class TargetDiscovery(Checkpoint):
    """ Discover all logical and physical devices on the system.
    def __init__(self, name, search_name=None, search_type=None):
        super(TargetDiscovery, self).__init__(name)

        self.dry_run = False

        self.eng = InstallEngine.get_instance()
        self.doc = self.eng.data_object_cache

        # create a root node to insert all discovered objects into
        self.root = Target(Target.DISCOVERED)

        # user specified search criteria
        self.search_name = search_name
        self.search_type = search_type

        # list of discovered swap and dump zvols
        self.swap_list = list()
        self.dump_list = list()

        # eeprom diag mode and bootdisk value
        self.sparc_diag_mode = False
        self.bootdisk = None

        # kernel architecture
        self.arch = platform.processor()

    def is_bootdisk(self, name):
        """ is_bootdisk() -- simple method to compare the name of the disk in
        question with what libdevinfo reports as the bootdisk

        name - ctd name of the disk to check
        # cache the answer so we don't do multiple lookups to libdevinfo
        if self.bootdisk is None:
            self.bootdisk = devinfo.get_curr_bootdisk()
        return self.bootdisk == name

    def get_progress_estimate(self):
        # XXX
        return 1

    def discover_disk(self, drive):
        """ discover_disk - method to discover a physical disk's attributes,
        partitions and slices

        drive - which physical drive to parse
        # create a DOC object for this drive.  Set validate_children to False
        # so the shadow code doesn't adjust the start sector or size for any
        # children discovered
        new_disk = Disk("disk", validate_children=False)

        # extract drive attributes and media information
        drive_attributes = drive.attributes
        drive_media =

        # if a drive is offline or down return None
        if drive_attributes.status == "DOWN":
            self.logger.debug("disk '%s' is offline" %
            return None

        # set attributes for the disk
        if type(drive.aliases) is list and len(drive.aliases) > 0:
            new_disk.wwn = getattr(drive.aliases[0].attributes, "wwn", None)

        existing_wwns = [d.wwn for d in \
                         self.root.get_descendants(class_type=Disk) \
                         if d.wwn is not None]

        if new_disk.wwn is not None and new_disk.wwn in existing_wwns:
            # this wwn has already been discovered, so skip further discovery
            return None

        for alias in drive.aliases:
            # check to see if the wwn changes between drive aliases
            if getattr(alias.attributes, "wwn", None) != new_disk.wwn:
                self.logger.warning("disk '%s' has different wwn for the "
                                    "aliases" % new_disk.ctd)
                return None
            if drive_media is not None:
                if self.verify_disk_read(,

        # set the new_disk ctd string
        if new_disk.wwn is None:
            # use the only alias name
            new_disk.ctd = drive.aliases[0].name
            # use the first active ctd
            new_disk.ctd = new_disk.active_ctds[0]
        new_disk.devid =
        new_disk.iscdrom = drive.cdrom
        new_disk.opath = drive_attributes.opath

        # set the devpath
        if os.path.islink(drive_attributes.opath):
            link = os.readlink(drive_attributes.opath)

            # clean up the link to get rid of the leading '../../devices/' and
            # trailing minor name
            if link.startswith("../../devices") and ":" in link:
                link = link.partition("../../devices")[2].rpartition(":")[0]
                new_disk.devpath = link

        # check for SPARC eeprom settings which would interfere with finding
        # the boot disk
        if self.arch == "sparc":
            if not self.sparc_diag_mode:
                # check eeprom settings
                cmd = [EEPROM, "diag-switch?"]
                p = run(cmd)
                diag_switch_value = p.stdout.partition("=")[2]
                if diag_switch_value.strip().lower() == "true":
                    # set a variable so we don't check every single disk and
                    # log a message
                    self.sparc_diag_mode = True
          "Unable to determine bootdisk with " + \
                                     "diag-switch? eeprom setting set to " + \
                                     "'true'.  Please set diag-switch? " + \
                                     "to false and reboot the system")

        # check for the bootdisk
        if not self.sparc_diag_mode:
            if self.is_bootdisk(new_disk.ctd):
                new_disk.disk_keyword = DiskKeyword()

        # set vendor information for the drive
        new_disk.disk_prop = DiskProp()
        if drive.controllers:
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_type = drive.controllers[0].attributes.type
        new_disk.disk_prop.dev_vendor = drive_attributes.vendor_id

        # walk the media node to extract partitions and slices
        if drive_media is None:
            # since the drive has no media, we can't determine any attributes
            # about it (geometry, slices, partitions, etc.) so simply return
            # None
            return None
            # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
            # looking them up
            drive_media_attributes = drive_media.attributes

            # if a drive comes back without basic information, skip discovery
            # entirely
            if not DMMediaAttr.NACCESSIBLE in drive_media_attributes or \
               not DMMediaAttr.BLOCKSIZE in drive_media_attributes:
                self.logger.debug("skipping discovery of %s" % new_disk.ctd)
                return None

            # retrieve the drive's geometry
            new_disk = self.set_geometry(drive_media_attributes, new_disk)

            # keep a list of slices already visited so they're not discovered
            # again later
            visited_slices = []

            # if this system is x86 and the drive has slices but no fdisk
            # partitions, don't report any of the slices
            if self.arch == "i386" and drive_media.slices and not \
                return new_disk

            for partition in drive_media.partitions:
                new_partition = self.discover_partition(
                    partition, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

                # add the partition to the disk object

                # check for slices associated with this partition.  If found,
                # add them as children
                for slc in
                    # discover the slice
                    new_slice = self.discover_slice(
                        slc, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

                    # constrain when a slice is added to the DOC.  We only want
                    # to add a slice when:
                    # - the partition id is a Solaris partition (non EFI)
                    # - the fstyp is 'zfs' (for EFI labeled disks)
                    # - the fstyp is 'unknown_fstyp' AND it's slice 8 (for EFI
                    #   labeled disks)
                    if new_partition.is_solaris:
                    elif new_partition.part_type == 238:
                        # call fstyp to try to figure out the slice type
                        cmd = [FSTYP,]
                        p = run(cmd, check_result=Popen.ANY)
                        if p.returncode == 0:
                            if p.stdout.strip() == "zfs":
                                # add the slice since it's used by zfs
                            if p.stderr.startswith("unknown_fstyp") and \
                       == "8":
                                # add the slice since it's an EFI boot slice

                    # keep a record this slice so it's not discovered again

            for slc in drive_media.slices:
                # discover the slice if it's not already been found
                if not in visited_slices:
                    new_slice = self.discover_slice(
                        slc, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

            return new_disk

    def verify_disk_read(self, ctd, blocksize):
        verify_disk_read() - method to verify a low-level read from the raw ctd

        raw = "/dev/rdsk/%s" % ctd
        raw2 = raw + "s2"
        # Depending on the label used, we need to check both the raw device and
        # slice 2 to see if the disk can be read.
        for raw_disk in [raw, raw2]:
            fd = None
                    fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NDELAY)
                        _none =, blocksize)
                    except OSError:
                        # the read() call failed
                        return True
                except OSError:
                    # the open() call failed
                if fd is not None:
        return False

    def set_geometry(self, dma, new_disk):
        """ set_geometry() - method to set the geometry of the Disk DOC object
        from the libdiskmgt drive object.

        dma - the drive's media attributes as returned by libdiskmgt
        new_disk - Disk DOC object
        new_geometry = None

        # If the disk has a GPT label (or no label), ncylinders will be
        # None
        if dma.ncylinders is None:
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_size = Size(
                str(dma.naccessible) + Size.sector_units, dma.blocksize)

            # set only the blocksize (not the cylinder size)
            new_geometry = DiskGeometry(dma.blocksize, None)

            # set the label of the disk, if possible
            if dma.efi:
                new_disk.label = "GPT"
                new_geometry.efi = True
            new_disk.label = "VTOC"

            # set the disk's volid
            new_disk.volid = dma.label

            ncyl = dma.ncylinders
            nhead = dma.nheads
            nsect = dma.nsectors

            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_size = Size(
                str(ncyl * nhead * nsect) + Size.sector_units, dma.blocksize)
            new_geometry = DiskGeometry(dma.blocksize, nhead * nsect)
            new_geometry.ncyl = ncyl
            new_geometry.nheads = nhead
            new_geometry.nsectors = nsect
            new_disk.geometry = new_geometry

        return new_disk

    def discover_pseudo(self, controller):
        """ discover_psuedo - method to discover pseudo controller information,
        usually zvol swap and dump
        for drive in controller.drives:
            for slc in
                stats = slc.use_stats
                if "used_by" in stats:
                    if stats["used_name"][0] == "dump":
                            # remove the /dev/zvol/dsk from the path
                    if stats["used_name"][0] == "swap":
                            # remove the /dev/zvol/dsk from the path

    def discover_partition(self, partition, blocksize):
        """ discover_partition - method to discover a physical disk's
        partition layout

        partition - partition object as discovered by ldm
        blocksize - blocksize of the disk
        # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        partition_attributes = partition.attributes

        # partition name is ctdp path.  Split the string on "p"
        root_path, _none, index ="p")

        # create a DOC object for this partition.  Set validate_children to
        # False so the shadow code doesn't adjust the start sector or size for
        # any children discovered
        new_partition = Partition(index, validate_children=False)
        new_partition.action = "preserve"
        new_partition.part_type =

        # check the partition's ID to set the partition type correctly
        if == \
            Partition.name_to_num("Solaris/Linux swap"):
                # try to call prtvtoc on slice 2.  If it succeeds, this is a
                # solaris1 partition.
                slice2 = root_path + "s2"
                cmd = [PRTVTOC, slice2]
                run(cmd, stdout=Popen.DEVNULL)
            except CalledProcessError:
                # the call to prtvtoc failed which means this partition is
                # Linux swap. To be sure, prtvtoc failure might also mean an
                # unlabeled Solaris1 partition but we aren't going to worry
                # about that for now. Displaying an unlabeled (and therefore
                # unused) Solaris1 partition should not have any unforeseen
                # consequences in terms of data loss.
                new_partition.is_linux_swap = True

        new_partition.size = Size(str(partition_attributes.nsectors) + \
                             Size.sector_units, blocksize=blocksize)
        new_partition.start_sector = long(partition_attributes.relsect)
        new_partition.size_in_sectors = partition_attributes.nsectors

        return new_partition

    def discover_slice(self, slc, blocksize):
        """ discover_slices - method to discover a physical disk's slice

        slc - slice object as discovered by ldm
        blocksize - blocksize of the disk
        # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        slc_attributes = slc.attributes

        new_slice = Slice(str(slc_attributes.index))
        new_slice.action = "preserve"
        new_slice.tag = slc_attributes.tag
        new_slice.flag = slc_attributes.flag
        new_slice.size = Size(str(slc_attributes.size) + Size.sector_units,
        new_slice.start_sector = long(slc_attributes.start)
        new_slice.size_in_sectors = slc_attributes.size

        stats = slc.use_stats
        if "used_by" in stats:
            new_slice.in_use = stats

        return new_slice

    def discover_zpools(self, search_name=""):
        """ discover_zpools - method to walk zpool list output to create Zpool
        objects.  Returns a logical DOC object with all zpools populated.
        # create a logical element
        logical = Logical("logical")

        # set noswap and nodump to True until a zvol is found otherwise
        logical.noswap = True
        logical.nodump = True

        # retreive the list of zpools
        cmd = [ZPOOL, "list", "-H", "-o", "name"]
        p = run(cmd)

        # Get the list of zpools
        zpool_list = p.stdout.splitlines()

        # walk the list and populate the DOC
        for zpool_name in zpool_list:
            # if the user has specified a specific search name, only run
            # discovery on that particular pool name
            if search_name and zpool_name != search_name:

            self.logger.debug("Populating DOC for zpool:  %s", zpool_name)

            # create a new Zpool DOC object and insert it
            zpool = Zpool(zpool_name)
            zpool.action = "preserve"

            # check to see if the zpool is the boot pool
            cmd = [ZPOOL, "list", "-H", "-o", "bootfs", zpool_name]
            p = run(cmd)
            if p.stdout.rstrip() != "-":
                zpool.is_root = True

            # get the mountpoint of the zpool
            cmd = [ZFS, "get", "-H", "-o", "value", "mountpoint", zpool_name]
            p = run(cmd)
            zpool.mountpoint = p.stdout.strip()

            # set the vdev_mapping on each physical object in the DOC tree for
            # this zpool

            # for each zpool, get all of its datasets.  Switch to the C locale
            # so we don't have issues with LC_NUMERIC settings
            cmd = [
                ZFS, "list", "-r", "-H", "-o", "name,type,used,mountpoint",
            p = run(cmd, env={"LC_ALL": "C"})

            # walk each dataset and create the appropriate DOC objects for
            # each.  Skip the first line of list output, as the top level
            # dataset (also the dataset with the same name as that of the
            # zpool) may have a different mountpoint than the zpool.
            for dataset in p.stdout.rstrip().split("\n")[1:]:
                    name, ds_type, ds_size, mountpoint = dataset.split(None, 3)
                except ValueError as err:
                    # trap on ValueError so any inconsistencies are captured
                    self.logger.debug("Unable to process dataset: %r" %

                # fix the name field to remove the name of the pool
                name = name.partition(zpool_name + "/")[2]

                if ds_type == "filesystem":
                    obj = Filesystem(name)
                    obj.mountpoint = mountpoint
                elif ds_type == "volume":
                    obj = Zvol(name)
                    obj.size = Size(ds_size)

                    # check for swap/dump.  If there's a match, set the zvol
                    # 'use' attribute and the noswap/nodump attribute of
                    # logical.  The zpool name needs to be re-attached to the
                    # zvol name to match what was already parsed
                    if os.path.join(zpool_name, name) in self.swap_list:
                        obj.use = "swap"
                        logical.noswap = False
                    if os.path.join(zpool_name, name) in self.dump_list:
                        obj.use = "dump"
                        logical.nodump = False

                obj.action = "preserve"

        return logical

    def set_vdev_map(self, zpool):
        """ set_vdev_map() - walk the vdev_map to set the zpool's vdev entries
        and update existing physical DOC entries with the proper in_zpool and
        in_vdev attributes.

        zpool - zpool DOC object
        # get the list of Disk DOC objects already inserted
        disklist = self.root.get_children(class_type=Disk)

        # get the vdev mappings for this pool
        vdev_map = vdevs._get_vdev_mapping(

        for vdev_type, vdev_entries in vdev_map.iteritems():
            in_vdev_label = "%s-%s" % (, vdev_type)
            if vdev_type != "none":
                redundancy = vdev_type.partition("-")[0]
                redundancy = vdev_type

            # create a Vdev DOC entry for the vdev_type
            zpool.add_vdev(in_vdev_label, redundancy)

            for full_entry in vdev_entries:
                # remove the device path from the entry
                entry = full_entry.rpartition("/dev/dsk/")[2]

                # try to partition the entry for slices
                (vdev_ctd, vdev_letter, vdev_index) = entry.rpartition("s")

                # if the entry is not a slice, vdev_letter and index will
                # be empty strings
                if not vdev_letter:
                    # try to partition the entry for partitions
                    (vdev_ctd, vdev_letter, vdev_index) = \

                    # if the entry is also not a partition skip this entry
                    if not vdev_letter:

                # walk the disk list looking for a matching ctd
                for disk in disklist:
                    if hasattr(disk, "ctd"):
                        if disk.ctd == vdev_ctd:
                            # this disk is a match
                            if vdev_letter == "s":
                                child_list = disk.get_descendants(
                            elif vdev_letter == "p":
                                child_list = disk.get_descendants(

                            # walk the child list and look for a matching name
                            for child in child_list:
                                if == vdev_index:
                                    # set the in_zpool and in_vdev attributes
                                    child.in_zpool =
                                    child.in_vdev = in_vdev_label

                            # break out of the disklist walk

    def discover_BEs(self, zpool_name="", name=None):
        """ discover_BEs - method to discover all Boot Environments (BEs) on
        the system.
        be_list = be.be_list(name)

        # walk each zpool already discovered and add BEs as necessary
        for zpool in self.root.get_descendants(class_type=Zpool):
            # check to see if we only want a subset of zpools.
            if zpool_name and zpool_name !=

            for be_name, be_pool, root_ds, is_active in be_list:
                if be_pool ==

    def discover_entire_system(self, add_physical=True):
        """ discover_entire_system - populates the root node of the DOC tree
        with the entire physical layout of the system.

        add_physical - boolean value to signal if physical targets should be
        added to the DOC.
        # to find all the drives on the system, first start with the
        # controllers
        for controller in diskmgt.descriptors_by_type(const.CONTROLLER):
            # trap on the "/pseudo" controller (zvol swap and dump)
            if == "/pseudo" and add_physical:
                # extract every drive on the given controller
                for drive in controller.drives:
                    # skip USB floppy drives
                    if controller.attributes is not None and \
                       controller.attributes.type == const.CTYPE_USB:
                            di_props = di_find_prop("compatible",
                        except Exception:
                            di_props = list()

                        if const.DI_FLOPPY in di_props:

                    # query libdiskmgt for the drive's information
                    new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)

                    # skip invalid drives and CDROM drives
                    if new_disk is None or new_disk.iscdrom:

                    if add_physical:

        # extract all of the devpaths from all of the drives already inserted
        devpath_list = [
            disk.devpath for disk in self.root.get_descendants(class_type=Disk)

        # now walk all the drives in the system to make sure we pick up any
        # disks which have no controller (OVM Xen disks)
        for drive in diskmgt.descriptors_by_type(const.DRIVE):
            new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)

            # skip invalid drives and CDROM drives
            if new_disk is None or new_disk.iscdrom or new_disk.ctd == "dump":

            # skip any disk we've already discovered
            if new_disk.devpath in devpath_list:

            if add_physical:

    def sparc_label_check(self):
        """ sparc_label_check - method to check for any unlabeled disks within
        the system.  The AI manifest is checked to ensure does not
        try to apply a VTOC label to a disk specified with slices marked with
        the 'preserve' action.
        # extract all of the disk objects from the AI manifest
        ai_disk_list = self.doc.volatile.get_descendants(class_type=Disk)

        # create a new list of disk CTD values where the user has specified a
        # 'preserve' action for a slice.
        preserve_disks = list()
        for ai_disk in ai_disk_list:
            slice_list = ai_disk.get_descendants(class_type=Slice)
            for slc in slice_list:
                if slc.action == "preserve":

        # Since libdiskmgt has no mechanism to update it's internal view of the
        # disk layout once its scanned /dev, fork a process and allow
        # libdiskmgt to instantiate the drives first.  Then in the context of
        # the main process, when libdiskmgt gathers drive information, the
        # drive list will be up to date.
        pid = os.fork()
        if pid == 0:
            for drive in diskmgt.descriptors_by_type(const.DRIVE):
                if is None:

                disk = Disk("disk")
                disk.ctd = drive.aliases[0].name

                # verify the drive can be read.  If not, continue to the next
                # drive.
                if not self.verify_disk_read(disk.ctd,
                    self.logger.debug("Skipping label check for %s" % disk.ctd)

                dma =

                # If a disk is missing some basic attributes then it most
                # likely has no disk label.  Force a VTOC label onto the disk
                # so its geometry can be correctly determined.  This should
                # only happen for unlabeled SPARC disks, so we're safe to apply
                # a VTOC label without fear of trashing fdisk partitions
                # containing other OSes.
                if (not DMMediaAttr.NACCESSIBLE in dma or \
                   not DMMediaAttr.BLOCKSIZE in dma) and \
                   not dma.removable:

                    # only label the disk if it does not have any preserved
                    # slices.
                    if disk.ctd not in preserve_disks:
                        if not self.dry_run:
                  "%s is unlabeled.  Forcing a "
                                             "VTOC label" % disk.ctd)
                            except CalledProcessError as err:
                                    "Warning:  unable to label "
                                    "%s:  %s\nThis warning can be ignored, "
                                    "unless the disk is your install volume." %
                                    (disk.ctd, err.popen.stderr))
                  "%s is unlabeled.  Not forcing "
                                             "a VTOC label due to dry_run "
                                             "flag" % disk.ctd)
                            "%s is unlabeled but manifest "
                            "specifies 'preserved' slices.  Not forcing a "
                            "VTOC label onto the disk." % disk.ctd)
            _none, status = os.wait()
            if status != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to fork a process to reset drive "

    def setup_iscsi(self):
        """ set up the iSCSI initiator appropriately (if specified)
        such that any physical/logical iSCSI devices can be discovered.
        SVC = "svc:/network/iscsi/initiator:default"

        # pull out all of the iscsi entries from the DOC
        iscsi_list = self.doc.get_descendants(class_type=Iscsi)

        # if there's nothing to do, simply return
        if not iscsi_list:

        # verify iscsiadm is available
        if not os.path.exists(ISCSIADM):
            raise RuntimeError("iSCSI discovery enabled but %s does " \
                "not exist" % ISCSIADM)

        # ensure the iscsi/initiator service is online
        state_cmd = [SVCS, "-H", "-o", "STATE", SVC]
        p = run(state_cmd, check_result=Popen.ANY)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            # iscsi/initiator is not installed
            raise RuntimeError("%s not found - is it installed?" % SVC)

        # if the service is offline, enable it
        state = p.stdout.strip()
        if state == "offline":
            cmd = [SVCADM, "enable", "-s", SVC]

            # verify the service is now online
            p = run(state_cmd, check_result=Popen.ANY)
            state = p.stdout.strip()

            if state != "online":
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to start %s" % SVC)

        elif state != "online":
            # the service is in some other kind of state, so raise an error
            raise RuntimeError("%s requires manual servicing" % SVC)

        for iscsi in iscsi_list:
            # check iscsi.source for dhcp.  If set, query dhcpinfo for the
            # iSCSI boot parameters and set the rest of the Iscsi object
            # attributes
            if iscsi.source == "dhcp":
                p = run([DHCPINFO, "Rootpath"])

                # RFC 4173 defines the format of iSCSI boot parameters in DHCP
                # Rootpath as follows:
                # Rootpath=iscsi:<IP>:<protocol>:<port>:<LUN>:<target>
                iscsi_str = p.stdout.partition('=')[2]
                params = iscsi_str.split(':')
                iscsi.target_ip = params[1]
                iscsi.target_port = params[3]
                iscsi.target_lun = params[4]
                iscsi.target_name = params[5]

            if iscsi.target_name is not None:
                # set up static discovery of targets
                discovery_str = iscsi.target_name + "," + iscsi.target_ip
                if iscsi.target_port is not None:
                    discovery_str += ":" + iscsi.target_port
                cmd = [ISCSIADM, "add", "static-config", discovery_str]

                cmd = [ISCSIADM, "modify", "discovery", "--static", "enable"]

                iscsi_list_cmd = [
                    ISCSIADM, "list", "target", "-S", discovery_str
                # set up discovery of sendtargets targets
                discovery_str = iscsi.target_ip
                if iscsi.target_port is not None:
                    discovery_str += ":" + iscsi.target_port
                cmd = [ISCSIADM, "add", "discovery-address", discovery_str]

                cmd = [
                    ISCSIADM, "modify", "discovery", "--sendtargets", "enable"

                iscsi_list_cmd = [ISCSIADM, "list", "target", "-S"]

            # run devfsadm and wait for the iscsi devices to configure
            run([DEVFSADM, "-i", "iscsi"])

            # list all the targets found
            iscsi_list = run(iscsi_list_cmd)

            # the output will look like:
            # Target: <iqn string>
            #        Alias: -
            #        TPGT: 1
            #        ISID: 4000002a0000
            #        Connections: 1
            #        LUN: 1
            #             Vendor:  SUN
            #             Product: COMSTAR
            #             OS Device Name: <ctd>
            #        LUN: 0
            #             Vendor:  SUN
            #             Product: COMSTAR
            #             OS Device Name: <ctd>
            # The LUN number and ctd strings are the only values we're
            # interested in.
            iscsi_dict = dict()

            # walk the output from iscsiadm list target to create a mapping
            # between ctd and LUN number.
            for line in iscsi_list.stdout.splitlines():
                line = line.lstrip()
                if line.startswith("LUN:"):
                    lun_num = line.split(": ")[1]
                if line.startswith("OS Device Name:") and lun_num is not None:
                    iscsi_ctd = line.rpartition("/")[2]
                    iscsi_dict[iscsi_ctd] = lun_num

                    # reset the lun_num for the next lun
                    lun_num = None

            # try to map iscsi_lun back to iscsi.target_lun
            for iscsi_ctd, iscsi_lun in iscsi_dict.items():
                if iscsi.target_lun is not None:
                    if iscsi.target_lun == iscsi_lun:
                        iscsi.parent.ctd = iscsi_ctd.partition("s2")[0]
                    iscsi.parent.ctd = iscsi_ctd.partition("s2")[0]
                raise RuntimeError("target_lun: %s not found on target" %

    def execute(self, dry_run=False):
        """ primary execution checkpoint for Target Discovery
        self.dry_run = dry_run

        # setup iSCSI so that all iSCSI physical and logical devices can be
        # discovered

        # for sparc, check each disk to make sure there's a label
        if self.arch == "sparc":

        # check to see if the user specified a search_type
        if self.search_type == DISK_SEARCH_NAME:
                # check to see if the search name is either c#t#d# or c#d#
                if re.match(DISK_RE, self.search_name, re.I):
                    dmd = diskmgt.descriptor_from_key(const.ALIAS,
                    alias = diskmgt.DMAlias(dmd.value)
                    drive =
                    dmd = diskmgt.descriptor_from_key(const.DRIVE,
                    drive = diskmgt.DMDrive(dmd.value)
            except OSError as err:
                raise RuntimeError("Unable to look up %s - %s" % \
                    (self.search_name, err))

            # insert the drive information into the tree
            new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)
            if new_disk is not None:

        elif self.search_type == ZPOOL_SEARCH_NAME:

            # Add all Boot Environments that are contained in this zpool


            # Add the discovered zpool objects

            # Add all Boot Environments

        # Add the root node to the DOC
Exemple #2
class TargetDiscovery(Checkpoint):
    """ Discover all logical and physical devices on the system.
    def __init__(self, name, search_name=None, search_type=None):
        super(TargetDiscovery, self).__init__(name)

        self.dry_run = False

        self.eng = InstallEngine.get_instance()
        self.doc = self.eng.data_object_cache

        # create a root node to insert all discovered objects into
        self.root = Target(Target.DISCOVERED)

        # user specified search criteria
        self.search_name = search_name
        self.search_type = search_type

        # list of discovered swap and dump zvols
        self.swap_list = list()
        self.dump_list = list()

        # eeprom diag mode and bootdisk value
        self.sparc_diag_mode = False
        self.bootdisk = None

        # kernel architecture
        self.arch = platform.processor()

        # croinfo dictionary
        self.cro_dict = dict()

    def is_bootdisk(self, name):
        """ is_bootdisk() -- simple method to compare the name of the disk in
        question with what libdevinfo reports as the bootdisk

        name - ctd name of the disk to check
        # cache the answer so we don't do multiple lookups to libdevinfo
        if self.bootdisk is None:
            self.bootdisk = devinfo.get_curr_bootdisk()
        return self.bootdisk == name

    def get_progress_estimate(self):
        # XXX
        return 1

    def discover_disk(self, drive):
        """ discover_disk - method to discover a physical disk's attributes,
        partitions and slices

        drive - which physical drive to parse
        # create a DOC object for this drive.  Set validate_children to False
        # so the shadow code doesn't adjust the start sector or size for any
        # children discovered
        new_disk = Disk("disk", validate_children=False)

        # extract drive attributes and media information
        drive_attributes = drive.attributes
        drive_media =

        if drive_media is None:
            # since the drive has no media, we can't determine any attributes
            # about it (geometry, slices, partitions, etc.) so simply return
            # None
            self.logger.debug("disk '%s' has no media" %
            return None

        # if a drive is offline or down return None
        if drive_attributes.status == "DOWN":
            self.logger.debug("disk '%s' is offline" %
            return None

        # set the wwn string, including lun if available
        wwn = getattr(drive.aliases[0].attributes, "wwn", None)
        if wwn is not None:
            lun = getattr(drive.aliases[0].attributes, "lun", None)
            if lun is not None:
                new_disk.wwn = "%s,%d" % (wwn, lun)
                new_disk.wwn = wwn

        for alias in drive.aliases:
            if self.verify_disk_read(,

        # if only passive_ctds are found, return None
        if new_disk.passive_ctds and not new_disk.active_ctds:
            self.logger.debug("disk '%s' only has passive aliases" %
            return None

        # set the new_disk ctd string
        if new_disk.wwn is None:
            # use the only alias name
            new_disk.ctd = drive.aliases[0].name
            # use the first active ctd
            new_disk.ctd = new_disk.active_ctds[0]

        new_disk.devid =
        new_disk.iscdrom = drive.cdrom
        new_disk.opath = drive_attributes.opath

        # set the devpath
        if os.path.islink(drive_attributes.opath):
            link = os.readlink(drive_attributes.opath)

            # clean up the link to get rid of the leading '../../devices/' and
            # trailing minor name
            if link.startswith("../../devices") and ":" in link:
                link = link.partition("../../devices")[2].rpartition(":")[0]
                new_disk.devpath = link

        # check for SPARC eeprom settings which would interfere with finding
        # the boot disk
        if self.arch == "sparc":
            if not self.sparc_diag_mode:
                # check eeprom settings
                cmd = [EEPROM, "diag-switch?"]
                p = run(cmd)
                diag_switch_value = p.stdout.partition("=")[2]
                if diag_switch_value.strip().lower() == "true":
                    # set a variable so we don't check every single disk and
                    # log a message
                    self.sparc_diag_mode = True
          "Unable to determine bootdisk with " + \
                                     "diag-switch? eeprom setting set to " + \
                                     "'true'.  Please set diag-switch? " + \
                                     "to false and reboot the system")

        # check for the bootdisk
        if not self.sparc_diag_mode:
            if self.is_bootdisk(new_disk.ctd):
                new_disk.disk_keyword = DiskKeyword()

        # set vendor information for the drive
        new_disk.disk_prop = DiskProp()
        if drive.controllers:
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_type = drive.controllers[0].attributes.type

            # check for any Iscsi object in the DOC.  If found, change the
            # dev_type from 'scsi' to 'iSCSI' to allow the installers finer
            # granularity when choosing these types of LUNs
            iscsi_check = self.doc.get_descendants(class_type=Iscsi)
            if iscsi_check:
                cmd = [ISCSIADM, "list", "target", "-S"]
                p = run(cmd)
                if new_disk.ctd in p.stdout:
                    new_disk.disk_prop.dev_type = "iSCSI"

        new_disk.disk_prop.dev_vendor = drive_attributes.vendor_id

        # set the alias and receptacle for disks, if possible
        if not new_disk.iscdrom and new_disk.ctd in self.cro_dict:
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_chassis = self.cro_dict[new_disk.ctd][1]
            new_disk.receptacle = self.cro_dict[new_disk.ctd][2]

        # store the media attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        drive_media_attributes = drive_media.attributes

        # retrieve the drive's geometry
        new_disk = self.set_geometry(drive_media_attributes, new_disk)

        # keep a list of slices already visited so they're not discovered
        # again later
        visited_slices = []

        # if this system is x86 and the drive reports *VTOC* slices but no
        # fdisk partitions, don't report any of the slices. This probably
        # means there is no label at all on the disk:
        # On x86 libdiskmgmt will report slices, but no partitions
        # when the disk has no partition table/label at all.
        if self.arch == "i386" \
           and drive_media.slices \
           and not drive_media.partitions \
           and new_disk.label != "GPT":
            # Unset the erroneous disk label
            new_disk._label = None
            return new_disk

        if new_disk.label == "VTOC":
            for partition in drive_media.partitions:
                new_partition = self.discover_partition(
                    partition, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

                # add the partition to the disk object

                # check for slices associated with this partition
                # if found, add them as children
                for slc in
                    # discover the slice
                    new_slice = self.discover_slice(
                        slc, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

                    # constrain when a slice is added to the DOC.
                    # We only want to add a slice when the partition id
                    # is a Solaris partition (non EFI)
                    if new_partition.is_solaris:

                    # keep a record this slice so it's not discovered again

            for slc in drive_media.slices:
                # discover the slice if it's not already been found
                if not in visited_slices:
                    new_slice = self.discover_slice(
                        slc, drive_media_attributes.blocksize)

        # If the disk has a GPT label then the protective MBR
        # reported by libdiskmgt should be ignored. The GPT partitions
        # are reported by libdiskmgt as "slices", similar to VTOC slices
        elif new_disk.label == "GPT":
            # EFI/GPT label on disc. Discover GPT partitions.
            # libdiskmgt's information about GPT partitions is incomplete
            # so use libefi to fill in what is missing.
            fh =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NDELAY)
                gptp = efi_read(fh)
                    for slc in drive_media.slices:
                        efi_part = gptp.contents.efi_parts[
                        new_gpart = self.discover_gptpartition(
                            slc, drive_media_attributes.blocksize, efi_part)

        return new_disk

    def verify_disk_read(self, ctd, blocksize):
        verify_disk_read() - method to verify a low-level read from the raw ctd

        raw = "/dev/rdsk/%s" % ctd
        raw2 = raw + "s2"
        # Depending on the label used, we need to check both the raw device and
        # slice 2 to see if the disk can be read.
        for raw_disk in [raw, raw2]:
            fd = None
                    fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NDELAY)
                        _none =, blocksize)
                    except OSError:
                        # the read() call failed
                        return True
                except OSError:
                    # the open() call failed
                if fd is not None:
        return False

    def set_geometry(self, dma, new_disk):
        """ set_geometry() - method to set the geometry of the Disk DOC object
        from the libdiskmgt drive object.

        dma - the drive's media attributes as returned by libdiskmgt
        new_disk - Disk DOC object
        new_geometry = None

        # If the disk has a GPT label (or no label), ncylinders will be
        # None
        if dma.ncylinders is None:
            # XXX - libdiskmgt calculation of DM_NACCESSIBLE for GPT disks
            # is broken, so we use DM_SIZE since we can access all blocks on
            # the disk anyway because we don't need to worry about VTOC
            # imposed cylinder alignment on disk size.
            # Bugster CR: 7099417
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_size = Size(
                str(dma.size) + Size.sector_units, dma.blocksize)

            # set only the blocksize (not the cylinder size)
            new_geometry = DiskGeometry(dma.blocksize, None)

            # set the label of the disk, if possible
            if dma.efi:
                new_disk.label = "GPT"
                new_geometry.efi = True
            new_disk.label = "VTOC"

            # set the disk's volid
            new_disk.volid = dma.label

            ncyl = dma.ncylinders
            nhead = dma.nheads
            nsect = dma.nsectors
            new_disk.disk_prop.dev_size = Size(
                str(dma.naccessible) + Size.sector_units, dma.blocksize)
            new_geometry = DiskGeometry(dma.blocksize, nhead * nsect)
            new_geometry.ncyl = ncyl
            new_geometry.nheads = nhead
            new_geometry.nsectors = nsect

        new_disk.geometry = new_geometry
        return new_disk

    def discover_pseudo(self, controller):
        """ discover_psuedo - method to discover pseudo controller information,
        usually zvol swap and dump
        for drive in controller.drives:
            for slc in
                stats = slc.use_stats
                if "used_by" in stats:
                    if stats["used_name"][0] == "dump":
                            # remove the /dev/zvol/dsk from the path
                    if stats["used_name"][0] == "swap":
                            # remove the /dev/zvol/dsk from the path

    def discover_partition(self, partition, blocksize):
        """ discover_partition - method to discover a physical disk's
        partition layout

        partition - partition object as discovered by ldm
        blocksize - blocksize of the disk
        # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        partition_attributes = partition.attributes

        # partition name is ctdp path.  Split the string on "p"
        root_path, _none, index ="p")

        # create a DOC object for this partition.  Set validate_children to
        # False so the shadow code doesn't adjust the start sector or size for
        # any children discovered
        new_partition = Partition(index, validate_children=False)
        new_partition.action = "preserve"
        new_partition.part_type =

        # check the partition's ID to set the partition type correctly
        if == \
            Partition.name_to_num("Solaris/Linux swap"):
                # try to call prtvtoc on slice 2.  If it succeeds, this is a
                # solaris1 partition.
                slice2 = root_path + "s2"
                cmd = [PRTVTOC, slice2]
                run(cmd, stdout=Popen.DEVNULL)
            except CalledProcessError:
                # the call to prtvtoc failed which means this partition is
                # Linux swap. To be sure, prtvtoc failure might also mean an
                # unlabeled Solaris1 partition but we aren't going to worry
                # about that for now. Displaying an unlabeled (and therefore
                # unused) Solaris1 partition should not have any unforeseen
                # consequences in terms of data loss.
                new_partition.is_linux_swap = True

        new_partition.size = Size(str(partition_attributes.nsectors) + \
                             Size.sector_units, blocksize=blocksize)
        new_partition.start_sector = long(partition_attributes.relsect)
        new_partition.size_in_sectors = partition_attributes.nsectors

        # If the partition is an EFI system partition check to see if it
        # is PCFS formatted. We only do this on EFI system partitions to save
        # time since mounting can be slow.
        if new_partition.is_efi_system:
            ctdp ='/', 1)[-1]
            new_partition._is_pcfs_formatted = self.is_pcfs_formatted(ctdp)

        return new_partition

    def discover_gptpartition(self, partition, blocksize, efipart):
        """ discover_gptpartition - method to discover a physical disk's GPT
        partition layout.

        # Note that libdiskmgmt terminology treats GPT partitions as slices
        # as does the Solaris cXtYdZsN notation
        # We shall refer to them as GPT partitions though, like the rest of
        # the world does.
        partition - object as discovered by ldm
        blocksize - blocksize of the disk
        efipart - DK_PART EFI cstruct
        # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        gpart_attributes = partition.attributes

        new_gpart = GPTPartition(str(gpart_attributes.index))
        new_gpart.action = "preserve"
        new_gpart.size = Size(str(gpart_attributes.size) + Size.sector_units,
        new_gpart.start_sector = long(gpart_attributes.start)
        new_gpart.size_in_sectors = gpart_attributes.size

        stats = partition.use_stats
        if "used_by" in stats:
            new_gpart.in_use = stats

        # EFI partition type GUID and p_flag not provided by libdiskmgt.  Fall
        # back on libefi provided DK_PART data.
        new_gpart.part_type = '{%s}' % str(efipart.p_guid)
        new_gpart.guid = copy.copy(efipart.p_guid)
        new_gpart.uguid = copy.copy(efipart.p_uguid)
        new_gpart.flag = efipart.p_flag

        # If the partition is an EFI system partition check to see if it
        # is PCFS formatted. We only do this on EFI system partition to save
        # time since mounting can be slow.
        if new_gpart.is_efi_system:
            ctds ='/', 1)[-1]
            new_gpart._is_pcfs_formatted = self.is_pcfs_formatted(ctds)

        return new_gpart

    def discover_slice(self, slc, blocksize):
        """ discover_slices - method to discover a physical disk's slice

        slc - slice object as discovered by ldm
        blocksize - blocksize of the disk
        # store the attributes locally so libdiskmgt doesn't have to keep
        # looking them up
        slc_attributes = slc.attributes

        new_slice = Slice(str(slc_attributes.index))
        new_slice.action = "preserve"
        new_slice.tag = slc_attributes.tag
        new_slice.flag = slc_attributes.flag
        new_slice.size = Size(str(slc_attributes.size) + Size.sector_units,
        new_slice.start_sector = long(slc_attributes.start)
        new_slice.size_in_sectors = slc_attributes.size

        stats = slc.use_stats
        if "used_by" in stats:
            new_slice.in_use = stats

        return new_slice

    def discover_zpools(self, search_name=""):
        """ discover_zpools - method to walk zpool list output to create Zpool
        objects.  Returns a logical DOC object with all zpools populated.
        # create a logical element
        logical = Logical("logical")

        # set noswap and nodump to True until a zvol is found otherwise
        logical.noswap = True
        logical.nodump = True

        # retreive the list of zpools
        cmd = [ZPOOL, "list", "-H", "-o", "name"]
        p = run(cmd)

        # Get the list of zpools
        zpool_list = p.stdout.splitlines()

        # walk the list and populate the DOC
        for zpool_name in zpool_list:
            # if the user has specified a specific search name, only run
            # discovery on that particular pool name
            if search_name and zpool_name != search_name:

            self.logger.debug("Populating DOC for zpool:  %s", zpool_name)

            # create a new Zpool DOC object and insert it
            zpool = Zpool(zpool_name)
            zpool.action = "preserve"

            # check to see if the zpool is the boot pool
            cmd = [ZPOOL, "list", "-H", "-o", "bootfs", zpool_name]
            p = run(cmd)
            if p.stdout.rstrip() != "-":
                zpool.is_root = True

            # get the mountpoint of the zpool
            cmd = [ZFS, "get", "-H", "-o", "value", "mountpoint", zpool_name]
            p = run(cmd)
            zpool.mountpoint = p.stdout.strip()

            # set the vdev_mapping on each physical object in the DOC tree for
            # this zpool

            # for each zpool, get all of its datasets.  Switch to the C locale
            # so we don't have issues with LC_NUMERIC settings
            cmd = [
                ZFS, "list", "-r", "-H", "-o", "name,type,used,mountpoint",
            p = run(cmd, env={"LC_ALL": "C"})

            # walk each dataset and create the appropriate DOC objects for
            # each.  Skip the first line of list output, as the top level
            # dataset (also the dataset with the same name as that of the
            # zpool) may have a different mountpoint than the zpool.
            for dataset in p.stdout.rstrip().split("\n")[1:]:
                    name, ds_type, ds_size, mountpoint = dataset.split(None, 3)
                except ValueError as err:
                    # trap on ValueError so any inconsistencies are captured
                    self.logger.debug("Unable to process dataset: %r" %

                # fix the name field to remove the name of the pool
                name = name.partition(zpool_name + "/")[2]

                if ds_type == "filesystem":
                    obj = Filesystem(name)
                    obj.mountpoint = mountpoint
                elif ds_type == "volume":
                    obj = Zvol(name)
                    obj.size = Size(ds_size)

                    # check for swap/dump.  If there's a match, set the zvol
                    # 'use' attribute and the noswap/nodump attribute of
                    # logical.  The zpool name needs to be re-attached to the
                    # zvol name to match what was already parsed
                    if os.path.join(zpool_name, name) in self.swap_list:
                        obj.use = "swap"
                        logical.noswap = False
                    if os.path.join(zpool_name, name) in self.dump_list:
                        obj.use = "dump"
                        logical.nodump = False

                obj.action = "preserve"

        return logical

    def set_vdev_map(self, zpool):
        """ set_vdev_map() - walk the vdev_map to set the zpool's vdev entries
        and update existing physical DOC entries with the proper in_zpool and
        in_vdev attributes.

        zpool - zpool DOC object
        # get the list of Disk DOC objects already inserted
        disklist = self.root.get_children(class_type=Disk)

        # get the vdev mappings for this pool
        vdev_map = vdevs._get_vdev_mapping(

        for vdev_type, vdev_entries in vdev_map.iteritems():
            in_vdev_label = "%s-%s" % (, vdev_type)
            if vdev_type != "none":
                redundancy = vdev_type.partition("-")[0]
                redundancy = vdev_type

            # create a Vdev DOC entry for the vdev_type
            zpool.add_vdev(in_vdev_label, redundancy)

            for full_entry in vdev_entries:
                # remove the device path from the entry
                entry = full_entry.rpartition("/dev/dsk/")[2]

                # try to partition the entry for GPT partitions and
                # VTOC slices.
                # Both are identified by the letter "s" preceding the index.
                (vdev_ctd, vdev_letter, vdev_index) = entry.rpartition("s")

                # if the entry is not a GPT partition or VTOC slice,
                # vdev_letter and index will be empty strings
                if not vdev_letter:
                    # try to partition the entry for MBR partitions
                    (vdev_ctd, vdev_letter, vdev_index) = \

                    # if the entry is also not a partition skip this entry
                    if not vdev_letter:

                # walk the disk list looking for a matching ctd
                for disk in disklist:
                    if hasattr(disk, "ctd"):
                        if disk.ctd == vdev_ctd:
                            # this disk is a match
                            if vdev_letter == "s":
                                if disk.label == "VTOC":
                                    child_list = disk.get_descendants(
                                elif disk.label == "GPT":
                                    child_list = disk.get_descendants(
                            elif vdev_letter == "p":
                                child_list = disk.get_descendants(

                            # walk the child list and look for a matching name
                            for child in child_list:
                                if == vdev_index:
                                    # set the in_zpool and in_vdev attributes
                                    child.in_zpool =
                                    child.in_vdev = in_vdev_label

                            # break out of the disklist walk

    def discover_BEs(self, zpool_name="", name=None):
        """ discover_BEs - method to discover all Boot Environments (BEs) on
        the system.
        be_list = be.be_list(name)

        # walk each zpool already discovered and add BEs as necessary
        for zpool in self.root.get_descendants(class_type=Zpool):
            # check to see if we only want a subset of zpools.
            if zpool_name and zpool_name !=

            for be_name, be_pool, root_ds, is_active in be_list:
                if be_pool ==

    def discover_entire_system(self, add_physical=True):
        """ discover_entire_system - populates the root node of the DOC tree
        with the entire physical layout of the system.

        add_physical - boolean value to signal if physical targets should be
        added to the DOC.
        # to find all the drives on the system, first start with the
        # controllers
        for controller in diskmgt.descriptors_by_type(const.CONTROLLER):
            # skip USB floppy controllers
            if controller.floppy_controller:

            # trap on the "/pseudo" controller (zvol swap and dump)
            if == "/pseudo" and add_physical:
                # extract every drive on the given controller
                for drive in controller.drives:
                    # query libdiskmgt for the drive's information
                    new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)

                    # skip invalid drives and CDROM drives
                    if new_disk is None or new_disk.iscdrom:

                    if add_physical:

        # extract all of the devpaths from all of the drives already inserted
        devpath_list = [
            disk.devpath for disk in self.root.get_descendants(class_type=Disk)

        # now walk all the drives in the system to make sure we pick up any
        # disks which have no controller (OVM Xen disks)
        self.logger.debug("Adding drives without controllers to the DOC")
        for drive in diskmgt.descriptors_by_type(const.DRIVE):
            # skip drives that have controllers.  They would have already been
            # discovered above.
            if drive.controllers:

            # skip any drive whose opath starts with "/dev/zvol/rdsk"
            if drive.attributes.opath.startswith(ZVOL_RPATH):

            new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)

            # skip invalid drives and CDROM drives
            if new_disk is None or new_disk.iscdrom or new_disk.ctd == "dump":

            # skip any disk we've already discovered
            if new_disk.devpath in devpath_list:

            if add_physical:

    def setup_iscsi(self):
        """ set up the iSCSI initiator appropriately (if specified)
        such that any physical/logical iSCSI devices can be discovered.

        # pull out all of the iscsi entries from the DOC
        iscsi_list = self.doc.get_descendants(class_type=Iscsi)

        # if there's nothing to do, simply return
        if not iscsi_list:

        # check each entry in the iscsi_list.  If any of them do not have a ctd
        # value already, set up the mapping to the LUN.
        for iscsi in iscsi_list:
            if not iscsi.ctd_list:
                # attempt to connect to the target
                except (CalledProcessError, RuntimeError):
                    # remove the iSCSI configuration since it's invalid

            # map the iSCSI object back to its parent Disk object for AI.
            if isinstance(iscsi.parent, Disk):
                iscsi.parent.ctd = iscsi.ctd_list[0]

    def setup_croinfo(self):
        """ set up a DataObjectDict representing the output from
        cmd = [CROINFO, "-h", "-O", "cAR"]
        p = run(cmd)

        # for systems that do not support CRO, nothing will be returned in
        # stdout so simply return.
        if not p.stdout:

        # keep a positional counter since we can't use OrderedDicts until 2.7
        i = 1
        for line in p.stdout.splitlines():
            (ctd, alias, receptacle) = line.split(":")
            # skip any entries where the ctd is missing.
            if not ctd:

            self.cro_dict[ctd] = (i, alias or None, receptacle)
            i += 1

        if self.cro_dict:
            # Only insert if there is something in it
                DataObjectDict(CRO_LABEL, self.cro_dict, generate_xml=True))

    def execute(self, dry_run=False):
        """ primary execution checkpoint for Target Discovery
        self.dry_run = dry_run

        # look to see if the persistent tree already has a DISCOVERED Target
        # node.
        discovered = \

        if discovered:
            # target discovery has already run once.  Before continuing to run
            # it again, force libdiskmgt to rebuild its cache.
            self.logger.debug("Found existing Target.DISCOVERED object.  "
                              "Forcing libdiskmgt to refresh its cache.")

        # setup croinfo mappings

        # setup iSCSI so that all iSCSI physical and logical devices can be
        # discovered

        # check to see if the user specified a search_type
        if self.search_type == DISK_SEARCH_NAME:
            if isinstance(self.search_name, list):
                for name in self.search_name:
                    drive = retrieve_drive(name)
                    new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)
                    if new_disk is not None:
                drive = retrieve_drive(self.search_name)
                new_disk = self.discover_disk(drive)
                if new_disk is not None:

        elif self.search_type == ZPOOL_SEARCH_NAME:

            # Add all Boot Environments that are contained in this zpool


            # Add the discovered zpool objects

            # Add all Boot Environments

        # If this is the first run of discovery, simply insert the entire root
        if not discovered:
            # take the first (and only) entry in the list and add each new
            # child object to the existing discovered tree
            discovered = discovered[0]
            for child in self.root.children:

    def is_pcfs_formatted(self, ctdn):
        """ is_pcfs_formatted() Return a Boolean value of True if the GPT
        partition guid is already formatted with a pcfs filesystem.

        This test is useful in conjuction with the is_efi_system property to
        determine if an existing EFI system partition  can be reused to store
        the Solaris UEFI boot program. If False, a format using mkfs on the
        partition would be required.

        dev_dsk = "/dev/dsk/%s" % ctdn
        if os.path.exists(dev_dsk) is False:
            raise RuntimeError("No such block device exists: %s" % dev_dsk)

        # Check to see if it's mounted first. If it is we can look at the
        # fstype it is mounted with.
        mntmatch = None
            mntmatch = getmntany(mnt_special=dev_dsk)

        # Mounted
        if mntmatch is not None:
            if mntmatch.get('mnt_fstype') == 'pcfs':
                return True
                return False
        # Not mounted
            # Try to mount with pcfs. This is a much more robust and reliable
            # check that the ESP is usable than simply checking with
            # fstyp(1M)
            mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/system/volatile",
                                           prefix="esp_%s_" % (ctdn))
                mount_cmd = [PCFSMOUNT, dev_dsk, mount_point]
                umount_cmd = [UMOUNT, dev_dsk]
                return True
            except CalledProcessError:
                return False
            return False