Exemple #1
    def __compute_pnl( self, mode_pnl=None, mode_tcost=None, l_inst=None, verbose=True ):
        """ mode_pnl: 0: close pnl. 1: MOOMOC pnl.
            mode_tcost: 0: pure signal calculation only, 1: full tcost tiers calculation in pnl. 
            Note mat_alpha is delayed twice for d1, once for d0 """
        mode_pnl = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( mode_pnl, cfg, "mode_pnl" )
        mode_tcost = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( mode_tcost, cfg, "mode_tcost" )
        mat_alpha = self.mat.copy().shift(1).fillna(0)
        if self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] > 1:
            mat_alpha = np.round( mat_alpha * self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] / base.close.shift(2) ) * base.close.shift(2)
        mat_alpha.dropna( axis=1, how='all', inplace=True )
        mat_tvr = np.abs( mat_alpha - mat_alpha.shift(1) )
        cum_tvr = mat_tvr.sum().sum()
        if mode_pnl == 0:
            mat_pnl = mat_alpha.shift( self.d_configs[ "delay" ] ) * pnl.ret.ix[ mat_alpha.index, mat_alpha.columns ] * cfg.leverage
        elif mode_pnl == 1:
            mat_pnl = mat_alpha.shift( self.d_configs[ "delay" ] ) * pnl.ret_open_entry.ix[ mat_alpha.index, mat_alpha.columns ] * cfg.leverage
            solbasic.logger.warn( "Mode not supported." )

        test.mat_raw = self.mat_raw.copy()
        test.mat_alpha = mat_alpha.copy()
        test.mat_pnl = mat_pnl.copy()
        self.tvr = ( 1 + cum_tvr / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] ) / mat_alpha.shape[0] * 100
        mat_pnl = mat_pnl.replace( [ np.inf, -np.inf ], np.nan )
        self.v_pnl = mat_pnl.sum( axis=1 )
        self.v_cum_pnl = self.v_pnl.cumsum()
        self.mat_pnl = mat_pnl

        if self.d_configs[ "mode_tcost" ]:
            if self.d_configs[ "delay" ] >= 0:
                if self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] != 1:
                    mat_shares_traded = np.round( ( mat_tvr / base.close ) )
                    total_shares_traded = mat_shares_traded.sum().sum()
                    mat_pnl100 = mat_pnl - mat_tvr * pnl.tcost50 - mat_shares_traded * cfg.commission - mat_tvr / 2 * 0.00002
                    mat_pnl100 = mat_pnl - mat_tvr * pnl.tcost50 - mat_tvr / 2 * 0.00002

                solbasic.logger.warn( "Delay not supported. Use 0 or positive integer." )

                mat_pnl100 = mat_pnl100.replace( [ np.inf, -np.inf ], np.nan )
            mat_pnl100 = DataFrame( mat_pnl100, index=mat_pnl.index, columns=mat_pnl.columns )
            self.v_pnl100 = mat_pnl100.sum( axis=1 )

            self.v_cum_pnl100 = self.v_pnl100.cumsum()
            self.mat_pnl100 = mat_pnl100
            v_tcost = self.v_pnl - self.v_pnl100
            self.v_pnl25 = self.v_pnl - v_tcost * 0.25 
            self.v_pnl50 = self.v_pnl - v_tcost * 0.50
            self.v_cum_pnl25 = self.v_pnl25.cumsum()
            self.v_cum_pnl50 = self.v_pnl50.cumsum()
        #self.mat_tcost = mat_pnl - mat_pnl100
        self._set_alpha_stats( mode_tcost=self.d_configs[ "mode_tcost" ], l_inst=l_inst, verbose=verbose )
        return self
Exemple #2
def truncate(mat, frac=None):
    """ truncate the max position to be frac of total abs position.     """
    frac = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(frac, cfg, "f_trun_frac")
    mat2 = mat.copy()
    if frac < 0:
        frac = cfg.f_trun_frac
    sum_abs_row = np.abs(mat2).sum(axis=1)
    max_abs_row = np.abs(mat2).max(axis=1)
    for i in max_abs_row.index:
        if max_abs_row[i] <= frac * sum_abs_row[i] or np.isnan(max_abs_row[i]):
            row = mat2.ix[i]
            n_row_valid = len(row.dropna())
            cnt = 0
            while max_abs_row[
                    i] > frac * 1.1 * sum_abs_row[i] and cnt < n_row_valid:
                i_max = row[np.abs(row) == max_abs_row[i]].index[0]
                row[i_max] = (sum_abs_row[i] - np.abs(row[i_max])) * frac / (
                    1 - frac) * np.sign(row[i_max])
                sum_abs_row[i] = np.abs(row).sum()
                max_abs_row[i] = np.abs(row).max()
                cnt += 1
                mat2.ix[i] = row
    return mat2
Exemple #3
def demean(group, b_devol=None):
    if b_devol is None:
        b_devol = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(b_devol, cfg, "b_devol")
    if b_devol:
        return (group - group.mean()) / group.std()
        return group - group.mean()
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, iden=None):

        self.iden = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(iden, cfg, "iden_stock")
        self.data_mgr = dmgr.dmgr()
        if cfg.db in ["xf", "qa", "fs"]:
            self.conn = sql.sqllink(cfg.db, "sqlalchemy")
Exemple #5
    def _set_alpha_stats( self, mode_tcost=None, l_inst=None, verbose=True ):
        """ truncate and calculate relevant alpha statistics, given v_pnl, mat_pnl in self 
        mode_tcost = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( mode_tcost, cfg, "mode_tcost" )
        if l_inst and type( l_inst ) is list:
            l_inst = self.mat_raw.columns.intersection( l_inst )
            mat_alpha = self.mat.copy().shift(1)[ l_inst ].fillna(0)
            if mat_alpha.dropna( how='all' ).dropna( how='all', axis=1 ).empty:
            self.v_pnl = self.mat_pnl.ix[ self.v_pnl.index, l_inst ].sum( axis=1 )
            if self.v_pnl[ self.v_pnl != 0 ].dropna().empty:
            self.v_cum_pnl = self.v_pnl.cumsum()
            solbasic.logger.debug( "Computing stats on {} ...".format( l_inst ) )
            mat_alpha = self.mat.copy().shift(1).fillna(0)

        mean_pnl = self.v_pnl.mean() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * cfg.n_bdays
        self.volatility = self.v_pnl.std() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * np.sqrt( cfg.n_bdays )
        self.ir = mean_pnl / self.volatility
        self.volatility *= 100
        self.ret = mean_pnl * 100
        self.mdd, self.mdd_length, self.mdd_dates, self.mdd_sdate, self.mdd_edate = autils.max_dd( self.v_cum_pnl )
        self.mdd /= self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] / 100.
        self.avg_pos_l = mat_alpha[ mat_alpha > 0 ].ix[1:].sum( axis=1 ).mean()
        self.avg_pos_s = mat_alpha[ mat_alpha < 0 ].ix[1:].sum( axis=1 ).mean()
        self.summary = "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {} {}".format( self.avg_pos_l, self.avg_pos_s, self.ir, self.ret, self.volatility, self.tvr, self.mdd, self.mdd_length, self.mdd_dates )

        if mode_tcost:
            if not hasattr( self, "v_pnl25" ):
                solbasic.logger.warn( "Requested to calculate alpha stats tiers, but v_pnl25 absent in alpha. Skip." )
            mean_pnl25 = self.v_pnl25.mean() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * cfg.n_bdays
            self.volatility25 = self.v_pnl25.std() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * np.sqrt( cfg.n_bdays )
            self.ir25 = mean_pnl25 / self.volatility25
            self.volatility25 *= 100
            self.ret25 = mean_pnl25 * 100
            self.mdd25, self.mdd25_length, self.mdd25_dates, self.mdd25_sdate, self.mdd25_edate = autils.max_dd( self.v_cum_pnl25 )
            self.mdd25 /= self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] / 100.

            mean_pnl50 = self.v_pnl50.mean() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * cfg.n_bdays
            self.volatility50 = self.v_pnl50.std() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * np.sqrt( cfg.n_bdays )
            self.ir50 = mean_pnl50 / self.volatility50
            self.volatility50 *= 100
            self.ret50 = mean_pnl50 * 100
            self.mdd50, self.mdd50_length, self.mdd50_dates, self.mdd50_sdate, self.mdd50_edate = autils.max_dd( self.v_cum_pnl50 )
            self.mdd50 /= self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] / 100.

            mean_pnl100 = self.v_pnl100.mean() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * cfg.n_bdays
            self.volatility100 = self.v_pnl100.std() / self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] * np.sqrt( cfg.n_bdays )
            self.ir100 = mean_pnl100 / self.volatility100
            self.volatility100 *= 100
            self.ret100 = mean_pnl100 * 100
            self.mdd100, self.mdd100_length, self.mdd100_dates, self.mdd100_sdate, self.mdd100_edate = autils.max_dd( self.v_cum_pnl100 )
            self.mdd100 /= self.d_configs[ "book_size" ] / 100.

            self.summary25 = "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {} {}".format( self.avg_pos_l, self.avg_pos_s, self.ir25, self.ret25, self.volatility25, self.tvr, self.mdd25, self.mdd25_length, self.mdd25_dates )
            self.summary50 = "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {} {}".format( self.avg_pos_l, self.avg_pos_s, self.ir50, self.ret50, self.volatility50, self.tvr, self.mdd50, self.mdd50_length, self.mdd50_dates )
            self.summary100 = "{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {:.2f}% {} {}".format( self.avg_pos_l, self.avg_pos_s, self.ir100, self.ret100, self.volatility100, self.tvr, self.mdd100, self.mdd100_length, self.mdd100_dates )
Exemple #6
def truncate_tvr(mat, frac=None):
    """ truncate the max turnover per stock lower / higher than pctl """
    frac = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(frac, cfg, "f_trun_frac_tvr")
    if frac < 0:
        #solbasic.logger.warn( "frac={} invalid, set default {}.".format( frac, cfg.f_trun_frac ) )
        frac = cfg.f_trun_frac
    mat_tvr = mat - mat.shift(1)
    mat_tvr[mat_tvr > frac] = frac
    mat_tvr[mat_tvr < -frac] = -frac
    mat2 = mat.shift(1) + mat_tvr
    return mat2
Exemple #7
def winsorize_tvr(mat, q=None):
    """ truncate the max turnover per stock lower / higher than pctl """
    q = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(q, cfg, "f_wins_pctl_tvr")
    mat2 = mat.copy()
    mat_tvr = mat2 - mat2.shift(1)
    mat_0 = DataFrame(0, index=mat_tvr.index, columns=mat_tvr.columns)
    mat_lower = mat_0.add(mat_tvr.quantile(q, axis=1), axis=0)
    mat_upper = mat_0.add(mat_tvr.quantile(1 - q, axis=1), axis=0)
    mat_tvr[mat_tvr < mat_lower] = mat_lower[mat_tvr < mat_lower]
    mat_tvr[mat_tvr > mat_upper] = mat_upper[mat_tvr > mat_upper]
    mat2 = mat2.shift(1) + mat_tvr
    return mat2
Exemple #8
def decay(mat, n=None, mode="exponential"):
    """ decay alpha positions by n days """
    n = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(n, cfg, "n_days_hold")
    if mode == "unweighted":
        mat2 = mat.rolling(window=n, min_periods=0).mean()
    elif mode == "exponential":
        mat2 = mat.ewm(span=n, min_periods=0).mean()
    elif mode == "linear":
        mat2 = mat.rolling(window=n, min_periods=0).apply(_decay_linear,
                                                          args=(n, ))
            "mode={} unsupported, try unweighted, exponential.".format(mode))
    return mat2
Exemple #9
def winsorize(mat, q=None):
    """ set extreme data points at two ends to q and 1-q percentile """
    q = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(q, cfg, "f_wins_pctl")
    mat2 = mat.copy()
    mat_0 = DataFrame(0, index=mat.index, columns=mat.columns)
    mat_lower = mat_0.add(mat.quantile(q, axis=1), axis=0)
    mat_upper = mat_0.add(mat.quantile(1 - q, axis=1), axis=0)
        mat2[mat < mat_lower] = mat_lower[mat < mat_lower]
        mat2[mat > mat_upper] = mat_upper[mat < mat_upper]
    except TypeError:
        glb.logger.warn("Unable to winsorize. Type of mat: {}.".format(
    return mat2
Exemple #10
def create_cache( module, n_days_refresh=None ):
    """ create all matrices in module to data cache """
    if cfg.b_dryrun:
        solbasic.logger.info( "Dry run. No create_cache write." )
    if not os.path.exists( cfg.path_cache ):
        os.makedirs( cfg.path_cache )
    if cfg.sim_period in [ "forward", "live" ]:
        path_store = "{}{}_{}_forward.h5".format( cfg.path_cache, module.__name__.split('.')[-1], cfg.start_date )
        path_store = "{}{}_{}_{}.h5".format( cfg.path_cache, module.__name__.split('.')[-1], cfg.start_date, cfg.end_date )
    if cfg.b_refresh_cache:
        n_days_refresh = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( n_days_refresh, cfg, "n_days_refresh" )
        solbasic.logger.info( "Refreshing {} ...".format( path_store ) )
        append_store_mod( module, path_store, n_days_refresh=n_days_refresh )
        solbasic.logger.info( "Creating {} ...".format( path_store ) )
        remove_cache( module, verbose=False )
        save_store_mod( module, path_store )
Exemple #11
def dump_stats( alph_full, tree=None, b_dump_corr=False, b_dump_pos_only=None, b_recreate_alpha=None, book_size=2e7, b_update_db=False ):
    """ dump alpha statistics to alph.path. Must stay in lock while writing 
    b_dump_pos_only = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( b_dump_pos_only, cfg, "b_dump_pos_only" )
    b_recreate_alpha = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( b_recreate_alpha, cfg, "b_recreate_alpha" )
    if cfg.b_dryrun:
        solbasic.logger.info( "Dry run. No dump_stats write." )
    if not hasattr( alph_full, "path" ):
        solbasic.logger.warn( "Alpha path does not exist, unable to dump stats." )
    if not os.path.exists( alph_full.path ):
        os.makedirs( alph_full.path )
    alph = copy.deepcopy( alph_full )

    alph = alph.simplify( mode="shallow" )
    # dump daily position
    alph.mat_raw.index = pd.to_datetime( alph.mat_raw.index )
    alph.mat.index = pd.to_datetime( alph.mat.index )
    base.close.index = pd.to_datetime( base.close.index )
    if not cfg.b_skip_daily_pos:
        path_alpha = "{}alpha/".format( alph.path )
        path_alpha_10by10 = "{}alpha_10by10/".format( alph.path )
        if not os.path.exists( path_alpha ):
            os.makedirs( path_alpha )
        if not os.path.exists( path_alpha_10by10 ):
            os.makedirs( path_alpha_10by10 )
        for index in alph.mat_raw.ix[ alph.d_configs[ "start_date_alpha" ]:alph.d_configs[ "end_date_alpha" ] ].index:
            index = str( index ).split()[0].replace( '-', '' )
            path_alpha_i = "{}{}".format( path_alpha, index )
            path_alpha_i_10by10 = "{}{}".format( path_alpha_10by10, index )
            if not ( os.path.exists( path_alpha_i ) and os.path.exists( path_alpha_i_10by10 ) ) or b_recreate_alpha:
                if not os.path.exists( path_alpha_i ) and cfg.b_refresh_cache:
                    solbasic.logger.debug( "Refreshing {} ...".format( index ) )
                alph.mat.ix[ index ].fillna(0).to_csv( path_alpha_i, sep=' ' )
                if index in base.close.index:
                    np.round( alph.mat.ix[ index ] * book_size / base.close.ix[ index ] ).fillna(0).astype( int ).to_csv( path_alpha_i_10by10, sep=' ' )

        # dump full alpha stats
        if not b_dump_pos_only:
            path_pnl = "{}pnl.csv".format( alph.path ) 
            path_tvr = "{}tvr.csv".format( alph.path ) 
            path_plot = "{}pnl.png".format( alph.path )
            path_config = "{}config.yml".format( alph.path )
            with open( path_config, 'w' ) as outfile:
                outfile.write( yaml.dump( alph.d_configs, default_flow_style=True ) )
            alph.v_pnl.to_csv( path_pnl )
            if hasattr( alph, "v_pnl25" ):
                alph.v_pnl25.to_csv(  path_pnl.replace( "pnl.csv", "pnl25.csv" ) )
                alph.v_pnl50.to_csv(  path_pnl.replace( "pnl.csv", "pnl50.csv" ) )
                alph.v_pnl100.to_csv( path_pnl.replace( "pnl.csv", "pnl100.csv" ) )
            ( np.abs( alph.mat - alph.mat.shift(1) ) ).sum( axis=1 ).to_csv( path_tvr )
            plot_pnl( [ alph ], fig_name=path_plot, verbose=False )

        path_alph = "{}alp".format( alph.path )
        if tree: # alpha cache
            cp_alph = copy.deepcopy( dict( pop_init=[ tree ], l_alph=[ alph ] ) )
            pickle.dump( cp_alph, open( path_alph, 'wb' ), -1 )
        else: # combo cache
            cp_alph = copy.deepcopy( dict( l_alph=[ alph ] ) )
            pickle.dump( cp_alph, open( path_alph, 'wb' ), -1 )
Exemple #12
    def __init__( self, expr='', name='', d_configs=None, b_ops=True, b_stat=True, mat_raw=DataFrame() ):
        expr: alpha expression
        name: alpha name
        d_configs: preset alpha configs
        b_ops: run a series of operations on alphas
        b_stat: calculate performance metrics
        mat_raw: define alpha with matrix instead of expr. 
        d_configs = solbasic.sync_mod_attr( d_configs, cfg, "d_configs" )
        mat = DataFrame()
        self.expr = expr
        self.name = name
        self.expr_raw = expr
        self.d_configs = {}
        # simulation properties, mutable
        self.d_configs[ "start_date" ]       = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "start_date", cfg.start_date )
        self.d_configs[ "end_date" ]         = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "end_date", cfg.end_date )
        self.d_configs[ "sim_days_start" ]   = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "sim_days_start", cfg.sim_days_start )
        self.d_configs[ "sim_days_is_vs" ]   = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "sim_days_is_vs", cfg.sim_days_is_vs )
        self.d_configs[ "sim_days_end" ]     = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "sim_days_end", cfg.sim_days_end )
        self.d_configs[ "load_backdays" ]    = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "load_backdays", cfg.load_backdays )
        self.d_configs[ "mode_pnl" ]         = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "mode_pnl", cfg.mode_pnl )
        self.d_configs[ "mode_tcost" ]       = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "mode_tcost", cfg.mode_tcost )
        self.d_configs[ "book_size" ]        = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "book_size", cfg.book_size )
        # innate properties, immutable. Affects performance
        self.d_configs[ "dataset" ]          = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "dataset", cfg.dataset )
        self.d_configs[ "mode_neutral" ]     = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "mode_neutral", cfg.mode_neutral )
        self.d_configs[ "delay" ]            = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "delay", cfg.delay )
        self.d_configs[ "n_in_play" ]        = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "n_in_play", cfg.n_in_play )
        self.d_configs[ "f_wins_pctl" ]      = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "f_wins_pctl", cfg.f_wins_pctl )
        self.d_configs[ "f_trun_frac" ]      = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "f_trun_frac", cfg.f_trun_frac )
        self.d_configs[ "n_days_decay" ]     = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "n_days_decay", cfg.n_days_decay )
        self.d_configs[ "n_days_corr_pt" ]   = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "n_days_corr_pt", cfg.n_days_corr_pt )
        self.d_configs[ "n_days_corr_pnl" ]  = solbasic.get_dict( d_configs, "n_days_corr_pnl", cfg.n_days_corr_pnl )
        self.b_ops = b_ops
        self.b_stat = b_stat
        if self.expr:
            self.d_configs[ "d_fields_used" ] = autils.get_fields_used( self.expr )
                self.mat_raw = eval( self.expr )
            except AttributeError:
                solbasic.logger.warn( "Unable to evaluate {}, set mat_raw=1.".format( self.expr ) )
                self.mat_raw = 1
        elif not mat_raw.empty:
            self.mat_raw = mat_raw
        if hasattr( self, "mat_raw" ):
            self.mat_raw *= univ.mat_in_play # set valid inst again to make sure. Not enough to truncate in dmgr.

        # apply ops and get stats
        if hasattr( self, "mat_raw" ) and not self.mat_raw.empty:
            if b_ops:
            if b_stat:

        # corner checks
        if self.d_configs[ "sim_days_start" ] != 0 and self.d_configs[ "sim_days_start" ] < self.d_configs[ "sim_days_end" ]:
            if not hasattr( glb, "b_warn_end_prior_start" ):
                solbasic.logger.warn( "pid: {}, alpha end_date {} prior to start_date {}. Force end at data end.".format( os.getpid(), self.d_configs[ "sim_days_start" ], self.d_configs[ "sim_days_end" ] ) )
                if cfg.b_alphagen_on:
                    glb.b_warn_end_prior_start = True
            self.d_configs[ "sim_days_end" ] = 1
Exemple #13
def normalize(mat_alpha, book_size=None):
    """ normalize to book size """
    book_size = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(book_size, cfg, "book_size")
    return mat_alpha.div((np.abs(mat_alpha)).sum(axis=1), axis=0) * book_size
Exemple #14
 def gics_groups(self, mode_neutral=None, n_days_refresh=None):
     """ prepare gics group classification """
     mode_neutral = solbasic.sync_mod_attr(mode_neutral, cfg,
     if cfg.b_recreate_cache or not cutils.exists_cache(gicsg):
         solbasic.logger.info("Building gics group classification...")
         df_gicsg = self.exec_top(self.data_mgr.load_gics_groups,
         test.df_gicsg = df_gicsg.copy()
         if df_gicsg.empty:
             solbasic.logger.warn("Gics groups skipped.")
             "Gics groups original dimensions: {} days, {} instruments.".
             format(df_gicsg.gind.shape[0], df_gicsg.gind.shape[1]))
         if cfg.sim_mode == "cache":
             gicsg.gsector = df_gicsg.gsector.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             gicsg.gind = df_gicsg.gind.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             gicsg.gsubind = df_gicsg.gsubind.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             gicsg.naicsh = df_gicsg.naicsh.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             gicsg.sich = df_gicsg.sich.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             gicsg.spcindcd = df_gicsg.spcindcd.fillna(
             gicsg.spcseccd = df_gicsg.spcseccd.fillna(
             if mode_neutral == 1:
                 gicsg.gsector = df_gicsg.gsector.fillna(
             elif mode_neutral == 2:
                 gicsg.gind = df_gicsg.gind.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
             elif mode_neutral == 3:
                 gicsg.gsubind = df_gicsg.gsubind.fillna(
                 gicsg.gsector = df_gicsg.gsector.fillna(
                 gicsg.gind = df_gicsg.gind.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(
                 gicsg.gsubind = df_gicsg.gsubind.fillna(
             "Loading gics group classification from cache...")
     gicsg.gsector = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "gsector")
     gicsg.gind = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "gind")
     gicsg.gsubind = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "gsubind")
     gicsg.naicsh = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "naicsh")
     gicsg.sich = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "sich")
     gicsg.spcindcd = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "spcindcd")
     gicsg.spcseccd = cutils.getattr_cache(gicsg, "spcseccd")
         "Gics groups loaded: {} days, {} instruments.".format(
             gicsg.gsubind.shape[0], gicsg.gsubind.shape[1]))