': SohoParm('camera', 'string', ['/obj/cam1'], False), } parms = soho.evaluate(control_parms) now = parms['now'].Value[0] camera = parms['camera'].Value[0] fps = parms['fps'].Value[0] options = {'state:precision': 6} if not soho.initialize(now, camera, options): soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module with given camera") object_selection = { # Candidate object selection 'vobject': SohoParm('vobject', 'string', ['*'], False), 'alights': SohoParm('alights', 'string', ['*'], False), 'forceobject': SohoParm('forceobject', 'string', [''], False), 'forcelights': SohoParm('forcelights', 'string', [''], False), 'excludeobject': SohoParm('excludeobject', 'string', [''], False), 'excludelights': SohoParm('excludelights', 'string', [''], False), 'sololight': SohoParm('sololight', 'string', [''], False), } for cam in soho.objectList('objlist:camera'): break else: soho.error('Unable to find viewing camera for render') objparms = cam.evaluate(object_selection, now) stdobject = objparms['vobject'].Value[0] stdlights = objparms['alights'].Value[0] forceobject = objparms['forceobject'].Value[0] forcelights = objparms['forcelights'].Value[0] excludeobject = objparms['excludeobject'].Value[0] excludelights = objparms['excludelights'].Value[0] sololight = objparms['sololight'].Value[0] forcelightsparm = 'forcelights' if sololight: stdlights = excludelights = None forcelights = sololight forcelightsparm = 'sololight' # First, we add objects based on their display flags or dimmer values soho.addObjects(now, stdobject, stdlights, '', True) soho.addObjects(now, forceobject, forcelights, '', False) soho.removeObjects(now, excludeobject, excludelights, '') # Lock off the objects we've selected soho.lockObjects(now) with hou.undos.disabler(), scene_state: PBRTscene.render(cam, now) return
def soho_render(): control_parms = { # The time at which the scene is being rendered "now": SohoParm("state:time", "real", [0], False, key="now") } parms = soho.evaluate(control_parms) now = parms["now"].Value[0] camera = None options = {} if not soho.initialize(now, camera, options): soho.error("Unable to initialize rendering module with given camera") object_selection = { # Candidate object selection "vobject": SohoParm("vobject", "string", ["*"], False), "forceobject": SohoParm("forceobject", "string", [""], False), "excludeobject": SohoParm("excludeobject", "string", [""], False), } objparms = soho.evaluate(object_selection, now) stdobject = objparms["vobject"].Value[0] forceobject = objparms["forceobject"].Value[0] excludeobject = objparms["excludeobject"].Value[0] # First, we add objects based on their display flags or dimmer values soho.addObjects(now, stdobject, "", "", True, geo_parm="vobject", light_parm="", fog_parm="") soho.addObjects( now, forceobject, "", "", False, geo_parm="forceobject", light_parm="", fog_parm="", ) soho.removeObjects(now, excludeobject, "", "", geo_parm="excludeobject", light_parm="", fog_parm="") # Lock off the objects we've selected soho.lockObjects(now) with hou.undos.disabler(), scene_state: if "SOHO_PBRT_DEV" in os.environ: # pragma: no coverage import cProfile pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() try: PBRTscene.archive(now) finally: pr.disable() pr.dump_stats("hou-prbtarchive.stats") else: PBRTscene.archive(now) return
return (frameRange, defaultPrim, firstRoot) ############################################################################### # parameters ############################################################################### parameterDefines = { 'f': soho.SohoParm('f', 'real', [1, 1, 1], False), 'now': soho.SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'destfile': soho.SohoParm('destfile', 'string', [''], False), 'path': soho.SohoParm('path', 'string', [''], False), 'reffile': soho.SohoParm('reffile', 'string', [''], False), } parameters = soho.evaluate(parameterDefines) # # init soho # now = parameters['now'].Value[0] soho.initialize(now, '') soho.lockObjects(now) destFile = parameters['destfile'].Value[0] path = parameters['path'].Value[0] reffile = parameters['reffile'].Value[0] try: insertReference(destFile, path, reffile)
def export(): """Main export function.""" is_last = False try: T = timer('FrameExport') ps = soho.evaluate({ 'now': SohoParm('state:time', 'real', [0], False, key='now'), 'fps': SohoParm('state:fps', 'real', [24], False, key='fps'), 'hver': SohoParm('state:houdiniversion', 'string', [''], False, key='hver'), 'objpath': SohoParm('objpath', 'string', [''], False), 'abcoutput': SohoParm('abcoutput', 'string', [''], False), 'camera': SohoParm('camera', 'string', [None], False), 'trange': SohoParm('trange', 'int', [0], False), 'f': SohoParm('f', 'int', None, False) }) now = ps['now'].Value[0] fps = ps['fps'].Value[0] hver = ps['hver'].Value[0] camera = ps['camera'].Value[0] dbg("now=%.3f fps=%.3f" % (now, fps)) if not soho.initialize(now, camera): soho.error("couldn't initialize soho (make sure camera is set)") abc_cleanup() return # NOTE: this is prone to float inaccuracies frame = now * fps + 1.0 objpath = ps['objpath'].Value[0] abc_file = ps['abcoutput'].Value[0] trange = ps['trange'].Value[0] f = ps['f'].Value is_first = frame < f[0] + 0.5 # working around float funniness is_last = frame > f[1] - 0.5 if trange == 0: is_first = is_last = True dbg("is_first=%d is_last=%d" % (is_first, is_last)) dbg("now=%.3f fps=%.3f -> %f" % (now, fps, frame)) dbg("objpath=%s camera=%s abcoutput=%s trange=%d f=%s" % \ (objpath, camera, abc_file, trange, str(f))) T.lap('init') # collect hierarchy to be exported # (read from scene directly, ie. not containing instances, etc.) # results in array [ (parentname, objname) [, ...] ] -- (full pathnames) # #dbg("COLLECTING ARCHY:") archy = collect_archy(objpath) archy_objs = [n[1] for n in archy] #dbg("DONE.") # collect geometry to be exported and their render SOPS # (including point- and other instances, etc) # (NOTE: the entire scene is to be searched, unfortunately) # soho.addObjects(now, '*', '*', '', do_culling=False) soho.lockObjects(now) soho_objs = {} # {objname: soho_obj} soho_only = { } # soho-only objects (can't be accessed directly with hdk) obj_list = [] sop_dict = {} # {objname: sopname} objs = soho.objectList('objlist:instance') #dbg("COLLECT soho instance/sop pairs ------------------") for obj in objs: n = obj.getName() # full pathname obj_list.append(n) soho_objs[n] = obj path = obj.getDefaultedString('object:soppath', now, [None])[0] #dbg(" -- %s (sop:%s)" % (n, str(path)) ) if path and path != "": sop_dict[n] = path T.lap('collect-objs') if False: dbg('-' * 40) dbg("sop_dict: %s" % str(sop_dict)) # extend hierarchy with per-point instances # p1 = re.compile(":[^:]+:") for obj in obj_list: if, obj): m = obj.split(":") p = m[-2] # parent: 2nd from right if p in archy_objs: archy.append((p, obj, "%s__%s" % (m[-2], m[-1]))) soho_only[obj] = p #dbg(" -+- %s %s" % (p, obj)) # fill rest of the archy array # elem: (parentpath, objpath, exportname, soppath) # archy2 = [] for a in archy: N = list(a) if len(N) < 3: N.append(N[1]) # N = [ N[0], N[1], N[1] ] if N[1] in sop_dict: N = [N[0], N[1], N[2], sop_dict[N[1]]] else: # empty xform (no sop) N = [N[0], N[1], N[1], None] N[2] ="[^/]+$", N[2]).group(0) archy2.append(N) archy = archy2 if False: dbg('-' * 40) dbg("COLLECTED ARCHY:") for a in archy: dbg("- %s: " % (a[1], )) dbg("COLLECTED ARCHY: %d elems" % len(archy)) T.lap('got-archy') # we now have a list of all objects to be exported # (parentname, objname, exportname, soppath) # archy_objs = [n[1] for n in archy] skip_frame = False now_out = now + (1.0 / fps) # check for user abort # if False: # TODO: check for user abort! skip_frame = True is_last = True warn("user abort") # first frame: init all internal stuff # if is_first: dbg("\n\n\n") dbg("IS_FIRST--INIT") G.archy = archy[:] G.archy_objs = archy_objs[:] s = abc_init(abc_file, tstep=1.0 / fps, tstart=now_out) if s: # build objects for oarchive # for E in archy: objname = E[1] parent = E[0] outname = E[2] soppath = E[3] if parent is None: parent = "-" if soppath is None: soppath = "-" # TODO: if instance, objname should be the base obj name obj_src = objname if objname in soho_only: obj_src = soho_only[objname] #dbg("-- new xform\n\toutname= %s\n\tobj = %s\n\tparent = %s\n\tsop = %s" % (outname, objname, parent, soppath)) hou.hscript('%s newobject "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % \ (CCMD, objname, obj_src, parent, outname, soppath)) # set object flags (static, etc.) # if objname in soho_objs: ps = soho_objs[objname].evaluate( { 'abc_staticgeo': SohoParm('abc_staticgeo', 'int', [0], False) }, now) if ps['abc_staticgeo'].Value[0] != 0: hou.hscript('%s objset "%s" static' % (CCMD, objname)) else: warn("couldn't output to file %s--aborting" % abc_file) skip_frame = True is_last = True T.lap('frame-first') # frame export: collect xforms, geoms, and export them # if archy_objs == G.archy_objs and not skip_frame: dbg("\n") dbg(" -- EXPORTING frame %.1f" % frame) for E in archy: #dbg("\n-") #dbg("- OBJ: %s" % str(E)) objname = E[1] soppath = E[3] #dbg("- OBJ: %s" % E[1]) # get xform matrix (TODO: get pretransform too!) # xform = '' # TODO: use this only for instances! #if objname in soho_objs: if objname in soho_only: # get matrix from soho #dbg(" --- (mtx from soho)") xform = [] soho_objs[objname].evalFloat('space:local', now, xform) xform = hou.Matrix4(xform) xform = ' '.join([str(n) for n in xform.asTuple()]) # perform sample write # (c++ code decides if geom is to be written) # if True: hou.hscript('%s writesample %f "%s" %s' % \ (CCMD, now_out, objname, xform)) else: #soho.error("couldn't export frame %.1f--no. of objects changed" % frame) warn("couldn't export frame %.1f--no. of objects changed" % frame) T.lap('frame-export') except: dbg("INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION") is_last = True # last frame: cleanup all internal stuff, # finish export # if is_last: dbg("\n\n\n") dbg("IS_LAST--FINISHING...") abc_cleanup() T.lap('frame-last') T.stats()