def change_doping(self, Na):

        self.diode = Device(mesh=self.mesh, 
                       temperature=300, # K
                       dopants=(Donor(concentration=self.Nd * self.ntype, # m**-3"
                                      ionizationEnergy=-1.), # eV
                                Acceptor(concentration=Na * self.ptype, # m**-3
                                         ionizationEnergy=-1.)), # eV
                       traps=(ShockleyReadHallTrap(recombinationLevel=0, # eV
                                                   electronMinimumLifetime=3e-11, # s
                                                   holeMinimumLifetime=3e-11),), # s
                       contacts=(self.pContact, self.nContact))
        self.diode.contacts[1].bias.value = 0. # V
        self.diode.contacts[0].bias.value = 0. # V
    def __init__(self, Na, Nd):
        n_thickness = 2e-6 # m
        p_thickness = 4e-6 # m
        grid_resolution = 2.0e-8 # m
        self.n_thickness = n_thickness
        self.p_thickness = p_thickness
        self.grid_resolution = grid_resolution

        # Creates series of spacings (dx) that decrease rapidly according to a power law.
        compression_factor = 0.8
        compression_count = 60

        compressed_dx = grid_resolution * compression_factor**numerix.arange(compression_count)
        compressed_length = compressed_dx.sum()
        compressed_dx = list(compressed_dx)

        # Creates the spacings for the n-side of the pn junction.  Starts dense (short dx) near the contact, gets longer in the middle of the n region, then gets shorter again at the junction.  The compressed_dx spacing is used to describe the spacings (dx) as you get closer to the interesting regions, which are the contacts and the junction.
        n_uncompressed_thickness = n_thickness - 2 * compressed_length
        n_dx = n_uncompressed_thickness / round(n_uncompressed_thickness / grid_resolution)
        n_dx = compressed_dx[::-1] + [n_dx] * int(n_uncompressed_thickness / n_dx) + compressed_dx

        # Same thing is done for the p side.
        p_uncompressed_thickness = p_thickness - 2 * compressed_length
        p_dx = p_uncompressed_thickness / round(p_uncompressed_thickness / grid_resolution)
        p_dx = compressed_dx[::-1] + [p_dx] * int(p_uncompressed_thickness / p_dx + 0.5) + compressed_dx

        mesh = Grid1D(dx=n_dx + p_dx)

        x = mesh.cellCenters[0]

        # To view the node density:
        #from pylab import plot
        #plot (x, ones(len(x)), 'o')

        ntype = x < n_thickness # print ntype to see True and False values
        ptype = x >= n_thickness
        vacuum = ~(ntype | ptype)

        # Assigning material properties to each Cell
        zno_cu2o = (ZnO() * ntype + Cu2O() * ptype + Vacuum() * vacuum)

        nFaces = mesh.facesLeft
        pFaces = mesh.facesRight
        illuminatedFaces =mesh.facesLeft
        self.illuminatedFaces = illuminatedFaces

        nContact = OhmicContact(faces=nFaces)
        pContact = OhmicContact(faces=pFaces)

    #    Nd = 1e24 #m**-3
    #    Na = 1e21 #m**-3

        self.diode = Device(mesh=mesh, 
                       temperature=300, # K
                       dopants=(Donor(concentration=Nd * ntype, # m**-3"
                                      ionizationEnergy=-1.), # eV
                                Acceptor(concentration=Na * ptype, # m**-3
                                         ionizationEnergy=-1.)), # eV
                       traps=(ShockleyReadHallTrap(recombinationLevel=0, # eV
                                                   electronMinimumLifetime=3e-11, # s
                                                   holeMinimumLifetime=3e-11),), # s
                       contacts=(pContact, nContact))

        self.diode.contacts[1].bias.value = 0. # V
        self.diode.contacts[0].bias.value = 0. # V
class EqeDoping(object):
    def __init__(self, Na, Nd):
        n_thickness = 2e-6 # m
        p_thickness = 4e-6 # m
        grid_resolution = 2.0e-8 # m
        self.n_thickness = n_thickness
        self.p_thickness = p_thickness
        self.grid_resolution = grid_resolution

        # Creates series of spacings (dx) that decrease rapidly according to a power law.
        compression_factor = 0.8
        compression_count = 60

        compressed_dx = grid_resolution * compression_factor**numerix.arange(compression_count)
        compressed_length = compressed_dx.sum()
        compressed_dx = list(compressed_dx)

        # Creates the spacings for the n-side of the pn junction.  Starts dense (short dx) near the contact, gets longer in the middle of the n region, then gets shorter again at the junction.  The compressed_dx spacing is used to describe the spacings (dx) as you get closer to the interesting regions, which are the contacts and the junction.
        n_uncompressed_thickness = n_thickness - 2 * compressed_length
        n_dx = n_uncompressed_thickness / round(n_uncompressed_thickness / grid_resolution)
        n_dx = compressed_dx[::-1] + [n_dx] * int(n_uncompressed_thickness / n_dx) + compressed_dx

        # Same thing is done for the p side.
        p_uncompressed_thickness = p_thickness - 2 * compressed_length
        p_dx = p_uncompressed_thickness / round(p_uncompressed_thickness / grid_resolution)
        p_dx = compressed_dx[::-1] + [p_dx] * int(p_uncompressed_thickness / p_dx + 0.5) + compressed_dx

        mesh = Grid1D(dx=n_dx + p_dx)

        x = mesh.cellCenters[0]

        # To view the node density:
        #from pylab import plot
        #plot (x, ones(len(x)), 'o')

        ntype = x < n_thickness # print ntype to see True and False values
        ptype = x >= n_thickness
        vacuum = ~(ntype | ptype)

        # Assigning material properties to each Cell
        zno_cu2o = (ZnO() * ntype + Cu2O() * ptype + Vacuum() * vacuum)

        nFaces = mesh.facesLeft
        pFaces = mesh.facesRight
        illuminatedFaces =mesh.facesLeft
        self.illuminatedFaces = illuminatedFaces

        nContact = OhmicContact(faces=nFaces)
        pContact = OhmicContact(faces=pFaces)

    #    Nd = 1e24 #m**-3
    #    Na = 1e21 #m**-3

        self.diode = Device(mesh=mesh, 
                       temperature=300, # K
                       dopants=(Donor(concentration=Nd * ntype, # m**-3"
                                      ionizationEnergy=-1.), # eV
                                Acceptor(concentration=Na * ptype, # m**-3
                                         ionizationEnergy=-1.)), # eV
                       traps=(ShockleyReadHallTrap(recombinationLevel=0, # eV
                                                   electronMinimumLifetime=3e-11, # s
                                                   holeMinimumLifetime=3e-11),), # s
                       contacts=(pContact, nContact))

        self.diode.contacts[1].bias.value = 0. # V
        self.diode.contacts[0].bias.value = 0. # V

    def solve_dark(self, view=False, save = False):
        # solve in dark and then illuminate
        self.diode.solve(solver=None, sweeps=10, outer_tol=1e4)
        if view == True:
            self.viewer = Viewer(vars=(self.diode.Ec, self.diode.Efn, self.diode.Efp, self.diode.Ev))
            self.npViewer = Viewer(vars=(self.diode.n, self.diode.p), log=True)
        if save == True:
    def solve_light(self, view=False, save = False):

        self.light = AM1_5(orientation=[[1]], 
        # sample the light source from 300 nm to 1 um at 10 nm intervals
        self.diode.illuminate(self.light(wavelength=numerix.arange(300e-9, 1000e-9, 1e-9))) # m
        self.diode.solve(solver=None, sweeps=10, outer_tol=1e4)
        if save == True:
        if view == True:
            self.viewer = Viewer(vars=(self.diode.Ec, self.diode.Efn, self.diode.Efp, self.diode.Ev))
            self.npViewer = Viewer(vars=(self.diode.n, self.diode.p), log=True)

    def solve_eqe(self, view=False, save = False):
        self.eqe_spectrum = self.diode.EQE(self.light, numerix.arange(320e-9,700e-9, 1e-9), path=None, adapt=True)
        if view ==True:
            import pylab
            wavelength, eqe = zip(*self.eqe_spectrum)
        if save == True:
            self.save_eqe('eqe{Na}.eqe'.format(Na = self.Na))

    def save_eqe(self,fname):
        header = """
        ZnO _doping:{Nd}
        Cu2O doping: {Na}
        ZnO thickness: {n_thick}
        Cu2O thickness: {p_thick}
        grid resolution: {grid_res}
""".format(Na=self.Na, Nd=self.Nd, n_thick = self.n_thickness, p_thick = self.p_thickness, grid_res = self.grid_resolution)

        with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
            for i in self.eqe_spectrum:
                wavelength_point, eqe_point = i
                f.write('{wavelength}\t{eqe}\n'.format(wavelength=wavelength_point, eqe=eqe_point))
nContact = OhmicContact(faces=nFaces)
pContact = OhmicContact(faces=pFaces)

##graded doping
x_dummy = x.value*(x.value>=n_thickness)
y_dummy = (1e22*(x_dummy-n_thickness)/(p_thickness-n_thickness) + 1e17 )*(x.value>=n_thickness) #linear
y_dummy =1e21*abs(numerix.sin((x_dummy-n_thickness)*2e6))# abs(sin(x))

diode = Device(mesh=mesh, 
               temperature=300, # K
               dopants=(Donor(concentration=1e23 * ntype, # m**-3"
                              ionizationEnergy=-1.), # eV
                        Acceptor(concentration=y_dummy * ptype, # m**-3
                                 ionizationEnergy=-1.)), # eV
               traps=(ShockleyReadHallTrap(recombinationLevel=0, # eV
                                           electronMinimumLifetime=3e-11, # s
                                           holeMinimumLifetime=3e-11),), # s
               contacts=(pContact, nContact))

diode.contacts[1].bias.value = 0. # V
diode.contacts[0].bias.value = 0. # V

# solve in dark and then illuminate
diode.solve(solver=None, sweeps=10, outer_tol=1e4)

light = AM1_5(orientation=[[1]], 